Thursday, January 2, 2020

By © eso Anton benjamins, 2020

Contiued from EC719

I will permit myself, Greta, to expand a little on my arguments in previous blogs.

Stalin’s Holomodor in the Ukraine rang early warning bells in my country of Latvia, when in 1919 the Latvian Bolshevik Peter Stuchka—heading the Latvian Reds—warned the balking Latvian ‘kulaks’ that their private farms would be confiscated by the state if they did not forthwith supply the starving workers of the city of Riga with food stuffs.

In later years, Stuchka became a Commisar of Justice in Lenin’s first government and Chairman of the Soviet Supreme Court, who as such formulated the legal rationale for the murder of Ukranians and Latvians for his murderous boss in the Kremlin.

In other words, Greta, the prejudice against the Common People (most of them then living not in cities, but in the deep countryside, has ancient roots, and its manifestation among Swedes like yourself and Latvians like Stuchka is not something out of the blue, but (as it were) of something Natural.

But how can it be Natural if the city and its inhabitants are not of the earth, but of the fort, форт
Festung, pils, and these served as instruments of violence against the People of the Forest? The violence was observed also by young Budha, when he decided to leave his father’s fort of Lumbini.

Interestingly, the answer to that question has not come to university trained ‘experts’, phds, or politicians. The best these have been able to offer is to ascribe violence to a Natural instinct ,which is why it has become common to hear early humans described as ‘hunters-gatherers’, rather than ‘herders-gatherers’. If scientists were not prejudiced on behalf of violence themselves, they would surely discover that there is more evidence for early humankind having been practicing ‘herders’ rather than ‘hunters’.

Further evidence for the comparatively gentler characteristics of the Forest People comes not only from American Indians or African Maasai , but the languages used by Forest People. For example, the languages of Russian, German, Latvian all have an affix that can be attached to almost any noun. By making use of the affix the noun-word is caused to express affection, endearment, and love. To the detriment of the cultures of modern nations an affix is hardly ever used by city acculturated media.

Modern English, largely city grown, knows no such affix, unless it appears in some personal endearment, such as causing John to be called Johnny or Ann Annie. In effect, the language(s) used by city dwellers are by comparison to that of forest and country dwellers not only crude, rough, mentally deprived, but notably violent. What is the cause of this illness, and why are children being innoculate with it ?

More to follow.

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