Saturday, April 13, 2019

King Cain
The Story Of Pre-Calendar Christianity
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


The city is the stage and the show. Its audience, augmented by a multitude of self-congratulatory selfies, is huge.

Who is the author of the play that so attracts?

Could it be Shakespeare?

Indeed, the bard and master of pareidolian thought has hid among the dialogues of his play “Macbeth” revelations that the killers of King John ( 1166-2016) and Robin Hood, the Ludd, a story the killers have not dared re-discover for more than four hundred years.

The lid that has kept mystery hid is none other than the relentless and violent conversion by government of wood and Nature into cities. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is (like the biblical Cain and mythic Cadmus) the prototype of a builder of cities.

Specifically, the general (and his wife) are murderers born of ambition, ‘mad dogs’, witch and warlock come upon Scotland. The play starts by presenting the audience with the story of the environment in which Macbeth has arrived to power: the audience and victim is, both, the wood and those it used to shelter.

Indeed, the wood is no more, but has become through cutting and burning a moor or heath*. Princes and barons have emptied the wood of its inhabitants, the Ludds; and it has become the domain of witches and women refusing  to play the role of harlots to men imprisoned in armies or cities.

To further his ambitions, Macbeth cut back the wood and further reduced the number of people who were sustained by it. The people have been disenfranchised in favor of Alfa males as it were. General Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are on their way to becoming singularities unto themselves.

There is but one problem. In the process of realizing his ambitions, Inverness, the city with which Mavbeth is planning to replace the wood, is left without an audience to either boo or applaud. In effect, the city has become a mindless entity.

Since for Shakespeare the stage is a stand in for actual life, the actors on the deck go insane when left, so to speak, naked and without the text that  talking trees and dreaming mushrooms had once provided them with a familiar environment. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, Inverness becomes chaotic and begins speaking in tongues not heard before.

To understand Macbeth in its complexity, we must look at Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, as Adam and Eve of England in the demoralized setting (heath and moor and little wood) of post Norman England.

Critics and scholars acknowledge that Shakespeare based his play on an old story recorded in an old chronicle known as Holinshed’s Chronicles (1587), which is a history of England, Scotland, and Ireland. This is not to say that the playwright followed this story as written, but picked and chose from it entanglements as he pleased.

For example, little attention is paid to the fact that Lady Macbeth, the wife of general Macbeth, had a sister (or cousin) named Suthan, who is said to have been married to King Duncan, who Macbeth murders to become King of Scotland and seize control of Inverness

Shakespeare makes no mention of Suthan specifically. Nevertheless, there are parallels that  suggest that Lady Macbeth is a pareidol of Queen Iocaste of Thebes and Suthan is a pareidol of Queen Merope of Corinth.

Though queen Iocaste marries her son Oedipus, and Lady Macbeth loses her son while he is an infant, both are equally ‘unnatural’ events (see Performing Theory—a must read—see *). Even if Iocaste binds, while Merope separates, there is a close connection between the wombs of the two sets of twins.

As the man tells it
of memory and things accumulated over time
until only love, the present and I AM is left.



By 2019 our entire planet is amove with alarums, earthquakes rall over the place:. China implants human brain cells into monkey brains and raises superior monkeys, Israel lands trash on the moon, America calls for:

Wall, wall, and
War on Venezuela .
Let the Venezuelans
Come hither
We need cheap labor
And oil
So our cities grow
And Washington
Like Baltimore and Chicago
Becomes a leader
In murders
And shit collect
On streets in
San Francisco
And fills spaces
Where in ages past
Moss used to grow.

So, no surprise, the fagots that were once consumed by the furnaces that baked 4 million (3.826000) bricks to build the Chrysler building in New York, have turned into walking fagots which today trans-form empires (despite their ‘exceptionalism’) into rooftop birch tree plantations.

MACBETH (with author’s edits, adlibs, and additions)
Accursèd be that tongue,
Of yours, MacDonald,
For it hath cowed my better part of man!
And be the palter
Of thy juggling fiends
No more believed,
For it palters with us in a double sense,
And keeps the word of promise to our ear,
And break it to our hope.

I’ll not fight with thee.
For the end comes forordained.

MACDUFF (with author’s edits, adlibs, and additions)
Then yield thee, orangutan*
Whose Eve is born
With her pussy red haired
We’ll have thee,
As our rarer monsters are,
Painted on a pole,
and underwrit:

“Here is flesh
Come to its deserts and rot.”

MACBETH (with author’s edits, adlibs, and additions)
Though you pervert me,
I will not yield,
To kiss the ground
before Holywood’s feet,
Or be baited with the troll’s curse.

Though you disbelieve
Birnam Wood be come to Dunsinane
Or the glass at zoo break,
Being of woman born,
Before my body
I throw my words and shield
And curse thee,
Abel of Moon:

“Fall on thy face and be dead”.

- 30 –s

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