Friday, June 21, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 183/ 5
A Midsummer Supper
© Eso A.B.

A long time ago, at a time that may seem like fairy tale time, a ‘King’ was called ‘Basil’ . A number of words that are still with us derive from that time. For example, the word ‘basilica’ or ‘church’ or cathedral; ‘basil’, the king of savories; ‘base’, which is synonymous with ‘headquarters’. The word derives from Greek language.

Thus, the sign “INRI”,_King_of_the_Jews  that is often seen in old paintings above the crucified Jesus, and which we are told is an acronym for ‘Iesu of Nazareth, King of the Jews’, was originally read as INBI, “Iesus Nazarenus, Basil Iudaeorum”.

Though a ‘king’ is a king by whatever name, what we should note is that ‘Basil’ stands for a special king—a king of the people. This is one reason why in former days many saints were given the name of Basil. This is as good a reason as any why originally Jesus was likely called Basil. Moreover, if ‘Iudae’ is a deliberate misspelling of ‘Ludi’  (games, from ludus, people), then INRI should read INBL, “Iesus Nazarenus, Basil Ludusorum”, Basil of the People; or ‘Basil Ludiorum’, Basil of (religious) Festival or Rites. As the link tells: “The ludi were public Roman religious festivals started, before 220 B.C., as annual communal games to give thanks to the gods.” The word ‘games’ in context can only be a cynical derivative from ‘religious rites’, the rite being a human sacrifice. Moreover, if ‘Roman’ stands for the Byzantine Empire, as the Russian mathematician and historian Anatoly Fomenko  claims, the date of the rite is closer to 1118 CE than it is to 220 BC. Notwithstanding post-modern historians, who view Fomenko’s work as that of a “fringe” and “pseudo” historian, the reverse is likely true.

In fact, the story of Jesus, as I have written in other blogs (srch ‘jesusthebogomil’), is the definitive False Flag of Western Civilization, with its post-modern banner seized by the ‘democracy’ of the U.S.

If the reader is familiar with the story of Jesus, he-she will remember that Jesus-Basil and his bookkeeper and disciple Peter are closely associated with a bonfire, that burns early on the morning of the day Jesus-Basil is to be (gamed) crucified . While in Europe most traces of the ancient Rite meant to assure that the Sun rises have been erased, there remains enough to suggest that the Sun had indeed ceased to rise that day from “…about the sixth hour (in the morning)… there was a darkness over all the earth until the 9th hour… (in the evening)”. The ‘clock’ that measured the time was a sundial .

While the reason given why the Sun is not moving is different from Aztec and Greek versions, it is no less weighty. It concerns the celebration of the Name’s Day  of the son of the Sun: Dionysus (Huan, Ian, Ivan, Jean, John, Zhan, etc.) by those who make laws on a planet where the wood has been cut, the land has been turned to desert, people have been driven into cities, and all other forms of life have been belittled as ‘the Devil’s work’ and are further exploited by corporation scientists through genetic modification. The Name’s Day of Iesu/ Iannis falls on Midsummer’s Eve or Summer Solstice Day, when for about three days the Sun appears to hang in one and the same place in the sky.

On the evening before he is betrayed by his Public Relations man, his disciple Judas, Jesus and his colleagues sit down to an uncommon meal. Jesus’ companion Mary Magdalene, said to be his ‘financial’ benefactor, presents as the main dish a very special kind of pie. The pie has baked into it a fingernail sized piece of coal. Mary Magdalene did not bake the pie herself, because the pie is to be part of a draw (in which she too participates): whoever draws the piece with the coal, must prepare him- or herself to offer his-her life to the Sun on the following day.

What we know as The Last Supper occurred on the evening the day before Midsummer Day, a day that was also celebrated as Iesus’s Name’s Day. This fact elevates Iesu twice, first as Basil (King) of the day in his own right and, second, as the son of the Sun, who by giving him birth on that day also elevates herself to prominence.

The disciples of Iesu argued that Iesu should not be the only one to fight the laws made up willy-nilly by secular rulers. There was an agreement among them, that all would draw lots. By participating, all signaled that they were ready to offer their lives to the Sun. Iesu made no objections.

It happened that the ruler of Byzantium at the time was King Alexius I. The King had heard rumors of resistance to his ruling among the people. He, therefore, wanted to discover who their leader was. The Emperor had heard that a ‘King of the People’, came from a country of nomads—a people who moved with the Sun and the seasons and herded reindeer for their livelihood. Emperor Alexis sent spies try recruit a spy from among Iesus’s closest followers.

The follower most accessible was Judas. Judas had his reasons: he did not believe that the Sun was a divinity. He was recruited for thirty pieces of silver (we have no real idea of what it was worth then). It also happened that Judas’s piece of pie had the coal in it, but Judas did not let on and swallowed it. Later, a troubled Mary Magdalene spoke to the baker, but was assured that everything had been done right and there were witnesses to prove it. Iesu said: “Do not be concerned. It was and remains my lot to be the son of the Sun.”

While walking along the shore of the Bosphorus that night (there was a full moon), Judas, as if overcome with grief for Iesu’s lot, came up to him and embraced him. This was the signal waited for by the King’s spies, who were hiding among the people of Constantinople, who, too, were talking a walk and enjoying the moonlight.

Shortly thereafter, Iesu and his colleagues (also known as disciples) were surrounded by the Emperor’s armed police and taken into custody. Iesu was brought to the court of the High Priest. The name of the High Priest, some say, was Yannas. He headed Emperor Alexis’ own religion, which was named Christianity. The name was borrowed from the Slavs, among whom the word meant “criss-crossers or ‘markers’ of earth” or more simply plowmen. In those days agriculture had just made its appearance . The ‘Christians’ had no plows as we know them today, but were using stumps of trees with the branches cut down to the length of a foot or a foot and a half. When a a man stood on the stump, and an ox or mule was made to pull it, the ‘plow’ scratches deep marks into the face of Earth.

To scare those who opposed his order to end all celebrations of the Sun (or Midsummer, or Johns Day) and Earth, Emperor Alexis had his gendarmes (armed police) dig a large pit at the Hippodrome. The pit was filled with logs and these set ablaze. The fire burned and sparks rose high into the air all night long and was the talk of Constantinople. Some said that the King had defeated his own purpose, which was to have ‘no’ celebration whatsoever.

There is great confusion about the ‘true’ story of Iesu Basil or what I prefer to call Iesu The Bogomil (Jesus God lover). The reason is that there are at least two stories of what happened.

The Catholic Christian or canonical version of the story has had a wide distribution. The story is accessible in every country and in nearly every language. The ‘Other’ story, however, is not only denied, but the fragments continue to be denied validity. Among the two best ‘other’ stories is that of Basil the Bogomil, whose death has been described in Anna Comnena’s biography of her father Emperor Alexius I of Byzantium ; and in the story of Polycarp the Bishop of Smyrna .

Unfortunately, the story of Jesus Christ is a wholly made-up story (probably by the forebears of the modern French) with nearly no recollection of things holy in proto-Christian times.

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