Saturday, January 26, 2019

King Cain
A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019

9 THE LADIES macbeth

As already mentioned (see Ch2), Newspeak has been succeeded by Fuckspeak. As unpleasant as such speech is, nothing surprises, because it is the inverted, the hysterical, and the absurd that rules our day. Why? Because it is a way to return to nature. When there are no mountains and valleys to echo our song, there is fuckspeak and porn to try tear down the walls that speak for the city.

The hysterics of people living in the city is a consequence of their removal from Nature. The city is a pleasure island. It enables male survivors of war, prisons, and monasteries, and ruthless whores to discover connections to Reality subjected to inattention in ages before. What humans born in nature would ever have thought of letters or of writing “Decameron”? What woman, clad in nothing but a bikini, would have climbed the icy mountains of the island of Taiwan?

While the Eastern part of Europe retains in its repressed memory bank a fascination with ‘shit’ (see Pushkin joke in Ch1), because it tells of what ‘polite’ speech of city dwellers leaves to vulgar (or is it natural?) speech of countryside dwellers, the Western part of the world swears by the word ‘fuck’. ‘Fuck’ derives of a psyche deprived of God, love, and consciousness. It is a word not meant so much to insult women, as to insult their men, who are left with little choice but to raise bastard children of violent nomads from upstream who happened to be sailing past some fishing village while its men were fishing downstream.

The inversion of love into violence has resulted in a perverse and hysterical attempt by women of the city (originally introduced there as booty by Vandals and other armed seekers of fortune) to prove themselves equal to men. Unfortunately, when women succeed, the consequence is a perversion of sexuality into an end in itself. Mother Nature turns her abusers, the cluster fucking ‘motherfuckers’, into whimpering haters of life, just as Lady Macbeth turns Macbeth into a murderer though the general may himself be an unfortunate victim (an unwitting castrati) of fate set in motion by ages of witless history before his birth. Indeed, who the ‘fuck’ is a general and what general is not a rapist and a murderer?

Lady Macbeth’s character is the result of the abuse she endured while serving as a whore for the nobility at Dunsinane castle. Were it not for the witches “wool of bat and tongue of dog”, she would have been left bloody and dead, even as King Duncan celebrated a son born tested by the Gods. When times are such, who cares whether Lady Macbeth be queen or whore? For details see upcoming chapters 32 and 33.

Most everyone is familiar with the ‘burka’ worn by women of the Islamic faith. Everyone is also familiar with the ‘miniskirt’ worn by women of the West. While a burka hides the body of a woman and allows a man to see only her eyes, the miniskirt invites a man to imagine putting his hand and more between the woman’s legs. The wearer of the miniskirt dismisses the male’s natural instincts by turning herself into a mare who kicks a stallion in the balls for violating her ‘right’ to (more or less) expose her vagina in the public arena. If little else, the feminists prove themselves to be no longer of Nature, but of a fantasy perverted by a mindset that has overstayed its visit in the city.

The dismissal of heterosexual reality puts emphasis on the orgasmic experience as a phenomenon that has little to do with encouraging copulation for the sake of reproduction of Being, but emphasizes orgasmic experience as a substitute for consciousness. Because the experience is accessible to all beings (from worm to human), the denial of its function as a force for regeneration causes one to reinterpret Being as a matter of Non-being.

The feminist creation of an aerial or Icaric woman sans man, antiquates the Judeo-Islamic-Christian mindset, and replaces it with an orientation that is as extreme as only life isolated in the city may create.


While the city born philosopher Thomas Hobbes described life in the country as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” and supported absolutist power for the king of London, who he substituted for all of England, such ideas are of the mind born in a city. Worse, one can be born of the city even in the countryside by allowing it to be invaded and violated by such ‘educational’ devices as public schools, television, mobile phones, the internet, and—not least—‘flying saucers’.

The divine music that philosophers of other times claimed circled the spheres around planet Earth, today offer no better music than “KABOOM, KABOOM. CRASH, CRASH”, on the car radio.

While past great heroes such as Agamemnon fought a memorable war for the right to capture, fuck, and share with friends Menelaus’s insatiable wife Helen, aka Pussy Galore, a no less willing Las Vegas whore Stormy Cunt can bring America, the alleged Paradise of Democracy, today to its knees for a mere $130,000.

To understand ‘paradise’, we needs to understand that it is formed of two words: para + dise. Para means ‘over and above being ordinary’, while ‘dise’* stands for garden or orchard.

*dise=dārzs in Latvian; dolce (dorze)=sweet in Italian; dolce vita=sweet garden of life.

In the past, a home in the forest was referred to as a ‘Roma’* (whence our living ‘room’), which word stands for ‘nest’ around which turns the life of the household. In later times, when princes cut down forests for quick profit, the people of forest nests or romas were forced to flee from the wood. Some fled to the city to live as beggars at the foot of its walls, others turned their ‘Roma’s’ into houses on wheels.

*A Roma in the wood used to be a self-sustaining enterprise that paid no taxes, because its residents had no need of government. The Roma people on wheels came to be disliked by city ‘burghers’ because its inhabitants continued to try to be a sovereign people and pay no taxes. One may note that the etymology of the word for ‘room’ never mentions Rome, which is an indication of the prejudice among linguists  dictated to them by government and compromised Christianity. The dictionary claims that the name of ‘Rome’ is derived from the Etruscan name Romulus, a child of a She wolf, who kills his brother Remus. But the name Romulus does not belong to the Etruscans alone. The name is also reflected in the Russian name Rumyancov, re: Roaming John. The name Ramava used to designate a religious center of ancient Balts.

Contrary to the ‘creative’ conceits of tranies delivered to us by Unidentified Flying Objects, a dweller of the wood is no zombie, but an expert observer of nature. For example, our forebears harvested trees only in certain seasons and only according to the phases of the moon. The dwellers of the wood and field made note that animals and humans were of two distinct sexes, and their language did not only have words that noted and honored both genders, but was able to express gentleness by means of endearing words, aka ‘diminutives’. Such respect for things living and of God’s making is altogether unacceptable to the nasty, brutish, and non-transcending ways of city-dependent manufacturers, who are committed to selling their ‘fucking’ grandmother if need be and chain saw level trees en masse.

A shaman or shamaness, sometimes called a warlock or witch, would be horrified by the opioid epidemics caused by money stressed doctors who fail to properly diagnose an illness, but prescribe improper medications (opioids) instead. Such cure causes 1) the patient to return for more hopium, 2) spend more money than necessary, and 3) after finding no cure for his or her ills to die a premature death.

Shamans, on the other hand, because they were an intimate part of a community, became healers ss a consequence of their own experience of pain and suffering. Because shamans, male or female*, served not only as healers of stomach aches and body wounds, but psychological distress, he/ she were experts in songs, chants, and prayers. As a community matured and endured, the shamans and witches became creators and reciters of its history. We should note that in earlier times, reciting history (because it connected one with one’s ancestors) was believed to increase the endurance of the person in need of healing.

*A female witch or shamanes among Latvians of former times was known as ‘burve’ (?vulva, also ‘varde’, frog). Grimm’s Law regarding sound and consonant change, suggests that shamanesses may have cured with sexual magic and in their younger years may have served as tribal geneatrixes.

A shaman may become a shaman ten times over when distress affects not merely individuals, but is experienced by the entire community. Of such occasions, because of experience of pain and suffering, a shaman may emerge as a prototype for God.

When the environment was of the wood (where reality is not of human making), occasions of distress were tempered by the unsentimental ways of nature and human ability to accommodate, endure, and transcend distress. These supports of nature began to fail once violent men began to transform suffering into unnatural terror: castration, evisceration, gauging of eyes, putting bloodied heads on poles, and like. If up to that time the only sacrifice of life that nurtured life had been fish, thereafter it became the blood of lamb.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

King Cain
A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


The disregard of the pronunciation of consonants as understood by Grimm’s Law (see Ch4) is one of the sins of historians. Also, the lack of public discussion about the nature of language and its effect on history is caused by secular governments and linguists employed by governments. By failing to study how words and names change when moving from one language to another, we are taught to fail discover our way out of the labyrinth of falsehoods—both past and present. We remain entrapped in the lies perpetrated by kings, governments, and educational institutions.

One of the mysteries about Jesus is his origin. Aside from his alleged birth in Bethlehem-Betelheim and a trip to and from Egypt, we know nothing about whence and why he comes. It is unlikely that Jesus was ever in Palestine. The story of Nativity is either an invention by a romantic imagination or something like the continuation of the fake 9/11 story ad infinitum.

*Egypt—Mary and Joseph are said to escape a government instigated slaughter of children (apparently to get Jesus), then when the slaughter is over the family returns to Palestine to participate in a census that never happened.

The question about the origin of Jesus brings us to Anna Comnena, the 11th century ‘historian’ from Byzantium, who attempts to justify her emperor father’s reign (as if he were continuing the tradition of a sacred king) and repression and slaughter of who do not share his views.

According to Anna Comnena, Emperor Alexis I spied on and then condemned Basil (the Bogomil King) to die. The Emperor issued the condemnation, not only because Basil professed to be a Bogomil, a word that means, both, ‘Lover of God’ and ‘God’s Beloved’, but because Basil’s teaching contradicted the ideas of the Emperor, who believed that he knew all there was to know on the subject of God. The thousands of people who had genuflected before him, had persuaded him that surely God loved him more than some carpenter or woodcutter from who knows what neck of the wood.

The name ‘Bog’, God, has a complicated origin. As the link tells it, the origin of the name is to be looked for in the languages of old Turkish (where it is spoken Bey) and Persian (beyg). We read  under ‘Etymology’: “All Middle Iranian languages retain forms derived from baga- in the sense "god...”

What is of great interest is that the “Turkish bögü, [also means] ‘shaman’". The reader may recall that ‘shaman’ is a healer, a wizard, a warlock or witch. Shamans were common when the world was not yet usurped by an endless series of laws and fake ‘do-good’ magic (radio, television, internet, mobile phones, drones, quadricycles, and more) of the city. There was a time when humankind still knew itself to be part of Nature, and had healers who had chosen to become such, because they themselves had suffered and had some idea what pain was about.

The understanding that binds baga, bögü, God and healer under one umbrella, reminds us how linguists, for all their claims to academic professionalism, are creatures prejudiced by religious dogmas of the 19th, 20th, 21st, and earlier centuries.


It is an open secret that the wood and its dwellers have suffered a catastrophe: forests have been and continue to be felled to produce worthless paper, aka currencies, and life that arose and depends on the wood for its existence is being destroyed.

The people who once populated the woods have been—except for a few leftover tribes in the rainforest of the Amazon and Indonesia—liquidated and driven into cities. The jungles of Africa are war zones and are plagued by a spreading ebola virus, derived from rotting bush meat. Most forest animals were slaughtered long ago in order to accumulate capital (trophies of elephant tusks, heads of giraffes, rhinoceros horns) and support artists who herald Resurrection of the dead by making Faberge Easter eggs and call Jesus Christ Ronald McDonald.

Though Hitler’s Auschwitz was a horror and Stalin’s gulags no less, Belgian King Leopold II’s deeds in the Congo (enslavement to work by chopping off millions of hands) are deliberately forgotten. The exclamation of the director of a Congo death camp, one Kurtz: “The horror, the horror!” in Joseph Conrad’s novel “Heart of Darkness” remains the best summary of what Europeans calls an era of Enlightenment.

While city dwellers are taught that farmers were freed from slavery and slavery has been abolished, fact remains that long before the poisons produced by Monsanto, a field of wheat enslaved the land and mind of humankind as no wild berry ever did. Weep as much as we may, those who till the land with plough shares are as destructive as woodcutters’ chainsaws that kill the wood for the sake of raising wheat.

It was different when the wood and not some ‘burg’ (fort or castle) was humankind’s chief protector from violence. Contrary to propaganda by city dwellers such as the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, who described life in the country as: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”, we used to have reports (perhaps unwitting) that described life in the wood as “Paradise”.

‘Para + dise’ (para = over and above; dise = garden/ orchard) describes a garden in the wood. Among the last of Westerners to understand this was the English 12th century outlaw Robin Hood, who after his return from the Crusades discovered that he had been dispossessed of his wood by the Sheriff of Nottingham.

The most recent descendant of Robin Hood was the English outlaw Ned Ludd, the alleged leader of the Luddite rebellion (1811-1816). Ned Ludd*, as free as he was a fiction of the imagination of a populist people driven to desperation, took to robbing townspeople to feed the men, women, and children of the land. The stories of Robin Hood and Ned Ludd—as presented in our dictionaries—are examples of how people of the city are faking and romanticizing the violent histories behind the names of long forgotten countryside heroes.

*Ludd is an old English word for people who were self-employed weavers. The word ‘ludd’ or ‘rude’ remains in use in such European countries as Germany, where the word is known as ‘Leute’; Latvian: ‘ļaudis’; and Russian: ‘liudi’. The last time the word was put to serious use was in England at the beginning of the 19th century, when we meet it in ‘Luddites’, people who rebels against Industrial society. The Ludds were replaced by a Latinized ‘populace’, which word is derived from the country people’s description of city population as ‘fofu-lace or those who know how to eat only with the help of a fork (folk).

Currently the greatest outrage against wood and land is perpetrated by the Chinese government, which plans to build mega cities, which will result in as deadly catastrophes as have ever been known.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

King Cain
A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


Those of us who are of or before the 21st century are witnesses to historical events that are retold by political forces in a manner that results in a falsification of what really happened when said historical event(s) took place. This is known as replacement of a Real event with a reimagined or false event.

Here are a couple of examples.

The opening scene to the 21st century begins with the pulverization of two New York City skyscrapers at the so-called World Trade Center, by means of several nuclear mini-devices. A nearby third building, known as Building 7, with over 300,000 square feet occupied by government offices (including those of the Central Intelligence Agency), too, may have been brought down by a similar device. The reason for the demolition of Building 7 was because its basement was the source of the underground tunnels by which nuclear devices were delivered to the two World Trade towers. The reason for ‘pulling’ the Twin Towers is to be looked for in a coincidence of government and private interests, the latter due to losses incurred by a failing business, which losses could be recouped by collecting insurance money.

The above scenario is vehemently denied, and its proponents are described as conspiracy theorists.

There are a number of ‘conspiracy’ theories as to why and how the inner core of the government of the United States engineered and permitted others to engineer the so-called 9/11 event. To this author’s mind, the most plausible of theories argues that the American government on behalf of American upper class wished to panic the American people so it could legislate certain laws that would give the government increased power over the people it was entrusted to govern through ‘democratic’ elections.

46% of Americans have doubts about the conclusions of the official investigation of the 9/11 event in 2001. Almost two decades after the tragedy (2606 killed during the collapse of the twin towers and many more dead in subsequent years due to radiation), there is no official acknowledgement that the collapse was due to other than “uncontrolled fire” caused by airplanes said to have flown into the towers, but which left no airplane parts that could be found on the ground in the aftermath.

An equal number disbelieve the government version about the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.

Other shocking government lies make rounds even as this story is written.

Take the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, one Mohammad Bin Salmen, who denies responsibility for (according to a unanimous vote by the U.S. Senate in the affirmative) the murder of a Saudi Arabian journalist working for an American newspaper (The Washington Post). The murder occurred in the Saudi embassy in Turkey. The victim, a familiar within the Saudi government elite, was acting as journalist. Apparently the position made him a threat to the Saudi government.

It is taken for granted that the Saudi crown prince and his henchmen are doing everything (including denials, lies, and payoffs) to dissappear the story. The Turkish Prime Minister traces the murder to the ‘highest’ circles of the Saudi government, but desists including among the ‘highest’ circles the Saudi Prince. Such are the diplomatic ‘pleasantries’, which over a time become lies.

The examples serve as an introduction to the greatest of historical cover-up stories ever—the murder (by nominalization) of the individual who became known as Jesus Christ. The murderer was the Byzantine Emperor Alexis I. The lie about what happened was told by his daughter, Princess Anna Comnena.

In this author’s version, the victim was not called Jesus but Basil, which name also means King.


The suggestion that Jesus was not born in Bethlehem, but in Betelheim appears to contradict the author’s assertion made in the ‘Introduction’ that “the existence of God, is innate to humanity born of the wood...”.

In effect, Bethlehem is the name of a town heretofore associated with an alleged supernatural event, while Betleheim is likely to have been a commercial center with all the psychological stresses such places have in common. This is why Jesus was not in Betelheim to be born, but rather as a carpenter or healer.

While Jesus is said to have been a carpenter, he is never shown to have actually engaged himself in such work. Therefore, it is a greater likelihood that Jesus was in Betelheim as a healer of psychopaths (ruthless and aggressive tax collectors) whose problems were not solved by chewing the betel leaf alone.

The story that certain magi brought Jesus’s gifts of betel leaves, frankincense, and myrrh, indicates that Betelheim may have been near the Silk Road or one of its branches that wended their way from China and India to the West.

India and further east (Sri Lanka and other islands and peninsulas) are places were betel leaves are grown to this day. Because of their healing qualities, the leaves were then and remain today welcome gifts.

It is probable that the betel leaf has a role in human affairs that goes back to times before Jesus. Possibly the story goes back to ancient Mesopotamia and the Sumerian city state of Uruk, the source of the famous epic of Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh is said to have been king of Uruk.

In the course of the epic, Gilgamesh befriends a wild man named Enkidu, who joins him on a journey to the sacred cedar forest (the abode of Gods), which is guarded by the ‘monster’ Humbaba/ Humwawa and a sacred bull (?auroch, bison). Humwawa is said to have been raised by the Sun, that is to say, he is a man of the outdoors. Gilgamesh and Enkidu slay Humwawa and the sacred bull. The 50 men who are Gilgamesh’s body guards then cut down the cedars and otherwise destroy the forest. The Goddess Iananna (aka Ishtar) then slays Enkidu. Why Gilgamesh is spared is not clear, but it may have something to do with his high social status in the eyes of the writers of the epic.

Just before Gilgamesh slays Humwawa, the king tricks Humwawa in surrendering to him his most treasured possessions or ‘auras’, also called ‘terrors’. While the nature of these ‘auras’ is not described, they are likely to have been natural phenomena such as wind, rain, thunder, draught, earthquakes, plagues, and tides

Gilgamesh persuades Humwawa to surrender the auras by offering him seven gifts in return. The first gift is his sisters (old and young); the name of the second gift is lost; the third gift is flour; the fourth is shoes; and so on.

The name of the second or lost gift may not have been lost due to erasure by time or an accidental erasure of it on the clay tablet, but may have been deliberately chiseled from the tablet by those who came upon it in the 19th century or our era. This is a time when Catholic theology still exercises a strong sway among Western academics.

Why was the name of the second gift scratched? Knowing the ‘Christian’ prejudices of our days, an intelligent guess would be that it was a sack of betel leaves.

Why were betel leaves replaced by gold?

Today’s scholars fail to recognize the similarities of the Epic of Gilgamesh with that of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Both are stories of a war between city dwellers and those who live in the forest, riverside, field, and mountains.

Gilgamesh, not Humwawa is the beast come to destroy.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

King Cain
A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019
3 The ‘Old’ Story

The Globalist ‘Old story’ of Christianity, though monopolized for centuries by the Globalist clergy through control of Latin, a ‘secret’ language among the proponents of the New Religion, eventually found public expression through the story of the New Testament. The New Testament drew back the veil cast over the human psyche by those who would monopolize humankind for themselves alone.

The New Testament appeared following the demand for ‘transparency’ by a dissident clergy, which followed the invention of the Gutenberg printing press (15th century) and Reformation (16-17th centuries) which the printing press enabled. However, the Catholic=Globalist Vulgate does not contain the New Testament, which for all practical purposes does not make a public appearance until the 17th and 18th centuries. Deliberate obfuscation about the origins of the New Testament continues to this day as will be discovered by anyone who wishes to discover an unambiguous and unbiased history of it on the internet or anywhere else for that matter.

The ‘Old Story’ in our ‘New times’ begins with the Gospel of Matthew, where the narrative explains the genealogy and nativity of Jesus. Jesus is said to have been born in Bethlehem to one Mary and Joseph. Mary is presumably a young woman, while Joseph, her husband, is presumed to be many years her senior. The father of Jesus is not Joseph, but God Himself. God is, of course, a Name not understood other than a name.

While the means by which God inseminated Mary are unclear, it is similar to what happens in the story of the Aztec Indians of central Mexico, where the Mother of the Gods, Lady of the Serpent Skirt, Coatlique, is sweeping the floor of Her temple on Serpent Mountain, when “there fell on her some plumage”*.

One may surmise that Mary became heavy with child by some similar ‘mystery’, in which the ‘plumage’ may have been that of a dove.

*The author here recounts the story of the birth of the Aztec God Huitzilopochtli as it is told in the “City of Sacrifice” (Beacon Press, PB 1999, p 59-64), a book by David Carrasco, professor of history and religion at Princeton University. The close parallel to the nativity story of Jesus is obvious, and the author’s reason for comparing the two has motives that will become apparent soon enough.

The story of the New Testament ends with a resurrected Jesus appointing his apostles, the event known as the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20), to carry on with the dissemination of the ‘Christian story’. But the real ‘Christian story’ is not necessarily the one proposed by the Catholic Globalist theologians.

Globalist Christian scholars have made lengthy studies of what happened to the apostles of King Jesus and their missions. With the exception of Apostle Thomas, they have found little. The main roles of the Christian Mission were assigned to Apostle Peter and self-declared pseudo ‘apostle’ Paul. Apostle Peter became (it is alleged) the nominal First Pope, while Paul, a spy for the Roman army, became the chief theologian and disseminator of what was to become known as Christianity, albeit Western.

Paul’s Christian message was informed by an underhanded and citified secularism that ridiculed Christianity by making absurd claims of a miraculous nature for it*. The secularism is noted by the affinity the nominal Jesus has for tax collectors, who—though of low rank—are the supreme agents of secular government.

*Absurd miraculous claims: a kind of Catch 22: The Romans will get you whether you dispute the miracles or broadcast them.


Having noted the closeness of the New Testament Nativity Story to that of myth, we may question whether Bethlehem is not as nominal a birthplace of Jesus as Jesus Himself is nominal. Perhaps Bethlehem is an invention for a story of one who is NOT known to be God until years later, when the story is revisited in hindsight.

Let us give closer attention to the name of Bethlehem than we generally do.

When we look closely, it becomes obvious that Bethlehem consists of two words: Bethle + hem. ‘Hem’ is a suffix that stands for hometown or home village. The suffix survives in German, as in the name of the city of Mannheim, which is the third largest city in the state of Baden-Württemberg. How ‘heim’ came to Bethle-heim’ is a question for the readers to research on their own.

As for the stem of the word, re: ‘Bethle’, we need go into greater detail about the evolution of grammatical and etymological niceties, which give us the reasons why words frequently change their pronunciation and even their meaning.

A closer investigation concerning the origin of words leads us to what is known as Grimm’s Law, which describes the changes in sound between words from one language to another, or even for changes in one and the same language.

How indeed did the German Johann become Hans?

Among the changes of sounds between this and that word are those of consonants. Re: B becomes V (or vice versa), L becomes R (AmsteLdam ends up being pronounmced as AmsteRdam); C becomes K or CH (Kapel > Chapel), J becomes G (Jod > God), and many more such. There is also a linguistic phenomenon where syllables and/or letters change places, as in Constantinopol. In the syllable ‘pol’ (=city) the last consonant L is replaced by the vowel E, and the syllable is no longer pronounced ‘pol’, but ‘ple’. Given that P may be derived from F, we come to see that ‘pol’ or ‘opol’ is derived from ‘ofal’/ offal.

A similar juxtaposition of sound occurs in the word ‘bethle’, re: ‘betel’. And, surprise, surprise! betel bespeaks ‘betel leaf’.

Juxtapositions of sound (whether letter or syllable) may occur due to no other reason than a convenience of the tongue. At other times it may happen due to political reasons (as to perpetuate a lie); at yet other times it may be because (contrary to conventional academic wisdom) the thought process does not occur in a linear cause and effect fashion, but follows the route of pareidolia, which is a kind of mental quantum jump. We can note this in the above paragraph, where the word Jod, when pronounced God, no longer means God, but the Devil or some such.

In short, it is rather in Betelheim than Bethlehem where Jesus was born. Or perhaps he was not born there at all. In any case, why was Betelheim changed to Bethlehem?

A likely answer is that the betel leaf, a medicinal plant, was among the three gifts [gold (surely Moses would have frowned), frankincense, and myrrh] that the magi brought the newborn Jesus. Apparently those who were disseminating the story of Jesus believed the betel leaf not to be a healing plant, but like the leaf of marihuana (grass/weed + John), a substance likely to cause its user to resist pretentious authority or quickly see through the lies and fakery of those who exercised it.