Saturday, June 8, 2019

EC709 This is a REENTRY of re-edited
EC664 [Latvian version: “LIECINIEKS (Citas vēstures stāstam)”]s
The Life Review of Robin Ludd/ A Family Epic
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

8 The Dog of God

As T. S. Eliott wrote”:

“..., do not ask,

'What is it?'

Let us go

and make our visit”

We will see

If, yes,
And denial is
The truth of histories
Large and small
A haze
Drifting through
The dining rooms
Of the Kremlin
The White House
The Riga castle
And other
Heavenly palacies
Occupied by dogs
After the arrest
Of human mind

Did not

Cried Alleluia !
And comitted the suicide
that proved him
but a dog
sniffing his way
Across an alcohol
Moscva bridge
Early one morning)

Stalin believed
Himself a saint
Good enough to build
An empire of Soviets

Though a Soviet
Ought never have
And a choir is
Big enough when six

So much then
    For steel
Tempered in
City waters
(we think and write
The laws we want)...

    No doubt
Charlie Chaplin
Woke at the
Moscow Hilton
At ten
And had his heart of
    hearts replace
    The dead kulaks
    In Ukraine, Khazakstan
And Latvia
With a good laugh
Over slaving narodniks
Turning blood tight
All loose screws
    The living dead man
Heard Nadezhda’s
Likening her suicide
To the murder
Of the mother

A rumor
(Who would deny it?)
He had ordered
Her murdered
And buried frozen
In her blood
Turned to crystal.

Left to himself
He let others
Bury her
And felt free
    To become a portrait
Of a man-God*
    And have anyone killed
Whereever his gaze fell

    And awakened memory

*The poet is of the opinion that God is a creation of man**. Before God there was no God, but only a Being known as The Great Spirit minded as sucsh by all of human kind. The Great Spirit was turned into God, when time came for a man to feel it was necessary to die lest his relatives forget that all Life*** came of One Great Spirit. The man’s suicide came to be seen as a sacrifice on behalf of the Great Spirit, Who had become  manifest through the spirit of one man or woman. When Stalins wife Nadezhda killed herself, she did for Stalin what he, because of his indoctrination in Orthodox and Catholic theology (that is to say religion is a tool of the State) did not dare do himself. Once he was emptied of Nadezhda’s presence (1932), Stalin was dead as man, and following the Communist Party Congress of 1934, felt free (1936) to become God of Terror.

**While the Great Spirit was—more often than not—perceived as being feminine in its nature, God on the other hand was seen as masculine. Why? The answer is asimple one: Women are mothers of children and are responsible for continuing the human race; men, on the other hand, are the protectors of communities (families, tribes, countries), which circumstance often causes them to sacridice their lives. As pointed out at above (*), God is consequent to the sacrifice of life of a male more often than of a female.

***Life—it is worth noting that The Great Spirit represents Life. Once God replaces It, It comes to stand for consciousness. This is because God is born of and comes to represensent the ego. Once men like St. Paul began to convert God to the ends of human institutions, He lost His man-God charisma, and Nature came to be replaced with a Reichs and Empires—at the upper cusps of which we are today.

    City tempered
Stalin inserted
His ice-water
Hardened body
And mind
Among the living
By forcing awake
Memories of
Death sentences.

Death to the peasants
And the countryside!
Long live cities
And cars!
Let there be sputniks
And trips to the moon

Who cares if Misha
Dies an alcoholic
With face as white
As marble!?
Let horses be gutted
Let ants build cities
And replace
The Romas’s* of birds
With concrete

*Just as the word ‘pagan’ is derived from the word ‘gan’ or ‘jan’ (meaning herder), so the word ‘roma’ is derived from an old word meaning ‘nest’. When the warlords introduced agriculture, and began deforestation, many of the people who dwelt in forest Romas, in order to escape slavery, fled from their millenia old habitats. The flights took place in horse drawn boats and wagons. While today it is believed that the Roma (gypies, zigeuner ) originated in India, it is more likely that they are of the word ‘Rom’, appropriated by the Catholic Church for its sole use. In the poet’s country of origin, Latvia, there are records of thousands of place names, once homesteads in a forest, called ‘Roma’. True to the contemptuous attitude of the post-Soviet Latvian government for all things of preindustrial age or Russia, this is a laughing matter for Pop-culturalized city-zen bureaucrats.

The swallows did not
More likely than storms
Killed them
Maybe in Libya,
Maybe in Syria,
Maybe Ethiopia.

Stalin cleansed
The Cheka
Of kulaks
(The fists) that
Had slaved
At the grip of the plow
Killed horses
And turned hoof
Over to the treads
*When in 1932 the poet’s grandfather (72) retired, he bought a neglected country estate in hopes that he would spend his remaining years raising horses. Unfortunately for him, Stalin’s factories had already began to mass produce tractors that would replace horses. Intrigue, his wife, ridiculed him for his old fashioned orientation and proposed that he build a model of a modern farm instead. Because at the time the majority (80%+) of the Latvian people were still holders of family farms and used horses to plow their fields, they were unfamiliar with the idea that a farm could become something of a factory. Thus, this effort, too, flopped. Intrigue then turned the assembly hall at the entrance of the mansion into a reception room with two floor to ceiling 17th century coo-coo clocks on either side of the room. Sadly, grandfather died alone in a small basement room at the back of the house that was located next to the closet that housed the mechanisms that ran the clocks upstairs. All that remains today of his regard for horses anf their contribution in human devekopment is a story he wrote in 1880 at the age of 20: ”A Horses’s Memories’’.

After discovering
A robot cock
In her bed
Summoned Jove
Who took
All things Stalin had
Even the ashes
From the hearth
And left his face
As white as Misha’s.

Who was Misha?

A village alcoholic
Everyone knew and liked
A Soviet era
Country side
Policeman who did
What he could to
Avoid work
Was discovered
And was fired

Sabotage was a word
Not mentioned.

    Saving one’s soul
    This side of
    One’s coffin
Folded cold hands)
    Is not an endeavour
    Worth mention.

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