Monday, January 13, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 278 / 4
The ‘Knellen’ of EU Nations
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


We are about to learn as those who lived at the beginning of the 20th century learned, that what we believed was a known known, we did not, in fact, know. What we believed as a certainty now seems to be nothing more than a diversion by the uncertainty principle.

For example, though you, the reader, may disagree with me, you already know that for any number of reasons, the history of the world and Europe needs to be re-examined.

One of the reasons for re-examination is because of Commissioners such as Viviane Reding of the European Commission, who in spite of her lofty title, sees Europe as an old cliché. She is in a way right, except that Europe is an old cliché that needs to be rescued from itself—and not by Federalized Europe. Europe will be rescued from walking into a dead end only when its history is put right.

We are also discovering these days that ‘democracy’ is not all it has been cracked up to be, and that the notions of our ‘ancient’ forebears that the best form of government is a government that creates no State is valid also for our time. It is interesting to reflect that the stateless nation is only possible under a King and when our planet is covered by a wood. The best of all possible States is not an urban ‘democracy’ as the media of our day so volubly insists.

So, you ask, how does a stateless State govern itself?

I have pointed out (in blog 276) that in those early times a self-governing community lived more or less a nomadic life and eked out a living herding animals: elk, reindeer, wild pigs, goats, and the like. Such a community governs itself. But it ceases to govern itself the moment someone imposes on it taxes in animal pelts. It is then that a community that heretofore has seen itself as a single entity, its herd including, and has begged the forgiveness of its gods that if it must kill one of its own, a red line is being crossed and one becomes a butcher. They knew that even a single act has consequences, and a single kill may end with chasing the herd over the edge of a cliff, where at the bottom stand butchers who skins the animals yet alive. In short, as I see it, then and now, the State is based on a foundation of the murder of living things, never on self-sacrifice of government officials on behalf of the community or nation.

Of course, the State takes all the credit for what it calls “growth” and “development”. But to take credit and have no questions asked, the State has to lie. Therefore, the State invents what we know as ‘historians’, aka liars of status.. Of course, there are as always some exceptions Most everything else that existed before the State, historians leave it to anthropologists.

Anthropologists not only dig through ancient ruins, but they also try to reconstruct what life might have been like at the time the ruins had live people move through their space and ate from the dishes that have now turned into shards. Anthropologists also analyze what is left of stories that are believed to be of ancient origin. Most of these stories are known as myths of origin.

It is in these myths that we look for evidence of what the people of ancient times believed and the type of life these myths reflect. Most ancient myths leave us some evidence that human sacrifice was a common practice in the past, even if the story tells that the one who sacrifices is none other than God himself. This brings up the question of why the stories reflect the notion that the sacrifice of Gods is self-sacrifice, while reality shows us that self-sacrifice is a very rare thing, but the usual form of sacrifice is of human beings who for some reason or other have come under the control of whoever are the executioners.

Why do we have this difference between story and physical evidence ? The answer is plain though it is rarely pointed out or given by anthropologists.

The story or myth that is told by shamans, magicians, wandering medicine men, or simply story tellers originates in the imagination. The story teller imagines a just outcome to the story of creation—in which the Creator expends the most unselfish of His-Her energies—which is why it ends in the Creator’s total exhaustion.

As there is never a shortage of stories with unhappy or tragic outcomes, the story-teller also imagines God to atone for the misfortunes of creation and the loss of life or injustice. On the other hand, when story meets up with reality, self-sacrifice is much more difficult to accomplish and is, therefore, replaced by some painful act. This is why the sacrificed Others, be they prisoners of war or criminals, is always presented as part of a sacred event. It is only in a strictly secular and ‘democratic’ society that mass death is presented as a brutal act of butchery that has no end to it until the human subconscious is subdued by ‘the Law’, an entirely artificial entity and idealized justice unrelated to reality.

This is why such genuine thinkers as the German legal mind of the 20th century Karl Schmitt, and today the Slovakian social thinker Slavoy Žižak, for all their genuinely humane qualities, ultimately end up supporting mass murder of “homo sacer” as justifiable even if it is altogether ‘an exception’
Save the Ancient Wood!

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