Tuesday, February 23, 2016

EC 520
Upon Whom the Ends
of the Ages Have Come…
A fantasy for an Apocalypse;
© Ludis Cuckold (2015)
29 Addendum 1
About Christian Theologies

Christian Theology has right and left turns, both. The turns often overlap.

The left turn, represented in these blogs by Eastern Christianity originates in the age old notion that God created the world by sacrificing him- or herself. In its mythical versions, God’s hair becomes the wood and grass, God’s breasts and/or buttocks become mountains, the Goddess’ urine becomes ocean, and God’s penis becomes an invisible (like water in water) fish or serpent.

The myth of God or Goddess sacrificing Him- or Herself is reflected in the myth and drama of the Incas, where the King is supposed to sacrifice himself in order to cause the Sun to rise in the morning. Unfortunately, self-sacrifice is a difficult thing for humans to do.

The difficulty is reflected in the story of God Nanauatzin, who of all the Inca Gods, though one of the lowliest, is the only one who had the courage to jump in the sacrificial pit of fire, so the Sun could rise.

The alternative to Nanauatzin’s courageous act was for the Inca kings to build high terraced pyramids at the top of which each year the kings brought prisoners captured in their fascist wars and had their hearts—sometimes by the hundreds—torn from their chests and presented to the Sun.

The failure of the Inca kings to self-sacrifice  does not mean that the failure is in the theology of the Inca priests. Rather, the failure occurs in the inability of the conscious mind of humans to bind with emotional persuasion.

When the God Quetzalcoatl returned to Mexico in the guise of Spanish conquistadores and Catholic Christian priests, the drama of that event most likely resembled what at an earlier time had occurred in ancient Byzantium, where both Eastern and Western Christianity came about, because certain Eastern elites (possibly Vikings fleeing south from severe northern climes) believed that the solution to the failure of Eastern Christian consciousness was because Eastern Christianity failed to give human consciousness Godlike powers.

This East to West shift in Christian theology surely occured, if we note that the Western elites replaced the Eastern sacrificial God, one John Basil of the wood, with a superconscious and melodramatic Jesus Christ of the city.

Contrary to John Basil, who taught the people of the wood how to govern themselves by assuring them of the existence of God, and that God wished them to live self-sacrificial lives, Jesus Christ taught support for tax collectors installed by the elites.

Taxes collected by the elites, supported the elites in a life-style unknown to the people of the wood. To justify taxes to the people of the Commons (because the elites could not sustain themselves without them), Jesus Christ taught through ‘holy script’ written by the priests in the employ of the elites, that “Though shall pay taxes”. The tool of the elites was the "Law", the 11th Commandment God had told Moses about, but which Moses had failed to reconstitute from the shards of the shattered clay tablets. Indeed, collecting taxes became a ‘law’ enforced by coercion and when that did not work by overt violence.

Thus, modern government was born. It grew from the size of a Prince’s Castle to the size of courts in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, London, Brussels, and elsewhere.

For all the pretension, a failure similar to the one that visited the Inca kings appeared in the Western version of Christianity: human intelligence was not able to overcome its fear of death, and, therefore self-sacrifice failed to become common practice. This failure enabled the elites to become convinced liars and thieves. One of the main theological lies of Western Christianity is that “Jesus Saves”. The argument goes that because He had the courage to climb the cross, we are saved from having to do the same.

Doubly unfortunate is the fact that rhetorical assurance notwithstanding, Jesus saves no one. Western government elites therefore have come to do pretty much the same thing the Inca kings did: they sacrifice to some unknown 'God' people not by forcing them to climb the steps of a temple, but by sending them to be killed in endless wars.

This difficulty, faced by un unsolved by Eastern and Western Christianities, leaves the belief in the existence of God pretty much in every conscious individual’s own head.

For this reason, the only difference between Eastern and Western theology is that every one of the Commons who is able to sacrifice him- and herself for the common good, becomes enveloped in an aura of charisma that encourages all witnesses to follow in their footsteps and keeps the Commons mindful of its health. Thus, he story of history becomes theology reformed.

Be that as it may, it may yet take a tragedy on the institutional stage to remind the mind dwelling within of the courage it is capable of: living without an overtly imposed government.

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