Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 273 / 13
33—What Does ‘Deaded’ Mean?
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.
The dictionary tells that the word “deaded” means to be singled out. Someone on the internet originates the word in the year 2003 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=deaded . The reader may imagine it as deriving from the word ‘dead’. The dead ‘deaded’ means the dead have been made dead—they have for some reason been singled out—by an activating agency. There is a killing agency loose somewhere that ‘deads’ those it encounters.
While the word ‘dead’ stands for a state of being. that is to say, someone whose state of being was to be alive once, has been  turned into a non-being, deaded; at the same time ‘deaded’ suggests a state of dead but not quite, but deaded only. I see deaded subjects all about me. The visibility of the ‘deaded’ depends on one’s perspective on life and society. It appears to be the normal of our time.
Surely, the most deaded thing is a politician and a bureaucrat. Yet I would also include among them scientists and interviewers.
The first two of the mentioned (politicians and bureaucrats) are the living dead that sit in a chairs and draw pay for making look like manikins. We have seen them http://www.pinterest.com/pin/314829830170627051/ . The same manikins (are they?), when imagined as homo sacer (the man who cannot be murdered, sacrificed, but only killed”), enter into our dreams as deads http://www.pinterest.com/pin/314829830170517322/ . Most of us hardly notice how little the world changes if these deads, aka homo sacers. are in fact killed. Is this because being ‘deaded’ is the nature of post-modern humans? In that context, the following clip is worth watching, at least from the 34th minute forward https://www.youtube.com/user/VPROinternational?feature=watch .
Let us assume that it is in the nature of post-moderns to turn old cemetaries into new towns. Then what is this ‘nature’ of the post-modern? Is the ‘nature’ of post-moderns to arrive into the world already deaded? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/53/City-of-the-Dead.jpg Well, yes, maybe, but probably not.
But it is likely that as soon as we arrive in this world, we are as soon abandoned http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/photography-blog/2013/may/29/china-baby-59-rescue-ultimate-abandonment . This is not the fault of the mother, but circumstances the mother is exposed to. While poverty plays a large role, the way I see it, it is more often the result of a broken community, which is a fact written all over the face of Latvia, my country, and if we look closer, also the rest of the post-modern world. The ‘broken’ state of the community is the result of living in an alleged age of ‘reason’, where culture is made by money. And while much of the responsibility goes to politics, politicians, and capitalist sponsors, no less responsible for it are the priests of the age: scientists.
In fact, it is the scientists who are the least morally responsible humans of our age. It is the scientists, who—like the Western Christian priests who lived befogged by the myth of Jesus of the Middle Ages—live most befogged by the myth of an all powerful science. It is these well paid ‘motherfxs’ who along with their laboratory staff (the altar boys and girls of the church) perpetuate the myth that all is right with science and if something is missing, it will be better by tomorrow.
Because generalities alone spread only prejudice, let me tell of the mindset of a myth befogged scientist (remains unnamed) of considerable standing, the myths he perpetuates, and his interviewer. While I take little issue with the scientist’s observations in his field (I find them interesting), nevertheless, his seeming unconsciousness of the ramifications of his subjective speculations (which go ever unchallenged by the interviewer) tell of human beings abysmally limited in their concerns and raise questions about their nature as a being with ‘brains’. The information is from a recent interview in a Latvian journal, which not surprisingly specializes in issues irrelevant to Latvians as a community.
Since the issues are many, here is a sample of what a ‘scientist’ thinks about tomorrow even as millions of people on our planet live in poverty and physical misery.
Scientist X (my translation): “We already have the technology to feed nine billion people and to secure for them a comfortable life-style. But the international political scene does not respond to even elementary ethics—for example, how to improve the life-style for the poorest billion of the population. I am an optimist when it comes to believing that we can create a world where no one suffers from hunger, where everyone may gain benefits from modern technology and globalization. Nevertheless, I am no optimist when it comes to seeing this actually happen; which is why I believe that it is important to speak about the (optimistic) scenarios, so that people at least know that it is in our power to overcome our problems.”
Interviewer X: “A linguist from Los Angeles told me that the only thing that will remain of our civilization are gravestones. All the information in our computers will be wiped out in one electro-magnetic storm. How concerned are you that we save our knowledge in increasingly unsafe data conservation devices?”
Scientist X: “…I think it is wonderful that 600 million people in Africa have mobile telephones… I agree with you that we should insure our data in more secure data libraries in the event of a cathestrophe….”
The interview thusly staggers from one topic to another, never stopping at one issue long enough to analyze its implications or truthiness. For example, does not ‘globalization’ demand the suppression of human subjectivity in favour of the all seeing triangular eye now being implemented by the NSA (National Security Agency)? Are not the billion poor, therefore, the only insurance that we have against the greed of government protected bankers?

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