Monday, March 11, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 145
Rending the False Flag Asunder
A Force Majeure Project of theFuture (4)
© Eso A.B.

A Painted Grasshopper / Copyright Cynthia Roderick
What was once whole has now been rent asunder, and the cloth of the flag that once showed a landscape whole, may now show that same canvas back to back (one behind the other), or one right side up, the other right side down. The source for the image (written by this author) comes from the New Testament (Matthew 21:51), where it is written that at the time of death of Jesus, “Suddenly, the curtain (a flag) in the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom, the earth shook, rocks were split open….

Dramatic as the image may be, it follows after the fact, after the death of Jesus. The rending of the false flag does not precede Jesus’ death or initiate further events.

Why the rending of the curtain after the death, why not the rending of it before? If the rending had occurred before the death, it could then and now be interpreted as a warning to desist from going ahead with whatever plans may have been afoot at the time. With the rending of the curtain following the death, it becomes an aftershock at best, and a tragicomic confirmation at worst, and nothing more.

To put it yet another way: if an event occurs after a notably significant event, it is a mere spectacle and a fantasized addition, just as the death of Jesus is a fantasized and rewrite of the deaths of Basil the Physician  and Polycarp of Smyrna kaleidoscoped into one story.

While Judas betrays Jesus for reasons that one has to imagine (and many have tried), Polycarp is betrayed by a servant of his own household under torture by the Romans. Everyone understands that torture is used to extract information that will betray an individual or an activity. Also, while the name of Judas is an invention to associate the betrayer with Jews, the man who tells the police of Polycarp’s hiding place is a young slave from “his (Polycarp’s) own house”. There is no suggestion that the slave is or has connection with Jews.
The story of Bishop Polycarp (as told at the link) is told as if it happens many years after the crucifixion. This is to be expected, especially when the story is a post factum story. At the same time the story of Polycarp shows signs of being edited after the original has been used as material for a fantasized story. If we go to “The Alexiad” (Penguin Books, p. 496 ff) by Anna Comnena, daughter of the Byzantine king Alexius I, and reread the story of Basil, which in my opinion is the original event on which the Passion of Jesus is based, we discover that the instrument of death is not a cross, but a fiercely burning fire in a large pit. In the retold story of Polycarp, the pit reappears in a dream as a burning pillow, which Polycarp interprets as predicting that he will suffer death by burning, In the New Testament the same fire appears as a bonfire in the courtyard of the high priest.
The above version of the story radically differs from the story told in the West. The princes of the West will not acknowledge that the story told by the princes of the church is of force majeure proportions, though they go along with the redefinition of it as a Passion Story, behind which is hid the death of the Savior of Humankind.
What is interesting about the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is that in ways it differs very little from the teachings of Basil the Bogomil (, but that the real difference lies in subtle insertions of words or parables that turn the emphasis from Jesus’ life as an Act, into Jesus’s  life as not going beyond talk or the Word. Moreover, while there are long passages where one can discern little difference between the Words of Jesus and that of Basil (the main difference is of course the change in name from John Basil to Jesus), it is left to the ‘apostles’ to suggest a ‘different’ meaning in their premeditated letters. These reveal that the story is being shifted in favor of secular powers: government and Caesar. The most distinct shift appears in the Letter of Paul to the Romans (Romans 13 ). Another shift occurs in the parable that emphasizes the importance of “money” or “coin”, re: “the parable about bags of gold (Matthew 25:14-30)”.
Thus, it came about that the life of humankind in wood and field, where it practiced subsistence economies, its life became a race in the hamster  cage , and an example of futile resistance against obviously evil men, who even manage the describe the resistance as “evil” and intimate that a bite or two on their skin by a brutalized hamster is akin to a “terrorist attack” .
The murder of Basil, a force majeure event, was followed by many centuries of official attempts to erase the story. The erasure of the teachings of Basil The Bogomil and the replacement of the same with the teachings of Jesus Christ is what turns the story into a False Flag hid behind the name of a “Passion Story”.
In the West, the Passion Story is described as a story of The Savior or The Shepherd saving a herd of sheep lost in a wood filled with snakes tempting to lead aimlessly Wandering Pilgrims to honeypots of “lust”.  John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” (1678)'s_Progress  is a marvelous depiction of what 560 years Christians who had forgot or hid the force majeure moment believed the story to be.

The censure of “lust” continues to our day, because lust is ubiquitous to all men and women, and by censuring and condemning it, one may pretend to be morally righteous (denial of sexual lust results in sexual possessiveness), while being financially greedy and exploitative of others is something that is swept under the rug. The censure against lust is well illustrated by the fact that one will be hard put to discover on Google the story (perhaps apocryphal) of Mary Nightingale (or was it Mary Seacole), who offered their breasts to one or more wounded soldier at the hospitals they served as nurses. Surely one will never discover the hush-hush story of a Nursing Home Aide fondling genitals of Seniors in order to bring home a better wage.

It was through a force majeure 560 years before Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” that the early leaders of proto-urban communities the world over,  lost control to individuals who presumed that gathering in communities was as natural to humankind as it was for bees and ants to spontaneously hive into new communities.

The liberal and unhesitating application of violence forced a community to abandon an ancient belief that a community may happen and survive only through an act of self-sacrifice. The belief was abandoned and condemned as a theory of community formation by murder. The new theory that was forced upon the community and its “old leaders” by the “new leaders” killed the old self-sacrificial kings, and replaced them with a leadership of princes and boyars presumed to have been born of a natural community (which, nevertheless, continued to hold to the theory that leadership became one as a hereditary inheritance). Some stated the new belief in terms of natural selection and “Survival of the fittest”, and blamed scientist Charles Darwin if questioned about the simple mindedness of the theory.

The “good news” (you may now make money as a human right!) communities—no longer subjected to the charisma of bonding by self-sacrificial death—no longer felt any restraints when it came to accumulating commodities. It unleashed what we know today as ‘liberal capitalism’ and a political system described as ‘democracy’ born of an inherent (God given) Promise (as Bunyan’s Pilgrim called it) of Utopia . Today, 895 years after the death of Basil The Bogomil, with the consequences of the evolution of ‘liberal capitalism’ clear, we see communities the world over breaking down.
The Utopian ‘new leaders’, who refuse to self-sacrifice themselves, gather their various tribes into gangs of warriors against humankind at large, and prepare the ground for a caste system similar to the one that  prevailed in ‘old’ India. In spite of the obviousness of social break-down, the leading intellectuals continue to propound communities as a ‘natural’ outcome of being born human. Thus, Stonehenge, the ancient temple in Britain is proposed even today (2013-3-09) to have started as a conventional burial ground, albeit for elites, in ancient times . Behold the community as a gathering of the dead.
One objection raised to my interpretation of Western or Catholic Christianity as a False Flag operation initiated by Western Princes is that the False Flag has taken nearly a thousand years to capture the world. As I mentioned in the previous blog (143), the fall of the sacred king was not immediate, and even today there are many nations where the office of ‘king’ and ‘queen’ remain in a ceremonial sense.
The last mention of the king as a sacred king in the West is from Roman times, where the last emperor considered to be a God was Romulus Augustus, who was deposed in +476 by a German king Odoacer . However, I follow Anatoly Fomenko and am in agreement with him that the Roman Empire never existed, but was stolen from the Byzantines (along with Christianity), and was set up as a fictional False Flag history. This causes me to reflect on any objections to such an interpretation as a denial that a reconsideration of chronology as told in the West must be one of the major intellectual projects of the future.

The contesting of wills with the Western windmills fanning up a dust storm of lies is, no doubt, a quixotic endeavor. I find it interesting, however, and engaging. The lies of the academic blowhards, too, are entertaining—if only because history always comes with unexpected political twists and turns and causes us to think of the twists and turns in our own lives. My personal interest in breaking a spear or propeller or two is that I like to think of ‘life’ making at least ‘some sense’.

Having been forced to accept the coup d’état against the rule of Basil The Bogomil (or Physician) by Western secular and spiritual princes as their founding platform, and having spun there from an incredible and ever evolving canvas of stories, which present history as one continuous catastrophe, the Dead End is all too obvious in the wish that the smoke blowing out of the chimney at the Sistine Chapel in Rome be always black. Whether the ‘new’ Pope comes from Argentina or is a local clown from Italy, or an Italian Berlusconi with its crankshaft being oiled by a young prostitute, the coup d’état is ending with in a spectacle that entertains with death upon death the world over, and the ‘new’ Pope presenting God as a never ending Word, but never daring to Act as Basil did.

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