Saturday, February 20, 2010

© Eso Antons Benjamins, aka Jaņdžs

83 Gridlocked In Latvia (2)

Pictures: Two young persons leaving Latvia for England.

It is very unlikely that the existence of Latvia is at risk as far as the territory of Latvia as an administrative center of the EU is concerned—as long as the EU exists. As time moves on, the EU (if successful) is likely to shift eastward and include Russia. However, before the latter can occur, two major policy shifts have to occur in the West and Central Europe. If these shifts do not occur, the EU faces collapse or will remain dependent on this or that “other” power.

First, the EU has to develop its own foreign policy vision out of which it will evolve its own defense straategy, and, yes, it must let NATO atrophy. As long as Europe remains part of NATO, an organization with obviously aggressive tendencies toward Russia (re the undercutting of Russia’s belly from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean under the guise of fighting “terrorism”), Europe not only delays its own internal political development, but threatens the economic future of its people.

The age of the rule of Paris—the major sponsor of neo-Christianity and the crusades—is over. This in spite of whatever the current prime ministers of France and England may think. Of course, the EU needs energy resources, but the road to their access does not lie through Washington, which would like to see the EU remain permanently fragmented. A fragmented EU virtually guarantees that Washington will not have to discipline its oligarchic democracy, but simply shut Europe out when the Near East comes under its control. Nevertheless, it appears that at present time London, Paris (a la Brussels), and Berlin naively buy into a policy of support for NATO incursions into energy rich zones of the Near East and beyond.
Assuming (but don’t hold your breath) that Europe will do the right thing for itself, a major transformation has to occur in all parts of Europe, East, West, and Center, but with Central Europe leading the way.

It is evident that the future of a European Federation lies through Central Europe toward the East. Central Europe itself is divided into roughly three paths. First, there are the roads in the south that go by way of the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf and beyond; in the central part there is Poland, Hungary, Romania, and others; while in the north the roads go by way of the Baltic Sea. In the latter part, the Baltic countries, carved out of former Livonia, have a special role to play, because of their proximity to Petersburg and Moscow. However, the lynchpin role of the Livonian outgrowths, Latvia and Estonia, depends on the ability of these countries to evaluate our times with foresight, and then take the risk necessary to implement a new future. One of the necessary risks is to exit NATO membership and assume a neutral role vis a vis the East, i.e., Russia.
The Baltic countries need to distance themselves from NATO asap. The present financial and economic crisis is an opportune moment. As mentioned above, Latvia’s existence is not threatened as an administrative area in the European Union, but its participation in NATO threatens its existence from many directions: economic, political, and cultural. Culturally Latvia is not a Western country as some insist (see below). While Latvia was and remains exposed to various influences from the West—starting with the occupation of their territories by the Teutonic Knights—the origin of the Balts lies closer to the Volga than the Rhine. In fact, this is true for all Central European countries. This is why they have such an important role to play in a unified European Union, East and West including, be it takes a hundred years to accomplish.
At this time, however, the Germanic (perhaps one should say Habsburgian) mindset, taking advantage of the traumas visited on Central Europe by the Soviet Union, insists on its regressive preeminence. The evidence is in the continued German policy to use Central Europe as a buffer between itself and Russia. The planned gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea and Polish paranoia and love of NATO rockets is proof of it. Still, the work on the pipeline has not yet begun and the rockets are not yet in place. Since the present economic crisis is also a systems crisis, this is an opportune time for all parties to rethink their option.

In Latvia such reconsideration must begin by rejecting the strident voices arguing on behalf of the separation of Europe into two halves. Because Latvia faces elections this fall (2010), the time to reject the blocks put in the way of reanalysis by advocates of fear is now. Moreover, the advocates of the separation of Europe have suffered a yet unacknowledged loss in Latvia through the near bankruptcy (it was avoided through a sale to another party) of the preeminent advocate of the West sans East, re: the newspaper “Diena”. Interestingly, an important factor in the newspaper’s collapse was its rejectionist editorial stance with regard of the East and anti-populism.
Even so, the diehard separationists are attempting a come back. The following post from Apollo (my free translation from Latvian) here:

“Elerte sees great energy among the citizens [of Latvia]. BNS, Saturday, 13th of February, 13:48. The former editor-in-chief of the newspaper ‘Diena’, Sarmite Elerte, claimed in a speech at a meeting of the New Times (JL) Party that she feels a great flow of energy coming from the [Latvian] citizenry. ‘The citizens are more active than ever before, because the people feel that Latvia is in danger. I wish this energy to inspire the Unity Party [see Blog 82 for more details] and give it direction.’ The editor emphasized that there are many people in Latvia who will do everything not to allow Latvia to orient toward the East. ‘To choose the West is an important foundation, something that I see as an important goal and a good reason to unify over. The highest goal is Latvia—a European [Latvia], a nation able to compete [in the market place], one that has educated people. This choice [of direction] has not been put to the vote yet….’”
What does Ms Elerte mean by “…many people in Latvians will do everything (my emphasis) not to allow Latvia to orient toward the East?” Does Ms Elerte believe that Latvians are ready to shoot themselves in the foot to stop their natural inclinations? One may say that the former editor of “Diena” has been struck with what some economists call “neoliberal madness”. For a description of the latter see article “Latvia’s Neoliberal Madness", authored by economists Michael Hudson and Jeff Sommers. [Click on link, scroll to Articles.]

Indeed, Ms Elerte’s position has not been put to the test. As I am suggesting throughout my blogs, the way to test it is with a “not-vote”, that is, voting by abstaining from a vote. Though a “not-vote” is not a cure all, it is a necessary step for the citizenry of Latvia to break the stranglehold on the region of Central Europe by those who wish to keep Europe permanently separated into two halves; and, not least, to keep the citizens of Latvia permanently indentured as slaves to the banks of the West. The road to a better future lies through the hearts and minds of 700,000 not-voters.
Asterisk & Notes of Interest:
It is obvious that the mindset among the Latvian political elite at this time is not only gridlocked, but has turned to stone. These blogs are, for one, an attempt to loosen the rusted in screws with some naval jelly. Click here to discover the meaning of the Overton Window, and here to see what purpose it serves.
On material depravation in Latvia. 
On the theme of “more-equal-than-others” George Orwell's "Animal Farm".
A recommended read: “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism” by Emmanuel Goldstein (A book within a book from George Orwell's "1984"
Of great interest to me is this and like articles. It presents some of my reasons for supporting the growing of Johns Grass in Latvia.
These blogs tend to be a continuum of an idea or thought, which is why—if you are interested in what you read—you are encouraged to consider reading the previous blog and the blog hereafter.
Partial entries of my blogs may be found at LatviansOnline + Forum Home + Open Forum –ONLATVIANPOPULISM vs LATVIJASLABEJIE. If you copy this blog for your files, or copy to forward, or otherwise mention its content, please credit the author and  

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