Saturday, February 16, 2019

King Cain
The Story Of Pre-Calendar Christianity
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


Was there anything that Cain could do to remedy the disaster he had brought on himself? Could he disappear, then reappear and live his life all over again?

Cain hoped he could close the door to his memories. There were rumors that it could be done. In centuries past Do-gooders had come from the city and had done their best to scare the Devil out of memories of ‘pagans’* by scaring them to death with devices of torture and live fire. The very notion of death itself (of an absolute loss of memory) had been introduced by the Do-gooders. Symbols of their benevolent tyranny, such as clocks, were put in every house as a reminder how deadly life had been without them. To this day, no one can tell from the voice of the “cuck-coo” clock that time is as inevitable as it is deadly. Without the comforting words of the Do-gooders life was nothing but a deadly phenomenon.

*pagans—let us not forget that the meaning of the word derives from the word ‘gans’ (herder) as in the Hindu word Ganesh—herder elephant, aka God of Fortune.

Nevertheless, that had been at the beginning of time. Today the question is: How can memory be erased when governments think nothing of killing millions (it does not matter whether human or animal) just to remind everyone of just how cruel life is? The joy of killing was institutionalized by Hollywood. “Make my day!” ( ) became a phrase known by every American. The government of America put a gun to the head not only of its own people, but every man, woman, and child of the world. How can one forget that peace is brought by the Do-gooder government, and that it comes from the barrel of a gun?

Whenever anyone pointed out that so-called modernity had instituted a culture of death, the American Do-gooders pointed out that, no, their country had a culture of laws, of does and don’ts, and that the Jerusalem of the Palestinians was—after all—the capital city of the Israelis and Americans, both. Had not America moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in anticipation of a peace that would last a thousand years?

By the time Cain began to pray to forget the past (not only that he had killed Abel, but also what had made him become a farmer), Nature was reduced to a fly buzzing in the barrel of a gun ( Exceptionalist America had renamed the Venezuela of Venezuelans as Benezuela for America.

Yet memory was a phenomenon that made it leak through the cracks of documents that had missed destruction. In the ashes of burnt books there remained scorched pages that intimated what the Do-gooders had wrought.
There appeared people who wondered why Christians were told that God, called ‘Father’, dwelt in ‘Heaven’, but were not told that God could not have come into being without a Mother Who dwelt in Materia*. Why was parthenogenesis forgotten? Was not the Sun and life on Earth an extension of one and the same? 
*Materia—the parthenogenetric womb as halfway house from seeming inanimate matter to animate life and consciousness. In our times Materia is no longer remembered due the environment of the city turning women into men-soldiers ( Women no longer thought of themselves as mothers, but as workers. Work was afoot to bring humans into the world by means of incubation in ‘biobags’ ( ). Lambs have already been raised this way. At this time only a dim memory of Nature in the wombs of some women keeps city governments from incubating babies en masse. It’s like snow on the roof during a thaw waiting for someone to slam the car door before it slides to the ground. Just so, if the women of New York have their way, men will no longer be necessary, and will be kept around as select museum pieces only.
Human manipulation of sexuality was noted already in ancient times. The Sanskrit word Aditya (आदित्य), a name that today represents solar deities, translates into Latvian (a language originating in Sanskrit) as ‘adītāya’ (feminine gender), meaning knitter, a word likely to have been associated with the activity of creation.
In past times, a young Latvian woman used to knit many dozens of mittens as part of her dowry. Though today the reason why mittens were gifts is lost (no Latvian linguist or anthropologist dares imagine or mention it), it is easy enough for an uninhibited imagination to see that before marriage mittens knit of lamb’s wool had been tools used to help the bride retain her chastity, i.e., she used the mittens (in Latvian: cimdi, chamdi = feelers-up) to catch the spill of her lover’s ardor. As a married woman, the bride no longer needed such go be tweens, and a gifts of mittens to the wedding guests was evidence that the bride was both virtuous and a virgin.
The portrait of King Cain that hung at the top of the stairs to the Great Ballroom (some called it War room because that is what it became in times of war) began to shed blood and tears.

“Please, God, let me live my life all over again!” the man in the portrait pleaded, “I have had enough of life hammered in gold and gold enameling”.

“Then listen to Me,” answered God. “There is a young woman you will meet. Her name will be Magdalene. You will be like father to her. Though you offer her your Kingdom and her knees fly over you, she will not bear you issue. That will be your forgetting.”


When Anna Comnena described the death of King Basil, she omitted mentioning his age. Was he a young man or was he an old man? No one knows—except perhaps the Shroud of Turin, which the Catholic Church claims to be the cloth that covered the body of Christ after Crucifixion.

Whoever the man (surely he was no punk rapping his name at the age of thirty-three), one cannot deny that the face impressed on the shroud may also be that of King Cain. The man’s solemn features give witness to the sorrows caused by his murder of his brother, the sacrifice of his daughter’s lamb to forget the murder, then dreams of sacrificing himself to right (at least in his mind) the murders he had committed.

In the year 1118 PC (Post-Christian era or there about), Cain (aka Basil the Bogomil) found himself in the middle of the hippodrome of Constantinople before a pit dug in the ground by the janissaries of emperor Alexis I. High flames, blown into the sky by the wind from a funnel, roared from the hole as they consumed the cedar logs that filled it. For three days the fire roared and impressed the city-zens of Constantinople. The trial of Basil Cain was to happen on the fourth day.

“Do you agree and confess, Basil,” shouted the emperor from his seat on the stage that had been built for him, “that I know more about God than you do?”

Basil took off the shawl that covered his head and whirled it in the air. He then threw the shawl into the rising flames. A whirlwind caused by the heat picked up the shawl, took it up into the sky, then let it drop into the branches of a nearby tree.

“Look, Emperor,” shouted Cain, “God has sent his angels to protect me! His sign is upon me. If you touch me, I will rise like that shawl and sit on God’s right hand side. It is not in the outhouse, great Emperor, that you will shit. You will shit in your pants!”

Emperor Alexis then motioned with his head to his body guards. These seized Cain by the scruff of his neck, and swung him into the flames.

A great moan was heard to rise from the onlookers. One man separated himself from the crowd, ran, and jumped into the pit after Basil. So great was the pain of the Bogomil witnesses that many attempted to follow suit.

The daughter of Emperor Alexis records the moment thus:
“There remained of (Basil) but a whirl of smoke.”

Anna does not mention the stranger who followed Basil into the fire, because he had a name she could not pronounce. The stranger was called Nanahuatl (or Nanahuatzin) and came from the land of the Aztecs.

Perhaps, the same moment was recorded by Matthew 3:16, when Matthew wrote (here redacted): “The heaven was opened, and [the witnesses] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, who caught the shawl in her beak and carried it into the clouds. A voice was heard say: “The clouds are the shrouds of my Sons, whom I love, and with who I am well pleased.”

The Bogomil woodsmen who had come to the hippodrome to commiserate with their King raised their voices and cried: “Allahluiah! Allahluiah!” wherewith they promised themselves that they would forever strive to imitate the one brave enough to become their God.

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