Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 154
Joan of Arc, God’s Virgin with Sword (3)
© Eso A.B.

When Joan of Arc sent (c. 1429) her famous “Lettre aux Anglais to the English forces in Orleans, writing “…for the third and last time, and I shall write no more,” and did not thereafter dispute the phrase “I will have them all put to death”, for all her heroism and insistence that she had been sent by God, the False Flag event of 1118 in Constantinople (a little more than 300 years before) had already made her an unwitting accomplice in the theological charade in which both the English, French, and the entire West was complicit.

Whether the Maid knew about all that was at stake is doubtful. But there should be no doubt that she knew that France would disappear if she did not Act. While Joan was no more than a shepherdess, a chambermaid, a girl sixteen years old, but old enough to know how to handle horses, the spirit of the ancient sybils  called on her (through now lost or hidden pareidolic channels) with sufficiently loud voice to resemble the voice of God to her.

The ‘charade’ that involved the Maid, is based on a theological change in the Jewish-Christian message from one of ‘Act’ to one of ‘Word’. As the first line of the Bible now reads: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God….” the line once read and should still read: “In the beginning was the Act, and the Act was with God, and the Act was God.”

Such a reading is not given, however, any longer, because the Act has been replaced by the Word which we better know as the Law. As most everyone knows about the Law, it is believed to have first come as the Word of God, which was expressed in the Ten Commandments of Moses Unfortunately, it was not long after Moses that the first ten Commandments were expanded to a never ending series of Laws and Commandments. If the writer of the first ten laws was Moses, the writers of the other laws were a series of kings and princes, or priests subservient to them. Eventually the priests became lawyers, who today have become bankers, because as lawyers they grew wealthy to become bankers. Today as bankers, they can pay lawyers and dictate what the lawyers (in effect themselves) write. Such is the history of the evolution of the Word.

The first of the Ten Commandments reads: “You shall have no other gods before me”. Thus, if God is Word, you shall not put an Act before the Word, even if everyone knows that acts speak louder than words. It follows that the written Law (whoever writes it, and if it can be enforced) becomes God.

Whoever published the first Bible could have had the order of the Commandments reversed; in effect, the last commandment could have been made to read as the first. If the first commandment had become the last, one could look back to the earlier nine and see what laws God supported. Putting God first is like baptizing a child before the child knows what is happening and what he-she is being committed to.

In short, the Word replaced the Act. If any pundit, psychologist, political analyst, or writer wonders why our civilization today is passive, they need look no further than this decision to make commandment ten read as first. This in one fell stroke denigrated and eliminated any right for the subjective mind to act in its own right.

By the time we reach Joan of Arc in the 16th century [we cannot really be sure of the dates, because official dating occurred only some time after the Council of Trent (1545-1563)], law making—predating the Hammurbi Code—had a long and well established tradition.

Nevertheless, the fact that the Word as God came without a date, it made for uncertainty regarding its past. And if the Word of God was good only in the mouths of priests (early lawyers), their subjective thoughts were still operational and to be taken note of. I.e., even if you and I had no say in any matters and had to await the decisions of authorities before we could make a move, the actual situation could move away from us, that is to say, it could deteriorate. In this way the God of the lawmakers could delay decision making, sometimes with catastrophic results.

One may speculate that the arrival of Joan of Arc to save the kingdom of France and to return the crown of France to King Charles, the rightful king, despite many assertions to the contrary, was eagerly awaited by the Catholic Church. As the initiator of Laws by earlier kings and princes, for lack of dating, it had created a situation (in France, the country of origin for Catholicism which subsequently was responsible for overthrowing  Christianity in the East, where God had continued to prevail as Act) it needed to be rescued from.

The Church had come to its downfall, because if it was to serve power-seeking princes, it also had to replace the Acts of kings (Acting in the name of God) with God as the Word. As they reset the social order, the early and inevitable conflicts with the Christians of the East went undated. The fighting was a hahey or tumult of violent acts, and there were no umpires. Blood flowed freely, and it was said that there was not enough water (sacred to the people of the land) to wash it away.

Ultimately Western or Catholic Christianity—succeeding Moses as the writer of laws—imposed princely and oligarchal authority over the people of the land. Thus, somewhat paradoxically, it undermined the supports of social order by destroying the authority of the ancient sacred king. The consequence was that France become leaderless. Not surprisingly, the English took advantage, and seized France for themselves.

The Catholic Archbishop of Embrun, Jacques Gelu, writes of the time: “There is scarcely anyone left offering obedience to the king”. Professor Deborah A. Fraioli paraphases Gelu: “The rumor spread that whoever could obtain a part of the realm by force could keep it.”*

Obviously, the Catholic Church was disturbed and worried enough to risk entrusting the solution to the inspiration of a sibyl.

Who was this sibyl?

Martin le Franc (1410-1461) author of a long (24,000 verses) poem Le Champion des Dames (The Champion of Women) has the poem reaach its high point with the deeds of Joan of Arc. Joan is defending God as Act. God’s Act is to send his chosen Maid, Joan, to save France from the English and help restore to her her place among the nations.

The the zeal of the Catholic Church to instate the rule of secular princes led to an Emergency not to say Collapse of government in France. The Word of God took charge of God as Act with a vengeance. Even Jean Dupuy, Dominican theologian and Inquisitor, is ready to put his reputation on line by declaring that Joan of Arc is an event: “…so great, so considerable, and so unheard of that nothing similar seems to have happened since the world began.” Dupuy goes on to destroy the argument that would make God the Word by saying: “…it must be necessarily concluded [that Joan is] from God… and does not proceed from spells….”* Needless to say, the ‘spells’ in question are spells and words issued in the name of God by the Church. Though God saved France through sending Joan of Arc as his Act, the church remains jealous of God as Act and keeps casting spells that put the would be faithful of the entire Christian realm to sleep.

*Deborah A. Fraioli, “Joan of Arc, the Early Debate”, The Boydell Press, p. 90; 150-158. Quotes and paraphrases, though not opinions or interpretations, with regard to Joan of Arc in this blog from foregoing source.

(To be Continued)

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