Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Great Grandson of God and City Monsterzs
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

It has  come to be that the atheist-controlled community of government has become the fake Godhead over the community of Nature. Likewise, government has made itself to become the People.

Endnote 3:
Voices Cannot Share
Songs Written for  Heavy Metal

Last week I had the displeasure of viewing a link that proves yet again that the mindset of urban humankind is focused on a Virtual and unsustainable reality. The sociologist (in the link) who is giving the talk on ‘religion’ clearly does not know anything about religion (and he is not the only such sociologist), yet sells his ideology as if he were an envoy sent from Gomorrah, as if death is the force that rules, and he is the one chosen to judge the past and laugh off fake news.

True, the Gomorrahn could point at my EC606/Addendum, push his finger at me, and say that only a self-serving maniac is mad enough to claim that God originates in the effort to form humankind’s early government, which was of Sacred Kings (because they sacrificed their lives for their communities), and call them Gods*.

*In Norse mythology God is known as Jod/Yod. This is because the consonant J may on occasion also be pronounced as G. This drift of consonants was partially stopped with the replacement of the spoken word by the written word. A similar misfortune befell the word ‘gans’/Yans (John, Jon, Huan), meaning herder. The name of the Latvijan Gans Festival was changed at a late date to ‘Jahnyi’, and today virtually no one can imagine that the Festival was ever called other, or that the fires lit in the evening were once lit to scare off wolves not to for kids to jump over.

I may respond by pointing out that those who wrote the Bible (Genesis 6) also were ‘mad’ enough to write that “the sons of God” married “the daughters of men”, and millions have read the words and have not been put off by them. In effect, when the Bible was written (most of it during the Middle and latter part of the Middle Ages) a good portion of humankind was in its heart of hearts still living in the wood and was not persuaded that government conducted “democratically” (by warriors and oligarchs) is anything but a sleight of hand guaranteed to fail. The ‘Johns’ or ‘gans’ who herded elks and wore elk or wolf skin mantles [in ancient Egypt they (2) wore leopard skins] to better impress their authority on their livestock. The kingdoms of old used to guarantee for themselves the existence of God by putting the life of their Kings in escrow. Today’s humankind (ensconced in the city and with tendrils of asphalt sucking up the lifeblood of the countryside) puts in place of an escrow a ‘tactical’ nuclear shell in the bore of a howitzer. The ‘canon’ (a word with a couple of meanings) is secularism’s guarantee that any Sacred King who attempts to rise from the ashes will be killed by those who guarantee us democracy*.

*A quote from Mao Tse-Tung (Little Red Book, p309): “In the sphere of theory, destroy the roots of ultrademocracy. First, it should be pointed out that the danger of ultrademocracy lies in the fact that it damages even completely wrecks the Party organization and even weakens or completely undermines the Party’s fighting capacity, rendering the Party incapable of fulfilling its fighting tasks and thereby causing the defeat of the revolusion. Next, it should be pointed out that the source of ultra-democracy consists in the petty bourgeoisie’s individualistic aversion to discipline....” It should also be pointed out that while Mao Tse-Tung erred (following Marx, Lenin and Stalin) by calling for a revolution on behalf of the ‘workers’ instead of the people of the countryside, the bourgeoisie is of the cities where the plague of Virtuality rules. In Mao’s imagination the Party stood for the authority of a King. One of the lessons of so-called Industrial Revolution is that it is a particularly viscious intrusion  of fake reality into the Real. Fortunately, it is but a temporary intrusion; unfortunately, it will end with many millions dead.

Today the the state of terror that is necessary to maintain Virtual reality, is not limited to the Sacred King. By our day terror has been spread (‘democratically’) throughout society. Terror (of death) no longer grips only the heart of a King, but nests a sinister presence in the heart of everyone who lives in our time.

However, globalization of fear is a phenomenon not limited to the 21st century. In the 20th century philosopher Walter Benjamin described our time as being in a ‘state of emergency’. Such a time likely began when humankind was first divided into to two groups: the armed elites and disarmed commoners; and the elites wrote for themselves a new ‘catholic’ religion, and began to tax the commoners. Not surprisingly, the Catholics of neo-Christian fame ‘saved us’ and sent the gullible commoners Jesus to empathize with*. Neo-Christianity asked of Christians nothing more than to “feel good”—as the Cross mounted on helicopters whirls and drops them money from Pope Draghi in the sky.

*The book of Revelations mentions the number 144,000 , which is a numer no one quite knows the meaning of. Why is this? Most likely because the 144,000 are forgotten kings and Gods who gave their lives to their communities. John 15:13: “Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his community.” While most New Testament ‘translations’ substitute ‘community’ with the word ‘friends’, the difference in meaning is clear and suggests that ‘friend’ is a fake word willfully inserted.

What this author is adding to the equasion is that the real victims are less the workers (though they are indeed victims), but the people or what I call force de gens* [not force de loi (law)]. The word ‘loi’ may have once meant ‘people’—as the word Leute means in German to this day and lude in English (still in use in the 19th century)—who once upon a time lived off the economy of their own labor—the people of the wood, river bank, lake or sea shore, and field.

*Gens—a French word meaning people, but like the same word in Latvian, re: gans, meaning herder. In Latvian, too, ‘Jānis’ is no longer a name that means people, but denotes a mythic figure who returns home every Midsummer. This change in meaning of the word probably came about because in its prehistoric use the word had a sacral meaning, which Catholic Christian clergy could not tolerate. Thus, in the long ago the words the English sang on their Midsummer festival were: “Summer is icumen in, lude (not loude) sing all sing (not cookoo)”. Uhja = Luhja = lihgo in Latvian. Summer is icumen in,/ lude sing alle uhja! It is likely that in Old Latvian the word ‘uhja’ meant song. Today the word is but an exclamation, generally used in response to someone swearing, re: “Uhya, uhya!”; meaning (sarcastically) “That is some song you are singing!”

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Herewith ends

The Great Grandson of God and City Monsterzs

Next blogs begin a new book
The Amazingly Slow Death of Communist Latvijans


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