Saturday, June 22, 2019

EC710 This is a REENTRY o re-edited
EC668 [Latvian version: “LIECINIEKS (Citas vēstures stāstam)”]s
The Life Review of Robin Ludd/ A Family Epic
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

10. A Kebab of Lamb

When I returned
To Latvia
(after a 51 year absence)
I was surprised
To hear
(Who came visit me
Looking for summer jobs)

What are you
Doing here?
Why are you here?

    The poet’s reasons
Were a mystery to them
    They had no memory
    Their parents
    Knew no history to tell
    Had never heard
Any murmurings of
Their fathers
Or screams of mothers
At the tear
Of the vulva.

They had been
Shelled out
In St.alin’s Paradise
Oily as a pit
Of a rotten avocado

I had to let
The questions
Become a question
I had to ask myself.

Only after leaving Riga
And moving to live
In the countryside)
Did I realize
How faked up
The rebirth of Latvia was
And how pertinent
The question.

The youths
Like the magots of

What with
Their government
Jumping at the chance
To become of service

Peddling itself
To a forelorn people
As a renewed
Government elite
Feeding on the decaying flesh
Of their
Mothers and fathers.

To this day
The US embassy in Latvia
Smirks and flies
In celebration
Of my people’s humiliation
The rainbow flag
With that of
US’s own
On gay day

Having persuaded
The sloshheads of Riga
To join in solidarity
One such
From Chicago
The emabassy
May well smirk:

With craniums emptied
of memories
Gut disenboweled
And the innocence
Of the young
Shredded into rags
Adorning scarecrows

The CIA arose
(The Forerunner of Jesus)
On the bones
Of the KGB
A spotles shadow
On the other side of
Screams of pain
Coming from
Deemed unworthy of having
Pain remembered*.
*The poet believes that thieving is as natural to humans as it is to a hungry magpie , and that the two thieves who were crucifief along with Jesus were, indeed, blameless and ‘framed’ even more so than Jesus. This is not to say that thieving by humans is desirable if one wishes to become part of Divinity, which it is given for consciousnes to become. Failing to become concious of this potential, may in fact condemn a human to forfeit his/her one lifetime to eternal anonymity.

The vaccinations
Against pain
Were by way
Of orgasms
Induced by
A knife
Up one’s arse:

After the blood
And screams
One knew
Had been
Pain, death
And Whatnot
But was
Made forget it
By multiple
Anal orgasms
And gratuitous gifts of welfare
Catalyzed out of
Decaying Divinity.

To the
CIA agents
Whether from Chicago
Or Boston
The Romas*
*Romas were (to the mind of this poet) homes, camps, or hubs of the forest people such as Robin Ludd, aka Hood, around which, turned the Sun and the daily life of a community. Though Catholic Christian dogma has monopolized and destroyed this place name, it retains a presence in ourspeech through derivatives such as ‘rite’, ‘ritual’, ‘recite’, ‘rithm’, ‘rise’, ‘ring’, ‘run’, ‘return’, ‘round’, etc.

Their forebears
Are only mounds
Of dirt
In the middle of
A potato field
left over
Amelioration of the land
By Soviet robots
To make room
For a pigfarm
Or turning
Rivers into
Straight ditches

    The young
Saw no sense
    To ‘father’ or ‘motherland’.
    They preferred
America or Elvis
Celebrate his crotch
And called
Their forebears
Ever subtler
‘Rooster’s Song’*
One for children
(*”Where goest thou,
Where goest thou
Rooster mine?

I go to awaken
The village maids
Three times acrowing....”)
Leaving the celebration of
Early morning love rituals
On styrofoam filled mattresses
In bandoned garages

The wonted
‘Singing revolution’
Of the Baltic Nations
Turned out to be
On behalf of
The next occupation.

Fucked up
NATO ‘heroes’
Trained for war
On training missions
In lands
They do not belong in.
*As in Hitler’s Germany, the Nazis in the Baltics today are a creation of CIA sponsored governments (ith memberhip made up of American-Latvian and NATO-Latvian aģents), even as native Latvians are encouraged to ignore and lose memory of the history of their homeland in favor of ‘western valuess’ .

Though the ‘baricades’ (of 1991) expressed real emotions and desires of Latvians to renew their extinguished nation, the intellect of that desire was sponsored by western intelligence agencies and quislings seeking employment and a living wage. There was no follow through or critique by a Latvian government, and by 1993, one protested the ‘renewal’ with suicide  at the foot of the Freedom monument  The suicide note of the sacrifice was said to be of no import and its content was not revealed. The Blue priests of the ‘renewed’ (but not sovereign) Riga governed exLatvia were on the move with banners wawing  .

The Black horseman of
A sadism oriented
Post Soviet government
(Re: poverty
Forest decimation...)
Was loosed
By the
Riga based
Saeima of
Paraisitic wasps
That gorge
On the countryside
And leave it
To silently die.

    Erasure of memory
Was spread
Over the minds of
The survivors
As aspider’s web.

Of course,
The degree of
Sadism employed
Is a Top secret
Of the Latvian

Dissent is denied
With loud
Public ceremonies
Where licking of
Of fake documents
And books
Takes place
With erotic intensity.

When the 100th
Of the last 100 years
Was celebrated
history was neglected
In favor of
History as porn
By Bruxells and Riga.

In ‘renewed’
PostSoviet Latvia
History is
Like a kebab of lamb
On a Viking’s spit.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

EC710 This is a REENTRY of re-edited
EC664 [Latvian version: “LIECINIEKS (Citas vēstures stāstam)”]s
The Life Review of Robin Ludd/ A Family Epic
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

9 A Neo-Cubist Wonderlad

When tsarina Katerina I
Let Generalin Magdelina
Keep the pension of
Her husband (d. 1727)
She may
Or may not
Have done it
Knowing she could
Through Magdelina
the mother
So to speak
OF raped over Latvians
from whose midst
She, Katerina,
By way of war—
A whore
Would emerge
200 years
As a republic.

(following Armageddon I),
No one gives
Either Katerina
Or Magdalena credit
But erases
And belies
18th century
Latvian and
Russian history
For the sake of
A kingdom
Yet to come.

    A post-Soviet
    ‘renewed’ Latvia
    (a subject state
The European Union)
    A state that denies
    its history
    and its wood

    But lets
Cityfolk in Riga
(Filled to overflowing
By Russian and Latvian

Fuck up again
And again
The prayers of
Once upon a time
For recovery)

But blow money
On fireworks
And military parades
With old Abram tanks
Made in America
And advertisements
Calling for
While celebrating
A 100th
Anniversary Year
Remembering nothing.
100 years ago
There was still
Some pretention
that Latvians
Had ancient roots
When most children knew
A 100 folk songs.

(become subjects of
The European Union)
There are none such.

History has been
Assimilated into
A faked story
Sans memory

It has become
Like God came
Amd was killed
No longer needed.

Nine tenths of
The luddies
Who once lived
Where I live now
Have been driven
Off the land
Into the Cities.
Where pornography
(Big screen
In the bedroom
Adam saying to Eve:
I love you,
I need you,
I want you
To sit on my face
Until I get a raise
And can hire Babylon
And fuck her
In the face.

Never mind
The ‘blessed’
Violent men
And women
Of government fame

Who curse
With conviction
All that is Russian
Tsarina Katerina
Who Tsar Peter
The last who
Took from
General Sheremetev
(To restore her dignity)

Among the dismissed
To kingdom come
(By the post-Soviet
Latvia government)
Are my greatgrandfathers
To the 5th generation.

They have
Been put to the stake
As surely
As  the Pope
Fried live
Jan Huss the Ludd
While the holy father
Of a fictitious
Holy Roman Empire
(Reduced now
To a fictitious Latvia)
Listened to him
Spat and said:
”Enjoy your LuckLaima=Karma,