Thursday, February 4, 2016

EC 514
Upon Whom the Ends

of the Ages Have Come…
A fantasy for an Apocalypse
© Ludis Cuckold (2015)
23 Buying into Money

By the middle of the 1890s, my paternal grandfather (b. 1860) had exhausted his energies as father of five children, live-in principal of a local school, director of choirs in one of proto-Latvija’s four regions, and fourth generation descendant of the Herrnhuters*. He had also managed to bankrupt himself as proprietor of two countryside hardware stores. The bankruptcy laws and the creditors of the day virtually ended all chances for him start another business.

*Circumstantial evidence leads me to conclude that grandfather belonged to the Herrnhuters who were willing to compromise with the powers that be. This led to a marital catastrophe. Grandmother, who was a woman of character*, never made peace with her husband after the bankruptcies followed up by a new romance. After leaving his wife of five children, grandfather, led by the his own and the ambitions of his second wife, who as a result of an attempted gesture of compromise between the two families was to become my godmother, got caught up in a whirlwind of wealth making in a universe where money and property is king. The apocalyptic resolution envisaged by his forebears as necessary to resolve unjust social conditions, bypassed him, and—as some might say—led him straight to hell.

*Grandmother’s maiden name was Jurjahn (Yuryahn), which name, I discovered, rhymes with Gorgān, a not all that uncommon last name among the people in the Middle East, and a city in Iran, at the southern tip of the Caspian Sea. While there is no proof of it other than pareidolic, I give credance to the idea that that is whence one of the branches of my forebears. This enables me to think that some of my forebears after moving from Khazaria to Persia may have retraced their steps and gone up the Volga and come to Livonia.

The bankruptcy of the hardware stores shook the family to its foundations. A schoolteacher’s income came nowhere near to being able the repay the creditors, and grandfather left home and went (1904) to Riga, where he worked as an editor for several Latvian newspapers.

A contributing factor to the move to Riga, and why grandfather abandoned his teaching career, came with the continuing interference of the Lutheran church in the Herrnhuter movement. The best I can make of it, the interference was due to the Herrnhuter eschatological bent. It gave the movement its restlessness, which in turn sabotaged the Capitalist effort to turn planet Earth into private property owned by homo sapiens. As the instigators of choir singing* among proto-Latvijans and first organizers (beginning in the 1870s) of “All Latvijan Choir Festivals”, it must have seemed an insult to  grandfather to be denied access to the conductor’s podium during the 3rd such festival in 1895.

*Before the arrival of the Herrnhuters, the German preachers claimed that their Latvian peasant congregations could not hold a melody, but howled instead of singing. The Herrnhuters introduced the violin, which replaced the bagpipe (duhda), and taught the peasants note reading. From such efforts, arose the tradition of peasant choirs in Latvija.

The first Choir Festival (1870 in Dikļi) made a gesture of obeisance to the post-Westphalian world order by making the first song at the festival a well-known Lutheran hymn. While the Herrnhuters did not dispute the notion that “Gott ist Meine feste Burg…” (God is my armed fort...), the hymn proves direct interference in the movement’s affairs by the Lutheran clergy. The admission of the song as the lead song of the festival, shows a desperate attempt by the Herrnhuters to avoid open conflict among alleged Christians. If the Mad Hatters (?) had known that their movement preceded Catholicism and derived from the Bogomils and Cathars, and had the past not been ridiculed and erased to the extent it had been, perhaps their demise would have been delayed.

By the 1890s the Latvijan intelligentsia, under pressure from Lutheran clergy, had repositioned Latvijans of the wood as a ‘pagan’* community. To prove the pagan thesis, the songs sung at the festival put great emphasis on folk themes. Paradoxically, this (a lie that Latvijans are descendants of peasants) helped secure the hold of the Lutheran Church on emerging Latvijan society, which it claimed to be of peasant origin. The inability to counter the assertion, made the Lutheran Church appear a great supporter of Latvijan culture. Since the Latvian Commons did not much exceed two milion people, the festival was perceived, more or less, as an autocephalic event originating out of a mystical and eternal Latvijan community.

*The word ‘pagan’ appears to have a slavic-baltic origin. Just as the Russian word ‘pazhalasta’ means ‘please’ and consists of two parts, re: pa + zhalasta; or (literally) ‘have some mercy on me’, the word ‘pagan’, too, consists of two parts, re: pa + gan. In the latter instance, ‘pa’ reduces the herder to a lesser herder and person, a sort of half-herder or lesser Yan; Gan=herder, also called Yan or John.

To compensate grandfather for the insult, he was given the Third Prize for a Herrnhuter style do-it-yourself play advising abstension from  alcohol. The play was called “In a Fog” (Miglā), and told how one farmer became well to do due to abstaining from alcohol, while another drank himself and his family into poverty and oblivion.

In Rīga, grandfather met Emiliya. Emiliya was twenty years younger than he, and worked as a solicitor of ads for a Rīga German language newspaper. She was a sister of sisters three, all of who were eager to find recognition by exploiting institutions where sleight of hand was acceptable and common practice. These institutions where of the performance arts (theatre, music) and marriage added for good measure).

Grandfatjer and Emiliya became lovers. Grandmother would not, however, give grandfather a divorce so the two could get married. In those days a divorce was not easy to get. For this reason the marriage (second for both) was delayed for nearly twenty years.

The paramours soon started their own newspaper. Because of the bankruptcy laws, Emiliya signed on as the publisher, and thereby secured for herself the right of being wealth distributor to all heirs. This was one more reason for grandmother to resist giving grandfather a divorce. She granted it only when she was sure that her heirs would not be short changed their share. As it turned out, they almost were, and nearly a half a century later, it took the Canadian Supreme Court to right the matter. No kudos to grandfather for that mess.

In the 19th century, no one imagined that by associating the past of proto-Latvijans with ‘paganism’, the Lutheran Church was pursuing the Roman Catholic instituted globalization of the Latvijan Commons through

# the continued elimination—on behalf of Prince and Bishop Albert (the so-called founder of Liga-Rīga in 1201) of the Cathar—the Lutherans called them Russian Orthodox—and proto-Latvijan kingdom of Jersika, which was the true forerunner of Latvija;

# by making sure there does not exist organized resistance from the post-colonialist Commons (heavily infiltrated by post-Latvians who are descendants of Latvijans, but have no direct experience of Latvija, know nothing of and have no interest in its history), and are, thus, mere bastards of a nation ‘fucked-up’ into existence by Western intelligence services;

# by allowing control of the Latvijan internet by shills, who like chickens suffering from diarrhea, leave the readers fantasize themselves as a nation when in fact they are living off the guano of fantasy induced bullshit.

Because the theology of the Protestant church does not differ from that of the Catholic Church (protesting indulgences does not change theology), which supports taxation and the support of a secular government therewith, the Latvijan government of the past twenty-five years has pretended in the face of the people of Latvia that it and its bureaucracy is the ‘true’ (alas! Fascist socialist) nation’.

Meanwhile, the true nation, having been forbidden belief in God by the atheism of Enlightenment, has come to believe that Christianity is the ‘sweetness and light’ of politically correct thought bought by the money of the military industrial corporations, aka establishment, aka government.

While the authoritarianism of the keepers of the Westphalian Peace was not immediately perceived, the Herrnhuters (and other auto-cephalous Christian sects) became anathema to the post-Westphalian world order (1648 and flwng.). Needless to say, that order understood itself to be a secular order.

The Wesphalian Peace opened doors to an illness known as psychogenic  polymyositis (paralization of mind- rather than muscle), which has since paralized civil societies the world over.

I submit that such psychogenic polymyositis (a separation of mindfulness from mere brain activity) affected and continues to affect the criminal mindset of Western human kind. It also destroyed grandfather* and many another.

*When grandfather became 75 yrs old, Emiliya commissioned for him a biography. The book highlights his successes, it also contains two interesting but misleading anecdotes.

One tells that after paternal greatgrandfather died, the peasants used to condescend to the poverty of the family by saying: “Look, there is starast’s (the overseer’s) wife riding the manure wagon and dishing manure!” In fact, Abinya (a nickname given Anna by her children; perhaps the name stands for ‘doing two things at once’, as ‘abi’ in Latvijan means ‘both’, or perhaps she was ambidextrous) was doing what the Herrnhuters always did—put their beliefs into practice.

The second anecdote tells that when he was young, grandfather was heard bragging among his drinking friends that the day would come when he would become a millionaire. Of course, alcohol and such bragging was against Herrnhuter theology, which prayed for the coming of the eschaton and bring an end to irresponsible behavior and  millionaires.

That said, there remain at least two mysteries, one being the fate of grandfather’s sister, who could have given important information about the early days of the family (rumor has it that she married an Australian, but otherwise she dropped out of sight completely); the other is the death of grandmother, grandfather's first wife, which death is said to have followed a few months following his own. Grandmother could have provided much information about the early days of the family, but did not or was prevented from doing. No questions were ever raised, because soon thereafter the country was thrown into turmoil by the arrival and occupation of Latvija by the Soviet Union and destruction by deportation of the country’s intelligentsia. A court case, planned by granfather's two sisters, in which evidence given by grandmother could have played a crucial role, had to be cancelled.

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