Saturday, March 30, 2019

King Cain
The Story Of Pre-Calendar Christianity
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


Why is the ancestry of King Cadmus important for the story of Oedipus and his family?

The story of King Cadmus, when explored through all its pathways, reveals the real cause for the psychogenetic conflict between the twins. Unfortunately, a uroborotic orientation among academic experts in our time, leaves the pathways of the story unexplored.

The cause of the conflict between the twin brothers harks back to the slaying of the Dragon or Serpent Who is the guardian of the Well of Life, which belongs to Artemis, the Mother of Nature. The well was to be the source of water for the City of Tehves (Fathers-Thebes), which Cadmus is in the process of founding.

The slaying of the Guardian of the Well is another version of the Sumerian story of how Gilgamesh (the secular human) slays Humbaba-Humwawa*, the Guardian of the holy cedars of Lebanon. In retaliation for the death of Humwawa, the Sumerian God Enlil slays Gilgamesh’s companion Enkidu.

*Humbaba-Humwawa is a  version of the story the English know under the legend of the ‘Green Man’. The Green Man was slain by the Catholic Church, which remade him into a decoration for the columns that support the rooves of its medieval churches. A hundred years ago, the Green Man became reanimate again at the Midsummer Festivals of the newly founded (1918) state of Latvia, where he was known by the name of Yahnis- the herder. Following World War Two, Latvian communal bonds had become so shreded by the butchering city princes of Europe as to again disappear from sight. Significantly, he was replaced by a newly created figure of a violent national hero known by the name of Bear-Jawbreaker, a minor figure borrowed from a minor fairy-tale. To accommodate secularist forces Latvia’s major literary figure Rainis seconded the choice,and instead of Yahnis, a traditional hero since ages ago, the nation came to be represented by a puppet.

As the myth about Cadmus and Tehves grows more sophisticated, it nevertheless respects the myth’s original intent snd leaves the twins to kill each other as the original intends it to ptrdict.

In Sophocle’s version of the story, as told in the play “Oedipus at Colonnus”, Oedipus comes to the Holy Grove of Colonnus for no other reason than to die. At the grove, where he is met by his daughter Ismene, Oedipus learns that his twin sons are engaged in a deadly duel with each other. Though the play does not tell that Oedipus dies to prevent his sons from killing each other, if we interpret the play from a pareidolic rather than linear thought perspective (Oedipus is, after all, born of the womb of queens Iocaste and Merope), such a purpose for his visit to the grove is an  inevitable conclusioun.

To understand the meaning of the Oedipus cycle of plays by Sophocles, one must have an understanding of their origin in the myth-sacrament about the government of the the self-sacrificial Sacred King. Unfortunately the Aristotelian fairytale and myth of city led Democracy contradicts leadership by example and sacrifice.

The horror of the murder of Abel, the guardian of the wild Paradise, does not occur to Cain* until God marks him  with a sign that says: If you do not wish MotherNature to kill you, do not kill the killer because he, too, is her son.

*Cain of course ia but a name behind which stands no prtson or individual, but a school of thought that favors the replacement of Paradise with a City. The 20th century is a monument to  its ‘fathered’ cities, while the 21st is its ‘mothering’ consequence.

A city-bred mind cannot imagine a death defying man of the wood other than a dead God propped up as a dictatorial bureaucracy. Instead of a God-King sacrificing Himself on behalf of a community to prevent it from dying into its dead self, the city turns into a citadel of porn and has children twisting their pelvises dancing bebop.


The invention of print arrived with the transformation of a village by the riverside into a polis* or city. Because the city is an artifice that serves a powerful and wealthy few, the princes of the city were in need to destroy the persuasions of the many who were forced to come to the city from the wood. The many were informed as to the meaning of life by stories the truth which was self-evident anf had segued into from Nature about them.

*Because according to Grimm’s Law the consonant P converts to F, it is likely that the word ‘polis’ was originally pronounced as ‘folis’ or ‘filis’ in an attempt to make the people of the wood believes the city to be more friendly to the wood than its violence proved.

There is no better way of destroying thought as a reflection of reality than create stories that encourage and project uncontrolled fantasy, then declare the fantasies (by way of setting them in print) to be of ‘ancient origin’. The lies about ancient origins were even more powered up by declaring them ‘holy’, storing them at the Vatican library, burning down the ‘old’ library in Alexandria, and blaming it on Muslims.

What the Bible in the Vatican library does not tell us is that King Cain’s father Adam was born of Eve, and that after Eve bore Adam, she married and copulated with him, then bore them Cain and Abel.

Instead the Bible tells us that Eve was created of Adam’s rib, a surreal visualization that outdoes even Salvator Dali. Because there is no story book called ‘Vivre’ (another way of spelling ‘Bible’), millions of people have come to think that the biblical version is the only story about Adam and Eve that ever was. Luckily, the Vivre version was preserved by the Greek playwright Sophocles.

The Greek version would still prevail today if the Jews, neo Christians, and Muslims had not replaced parthenogenesis with agrogenesis. Agrogenesis is a word that exists because  it was not in the interest of the ‘Abrahamic religions’ (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) to admit that Eve came into the world before Adam. Indeed, neither parthenogenesis nor agrogenesis is mentioned by the ‘frozen’ books of any of the three religions, because all replaced Eve with the Egyptian God Atum (Adam), who created the world of his seed while Eve (Ise-Isis) was nowhere about. The omission and dismissal of Eve accelerated the arrival of a world dominated by solely a male priesthood, which by printing and burning books, avoided the notion that it could ever be challenged.

The reason why parthenogenesis is superior to agrogenesis is because it creates beings grounded in the womb of nature, and Nature gives the ova a womb for incubation. The reason why agrogenesis is inferior to parthogenesis is because it is limited to mental creativity removed from Nature, and the brain has presumed to replace the womb.

The reason why parthenogenesis interrupts itself after only one generation is that it is a process initiated by an invisible being and Eve is its halfway house. The halfway house interrupts itself once the female ‘sees’ that she has given birth to beings other than herself. The ‘seeing’ transforms itself into a ‘feeling’. For the female, her children always remain her children; the father of the children plays a secondary role even if in human society the secondary role is no less important than the first.

The problem with the Biblical version of the story of Cain is that it presumes and assigns to Nowhere (a land without Being and consciousness) the function of God. The Bible fails to understand (as more ancient myths did) that God has to be created through sacrifice by Being of him or herself; and that Self-sacrifice is the ultimate deed of Being. The Big Bang (the coming into being of the Material Universe) continues after it cools through the creation of Consciousness in an expansion that began some 12 billion light years ago.

Just as women born of a religion dominated by God fail to understand that that their forebears thought of themselves as being born of Materia, so an age that denies myth fails to understand that King Cain—like King Cadmus—had sons who were born twins. The failure to understand is due to ‘artificial intelligence’, which is fostered by a city environment divorced from Nature. Which is to say, to survive in the city without making war on Nature is impossible.

Identical twins of the same sex symbolize unrealized genderconsciousness, hence the likelihood of such twins killing each other in order to eliminate competition and, be thatasit may, rescue Nature. When a farmer kills his herder brother, as Cain does, he unwittingly sets his misdeed aright by fostering a cause for the birth of another set of twins (in body or mind). Both will be born with the face of the same euroborotic monster—that of Kirtimukha* or Nature that has notyet lost its Godhead.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

King Cain
The Story Of Pre-Calendar Christianity
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


While at the writing of the New Testeament the story of Basil the Bogomil was close to hand, secular theologians had their reasons to distance and exchange the name Deus with Jesus, and effectively confuse the pronunciation of D with J—which is how the Jermans became the Jeux (clowns) hence the Deux (dunces), Dutch and Deutch.

When time came to write the story of the New Testament, instead of telling the gruesome story of what happened at the hippodrome in Constantinople, the Deux among the conquistadores borrowed the story of Coatlicue, “the Mother of the Gods of the Toltecs who was touched by a fluff of fine feathers” as she swept the floor of her temple on Serpent Mountain. The story was just then (16th century) brought back from newly discovered Mexico by Basque Jesuit conquistadores.

To make their version of the story more acceptable to their audience, the Catholic story tellers made some changes to it.

For example, when Coatlicue’s daughter, Coyolxouhqli, and her other children hear they are about to be superseded by Huitzilopochtli (Jesus), they prepare to abort him. Globalist theologians replace this part of the story with the story about a census and slaughter of the innocents. Joseph, the husband of Mary, is replaced by Huitzilopochtli’s uncle Cuahuitlicac, who is one of Coatlicue’s children. Cuahuitlicac acts as his mother’s spy. In the Aztec version of the story, Jesus is born the very moment his enemies are about to slay his mother and abort him. He is born with a sword in hand. His birth surprises his sister Coyolxouhqli, who literally loses her head, which is to say that the episode refers to the birth of Jesus; that is, his birth causes John the Baptist, son of Mary’s (Coatlicue) sister to lose his head.

The violent birth of Huitzilopochtli is in close parallel to the violent birth of Christianity, whose high priests throw all who oppose them to the lions or into a pit of fire. To this day we are not told that the victims of Roman emperors were Christians of the wood, Cathar craftsmen and women (carpenters, weavers, knitters, dyers, potters, honey gatherers, skinners, etc.) who remained loyal to Basil, the God of self-sacrifice*. The fate of the Cathars is evidence as to the bloodthirstiness of the Popes and Jesuits who cut off the ears of who would not listen to them and cut out the tongues who would not speak theit Newspeak.

*To this day those who would guide the development of humankind remains divided between two factions  1) those who would be its sevants and  lead by eample; and 2) those who would dictate their will.

A close look at the behavior of leaders of humankind shows that in recent times there have not come from among them any who would self-sacrifice themselves on behalf of their community or lead by example.

The last notable* self-sacrifice was Asano Naganori and his 47 companions, who, led by Ōishi Yoshio (大石 良雄--?Yeshua)) joined (in 1703) their Lord in the Afterworld and thereby proved to Japanese luddies ( ) that they were their worthy leaders. The kabuki play known as “Chushingura” to this day remains as worthy of being a passion play as the one performed in Oberammergau, Bavaria.

*My apologies to Mahatna Gandhi.

Though self-sacrifice among the Ludds on behalf of others, has also become rare due to an increase of the living dead in modern societies, the increase is due to pseudo-psychogenetic* imbedding that has not yet been overcome.

*pseudo-sychogenetic—is here used to denote a deeply embedded fear by a power elite beginning about a millenia ago. Slavery, which began with castration of wild animals (the wild bull of Mithra specifically), was transposed to human males. Another ‘in your face’ example is the thousand year conflict between the wild Sun dawn in the East and the artsy fartsy Sun set of the West that began with the removal of Christianity from the wood and the transplantation of its authority to  wild-life hunting and slaughtering princes and merchants of the city.

Even so, when the lives of children are danger, there yet occasions when mothers and fathers who offer their lives to save them. In such spontaneousways. for these Ludds and their children, Bog still lives.


Because King Cain* was old and could expect death at any time, his twin sons got into a fight over who would inherit the kingdom of Thebes.

*King Cain is here treated as a substitute name for any Sacred king, re kings cadmus, Laius, Oedipus, Jesus et al. While Cain killed his brother Abel, Oedipus killed his father Laius, which event is here treated as  a parallel event.s

There are many stories and myths about twins who argue among themselves. Among the oldest such stories is one from India about the bird Panchatantra, a creature with one stomach, but two heads. Panchatantra finds a fruit covered with a skin of gold. The heads of the bird fight over who will be the first to seize it. During the fight, the necks of the bird twist around each other so tightly that the bird chokes to death.

Another story is about two btothers, the giants, Otus and Ephialtes.  One morning the btothers meet Artemis, Who is the Creatrix/creator of Nature.

As Goddess of Nature, Artemis, is also an impersonation of the Sun and an inviolable virgin. One may think of her as an eternally parthenogenetic Being.

The two giants plan to seize Artemis and exercise on her their penisses in a reaming the Goddess will never  forget.

When Artemis sees the giants coming, she turns into a deer and runs for a clearing at the center of the wood. Otus and Ephialtes come for her with spears at the ready from both sides of the clearing. When the deer comes into their view, both brothers throw (ejaculate) their spears at the same moment. Seeing herself in mortal danger, the deer vanishes, and the spears continue their way to the other side of the clearing, where they find their target not in a deer, but in each other. The ejaculate of the giants kills both of them on the spot.

The people of Ghana in Africa also have a story about two crocodiles with one stomach. A museum in London pictures the crocodiles on weights that were once used to weigh gold. The image stands as symbol for greed.

A story that is even more interesting is that of Eteokles and Polynices, the twin sons of the King Oedipus. In our times, Oedipus became famous, when the psychologist Freud made the king a symbol of repressed sexuality that seeks to escape its prison by dreaming of sleeping with his or her mother or father. In the myth, on which is based Sophocles play “Oedipus Rex”, Oedipus marries his mother Iocaste.

No psychologist of our time has noted, that Queen Iocaste may be seens as the twin sister of Queen of Merope of Corinth. While the queens do not share one stomach, they do share one womb (mythologically speaking). The issue of that one womb is Oedipus. Both queens or heads of the queens claim Oedipus for their son. However, as in the case of the two women who come before King Solomon, neither of the women have indisputable proof that proves  their claim.

According the Greek playwright Sophocles, Queen Iocaste of Thebes is the one to prove her claim. This she does by tricking Oedipus into killing King Laius, Oedipus’s alleged father. By then marrying Oedipus, she enables him to become the King of Thebes. No doubt, Queen Merope of Corinth could have done the same, but does not.

Needless to say, this this ivterpretation of the nyth complicates the situation between the twin sisters.

After marrying her son, Queen Iocaste gives birth to twin sons, one of whom—Polynices—she entrusts to her sister Merope in order to appease her feelings for not getting to marry Oedipus.

After the royal brothers have reached adult hood and have inherited the thrones of their respective kingdoms, they begin an argument over who is the more worthy heir of King Cadmus, the founder of Thebes.

Only one of the brothers—Eteokles—is king of Thebes. This is why the argument, when it becomes heated, grows into a conflict involving a duel among the contestants. The duel is to take place under the arches of the Seventh Gate of Thebes.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

King Cain
The Story Of Pre-Calendar Christianity
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


Why is it that God is said to have favored the sacrifice of Abel over that of Cain?

Is it because God preferred that man and woman be of the wood as Abel was, or is it because Cain was a farmer (Genesis 4:1–16) and, thus, necessarily a slave who—on orders of the landlord—had deforested the land to raise fruit and grain for the people who the landlord maintained in the city?

Did God know that if left to his own devices, Cain will be the one who in the near future will imagine himself going to the Moon, while Abel will remain happily in the forest listen to the birds, keep a garden with a wild apple tree, plant a perennial rhubarb plant, and climb for honey with the bears?

According to the story in the Bible, God did not create Adam and Eve so they would become farmers and become enslaved to the city and the artificial intelligence of its coo-coo clocks.

There is no evidence that human beings were to replace the unwritten democratic laws of the wood with democratic laws concocted by minds gone haywire from living in the city.

Why and how did the first king come into being? What was the need that created him?

Was the king in answer to the deed of Cain that caused him to slay Abel, yet immediately regret what had happened? Is a king the result of an act of regret and contrition, because he would cause others to desist from similar outbursts of violence?

Indeed there was and is such an act: God must die.

Because there is no God Who man has ever seen, man must take the place of God, and make God come alive through a death that causes awe among those who benefited by the death o God that yet brought Him alive.

In our time, we are witnesses to cynicism of which most of us are partakers. As indicated in Ch11, city born youths, who live in an environment disconnected from Nature and untampered with history, grow increasingly hysterical and violent as the city becomes dominant over Nature. Fake idealism drives ‘democratic’ governments to hysterical verbal ejaculations (re: ‘the deplorables’) among who elected them. People forget they live among unsustainable presumtions.

Similar hysterics occurred when humankind was first driven from the wood. Instead of seeing behind a curtain of trees and leaves the sky as one was accustomed to do, one had to watch a black desert in which the stars are seen not as apples in grass, but as lifeless sea shells.

Early humans found ways to enliven the night in the sky. This is why the zodiac has so many Gods and Goddesses, why astrologers continue to see a ‘fortune’ the sky, and why astronomy resmains a tale about an etherized frog.

Today’s human beings—having been delivered of the simplicity amd naiveté that was a blessing of the wood—are not satisfied with the answers provided by the Gods of the re-animists. Today’s human crave a God, Who will prove to them that He-She really exists to the naked eye, else Death is everywhere and God carries a rainbow colored flag at the next tranny parade. How is a once-upon-a-time God reattached to a dying animal to reinvent and prove Himself? The minds of shamans everywhere are stressed to find the answer.

Indeed that is why Eve brought Adam into being, and how then God created Himself by dying into Himself.


There are several unspoken prejudices that are entertained by Globalist Theology.

One such prejudice is that God does not need to prove to humankind His existence, because He has been replaced by the Globalist State and its talking heads.

The nature of the State was accurately pictured at the beginning of the 19th century by the Spanish painter Goya in a painting called “Saturn Devouring His Son”, 1819-1823. Goya, 73 years old when he did the painting, painted Saturn directly onto a wall of his farm house. His message was that Man had replaced God with a Monster. This was sixty years before Nietzsche was to make his well-known “Gott ist tot” (God is dead) observation.

To this day, most critiques of Nietzsche try tell the student that Nietzsche was a nihilist, rather than a man sick to his soul of our civilization.

Another prejudice is that God is a supernatural Being and therefore cannot be known by humans unless He chooses to reveal himself at some unexpected moment. The prejudice is in line with Saturn revealing himself to his son only when the son’s head is already between his teeth. A young soldier, who joins the military in peace time, fits the bill when war comes ands he is sent to the front.

A third prejudice is of the Pope, a self-appointed ‘infallible’ intermediary between a God unaccountable for his deeds (creation) and humankind. It is widely known that up to recently the Vatican let its cardinals explain to choir boys that visions of Heaven are brought by orgasms in the vestry through the intermediacy of a priest.

The sexual nature of most prejudices associated with religion attests that so-called paganism was a religion based on the act of birth going back to the animal kingdom. For pagans, who were people of the wood, government, as we know government today, was not necessary. Religion had nothing to do with death or God. As pointed out in Ch 22 God was created by Man when the city was created and there arose a need for one who would sacrifice himself so others would live in peace.

There is only one catch to the religion that worships God: as soon as it fails to generate awe (by a man dying to become reborn as God), the priests of its institutions become preoccupied with sex. Unfortunately, sex in the city differs radically from sex in nature: it has little to do with birth, because it has become a masturbatory fantasy. Such a fantasy is being taught in the kindergartens.

A Victorian age for transsexuals is in the offing. Unlike the Victorian age of the 19th century and its ‘allegedly’ strict moral standards, this one will distinguish itself with an inversion and have school lockers large enough for get acquainted ‘fuck space’ for children.

Not everyone agrees that this will come to pass, because life on planet Earth remains heir to flesh. It follows, some argue, that Armageddon will be the result of a fatal flaw (absence of life) in the mechanisms constructed by Enlightened (Godless) men of Autonomous Artificial Intelligences that go “poof” in the night.

Armageddon has its source in the hysterics of pretentious Enlightenment come to unenlightenment and an inevitable catharsis of disappointment.

Like the story about the ‘mad’ philosopher Nietzsche, who is said to have witnessed the flogging of a mare in Turin (some say the story is not true, but was created by Dostoevsky for his novel Crime and Punishment), Death of God in the 21st century is no longer understood to be a supernatural or out of body phenomenon, but an out of mind event.

Unlike the Theology of Cain, which accepts guilt as inevitable and the existence of God as open to doubt as no less inevitable (both phenomenon are a byproduct of consciousness), Globalist theologians do not explain their behavior as God inspired, but leave their behavior be massive evidence of disconnection from reality?*

*The last truly Christian effort at creating a just world was that of the Moravians, aka the Moravian Church. The Moravians, descendants of the Jan Hus movement, were defeated by the neutered Christians, who inherited religion in the world that followed the Westphalian Peace treaty. The treaty not only ended the Religious Wars, but issued a death sentence against God snf humankind as known up to that time. Needless to say, the cause of the Religious Wars in our time is ridiculed, even though it resulted in the pseudo religious communist cum Bolshevik movement in Russia and Eastern Europe and is belatedly manifest in the ‘snow flake’ movement in America.

All who have studied the history of Christianity under the rule of the Catholic King Jesus, ought to know that the murder of John the Baptist on the shores of the Jordan River, is a murder committed by Jesus manipulated the Globalist puppeteers of words. The fact that the murder of John goes unacknowledged indicates that the murderer is not Jesus, but a theological doctrine that serves some ulterior motive. If the murderer had been Jesus, he would have confessed himself to be an identical twin of Cain. If hanging Himself to Himself* were but an act of atonement for his sins, Jesis would have been a spiritual cousin of the Norse God Odin. Those who learned of his death would have resolved to die in the manner similar to his way of death. Indeed, this is what the Religious Wars were about. Alas! Globalist theologians, preferring the Last Supper served up as a socialist smorgasbord make no mention of life on Earth under their umbrage as a tragedy.

*There is no evidence that Jesus could not have escaped—if he had wished to—by the Gethsemane garden route. Indeed, the Last Supper is evidence that Jesus was preparing himself to die, and went to Gethsemane to receive the kiss of Judas, not to pray. Judas is, of course, Jesus’s own inner self telling him: “What you are going to do, do it quickly.” Judas is Jesus’s Witness to Himself. When Peter draws his sword and cuts off the ear of Malchus, it is not in defense of Jesus, but to betray the true meaning of what Jesus, Odin, Cain were trying to accomplish through their self-sacrifice: Without God as Spirit humankind cannot survive.

All protestations and denials of violence by the clergy to the contrary, Globalist Theology remains a political doctrine on behalf of secular power and government.