Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Copyright Eso Benjamins, aka Jaņdžs
32 Not-Violent Populism (IV)

There is likely to be a story of how it played out in a “live” life show, but the more abstracted message in Hindi religion tells how when you wish to revenge on someone with mortality in mind, the best revenge is to go to your enemy’s door and kill yourself in front of him when he opens it. Unforgettable trauma is the aim of such revenge.

Indeed. The trauma imprints itself in memory. The memory never goes away. I know this because I once had a comparable event take place one night when a hundred and more miles away, I watched on the horizon an ominous aura of flame—Dresden was being bombed and was burning. I have a picture postcard framed that shows bombed out Dresden from the pedestal of an ancient Goddess on the roof of an office building that survived. Anywhere from 70,000 to 200,000 and more people were killed, mostly burned and baked in a bombing holocaust on order from the Allies. Churchill was the leader to sign off on it. Five childhood friends of mine are said to have disappear in that holocaust.

This is why the Hindi understanding of revenge that really works, tells it from a point of view of a profound understanding of what it takes to bring peace to the world. We ought to know and understand this story, because people who deserve revenge are not just a few. The death sentence is out at least in the juridical sense. Extra juridical killings are frequent however. Still, the Hindi story tells you where the secret and price of community survival is.

The post-neo-modern world (perhaps someone has a better description of it) knows nothing of such stories. This fat monster has lived on the habits of consumption without knowing whence what it consumes comes from. It does not see before its mind eye the bacon as a dead pig hanging from a hook on a conveyor belt. I see it, but I shut my eyes to it. Those who watch news on television actually watch with closed eyes as well.

We have held our eyes closed to the events taking place in virtual reality cities for hundreds of years. The forest for beast and land that grows potatoes and wheat are out of sight and unknown to city people. The climate change crisis is caused not by ancient subsistence farmers, but by strangers-princes and then by cities forcing the farmers to cut forests for their forts and navies and then till the land tenfold its yield at the same subsistence pay.

The expected 4C rise in average temperatures , with temperatures in some places rising 10C, means the sea will rise up to ten meters or 30 feet. This also means that over the next hundred years the population of the world has to reduce itself by four billion people to arrive at a sustainable level. It cannot be ruled out that in the process, we overshoot and five billion die. Maybe this is for the best, because when we recover our senses, we can look to an increase in numbers again.

But how will we die off? How will we reduce our numbers quickly? Some say we will kill each other and the strong will prevail over the weak. Some say that large virus epidemics will come as the Black Plague once did. 50% of us will die in one swell swoop in two or three year’s time. Then another plague will come. And the sea level will rise even as we die.

To survive the die off means to have a community with very strong bonds. City apartment dwellers will not be because they form no strong bonds with each other. The wealthy, reduced from neo-conservative Wall Street princes to marauders, will form gangs of extra judicial killers of the “unsustainable” who refuse to die. Drug use will not only be legalized but will be considered a blessing, given that drugs make dying easier, and we may be among the ones to die off. Already the pressure of drug consumption makes resistance by “government” futile. In Ciudad Juarez, the monthly murder rate went from 30 people a month to 160 when “government” sent troops to interfere. There are no sure signs that government is getting the upper hand there. The price of memory in this is ten bloody heads in buckets, each bucket a head, put along the highway for the police to find.

Let us come back to our neighborhood. The only bonds that neighbors have with each other today are a fence and money. If money fails, so will the fence—unless it is a brick wall with cannon on top of it.

So, where does the strong community come from when it isn’t?

Though I know little about Hindus, next to the above story of revenge, I am fond of Ganesh the elephant headed God. Because letters are sometimes pronounced differently, the same Ganesh may be pronounced as Yanesh. Yanesh is a relative of Yan, Ian, Ivan, Johan, Jan, Gionvanni, Huan, Jahnis, Dionysius, etc. The Latvians, Lithuanians, and Byelorussians may find that one summer solstice, their traveling God John returns to them with an elephant’s head on his shoulders. That would surely be a memorable image for them. The image might even bring back memories of John the Healer with Water who wore a sheepskin loincloth. Let us think of John as he was before there appeared one named Jesus to supercede him.

John the Healer with Water did not beat around the burning bush. He charged into it. Most of us can recall seeing his head on a dish after Salome, the king’s incestuous daughter, had danced for the king a pleasing dance and demanded as the price of free sex the head of John.

Nevertheless, when the community of Johns heard of John’s death, it did not fall apart. It soon found another John to take his place.

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Monday, September 28, 2009

Copyright Eso Benjamins, aka Jaņdžs

31 Not-Violent Populism (III)

The most rejected word among Latvian politicians, media people, sociologists, political experts who call themselves politologues, and even the public at large (due to the influence of the afore mentioned) is not communism as the country’s history would make think, but “populism” and “populist”. One arrives to this conclusion when one discovers that the only context the word is used is a negative one.

While populism has many meanings to many people, the reason for the Latvian slant is that its elites (of which the media consciously or unconsciously have made themselves part) do not care to analyze the country’s past except in a very narrow range of political clichés written by outsiders from “developed” countries. Even in the face of an economic and financial scrubbing that is presently polishing Latvia to its bones, no scrutiny of deeper causes of the whyfores of its troubles has occurred.

One of the reasons for the universal negative attitude toward populism in Latvia has much to do with the fact that for a half century Latvia was occupied by the Soviet communist regime. Under the communist regime, the communist party—at least in theory—was the representative of the working people, i.e., the party presumed itself to be the working people’s populist bastion. This is why in some ways, the communist party was the parliamentary representative of the presumably homogeneous people of the Soviet Union. Of course, the people saw through the charade.

When the Soviet regime collapsed (1991), a very real populist movement took advantage of the turmoil.  With support from the West, Latvia, along with other central European countries, became a sovereign nation again. However, the parliamentary democracy, which took over from the communist party, was democratic only in a formal sense—elections notwithstanding. In fact, being “parliamentary” in Latvia means to be elitist, which is why the word “populism”—from the Latvian president (Zatlers) down—has come to be used to beat down any notions of a populist democracy and to equate populism with irresponsibility and worst social elements in the nation.

No doubt, one may find a wholly negative definition of populism. However, the definition of populism used by this author borrows that of Albertazzi, Daniele and Duncan McDonnell (see: Twenty-First Century Populism: The Spectre of Western European Democracy, 2008, New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, p.3.). Re: [Populism is] "an ideology which pits a virtuous and homogeneous people against a set of elites and dangerous ‘others’ who are together depicted as depriving (or attempting to deprive) the sovereign people of their rights, values, prosperity, identity and voice.”
In any event, the Latvia parliamentary democracy is no less elitist than the communist party ever was. The people once again see through the charade, but are kept from exercising their powers by having their brains washed by a negative attitude of elites and the media toward their solidarity. However, even with distrust of government reaching 80% plus, the people remain passive. No matter how much they are in solidarity about the current situation, the people are prevented from gathering and forming a protest movement, for want of ability to name the movement for what it is: populist. In other words, a populist reaction against the theft of the Latvian government by the elites for the elites does not take place because the people do not dare use the name “populist”. If a tree falls in the forest and no one sees it falling, it falls nevertheless; but when human resistance is prevented from naming itself, it fails to resist.

Another set of circumstances preventing a populist democratic revolt against the Latvian parliamentary democracy has to do with past existential experiences of the Latvian people. There are two main events that define these experiences.

The first is the coup of 1933 by Karlis Ulmanis. Ulmanis, one of the founding fathers of Latvia (1918), staged a coup to check the anarchy prevailing in the Latvian Saeima (parliament), which kept the country from economic development. Ulmanis promised to rewrite the Latvian constitution and—at a later date—to hold new elections. Neither took place, because of the invasion of Latvia by the Soviet Union in 1940.

The second event has to do with the fact that K. Ulmanis offered no resistance to the Soviets. It is true that resistance by the tiny Latvian military forces could not result in prevention of the invasion and occupation and would have caused the loss of many lives. However, instead of sacrificing his life for the country through a selfless sacrificial act, Ulmanis told the people: “You stay in your places and I will stay in mine”. Because the order came from a man whose word had been law for seven years, it meant that the people obeyed and did nothing. Of course, Ulmanis’ order caused profound communal unease and sense guilt.

When in 1941 the Germans attacked the Soviet Union, the sense of guilt resulted in an overcompensating event. Since the German attack coincided with mass deportations by the Soviets of the cream of Latvian society, Latvians greeted the Germans as liberators. The anger and guilt of Latvians was ready and waiting to take advantage of the situation without any deeper analysis of it or its consequences. Many Latvians joined the war against the Soviet Union. Ever since, outsiders (for their own unprincipled political reasons) have interpreted this populist act as an act by fascists.

The above xperiences have left Latvians with great aversion to violence. At the same time, they are unable to discover a compensatory outlet for their rage against the return of a parliamentary government not only as government by anarchy, but as government of outright theft of the nation’s wealth and, if you will, honor. The thievery by government involves, no less, a de facto bankruptcy of the nation, which has brought upon the Latvians not only suffering among its sick and old, but a dumbing down of the young by way of offering them no adequate facilities or motivation to seek higher education. The situation is existential. Whatever sense of community remains among the people, the abandonment of communal events for lack of money (and lack of elitist motivation to encourage such events), is yet another obstacle that keeps this small nation (2.5 million) from taking charge of their community.

The Latvians are reacting to their helplessness and passivity in two ways. At the present either amounts to hitting one’s head against a wall in hopes it will fall.

I. Latvians have a sense that their state is disintegrating. The great number of people who are leaving Latvia illustrates this feeling best.

II. Many Latvians are enraged. Under normal circumstances, they or any other people for that matter would want blood. However, the Latvian experience with violence and their small numbers (indeed, Latvians are in demographic death spiral) prevents them from effecting action. Even so, the anger and frustration linger, and since these have no vent, the result is a sense of defeat, which manifests itself as passivity. In short, the majority of Latvians feel (and hope they do not believe it) that it is but a matter of time before Latvia no longer matters.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Copyright Eso Benjamins, aka Jaņdžs
30 Not-Violent Populism (II)

The trouble with assisted “suicide” is that governments, to the extent that they end up supporting such programs, present it as a matter beyond criticism and that government has taken into account the concerns of all traditional concepts of religion. Nevertheless, a presumption of secular religion as the replacement of traditional religions is also made clear.

As stated in the link in Blog 29 [see box therein]: “The Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences… wants regulations requiring a patient to have repeated discussions with his or her doctor over an extended period.” In short, neither my nor your conscience can function nor make sovereign decisions and consult with whoever it chooses without the intercession of government law and a government agent. The agent is of course the doctor maneuvered into the role of priest.

Secular religion, as defined above and long disguised as neo-Christianity, thus makes officially acknowledged (documented) citizens enjoy their human rights, while it keeps for itself only your sovereign right over your death. Thus, the slum dwellers may remain sovereign in their poverty and street traditions, yet are outside the pale of responsible citizenship and, thus, “democracy”.

The experience of the 20th century and earlier times proves that a democratic political system works only among economic equals, but becomes dysfunctional the moment economic equality is no longer enforced as an absolute requirement. The moment democracy meets with a situation of economic inequality, democracy becomes possible for only those who are economically more equal than others. In short, democracy is not a workable political system for our time in the sense that it is inclusive of all people.

What is absolute economic equality and how does democracy work in such a society?

Anthropologist Michael Taussig in his book “Mimesis and Alterity” (Routledge, 1993) discusses economic democracy among the aborigines of Tierra del Fuego and its fate following the discovery of the Fuegians by the West. Toussig quotes Charles Darwin, who because of his travels on the famous research ship HMS Beagle is almost the first among outsiders to meet them. Darwin writes in his Journal: “The perfect equality of all the inhabitants will for many years prevent their civilization, even a shirt or other article of clothing is immediately torn to pieces.”

A shocking literal interpretation of “equality”, is it not? But it is certainly democratic. According to Toussig, who studies the extraordinary mimetic abilities of aboriginal peoples, such economic equality and democracy is the result of the profound human ability to mime, thus, to empathize.

Standing opposite of such a mimeticized world is (to quote Taussig): “[A] disenchanted [world], one [that] is home to a self-enclosed and somewhat paranoid, possessive, individualized sense of self severed from and dominant over a dead and nonspiritualized nature, a self built antimimetically on the notion of work as an instrumental relation to the world within a system wherein that self ideally incorporates into itself wealth, property, citizenship, and of course ‘sense data’, all necessarily quantifiable so as to pass muster at the gates of new definitions of Truth and Accountability.”

Notwithstanding Taussig’s long and complex sentence, it can be reduced to a few horror filled facts. In the words of The Daily News, London, 1882: “It is thought that the country of Tierra del Fuego would prove suitable for cattle breeding, but the only drawback to this plan is that to all appearances it would be necessary to exterminate the Fuegians.” Toussig then continues: “The serious exterminating [had already] beg[u]n with the discovery of gold in 1878, and acquired a thoroughgoing character with the setting-up of sheep ranches by whites shortly thereafter…. Paid hunters were encouraged to wipe out the Indians*…. they (Toussig cites Gusinde, another anthropologist) were offered the same price for a pair of Indian ears as the going rate for a puma—one pound sterling. A pregnant woman’s ears together with those of the fetus extracted from her womb paid more….”

This is how “democracy” arrived to Tierra del Fuego. Similar “democratic” politics—though better disguised—continue to be practiced in “democratic” European Union. At the time this is being written, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with the agreement of Brussels, the capital of the European Union, has saddled the “dumb Latvians” (according to Latvia’s own sociologists, politicians, and ‘politologues’) with a debt the service that will kill thousands of its elderly, cause untold suicides among others, and will virtually destroy the birth rate among the young. This horror to be visited on a country that was in the throes of a demographic burnout before the debt was incurred. There will be nary an empathetic tear shed by the “democratic” people among the more equal than others people of such countries as England, France, Germany, Sweden, you name them.

How is democracy to be realized in times, where Truth and Accountability are clearly caused to be dysfunctional by the likes of IMF, helped along by the ruling and academic classes of Latvia itself? Whatever praises are sung to democracy in our day, it is faith based, self-induced political religious gobbledygook of which its “God” (democracy) is far removed from Earth. Jesus Christ lies frozen in a man-made Heaven somewhere in the sky. Must we return to the early years of the 19th century in Tierra del Fuego, this time because Europe needs to grow and cut more trees to have 3 and 4-ply toilet paper, and Latvia has plenty of land for growing trees?

The answer to the problem among “developed” nations is plain: the nation and its military and police forces will prevent problem from becoming a problem—as they have done in the past. Moreover, this exceptional presumption is because (to quote Georges Bataille) “National and military life are present in the world to try to deny death by reducing it to a component of a glory without dread.” In other words, make death cheap or irrelevant not only in current wars, but from the very foundation of society’s dysfunctional faith in a God removed from Earth.

This is why a renewal of democracy demands a return to the reality of death.

The Latvians, currently in late-early phase of a die-out are most certainly gripped by the fear of collective disappearance. But, alas, the Latvians have no military force worth speaking of to start a desperate war against someone, anyone. If such a war—against the European Union for dumbing down the Latvians—were to be fought, the Latvians would simply die sooner. Which raises the question if resistance to demographic death (without seeking immortality) is possible in the first place? In addition, is the reported death of the neo-Christian God (first reported by Nietzche, circa 1883) actually true?

The answer is yes and no. No—if self-sacrificial public death is shied away from for reasons of mind-paralysis resulting from faith in the virtual God of nations and military armies. Yes—if Latvians begin to practice self-sacrificial public death at the doorstep of the European Union and the IMF. Though the Latvians may not survive their daring and dread (if they ever do dare), they may begin an overdue reconstitution of society the globe over.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Copyright Eso Benjamins, aka Jaņdžs

29 Not-Violent Populism (I)

The urban slum dwellers are over a billion people or 1/6th of the population. Another billion people, who overlap with the slum dwellers, are the informal working class. The latter is composed of the so-called “denizens” of the neocolonial city, the rag pickers, hawkers, child laborers, prostitutes, sweatshop workers, and like. Together these two peoples make for two billion people or roughly 1/3rd of the total human population of Earth.

Add to the aforementioned two billion unfortunates another billion of subsistence level rural workers, and we see that fully a half of the human population on Earth lives outside of the formal economy. As the word “denizen” indicates, these outsiders are not “citizens” in the sense of being among the politically accounted. Denizens are a people of no account. Many denizens live in dens, spaces below the ground level. If they also find their way to the above ground, they are found at such unlivable places as near-city swamps, desert dunes, decrepit lower-end housing projects, and railroad tracks.

As current global financial and economic difficulties prove, denizenship is not the affair of some third world republic trying to raise ostriches in the northern climate of Northern Europe. The problem is the result of a global systemic failure (think of an electric grid) at a time when things cannot be fixed as per usual—not even by a large country such as the United States of America or America, Europe, Japan, China, India, Russia put together. As the words “system failure” indicate, the fault is in the system, and it is reasonable to believe that the fault is part of the system from its inception. However, whereas the fault could perhaps have been corrected in the early days of the system, today the fault dominates and has become the system’s destroying angel.

No doubt, we are shocked, because we have an idea of what it means. If we do not believe that it means doom or The End, we suspect that we will die in great numbers, indeed in such great numbers till humankinds early death driven creativity returns. It is only then—after the great dying of those inside and outside the moneyed circles—that the dead will succeed in winning Utopia for those who remain. The dead will then reinstate a death that is again worthy of the starving Buddhist monk in sculptures in public places in far away lands in bygone times. ( )

If one seeks to discover intelligence from another planet, one ought to begin with searching out one’s own. Even so, it is not possible to look and see one’s self when half the populations lives in mega cities that surround their habitat in a cocoon of virtual reality. It puts the populations of cities completely out of touch with the worm that airs root and soil.

An unwritten law of the mega city is a prohibition to discuss or encourage death. For example, death was not allowed as a subject matter between patient and doctor in Belgium before 1998. Because the law was changed at that time, an increase in requested euthanasia cases has been noted, though no great rush of them either. However, the numbers of deaths resulting from high doses of pain killing drugs have increased more significantly, because at the time of changes in the euthanasia law, restrictions against pain killing drugs, especially morphine, were also reduced. The latter, while easing pain also slows breathing. Be this as it may, what is important is that when it comes to determining one’s hour of death, the state presumes to have a greater right over you than you yourself. It is this very presumption that lies at the root of the system’s collapse and the anger of the destroying angel.

This series has argued that the Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko is quite right to say that history is chronologically accurate only since the 16th century. It was at that time that a historian named Scaligeri created the history of before the 16th century from fragments of uncertain chronology. Scaligeri glued the fragments together in such a way as to provide Roman Catholic ecclesiastics (who authorized Scaligeri’s chronology) with an antiquity they and their church otherwise had no right to. The one thousand years or so that the church gained because of Scaligeri’s manipulations increased its authority greatly. This is why the Catholic Church could present itself as time tested and the only religious authority worth taking seriously. With nothing more than force of bias (when needed enforced by the military, the arm of secularism that hid the mailed fist of neoChristendom), the neo-Christians could and did present archChristianity as a pseudo religion, pagan, and, thus, irrelevant.

Since Jesus replaced John (a native healer who healed with water), who was also the prototypical man wandering the Earth looking for Truth, Jesus (whoever he was) was made God and put in charge over the human species dumbed down by violence. As a result, John (sourced in Everyman) no longer had the psychological supports necessary to live the life of a self-sacrificial warrior saint and keep his followers from being turned into nobodies.

At this time, the people of “developed nations” are unaware that they, too, are the dumbed down ones. A reliance on the nuclear bomb has propped up for them the illusion of power and control for too long. Nevertheless, the people of the developed countries are becoming aware of the denial of death by their governments, and they have taken the first steps to check them. The manner of resistance may seem shocking, but on consideration, maybe it ought not to be. These steps of resistance take shape as assisted “suicides”.

*The word “God” is in itself meaningless, but depends on its charisma by a collective subjective self, which is imposed on the collective from an outside, supposedly objective authority. The imposition of one subjective God over another is reflected in the words of Psalm 67: “Rise up O Lord, and may thy enemies be dispersed and those who hate thee be driven from thy face”. The “enemy” of God are the Johns of archChristendom, who have their own God Yan, one who is Everything within and outside of All in the now and the past.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Copyright Eso Benjamins aka Jaņdžs
28 The Rise of Hands-tied Democracy

The experience of the 20th century and no doubt earlier times is that a democratic political system works among economic equals, but becomes dysfunctional the moment economic equality is no longer enforced as an absolute or near absolute requirement. The moment democracy meets up with a situation of economic inequality, it becomes a practice only among those who are economically more equal than others. In short, democracy is not a workable political system for all, certainly not in our time, because our time does not practice economic equality.

What is absolute economic equality and how does democracy work in such a society?
Anthropologist Michael Taussig in his book “Mimesis and Alterity” (Routledge, 1993) discusses the remarkable economic democracy among the aborigines of Tierra del Fuego and their fate following their discovery by the West. Toussig quotes Charles Darwin, who because of his travels on the famous research ship HMS Beagle is almost the first among outsiders to meet the Fuegians. Darwin writes in his Journal: “The perfect equality of all the inhabitants will for many years prevent their civilization, even a shirt or other article of clothing is immediately torn to pieces.”

Rather shocking “equality”, is it not? But it is certainly democratic. According to Toussig, who is studying the extraordinary mimetic abilities of aboriginal peoples, such economic equality and democracy is the result of the profound ability of the mimetic faculty to empathize.

On the other hand (to quote Taussig): “Unlike the mimeticized world, this disenchanted one is home to a self-enclosed and somewhat paranoid, possessive, individualized sense of self severed from and dominant over a dead and nonspiritualized nature, a self built antimimetically on the notion of work as an instrumental relation to the world within a system wherein that self ideally incorporates into itself wealth, property, citizenship, and of course ‘sense data’, all necessarily quantifiable so as to pass muster at the gates of new definitions of Truth and Accountability.”

Taussig’s long, but well thought out sentence can be reduced to a few horror filled facts. Let us begin by noting the words of The Daily News, London 1882: “It is thought that the country of Tierra del Fuego would prove suitable for cattle breeding, but the only drawback to this plan is that to all appearances it would be necessary to exterminate the Fuegians.” Anthropologist Toussig continues: “The serious exterminating [had already—auth.] began with the discovery of gold in 1878, and acquired a thoroughgoing character with the setting-up of sheep ranches by whites shortly thereafter…. Paid hunters were encouraged to wipe out the Indians*…. they (Toussig here cites Gusinde, another anthropologist) were offered the same price for a pair of Indian ears as the going rate for a puma—one pound sterling. A pregnant woman’s ears together with those of the fetus extracted from her womb paid more….”
This is how “democracy” arrived to Tierra del Fuego. A not dissimilar “democratic” politics—though certainly better disguised—continues to be practiced in “democratic” Europe, the European Union to be specific. At the time this is being written, the “democratic” powers, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at their head, have saddled the “dumb Latvians” (according to Latvia’s own sociologists, politicians, and ‘politologues’) with a debt the service of which will kill thousands of elderly, cause untold suicides, and virtually destroy the birth rate among the young in a country in the throes of a demographic catastrophe. There will be nary an empathetic (mimetic) tear shed by the “democratic” people of the more equal than others people of such “great” European countries as England, France, Germany, Russia et al.

How is democracy to come about among people living in our times, where Truth and Accountability are clearly dysfunctional from the likes of IMF down to the ruling and academic class of Latvia itself? Whatever praises are being sung to democracy in our day, the same are faith based, self-induced political religious gobbledygook of which its “God” (democracy) is as far removed from Earth as Jesus Christ is frozen stiff in man-made Heaven. Must we return to the early years of the 19th century in Tierra del Fuego?
The answer to that proposition is plain: the nation and its military and police forces will prevent this—as they have already so many times in the past done so. Moreover (and here to quote Georges Bataille), “National and military life are present in the world to try to deny death by reducing it to a component of a glory without dread.” In other words, make death cheap or just about irrelevant not only in its current wars, but from the very foundation of its dysfunctional faith in a God removed from Earth. This is why the answer with regard to a renewal of democracy demands a return to the reality of death.
The Latvians, currently in the early phase of a die-out, are certainly gripped by the fear of collective disappearance—death. And, alas, the Latvians have no military force worth speaking of to start a desperate war. If such a war to be fought for the sake of increased self-awareness, the death of Latvians as a community is as surely guaranteed as just letting things go their present course. So, is resistance to death (without seeking immortality) possible in any way?

The answer is yes and no. No—if self-sacrificial public death is shied away from for reasons of mind-paralysis, which is the result of faith in the God of nations and militaries removed from Earth. Yes—if Latvians begin to practice self-sacrificial public death at the doorstep of the European Union and the IMF. Though the Latvians may not survive their daring and dread, they may begin a long overdue revolution and reconstitution of society across our entire planet Earth.

*Indians—a word borrowed by the Europeans via India. The origin of the name of “India” is to be sought in John (Yan-Ian-gens-gans, etc.), which is why these Tierra del Fuego “Indians” are in fact, in the language meme of archaic Europe, the Children of Johns, a theme discussed in earlier blogs.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Copyright E. A. Benjamins aka Jaņdžs
27 The Children of Johns

The sentiment against Johann, Hans, Wohn and like cognates of Jānis (John) is so grafted to the consciousness of the descendants of Europe’s Johns [once Europe’s wandering priests and teachers (think of the Wandering Jew)], that the event of the graft-birth—birth by sword or cauterization by fire—has been forgotten. The trauma to the psyche has been so great that it is as if the trauma never was and Johns never lived.

This is why Hitler, a descendant of a people who took the graft of neo-Christianity, had no inkling that such a graft had been performed on his forebears. This is why he, an heir to “Operation Spiritual ‘Final Solution’”, was readily recruited to the cause of another “final solution”. Alas, the consequences of a spiritual graft commit the grafted to a mindset from which it is almost impossible to break away. The results of meditative thought—think what you may—it always leads you to think in a self-referential (within neo-Christian parameters) way. For example, beginning with the concept of “blood libel” directed at arch-Christians (their self-sacrificial ways are interpreted as the sacrifice of babies), the neo-Christians—their God removed to the never land of Heaven—were readily able to perceive their opponents as vermin and suicide terrorists. [“Our, Fedre, hu he eart in Heofnum…”, You stay where You are, and we will do whatever we do here on Earth in your name!] “Blood libel” is the victor’s curse on the defeated enemy in order to silence also the loser’s descendants. Hope that they will never remember!

While the curse of blood libel is no longer issued except for the neo-Jews and neo-muslims, probably to provide no excuse whatsoever to recall their past, neo-Christian princes and lords manage to instill in the populace a prejudice against the “pagans” nevertheless. The prejudice maintains its effect by shifting the defeated enemy’s sense of guilt (as enemies of Christ) unto a caste among the losers who survived the defeat of their faction intact. Incidentally, the reason the caste survived is that its members were the collectors of gifts [the Latvian word for gift is called “dahvana” [dahv or diev (a God) + y(j?)ana—a gift to the Gods] for the temple and the sacred king.

The victors exploited the said caste’s experience as collectors of gifts by turning them into tax collectors. To the West, thus, this arch-Christian caste of tax collectors is known as Jews, Juden, now comes softened as Hebrew. This is very good, except that by getting away from Jew and Juden one is liable to lose all connection with history.

What the meaning of the name and its origin is is difficult now to tell, but the word “yule”, the sacred log of the winter solstice—a log once burned in honor of the Sun—may provide a link. In a number of traditions, the yule log—the rump of an oak—was covered with a blanket before it was brought into the house or to the pit for burning. Since trees were once believed to house Gods, the log may have been thought of as a gift of warmth. Another possible source for the name may be the Baltic word “juhgs”, a yoke, a word that means a burden; and taxes surely are a burden. There is also a relationship between Hannukah—a Jewish holy day celebrated about the time of winter solstice—and that same word, but beginning with the letter J(Y), re: Yannukah, an event of J(Y)ohns, perhaps the lost name of the arch-Christian winter solstice festival. In Latvia the Children of Johns would have known their winter solstice festival as Yahndahlins (Jandahlins), a name now signifying the noise that describes the energy found on a dance floor.

Once the Jews switched from gift collecting to tax collecting, they could be manipulated by blackmail. Blackmail occurred whenever the Lord of the manor felt that the Jews had become too independent of the views of the Lord’s court. On the occasions when blackmail was exercised, the Jews were reminded of their origins among the “pagans” or of becoming “pagans” as a result of their betrayal of Jesus Christ.

The blackmail was made credible through the exercise of a “pogrom”, an onomatopoetic word (po+grom) for the strike of lightning and sound of thunder. The anger of the defeated arch-Christians (lingering and real, but without memory of its defeat), given a provocation and alcohol, enabled them to enter the quarters of the Jews—the one’s who the neo-Christian priests had called “killers of Christ”—and do their will until the lord’s bodyguards arrived to put a stop to the violence. Such blackmail against the Jews (and the arch-Christians) has never been confessed (except by Hitler), nor has anyone ever truly withdrawn it. No longer known as “blood libel”, the libel against the Children of Johns took the form of anti-semitism now in the process of forgetting itself and mutating into a mindset that dismisses the self-conscious mindset of Central Europe East as entirely of inconsequence.

Interestingly, a fragment of this arch-Christianity has survived among the Latvians, who remember their arch-Christian priests as Johns and the followers of these priests as the Children of Johns. The Johns Eve and Johns Day Festival take place at summer solstice, which—like it or not—recalls a time when the Johns were under the umbrage of Saule, the Sun as either God or Goddess. If today the words of a folk song, edited by neo-Christians, speak of “Ai, Jānīti, Dieva dēls” (Oh Johnny, Son of God), the more ancient version of it sang “Oh Johnny, Son of the Sun”.

The curse against the Children of Johns (John and all being one Children of the Sun), decimated their numbers by murder (martyrdom) in significant numbers starting as early as the 9th-11th centuries, but gaining significant ground with the 16th and the European Religious Wars. This is the time of the greatest numbers of cross-overs. This is when many of the Children of John(s) crossed over to a fellow caste known as Jews. Under the king’s and princes’ protection, but with no apparent binding agreement or oath that would disallow the Jews to open their ranks to their endangered brethren. This democratic kink, such apparent link to their connection to the Children of John, caused the ranks of the Jews to swell many times their original numbers.

The consequences of the neo-Christian attacks on arch-Christians and victory over the latter to the extent that the former have no recognition of themselves and are allowed no suggestion of any such recognition of themselves—have been many; which is not to get into the problems between neo-Christians and the Muslims.

For one, even as neo-Christian violence caused the Children of Johns to become demoralized and forget their origins, their loss of collective memory (such a memory in modern society enduring for about two generations) caused them to accept a neo-Christian interpretation of history and become haters of Jews, i.e., anti-Semitic and deniers that they might be their own.

Because of the murder and mayhem against the Children of Johns, Johns Eve today has lost almost all of its links to a once very sacred ritual. With ever more renaming of the festival (re: summer solstice, picnic, day off, long-weekend, etc.), ever greater distancing occurs and removes the Johns Eve festival of its charisma and decreases its function as a community-binding celebration.

P.S. I highly recommend “Pan Tadeusz” by Adam Mickiewicz (b. 1798), translated by Kenneth R. Mackenzie, Hippocrene Books. There may be other editions. This is an epic poem that tells of Polish life in the 18th century. It is a long read, but worth it, because it gives evidence of the times of transition from the arch-Christian Children of Johns to Hebrews so zionized that they have become settlers of Z(Y)ion almost beyond recognition.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Copyright E. A. Benjamins aka Jaņdžs
26 The Whence of Zion

The story of Zionist Israel is a copy of the history that ground down the Jews in the past, an event that had its inception following the rise of neo-Christianity and the repression of its arch-brethren, the arch-Christians. The latter are still known as the Children of Johns among the Latvians, though the Latvians know nothing about the history of these “children”. Zionist Israel is real for sure, but the history that legitimizes it is no more valid than the one created for themselves by the Latvians sans the Children of Johns.

Here is one of the problems to the problem: while the word “Zion” echoes to Ion, Yon, John, i.e., Zion=Y(i)on, the Jews pay it no attention. Instead, we hear of archeological digs that discover old walls, but a potential archeological find of John as a statue a thousand feet long buried under the ground at Bamiyan ( John or Yan of Bami) or nearby in Afghanistan, is paid no attention to—either by Israelis or Latvians.

Whatever one wishes to believe about the existence of an ancient Israel in Palestine some twenty-eight centuries BE, it would make greater sense to seek the origin of Jews among gift collectors (later tax collectors) in the service of the temple and sacred kings. As servants of the kings and princes, the Jews enjoyed the protection of their sponsors (at a later time such protection became devious and exploitative). The relatively recent emergence of Jews as a people has more to do with the emergence of neo-Christianity (serving promiscuous secular power bent on eliminating opposition from arch-Christians) than it has to do with the lands or beliefs of the Semites. This is made clear by the fact that neo-Christians did not intervene in any self-sacrificial manner when the killing of arch-Christians began. Not surprisingly, neither did such intervention occur when the target became the Jews.

As argued throughout these blogs, Jews and neo-Christians, emerged from an arch-Christian foundation that has left traces of itself on all continents. Alas, these traces are simply ignored. It is worth remembering that the word “Christian” consists of two segments: cross + yan, and that Christ is a mythological meaning grafted to the word “cross”, leaving “yan” to become its “live” modifier. In other words, Christian derives from Cross+Yan or Krishyan [another possible spelling: Crnichan]. In 14th century Bosnia the name of an arch-Christian leader, Krishyan, is a personal name in some European countries to this day.

At the same time, the arch-Christians of Bosnia in the middle ages are themselves but a branch of the Johns, whose origins are to be traced to the “gans” (yans—herders) of animals in prehistoric times. The appearance of the Johns as Jews (or Hebrews) has more likely to do with the time when they were engaged in the transport of embalmed corpses from Europe and Asia for burial in the sands of Egypt. As gift collectors, the Yevreys (Jews in Russian) were most likely entrusted with the items that were to be buried with the corpses in Egypt. It is likely that they also became knowledgeable embalmers themselves. The transportation of the dead put the Jews in position of becoming knowledgeable in the ways of the body, not only embalming, but the art of healing as well. Their earnings (an excessive accumulation of gifts) enabled the Jews to enjoy a spiritual overflow (or esoterica of the mind that comes with leisure) that resulted in the Torah, the Bible, and other mimesis of “holy” writ.

The Jews—a caste within the arch-Christian tradition—became Judaized only after their arch-Christian base was repressed. It was only after the Jews, protected by the king let us remember, experienced a numerical surge due to the flight of arch-Christians seeking refuge from neo-Christians, that they became a political threat. The neo-Christians resented the sudden numerical advantage gained by the Jews, which caused them to attacks Jews also. The path of resistance by the Jews (really the Jews + the Children of Johns) resulted in the Judaization of arch-Christendom in the sense that “judaization” is a synonym for demonization of arch-Christianity. When the demonizing ceased, Judaism (the refuge of Children of Johns) became a catch-all for neo-Christianity’s ills: it forgot its John-Jewish roots, became a heretic hunter, and made violence rather than self-sacrifice (equally for all human kind) a trait of its political culture.

When the neo-Christian kings rewrote the story of John-Basil and made its hero Jesus, they simultaneously began a “holy” war against the Johns and their followers. The Albigensian Crusade (1234) is one such war. The crusades against the Slavs and Balts are other such. While there remain legends and poems of the Albigensian troubadours, all that remains of the Balts and their Children of Johns are some songs and—among the Latvians—the name, re: the Children of Johns (Jāņu bērni). The fruits of the neo-Christian victory over the Balts and arch-Christianity continue to be exploited by the neo-Christian Church even today. For example, neo-Christians in Latvia continue speak of the Johns Festival as St. John the Baptist’s Festival (which would be fine if Johns were to be understood as the college of sacred wanderers of whom Jesus was but one) or neutralize Johns Day by calling it “Summer Solstice Festival”. The Children of Johns chose the midsummer solstice as their high holy day, because the Johns were indeed not only the sons of the Sun, but the remnant of those wanderers who after their wanderings returned home.

With all the instruments of repression working against them, how did the name of the Children of Johns survive?

1) The Balts and Slavs were for the most part people of the forest. Forests and swamps covered their vast real estate. The Catholic neo-Christian Crusaders had a hard time penetrating all the nooks and crannies of this vast forested country. The “Day of Johns” continues to be celebrated by Latvians, who once upon a time on this day understood themselves part of a Children of Johns community. Unfortunately, the mind locks of the 20th century silenced the sacred in favor of a family picnic and/or sousing one’s self on beer.

2) The elimination of Johns Children by neo-Christians among the Balts was not as immediately fatal as it was among the Cathars of Albigensia. The Children of Johns in Latvia apparently survived for a while, perhaps along the lines of the Bosnian Church, which had its own hierarchy, and whose leader swore an oath to none. When neo-Christians began to persecute Johns Children as social deviants and anti-Christs, heretics all, and invented or, better, overemphasized ancient pagan mythology to replace arch-Christianity, the natives escaped death by hiding among a sect that was part of the greater Children of John community, the Ivreys, who were were the king’s tax collectors, which was why the king protected them. The Children of Johns began to call themselves Ivrejs or Jews. Since it was the tax collectors who invented writing (by way of keeping records), the other (exiled) Children of John picked up the art of writ of the Ivreys by osmosis and necessity. This was, psychologically speaking, a mind-locking, tongue-biting, and depressing time in the life of all who belonged to the Johns community. Eventually, the community, lacking written resources, succumbed to the neo-Christian ethos, and left the survival of its truths to the human psyche to sort out.

While at its foundation, 80% of Israelis were Ashkenazi Jews from Slavic and Baltic lands, few question how they got to those lands from far-away Palestine. The truth is that they were the inhabitants of the Slav- and Baltic lands all the time. The same goes for the Sephardic Jews. Their origin is the same as that of the Children of Johns among Latvians, but they come by way of North Africa and Spain.

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Copyright E. A. Benjamins aka Jaņdžs
25 Blood Libeled History

A young forester, just out of forestry school, takes his first job as a forest fire watch. His job is to sit at a look out station and watch for smoke or other signs of fire.

The forest is a new growth forest and is located in Israel. In the course of his daily tasks, the forester discovers that the forest hides the ruins of a Palestinian village. During the Israeli war against the Palestinians in 1948, the village was set afire, and later a forest was planted over it. An old Palestinian tends the station. His tongue was cut out during the war. The old man cannot tell what happened, but manages to get himself across nevertheless.

The young forester learns that his workstation is the Palestinian’s former home; moreover, that during the war the man’s wives were murdered here. The dark secrets reveal themselves after the old Palestinian burns down the forest and among the ashes we see stand the silhouette of the Palestinian village.

The story, a novella called “Facing the Forest” (1963), by A.B. Yehoshua, a well-known Israeli writer, remains controversial. It is controversial in Israel, because the writer describes the violence as an inescapable byproduct of the founding of the state of Israel during its war for independence. The tongueless Palestinian represents silenced history.

The novella becomes yet more controversial when the reader recalls that the state of Israel is founded on myth, which is to say, its founding did not only involve violence but also created a story, a myth, a lie of how the land came to be in Israeli possession. Nevertheless, the lie is believed to be divine and to have the blessings of God.

To say that the foundation of Israel is violence and myths may bring on one the curse of the Zionist terrorist and late Prime Minister of Israel, Ben Gurion (1886-1973). The latter accused those who did not believe that the State of Israel was founded on objective history of being guilty of “blood libel”. In short, Ben Gurion was a Zionist committed to enforcing the belief that water may be turned into wine by mixing war and lies.

However, the state of Israel is only one small product of violence ruled times.

It is not only the history of Israel, but the history of the West, even the history of the world, that is written with an understanding that the result will be a lie designed to hide a lie. The victor writes the history of the whys and wherefores of his “holy” war and, thus, explains his right to be the dominant power. To disbelieve the victor earns the doubter a curse of “blood libel”. The very history of neo-Christianity is a long book justifying violence, first against the so-called “heretics”, the arch-Christians; second against the Jews for admitting so many arch-Christian “converts” fleeing the cruelty of neo-Christians; and third, violence going out of control and becoming a universal habit.

The punishment that the doubter earns depends on the exposure he to the victor: whether he is a large or a small nation, weak or strong, nuclear armed or not, near or far. Russia—the leading nation of the former Soviet Union—apologized to Poland over the Katin forest murders of 22,000 Polish officers in 1940-1941 only in 2009 , while it has not yet acknowledged that it occupied its small neighbor Latvia in 1940. Thus, Latvia, an independent nation again, endures a “blood libel” curse from Russia, which Latvia’s big neighbor hides behind the word “fascist”, i.e., Latvia “a fascist nation”.

The institutive act of the West (Russia including) was the murder of the arch-Christian Basil (an event most likely to have occurred in the 12th century; whether Basil’s name was Ivan, John, or Yan), the Byzantine holy man, and his replacement with Jesus and the neo-Christian myth of Jesus. Byzantine Emperor Alexeus I, the executioner, was among the first of the movement of secularist kings, princes, and barons who—in order to do their will unopposed—wanted to remove from civil society the strong willed self-sacrificial Johns.

However, the secularist movement was stronger in the West. This was most likely because the territories of Western Europe were settled late compared with the settlement of the territories in the East. In the West, arch-Christian traditions had not yet sunk as deep roots as in the East. This is why the war for secularist domination contained a war within itself, i.e., among the secularists themselves. Thus, before the secular West began its “crusades” against its own peoples (the Cathars, the Children of Johns among the Balts, etc.), they needed to eliminate its competition from the East. The so-called Fourth Crusade, 1204, against Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium, did this. The goal of the Crusade was to destroy the center of the world in the East and bring it to the West. Of course, the West took advantage of the fact that Alexius I had already murdered Basil. It let Alexius I take his deserved murderer’s wrap, at the same time as it renamed Basil-John as Jesus, and removed him from the open roads of Earth to the prison of Heaven.

Another institutive act of the West involved Russia. In real time, Russia is what remains of a vast sacred kingdom over which there once ruled no secular ruler. Instead of secular rulers, the land of the open roads and pathways was “ruled” by the wandering teachers cum priests, cum shamans, cum kings known as Johns. The Indian holy men or sadhus—babas—is all that remains of the Johns today.

Jesus replaced Ivan in Russia with the arrival of the Romanov tsars. The name Romanov is, for the Slavs, a two-edged sword. In the days of John-Basil, the inhabitants of the Byzantine Empire (considered by many to be part of the original borderless sacred empire) knew themselves as Romans, Rome being the name of any charismatic center or bastion. However, these Romanovs came no longer by way of Constantinople, but by way of Rome in Italy.

The institutionalized lies continue to be defended. When a well-known Russian mathematician-statistician, also historian, Anatoly Fomenko, wished to advertise his books in Britain, the BBC, a western propaganda resource of note, refused to carry the advertisement. Why? Because it would suggest that the perspective on history in the West is the result of a lie and question whether the history of the West is as the West claims.

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