Friday, April 19, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 159
“The Capitalist ‘For Life’ Politburo” (4)
© Eso A.B.

The European elites, having formed a European Union along the lines of the English Magna Charta on behalf of English Lords and Princes, have been creepily crawling in their long tradition of unilataralist ways over the people and nations of Europe for many years, even centuries.

One does not have to look far to see how the cream has been skimmed off the top of the labours of the people of Europe, at the same time as the Europeans have been exposed to a steady stream of neo-liberalist adverts of how “good” the skim milk that the political centrifuge sends to the jar for lesser gravity products is .

The model of ‘parliamentary democracy’ has served the European elites well in spite of the French, Russian, and German Revolutions signalling warnings that the model(s) on which European society was being formed suffered from great shortcomings.
One of the reasons why the ‘model’ of parliamentary democracy has served the elites so well is because in spite of a number of deadly political upheavals, even in the face of seeming populist victories, the ultimate victor has remained the elite. In war the political elites almost never die. Why is this?

I have argued that the reasons are social separation as strict and severe as in the Indian caste system. The separation, preceded by biology driven altruism, may have evolved step by step and not necessarily in the same sequence in all species.

A. The earliest step toward inequality is theft. Theft is one of the most common traits among adult animals, say, birds, who have no compunctions about picking off the seed right in front of the beak of their neighbours. Of course, the birds do not call this ‘theft’, but merely ‘taking what the other has not yet taken’. The first sign of altruism and differentiating between theft and giving probably begins with the ‘gift’, observed in birds feeding their young. Among animals, the mother offers the young suck of her very body by way of transforming designated parts of the body into milk producing glands. At a later stage, the father may also join in feeding the young by sharing with the mother and the young in a recently killed gazelle. Later yet, comes the mating ritual, in which the male partner may court the female with a gift of food. The question of who gives the ‘gift’ first, the male or female, is a tricky one. While the above suggests it is the female, the behaviour of some spiders suggests otherwise .

B. The second step is a conscious attempt to reverse biology initiated altruism. Such is the institution of taxation. Taxation began with the imposition of a tax system on the European nomads, the Evenks of Tartaria. The early tax was in animal pelts. The taxes probably began as a result of the Viking invaders threatening and pressuring local rulers along the river basins of the Volga, Don, Dniepr, and other rivers. The rulers were then forced to pressure and repress the people of the societies they led in their capacity as ‘sacred’ (self-sacrificing; God ordained) kings.

Taxation resulted in a top-down rule even in societies where such a rule did not exist previously and was fiercely resisted. For reasons of obvious advantages it brought to the elites, the system spread quickly and introduced altogether different societal and political parameters.

C. In order to decrease the inborn (biological and genetic)—and permanent (until perhaps genetic engineering in the offing today)—opposition to taxation, the elites needed to change the religion that underlay the egalitarian social ways that prevailed among the people of the wood and the savannah.

D.Religion’ of the people of the pre-taxation days had little resemblance to the ‘religion’ of our time. The ‘religion’ of the Evenks was only incidentally imbedded with moral teachings or illustrated by some particular story of origin, but came with the mother’s “coo” and lullaby. In short, religion was imbedded in the language of the people, not in the names of Gods and tribal totems. These latter may be anthropological fixtures, but have little to do with ‘religion’ in a theological sense.

E. While I have no knowledge of the Evenk language, it appears to have left its influence far and wide. Many words that suggest movement, such as avant (garde), avec, advance, and personal and place names such as Ivan, Vanka, Lithuv(enian)anka, Latv(ian)anka, etc. are derived from the name of this Tartary tribe. Of course, over time, local idiom blended the pronunciation of the word to its own ways. 

The ‘religion’ of these ancient people is closely related to what our dictionaries today pejoratively define as the ‘diminutive Wilfully associated by grammarians with ‘small’ and ‘tiny’—as a result of the above mentioned change of memes in religion and theology—the ‘good news’ of the new civilization (neo-Christian) arising under the tutelage of taxation was the arrival of our present mesmerizing capitalist economic system.

Neo-Christianity through its emphasis on bodily resurrection (as opposed to the earlier meme   that emphasized spiritually and psychically transmitted transmigration of souls), brought with it a heretofore unknown acknowledgement (by the superego,_ego_and_super-ego ) of the fear of death. This fear in due course closed off access to leadership by example, the example including self-sacrifice unto death in the creation, forming, and maintenance of a cultural community.

By closing off thought about self-sacrifice unto death by the leadership, we close off thought about any ‘the third way’ solution to our current political impasse.

Informative link: Capitalism hits the fan by Richard Wolff


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