Thursday, December 24, 2015

EC 500
Upon Whom the Ends
of the Ages Have Come…
a fantasy for an apocalypse
© Ludis Cuckold (2015)
9 A Holy Day Becomes Profane

After Zeus had rescued his son by Zemele from the wrath of Hera, he hid him by sewing him into his thigh. This caused Di-yony-sus to be born not only with an impressive penis, but a remarkable appetite for sex.

Soon after Dionysus’ birth there began to appear stories about a goat that jumps (yumpts) over the roof. The Latvijan name for roof is yumpts. For all we know, the word may derive from the letter ‘A’, in the writing of which, we see two lean-to beams stacked against each other and a horizontal beam connecting and holding them together. In Latvija such horizontal beams in the attick often bore the date the roof was erected. Did the beam perhaps stand for the penis of a billy goat or symbolized fertility, a prayer of good fortune, or the act of mating?

Among Latvijans, a Double John or Di-yon-ysus was known as Yumis. Yumis is a name for anything that comes double: a double ear of corn, a double pine cone, a tree with two trunks, a calf with two heads, and—as we just noted—a double sum sex encounter on the roof accomplished by means of a beam joining or mating together the two halves of a roof.

It was through the logic of pareidolia applied to story and myth that the Midsummer Solstice, which occurs on June 21, acquired the reputation of a holy day as well as New Year’s Day. The forebears of Latvians did not necessarily think of the New Year as the end of the longest night and the beginning of the lengthening of days, but could also think of the New Year as a peak day, when the peak and beginning of decline of the Sun was celebrated by a love feast. Unfortunately, for Latvians, in later years, violent men exercised their violence by switching the New Year of the Balts from Summer (June) to Winter (January) Solstice.

Since the gestation period of a child is nine months or 270 days, love and sexual unions of St. Johns or summer New Year’s days, bore their results around the time of the Vernal Equinox (June + 9 months = the Ides of March). Since June was the favored month for weddings—as much then as now, and the bride distributed many of the mittens in her dowry as gifts to the wedding guests for them to fill them with a gifts of seeds, it was believed that children born in March were born of a violation (an overspill of seed, so to speak) of sacred customs, hence the warning of the Sybil to Caesar: “Beware the Ides of March”.

The prophetic voice, according to Shakespeare, came from a prophetess hiding in the crowd gathered around Caesar. Some say the Sybil was not recognized for who she was, because her voice came from a jar held by one of Caaesar’s sycophants from where she—sown into a mitten which was thereafter stuffed into the jar on summer solstice day of the previous year—refused to leave it, but preferred to die with her imagined beauty never exposed to open eyes.

While some believe that the Roman holy day of Lupercalia (likely pronounced LuperCHalia, wherefore ‘chalia’ echoes to the Slavic word for human being—‘chilovek’) occurred in the middle of February, it was more likely celebrated as a Love Feast in March (or it may have varied according to the geographical parallel of latitude one is born to). For those who have the ear, the word ‘Luper’ echoes to the name of Ludi—the now estranged name for People. The Slavic name for love is ‘lyublyu’. The names remains powerful enough to have their pareidolic associations hid to this day: The revolt of the weavers or ‘Luddites’ in England (1811-13) against machine woven cloth and the Industrial Age was not led by a mysterious Englishman whose name just happened to be Nedd Ludd. Indeed, the revolt spoke on behalf of all crafts-men and –women—ages past and present.

The significance of the word ‘ludi’ was swept under the rug when the countryside and the wood where eliminated in favor of the princely ‘polis’. The original meaning of polis stands for castle and fortress or ‘pils’ in Latvian. Other inflections and phonemes transformed the name into names such as ‘police’, ‘politician’, etc. which replaced older names such as of gendarme and gans. ‘Ludi’ was belittled even more, when made-of-concrete prisons and city  ‘polities’ replaced the wood; when the night skies were replaced by street lamps; flowers of the field were replaced by ‘venereal flowers’ (re: My Fair Lady or Pygmalion by G.B. Shaw) in London and Paris; and the word ‘ludi’ began to disappear in favor of ‘cosmopolite’. The ludis who used to congregate in the Commons (once also market places) became known as ‘pucks of the polis’ or ‘people’ for short. In Latvijan, ‘puck’ is pronounced ‘puika’ and comes from an Estonian word. It means a lad, a boy, a rascal, a sovereign, a wild one from the wood discovered in the city, who is not accountable to anyone but himself.

Names that still recall the world of Ludi are found in the names of kings—Ludwig and Louis--the last of who was beheaded by violent young catholic (and cosmopolite) proto-capitalists who led and cheered on the French Revolution. The claim that the French Revolution was led by intellectuals of a New Age or anarchists is an invention, if you will, by neo-Catholics, who today are known as globalists. Indeed, virtual reality casts a hypnotic spell over our ‘enlightened’ civilization.

As recently as the 1940s, Johns Day was celebrated among Latvijans with due reverence for ancient countryside traditions (home made beer could be had at almost every farmstead). But by the late 20th century the holiday acquired a reputation as a day for debauchery. When after the collapse of the Soviet Union Latvija regained independence (1990), Johns Day debauches in Latvija were tolerated (the government wished to prove itself ‘patriotic’ even as home-made beer was declared ‘moonshine’ and outlawed) and even encouraged. This resulted in more traffic deaths (no more your favorite gelding and horse sense to draw your wagon and your overindulged body home) due to drunkenness than in any other country in Europe.

Knowing that on Johns Day most Latvijan men—having sexually cannibalized as many women as they found willing—would be drunk, the stepfather of Daisy, Stefan, planned to take advantage of the phenomenon and make a raid, the objective of which was to steal metal from an abandoned barn.

Why raid a countryside barn?

Today countryside barns (once known as ‘rijas’*) are no longer used as living or meeting places or to store grain, but are used solely for the purpose of drying grain. In Soviet times, outside such barns (no longer of wood but sheet metal) there were four, maybe six (two or three on each side) electric motors which generated heat and then blew the hot air into the barn.

*’Rija’ in Latvian means ‘a swallow’, a mouthful. The rijas  had broad and high entrances in order to allow for high and full wagon loads of wheat and corn stalk to be brought under the roof for drying.

The coils of the electric motors were made of copper, which, when removed was in demand on the black market.

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