Saturday, December 16, 2017

Afterthoughts and Fillers
By © Anton Vendamenc, 2017

4 A Populist Revolt in Virtual ‘Paradise’

The premise of this book has been that all men and women are born populists when they are born to Nature in the wood, where they sustain themselves by means of an autarchic (self-sustaining) form of economy. The languages of these populists reflect a religious tendency, which religious feeling best expresses itself through various poetic devices. For reasons only casually researched so far, there then occurs a shift toward feelings that reflect violence. As best as can be discovered, the violent feelings have to do with the arrival of warrior princes, who build themselves forts, which in the course of time become cities that become removed from reality and assert virtual reality as superior to the reality introduced by Nature.

In an effort to protect Nature from the cancers of violence brought by a violence prone ruling class, the populists of Nature discover God, who originates in and emeges out of the circle of populist healers or shamans. Instead of offering the populists of the wood herbal teas as medicine, the healers offers them their lives. The offering awes the populace and holds its attention. The charisma mobilizes the people’s spiritual resources and enables them to resist the warrior princes. Needless to say, the latter try to kill God*. This is what is behind the story of Jesus and early Christianity.

*The theology of the neoChristian Catholic Church, the theology of which is accepted by all neoChristian denominations, kills God by removing him from Nature, by equating Nature with the ‘material world’ here and now, and by placing God in a realm reachable only after death.

After the killing of the populist God—aka Christ—the princes of the city rewrite the story of the Savior Christ in such a way that their story effectively neuters and makes God irrelevant. Henceforth, Christ becomes a secular being and friend of tax collectors, whose tax collections help enlarge the forts into cities. A surplus of booty (which includes teeth made of gold) enables cities to offer its inhabitants various advantages, now known as ‘social’ services. These services attract the Populists of the disappearing wood to the cities. The transition from wood and field to the city is wrought with many catastrophies, but after a period of experimentation, the ways of the wood become (through so-called ‘democracy’) the ways of the city, i.e., the natural democracy practiced by the Populists of the Wood becomes the virtual democracy practiced by the city. Democracy as practiced in the environment of the wood is replaced by a parliamentary democracy which sits in the city. Through radio, television, computers, and telephones, the virtual democracy of the city sends an echo to the countryside, where the people (having lost their minds along with their mules) for all purposes agree to believe that Nature is a creation of the city.

The capture of Reality by virtual reality progresses willy nilly for centuries. As long as ‘social services’ are provided and enable city Populists to live a more comfortable life than that offered by the countryside, the cities are everyone’s envy. However, there comes a time, when the cities exhaust the resources of the wood and countryside. This happens when the destruction of Nature reaches such proportions that cities become unnaturally wealthy, and their ‘social services’ attract people from all over the world, especially from so-called ‘third world’ countries. Imigrant men’s sexual organs* take control over their owners minds at the sight of city-women in miniskirts and rapes become commonplace. The imigrants soon overwhelm the cities, and their economies turn into shambles. The collapse creates mass hysteria and eventually (not yet) a mass exodus from cities. The cost in lives (several billion) spells doom.

*The sexual organ (whether male or female) is sometimes called an organ with a mind o its own. The disregard of the truisms of Nature are common to our ‘we know better’ Virtual civilization.

The first to perceive the coming collapse of cities are its elites, the 1% that today own more than 50% of the wealth of their countries. The antennae of the elites receive many rumours of shortages and coming disasters. In an effort to prevent the inevitable, the elites make an attempt to reverse past trends, by trying to persuade the people to desert the city. To this end in 2001 in New York City, the elites create a spectacular event known as 9/11. What with underground nuclear devices exploding, and airplanes flying into buildings, and real people jumping out of broken skyrise windows its one of a kind spectacle. However, the spectacle is botched and backfires, when the elites ‘discover’ the culprits, and name them foreign terrorists. The elites then attack Afghanistan and fake an assassination of the alleged leader of the terrorists one Osama bin Laden (he actually died years earlier of cancer). For all the spectacular nature of the theatrics, the elites fail to break the hypnotic success of the propaganda that has endured for centuries and has persuaded the populace of the superiority of virtual reality over that of Nature. Not only do the Populists of the city not leave the city, but the military activity of the government against foreign terrorists strengthens the inhabitans of the city in their ‘belief’ in the superiority of city life.

When after seventeen years of war in Afghanistan, the United States of America fails to reverse the process of collapse of Virtual reality*, both the government and city populists are seized by a panick that is subliminaly sourced. Cities experience seizures of full-tard hysterics. The hysterics break through the social veneer during the 2016 presidential elections in the United States of America, where an outsider to the entrenched government—a billionaire real estate mogul—threatens to and does unseat the entrenched (deep state) government.

*The collapse of so-called Western world cannot be stopped, but only delayed. Moreover, the latter can be accomplished only through the seizure by the West of the natural resources of the East. Be that as it may (the U.S. effort to detach the Ukraine from the Russian sphere comes to mind), the effort reminds of Hitler’s effort to secure for national socialist Germany ‘Lebensraum’. A translation of Lebensraum into English is ‘breathing space’ in the sense of enabling an extension of emergency services to an otherwise unsustainable, i.e., fake social system.

The American media and academia—having successfully hidden the fashist tendencies of the American government, which began when it took away the land from the native people and against all evidence asserted its aggression to be part of a ‘democratic’ process—broke out in cold sweat, and openly tried to make of lies a holy story. Men and women, knowing only virtual reality, fantasized and asserted that they had no intention to ever leave the virtual reality of the city and resume life as creatures of Nature. In effect, they voted for ‘rapture’ in situ.

National Socialism, a secretive and closeted political phenomenon in America, came out into the open with a violence that could hardly conceal (yet had no inkling of) its roots in the democracy of populists of the wood. Many wondered and asked “Why are so many millenials becoming communists?” A silly question that. Millions of American youths, born of the city, wonder pathetically why the goodies of their Capitalist Paradise are not as free for the picking as buds, seeds, mushrooms, and berries in the wood.

It is disturbing that the authors of articles and videos (either on main stream or alternate media) fail to note that Virtual reality has usurped Nature almost totally. City dwellers have removed themselves from Nature to such a degree that it does not occur to them that communism and democracy among the people of the wood is as inevitable as it is unachievable in the city. Even so, when the People of the wood are enticed to remove themselves to the city and then are faced there with unemployment, lack of sustenance, and a government that presumes to take the place of Nature, the city Populists, aka Anarchists, appear and wreak havoc before Nature declares their movement a failure, collapses, and causes the the populations of cities to die en masse.

Why are so many millenials becoming communists

(Next: A New Year's Prediction)

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