Saturday, May 12, 2018

Children Must Not Know or Remember
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

Chapter 19/ In Summary

1.   There are major differences between human beings living in Nature (wood and countryside)
2.   People living in the city.

For one, those living in the wood called themselves ‘ludies’ (hence luddite rebellion, beginning late 18th century in England ) or rowdies, while those living in the city call themselves people (from the word polis/city). At the time of writing the American Constituion, the People had already come to dominated the ludies, which indicates a dramatic reorientation of social roles and predicts the nature of America’s future.

The ludies (Leute, ļaudis, (= narod/ nalud in Russian), who lived in the wood and countryside, bore a name now nearly forgotten in the English language. Already at the time of Robin Hood (~12th century), whose original name most probably was Robin Ludd, the name became subject to deliberate annihilation by the English upper classes, which are identified with the Sheriff of Nottingham. The anhilation of the ludies (and many other Leute) is accomplished by a deliberate imposition of consonant shifts*, which became that much easier with the arrival of the written word and the teaching of reading and writing to the illiterate.

*Consonant shifting—a device deliberately employed by ruling elites, who used the church ecclesia to perpetrate this social crime. Because the alterations were denied and repressed, over time this criminal activity was forgotten. After some centuries, it was noticed by a number of European grammarians, and described by the German grammarian Jacob Grimm in his book on German grammar. The consonant shift became known as Grimm’s Law. Still, Grimm and other grammarians failed to mention that the ‘law’ had its origins in deliberate falsification of names and history. Wherefore many falsifications of historical events remain hidden to this day, as it were, right in front of our eyes.

As the story of Robin Hood illustrates, the luddies are compelled by nature to preoccupy themselves with survival, which becomes more difficult after the imposition of taxes. In the early days of humankind survival depended entirely on foraging for edibles and finding shelter. Originally the edibles were various fruits, berries, nuts, grains, mushrooms and roots. Shelter was provided by caves or simple structures made of leaves and branches.

Humankind did not originate in the distemperate cold regions close to the poles, but in the regions about the equator, where it did not have to concern itself over how to keep the body warm. Human nakedness does not originate from clothes rubbing off our hair, but from living close to rivers and lakes, where the luddies (?aquatic ape) ate lotus and gathered shell fish.

Nature began to be oppressed by a hunter/warrior caste, which is formed by individuals who have succumbed to a form of mental illness, the luddies were renamed ‘lotus eaters’ and lotus was pronounced a poisonous plant. The reason for the intolerance of nature-bred humankind is that its habit of living in small groups and eating ‘poisonous’ fruits, which through lucid dreams gave it independence of mind and habit.

Among other edibles (humankind had to experiment with what was and was not edible) were items that sometimes caused stomach and head aches. A stomach ache was caused by the unconscious intelligence of the body, which intelligence it had gained over millions of years of evolution. The knowledge of what is or is not edible was retained not by anything resembling conscious memory, but by pain in the stomach. The items eaten that did not cause pain, but only dizziness or a headache were to result in the phenomenon of greater awareness and consciosness.

Consciousness, too, is a form of pain, but one that expresses itself through dreams and nightmares. A nightmare or dream is not a phenomenon experienced only by humans. Those of who have among their companions cats or dogs, know that our four legged friends dream, too. True, we do  not know what they dream, but when a sleeping dog moves his legs as if he is running, or twitches his nose as if he is sniffing at something, gives us a hint that maybe he is receiving a signal from his stomach that it may be time to awaken and go hunting.

Next to pain, the most memorable phenomenon is pleasure associated with procreation. An orgasm is Nature’s way of telling us about the value that our unconscious intelligence places in life. This tells us of the faith that our unconscious has in life. To what end? We do not know any more than we know whether there is a God. Nevertheless, there is no question that ‘faith’ persists and birth is its best evidence.

As pain triggers evacuation of the bowels or throwing up the contents of our stomachs, so nightmares and dreams are pictures that beg explanation, which trigger a desire to communicate the ‘picture’ of the dream to others, whence—more than likely—the development of language. Because the ‘picture’ of a dream is for everyone different, the first words we speak are of the things we all see as being the same: a tree, grass, or dada. This makes the dream dependent on the word that names an object exterior to ourselves, yet causes exterior reality to depend on interior promptings.

The latter is easily proven if one eats the ‘poisonous’ mushroom known as Fly Agaric or Amanita Muscaria, which poison expresses itself not as pain, but as a sensation of flight or disconnect from one’s usual attachment to the things about. The words ‘agaric’ and ‘amanita’ both stand for fungus or mushroom. ‘Fly’ and ‘Mus (or mush) both stand for the common fly, which is associated with the redcap mushroom because eating it results in dreams of flight and more. As for the ‘more’, it is likely that the mushroom is responsible for the invention of the wheel, which—when one thinks about it—is also an instrument that can be associated with flying. Ancient illustrations show the Goddess Sun in her wheeled chariot. A less developed vehicle of flight is the sleigh of Santa Claus, which is drawn by reindeer who love to find and eat the muscaria*. Incidentally, the wheel did not spring ready made into the mind of some long forgotten Einstein, but—if it did—it sprang to his mind directly off the sun dial, a device that was developing and built for thousands of years.

*mus(or mush)caria—is of two words, ‘mus’ and ‘caria’. ‘Caria’ is a word that means dear. Therefore, a mushroom dear to flies or those who like to fly. However, in the days when cities began to prevail over nature and the countryside and common knowledge was appropriated by a secretive ecclesia (aka academia), the name was altered in a way that suggested that it was poisonous. In my native Latvija, the name of this mushroom now reads “mushmire”, i.e., fly-death, when in fact an earlier meaning must have been ‘fly(t) lover’. While today the witch who rides a broom is portrayed wearing a black hat, originally she must have worn, like Little Red Riding Hood, a red hat. And, of course, Red Riding Hood was bringing her sick grandmother (why is no one telling that she was flat out of Fly Agaric, got sick, and fell of her broomstick?) nothing other than a basket of flight enabling amanitas muscarias.

Perhaps the ultimate phenomenon that defines the difference between countryside-Nature and the city-of virtual reality is SEX.

I may have outraged some readers by claiming in an earlier blog that in times of old, young women were meant for elderly men, while young men were to be educated in sexuality by elderly women (see EC 656). The assertion was not without basis, if only because the Bible, the Holy Writ of Western society, has many examples of such relationships. The examples begin with Abraham (see Genesis), the patriarch of three religions: Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

It is written in Acts 7:8 (NIV): “Then God gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision, and Abraham became the father [by Sarah] of Isaac and circumcised him on the eighth day. And Isaac became the father of Jacob, and Jacob of the twelve patriarchs.”

As for the ‘Great Mother’ or Sacred Queen, the Halo of the Sun* that shines about the head of Sacred Kings who succeed Her in later times, a remnant of Her authority is found by anthropologists among the Cuna and Kogi Indians of Central America.

Anthropologist Michael Taussig writes (The Nervous System, Routledge PB, 1992, p 178ff) and cites: “....we also learn (from Reichel-Dolmatoff’s ethnography) that the Kogi world is conceived of so many different manifestations of the womb—the men’s ceremonial house being one such manifestation—and that in a beguiling inflection of the Oedipal complex, boys are frequently seduced at puperty by their mothers, continuing to have sexual intercourse with their mothers even after they have achieved adulthood and are married. Indeed many Kogi men assured the ethnographer that only with one’s mother could a man have a satisfying copulation.... Therefore it becomes comprehensible that the mother becomes a central figure in a religion whose great promise is the return of the individual to the womb**.”

*In the Latvian language the word ‘Sun’ has remained, likely for thousands of years, in feminine gender.

**The proximity (northern Colombia) of the Cuna and Kogi Indians to Mexicos Aztecs, ought to caution us about the validity of the currently prevailing catholic interpretation of Aztec religious rites as either reliable or ‘bloody’.

If some readers still do not understand what the Kogi ‘religion’ tells us, it is that the womb of the Kogi woman is the Sacred City, Jerusalem, of the Kogi tribe.

When it comes to the secular city, social reality takes a 180 and surrenders to immaturity and fantasy of the inexperienced.

The best evidence is the so-called Tranny Movement which even the gays are trying to repress (without admitting it). I have already mentioned the serial killer Ted Bundy (see previous blog) and his observation that it is pornography that finds its culminative expression in an act of murder. What Bundy forgot to mention is that pornography, murder, and repression are the ‘natural’ by-products of the city. A timely reminder of this comes from an article in The New Yorker magazine, which has caused the Attorney General of the state of New York to resign after four women have accused him of beating them during sexual encounters. It is not only irony, but indicative of the level of absence of critical intelligence that the same attorney pretended to be a fighter for women’s rights and against sexual abuse.

And let us not forget that the banks and/or companies that are “too big to fail” are ultimately conjoined in a government located at the core of a secular city. In sacriligeous betrayal of the cause of the Sacred Queen and King, it is here that theatrical pretention  (of honoring dead heroes) rules supreme, even as Aztec women assisted sacrifices  are deemed murder. It is from the heart of the secular city that there is likely to emerge the attempt to assassinate President Trump. Whether successful or not, the event is likely to trigger events that begin our return to Nature.

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I herewith take a break to write a poem which may or may not put the story of Oedipus  in a different light. Some years ago, I began my blogs with an attempt to rewrite the story of Oedipus. Now, years later, I have been led to see the story in more personal as well as universal terms. If I have any success , I will return to this site at a later time or never..

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