Tuesday, January 1, 2019

King Cain
A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


After the so-called Dark Ages, the emperor Charlemagne established (~800 CE) the capital of the Western Roman Empire in Aachen, a German city due East (~160 km via Maastrich) of Brussels. It became the stepping stone to the German led Holy Roman Empire and present German and French dominated European Union (EU).

The reason why Western Christianity remained in Rome (rather than return East to Byzantium) was because of the ancient center was not a secure site. It is a well-known fact that the capital of Eastern Christianity fell (1453) to the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, and remains under the governance of Turkey to this day. This is the chief reason why the European Union is reluctant to accept Turkey as part of the EU, though—due to Turkey’s military might—it has no problem projecting the hope that it may join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) of its member states. Interestingly, NATO believes (hysterically) that Russia is a greater threat to the existence of the EU than was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). This may be because the EU suspects that Russia expects Turkey’s support in its recovery of Constantinople.
With the threat from Turkish tribes, following the sacking of Constantinople, readily discernable, the Eastern Christian Church removed its capital to Kiev (1448), while the Metropolitan of the church decided to remove himself even deeper inland, which is how he came to Moscow. In Moscow the Trinity Cathedral acted as a humble successor to the Hagia Sophia of Constantinople. Tsar Ivan the Terrible replaced the Trinity Cathedral with St. Basil’s Cathedral, which he finished building in 1561. The cathedral was built on ‘beautiful’ (krasivy/ красивый) square, a name from which in later times was was translated into ‘red (krasny/красный) square’. It is by some such rough sketch that Russia became the guardian of a maligned ancient religion.
In spite of its tactics of evasion, the Catholic cum Globalist influence persisted and weakened the theology of the Orthodox Old Believers (once a majority of the Russian and other eastern people). The Romanized Orthodox priest Nikon betrayed and anathematized (about 1650 CE) the Old Believers, by calling them heretics, by expelling them from the ‘official’ Orthodox Church, and by killing many. The pummeling forced the Russian Orthodox Church to accept the Globalist version of Christianity, which had similarly cleansed itself of its ‘Old believers’, the Cathars, a few centuries earlier. The Russian Old Believers were permitted back in Romanized Russia only after the 1905 Revolution. By that time it was clear that the romanization of Russia was irreversible—at least until the End of Western Times.
Because the majority of the Russian people at the time of the perversion of Christianity were people of the wood and its environs, Romanist and Globalist theology did all it could to orient them even further away from Nature (the Garden of Paradise, the Wood) and enticed them to come to the City under the reign of its secular government.

A consequence of the movement out of Nature was that People of the City became a new species of humankind —a species not created by God, but of the city’s own fantasy. The movement out of Nature is reflected in the Biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah. The hysterical nature of today’s women’s movement and the ‘tranny’ movement it has given birth to is a similar event.

Another consequence of moving out of Nature is that humankind is not governed by an orientation toward God whether He be of Matter or some parallel universe (of which this author will write more shortly), but is governed by one of the most divisive and destructive forms of government imaginable —that of absolutist Democracy.

Think whatever you will, the fact remains that ‘democracy’ creates a civilization in which 51% take away all say in matters of governance from the remaining 49%. Though one hears rebuttals that such an imbalance is temporary, and that in due course (when 2% removes itself from the majority of 51% and joins the 49%), all is put right again, in reality such a rebuttal makes no sense, because such a ‘democracy’ perpetrates constant and unceasing social changes. While change has its occasional benefits, when pursued ad infinitum it results in a destabilized and impossinle civilization, where wealthy minorities of the city, exercise control not only over the majority of the people in the city, but of the country and world as well.

The latter consequence (prevalent now for over a half a millennium or 20-40 generations) has not only deprived the people of the world participation in determining the nature of human society, but has allowed 1% of a 51% to become gods of sorts. In other words, out of the 51% ‘legitimate democrats’ has arisen a permanent and ‘deep (and invisible) government’ which is controlled by 1-2% of society. Thus, 51% + 49% - 2% = 98% of humankind has become a permanent class of unwitting slaves to ‘democratic’ absolutism.

The purpose of the author’s ‘short history’ is to give a radically different interpretation of the nature of humankind. Though the interpretation may be rejected by ‘officialdom’ as ‘crazy’, ‘untenable’, ‘unheard of’, and ‘one for the birds’, the thing that makes the official opinion questionable is that the ‘civilization’ of the people of the City is in the process of irreversible disintegration.

An important premise of “King Cain, A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God” is that the need for God, hence the existence of God, is innate to humanity born of the wood, while it is not innate to those born of the city. While the crowning creation of humankind in the wood is a religion of language inseparable from the endearing word, most cities function as a result of the exercise of violence and Fuckspeak.

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