Saturday, September 30, 2017

How They Shut Down Populist Latvijans by © Anton Wendamenc, 2017

Vox Populi, Vox Dei. A coutryside Populist is employed by Nature and God all day long; an urban Populist chokes and enslaves Nature and God until Nature and God die.

A Second Coming?

The so-called ‘democratic’ governments have been tested for over two hundred years and have been found wanting and failing their people. In fact, ‘democracy’ has proven itself a fraud and a victim of advertising, whether by corporate or government powers. The most spectacular failure of ‘democracy’ is the United States of America.

The main problem with American ‘democracy’ is that its repression has had the support of its intellectuals and, unbeknownst to them, the People themselves. Neither the one or the other has been able to comprehend that virtual ‘democracy’ is not an embodiment of democracy, which can only be the result of a long period of evolution, i.e., Nature. Among the short sighted intellectuals one of the best current examples is one Chris Hedges*, a Christian minister by education, a former war correspondent for the New York Times, turned leftist. Hedges appears not to realize that Socialism along with Capitalism gains its authority from the victories gained by fantasy during the Age of Enlightenment, a time when intelectuals dismissed the notion that Life may have a divine purpose. It is not a new problem. The evidence that it has plagued philosophers in the past is best illustrated by the story of Job.

*Chris Hedges—an interesting thinker from the political Left spectrum, but like Stalin, completely clueless of the fact that humankind has so completely left the Natural world that it has become an alien to itself and the Natural world. Though this author identifies with much that Hedges says, when the chips are down, he allows himself to become a zombie and adentifies with the Antifa movement, a bizarre Stalinist Street Theatre troupe playing out its violent emotions among the living.

The main problem for American democracy is greed (a major motivation for a People who have abandoned the countryside and have moved to live in the city). Greed is easily influenced by money and undisciplined consciousness (creativity for its own sake) and dominated by militarist and wealthy classes. It is the latter that ‘locks Americans in’to a box, from which confined space they demand ‘regime change’ for other nations, but refuse to see that a ‘regime change’ is necessary for themselves and its pretentious cities. America is in need of rethinking itself, which will not come about until its cities bankrupt themselves and turn into the deserts of dust they are.

There appears no way for America to avoid a Dead End. This is because all arguments over ‘what should be done?’ gyrate around geopolitical arguments. Geopolitics—as it is understood in America today—is entirely about how to use military power. The wealth of American cities derives from thievery by taxation and manufacture of ammunition and military hardware, a tax on the tax, as it were. Even so, America’s military power has no future, because its future spells but DEATH. Moreover, America’s fortune was based on a future that evolved (like that of Western Europe) from the destruction of the lands of Intermarium (an Empire-in-waiting that was bordered by five seas: the Baltic, the Black, the Aegean, the Mediterranean, and the Adriatic).

However, before geopolitical and military power implodes (and we are at the beginning of such an implosion), we must wait for the collapse of the ideology of the age of Enlightenment and death of cityfolk if they will not leave the cities and move back to the countryside and cultivate, as in times past, the wood as their domicile. The use of military power (as Enlightenment enlightened Bolsheviks used it) to enforce virtual reality is nothing short of suicide by murder of Vox Deus, vox Populi: This is why an Act of God is being awaited by one ( ‘Dead End Dawkins’) and all atheists.

This ACT of God is in the offing. As is often the case with God, it begins with a seemingly innocuous event: President Trump’s challenge to the NFL football players to stand when the American National Anthem is sung before the beginning of a football game. In an oppositional response to Trump, the football players are choosing to kneel or stay in their locker rooms and justify thei departure from tradition, by claiming that President Trump represents Populists, who the  NFL football players and their supporters imply represent Right Wing America. Indeed, President Trump was elected to the office of President through support of Populists.

This puts the outcome of the dispute between President Trump and the NFL football players before the American People, the latter which, when the fight is over, will likely stand for American Populists. Will they vote for Trump or for the highly paid football players who (like it or not) represent American corporate powers? Or will the owners of the NFL football clubs give in when football attendance and viewer audiences decrease and cut revenues? True, if President Trump wins this fight, it does not mean he has won the war. It is but a flag for the contest to begin.

Mundane stuff that. But it may be the spark for bigger things. Dangerous and deadly times are ahead.


This raga or book has been inspired, if you will, by the whisper of God that came by way of having experienced man-made violence. As a raga (a musical composition without end), much of what the author has written is raw, which is to say, as things came to mind. Some years back, trapped in what was essentially the same book and the same arguments and unable to find a way out, the author came across Anatoly Fomenko’s daring suggestion that for the most part ‘history’ was fiction. It was love at first sight. Like Immanuel Velikovsky and his book “Worlds in Collision” (1950), Fomenko was put down by academic historians as some kind of a nut. It was like the same being said about me, when I suggested that the famouns saw of anthropologists that our predecessors were “hunters and gatherers” should really read “herders and gatherers”, that our horses used to be raindeer (watch 11+), that meat and pelts were but incidental to a young or old animal dying. Generally nomads kill an animal only to feast a stranger (as my aunt Emma feasted both the Russian and German soldiers) to avoid harm that might result if one did not do so. Wide spread hunting is the result of taxation, of governments on a ‘maraud’. Let us not forget: the first taxes were of animal skins.

This is the last installment of a raga. A rewriting and reinstalment of chapters (EC611 - 629) will follow.The author thanks his followers for their patience and tolerance of ‘raw’ blogs—not only for this series but others past. For all the author knows, this may be the last installment of a serial raga. Such contributions to Eso’sChronicles (a venture that began in the 1970s at The Boston Ledger, and after a hiatus of many years was resumed in Latvija, first, on the platform of Latvians Online under the authorship of one Jaņdžs, then as an independent blog under its resumed and current name) as may appear in the future may only be occasional. Once more, thank you, readers, one and all.

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our horses used to be raindeer htt ps://

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