Saturday, November 11, 2017

An Essay On The Origin Of Populist Kings
By © Anton Wendamenc, 2017

Urban Comeupance

A time of no government is returning. While the Thousand Year War between Reality and Virtuality is not yet finished, the end of virtual reality is discernible. As per Pierre Clastres, a Frech political anthropologist: “Primitive societies are societies without a State ...” Clastres goes on to say (1974) that his observation, “accurate in itself....”: “...throws doubt on... political anthropology as a strict science”. Today we can no longer be in doubt that political anthropology is a failed science. Any justification it had is limited to the time when the Earth was thought to be a politically flat plane.

While the geopolitical Empire does what it can to discredit the nation State, its legs too are crumbling. Indeed, the State (whether of the West or East) is nothing but dysfunctional fiction become deadly. The Chinese are no less mad than the Americans. China’s ghost cities are evidence of the emptiness that has siezed Beijing, Moscow, Brussels, Washington, and the rest. Civil engineers will be better employed if they are sent to level the ruins and plant trees.

As the Populist Kings (including Jesus) and a number of ‘revolutions’ have proved, to fight the Urban Aliens is futile. There is no ‘victory’ to be had fighting blood lust with blood lust. Indeed, Nature has reserved for itself the right to remove the citybred ‘third gender’ from future relevancy. We are now waiting for the culmination of Nature’s “economic dynamic” to  bring the fiction of history to an end.

The socialist impulse currently gripping Europe and America in a clutch of caprice and panic is the consequence of a Virtualist ‘Sturm un Drang’ to achieve Paradise on Earth by capitalist means. The majority of Virtualists are (paradoxically) surplus capitalists, ‘workers’ who have become Bolshevik worshippers of Virtualism in fascist guise. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in so-called ‘developed countries’. In America it is the Chicago School of Social Realism recently championed by former President Obama and exploited by the wife of former President Clinton. Of course, this does not mean these primitive ‘leaders’ lack for expert supporters. The eagerly forthcoming Swedish expert in the link puts the agenda of madness in clear relief.

The virtualist impulse to replace Nature with ‘creative progress’ has entered the stage of imminent ‘bankrupcy’ that no amount of gold, bitcoin, or socialist temper tantrums will help escape. Even the Swedish public must stand in disbelief at the events that have seized their public spaces: the migrant problem has been made in Stockholm by Swedish political elites, and not by Populist Swedes. The Clinton Foundation’s attempt to privatize the United States of America for the personal use of the Clintons proves that few government officials possess the analytic ability to understand that all States have been created by playwrights enamored by fake reality.

The For SALE offer by former American President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary (U.S. State secretary at the time) of 20% of America’s uranium to Russia, managed to persuade the Russians to BUY. The price was a ludicrously low sum of 150 million dollars. No doubt, other millions were disappeared by yet undiscovered means in yet other pockets. Confidential Source 1, as per link, was promptly silenced by threats from the FBI and Obama administration. The latter most likely involved itself to cover a huge debt owed by the Democratic party, a debt created by Presiden Obama. How much money in Hillary’s Presidential campaign, and how much was received by Hillary’s shill, the now fired FBI director Comey? How much money was pocketed by President Putin?*

*Putin’s spiritual mentor Tsar Peter I was perhaps justified in becoming a Romanov in order to enable the East to resist the effort of the Holy Roman Empire by using England as its door to seize ancient Tartary. It may be that it will fall on the shoulders of Putin to close the Western inspired rapine of Russia. Will Putin and the East have the courage to close the Romanov era?

It was in Moscow that the first cracks in the Civilization of Enlightenment appeared. After all, it was out of weakness and a desperate attempt at survival that (following the ‘crucifiction’ of the Populist Christ) the Russian tsars—Sacred and Populist kings (the last of who arguably was Ivan theTerrible) were forced to become Romanized secularists. Everyone knows the story of how Prince Peter went to the Netherlands to learn shipbuilding. In fact, he studied Western methods of governance. Even so, and in spite of numerous repulsions* of Western military attempts to take over Baba Taiga’s territories**, Russia was never able to overcome the handicap of being the first victim of the West. Its inability to overcome the West is due to the fact that the ‘weak force’ cannot overcome the ‘strong force’ until the latter collapses of its own. When the latter happens, we will return to the times of ‘no government’.

*Major wars to seize Tartary were waged by 1. Polish-Lithuanian, 2. Swedish, 3. French, 4.German, and now 5. U.S. empires.
**Ivan the Great (and Terrible) managed to block access to these territories from before the noses of the West a bare hundred years before the Swedes tried to grab them for themselves.

The fact that the first to collapse (of the nominal Roman Empire) was the Soviet Union is no proof that the equally nominally Romanized United States of America is better equipped to survive. Rather, America’s survival by a few decades proves nothing, but that it has been able to exploit violence over the weak more effectively*. We need to remember that the Soviet experiment was caused to fail prematurely by a vastly superior military technology cum utopian ideology** secured by a headstart provided by killer Vikings***, aka ‘Roman’ generals hallucinating themselves Gods of a privatized Roman Empire.

*This does not mean that this author is unaware of the violence employed by the Bolsheviks to consolidate their power. As I have written elsewhere, eight of my extended family members were deported to the gulags. Two of these were shot, a third died of food poisoning consequent to hunger, a fourth and fifth died of disease contracted consequent to hardship, and only three returned from the experience alive. For all that, among the dead ought to have been a fifth, one who subsequent to escaping this holocaust robbed the remainder of the living of the wherewithal that would have provided for the education of their young.

**The ideology that bought the capitalist West a few more decades of life than the East is none other than  Calvin’s idea that ‘work’ for the benefit of a capitalist God superceeds work that Nature demands for personal and family survival.,

***Vikings—herders trapped on the Scandinavian peninsula, possibly after a natural disaster such as the Storrega tsunamis that separated England from the European mainland and drowned Doggerland. Despairing of survival, the herders bedame meat eaters, a habit that necessitates violence against Nature.

A materialist dream of Heaven invariably turns humans into craving animals who, habituated by cruel times, cruel rulers, and chased from the wood, thereafter jam pack cities in catastrophic numbers. As the crisis of migration in Europe and America proves, these ’naked humans’ continue to demand from the soon ‘bankrupt’ gatekeepers ‘free’ food stamps, ‘free’ housing, ‘free’ education, ‘free’ what nots, and more. As for the gatekeepers, their ranks, too, have many a naked humans. Bill, Hillary, Donald, and Vladimir are examples of ordinary humans turned Utopian idealogues.

While English Puritans painted pictures of the Peaceable Kingdom, in real life they killed off native Americans in the interest of Virginia-London Company merchants, who stood in the shadow of the Pilgrims. While the American government establishment claims to be for peace, free enterprise, and ‘democracy’, in practice the heirs of Pilgrims demanded that planet Earth be raped for their benefit. The rape hides behind the screen of ‘politics’, a ‘democratic’ specialty of metropolitan dictatorships. An opioid drug epidemic, caused by State sponsored (allegedly educated) idiots turned moralists, has turned the world into a country with its head buried in sand and rubble of concrete.

The story of the Three little pigs is a near perfect illustration of what happened to Baba Taiga. By means of lies lied until they were turned into ‘truth’, the Healing Witch was turned into big bad wolf. And we are off to a Witch hunt! Until such a time when berserk technology fails and dies, the ‘civilized’ world never ceases hunting wolves. The hunter celebrates and laugh hilariously as he soaks the arse of Nature in terpentine and dangles Christ before our eyes.

Primitive societies are societies without a State
a debt created by Presidebt Obama
hallucinated Holy Roman Empire

(Next: Democracy and Murder)

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