Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Amazingly Slow Death of Populist Latvijans
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

A definition of ‘communism’ begins from the premise that it ‘is the state of Nature-born human being from the time human beings began until now.

3A The Sunrise of Kapitalism in Latvija

This author has spent considerable effort in trying to prove that though the Latvian language has existed for a long time (it is part of the Baltic language group that shows signs of having been a close neighbor of Slavic languages for a long time), Latvian self-consciousness (evidently after many centuries of repression) did not reappear until 1739. It was that year that the Herrnhuters, a Moravian sect of Christians, established in then Russian territory of Livonia, the first Latvian congregation of Moravian brethren. It was this congregation, which (with the inadvertent aid—or perhaps not so inadvertent—of the Russian Tsarina Catherine I*) established the first Latvian school for not only Latvian teachers of the Moravian faith, but, as it turned out, Latvian self-consciousness of modern times. Apparently the Latvians had been asleep (nobody knew why) and were about to awaken.

*The German baroness, Generalin Magdalena von Halerte of Valmiera, who helped finance the school for Latvian teachers, was able to do so, because she was the recipient of her late husband’s (General Nicholas von Hallert, held in high esteem by the St. Petersburg court) pension, which Catherine I let pass to her after the general’s death. The birthplace  of tsarina Catherine I is unclear. Some say that her father was a Latvian named ‘Krauklis’ (Raven). If this is so, she may have been underhandedly supportive of the people whence her origin. I will have more to say about the difficult circumstances of upwardly mobile men and women of past centuries in a future chapter.

The unique aspect of the Moravian Church, said to be one of the oldest of Protestant faiths*, has in fact a more controversial past than allowed it, if one contradicts the fake news put about by the Neo-Christian faith of Catholicism and the propertied class of the day. A contrarian perspective has few obstacles (other than minds stuck in old ruts) in discovering that Christianity has prehistoric roots. True, there are not many who as yet favor this perspective, nevertheless, fakery always stands on thin ice, few facts, and trusts that intimidation, once put to effect, will remain effective always. One source of doubt comes from books published by the Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko and his team of collaborators. While Fomenko concentrates on questioning the reliability of chronology of history, it is a short step to seeing similar problems manifest when looking at old maps of the stars, or world, or the mind.

*When the fake history of our time has prevailed as long as it has and there is nearly universal acceptance of falsehood as the norm in the past qnd present, all that one who is so informed can write is half-truths that advance argument by means of pareidolia. This must be at least until the damage of fake history becomes universally challenged. In this author’s mind, the origin of false history in the West began from its beginning, from the time its princes killed the last Sacred Kings (John and Jesus) and created neo-Christianity to forgive itself the crime.

Catholic Christian ideology succeeded only after Bogomil and Cathar Christian faiths, which represented the last strands of ancient Christianity in Europe were intimidated into silence and then physically destroyed. The new ruling class, which had created and then chosen the  globalist oriented Catholic Church to preach its lies throughout the worlds, made haste to build monasteries and cathedrals. The latter were not for a congregation to listen to sermons, but to stage grandiose coronations for fake kings and queens. It is no secret that the Catholic Church came to power by means of violence, Inquisition, taxation, privatization of property, money manipulation, and most recently by exceptionalist establishmentarianism come to replace the Court of God in Heaven. It is a kind of Bully Pulpit exeptionalism never imagined by, for example, the founders of the United States, which for all their good intentions they were unable to avoid. Perhaps it is because it is one of most difficult lessons to learn: As the great Irish poet William Yeats put it: “Things fall apart; the centre CANNOT hold.”(my caps)

In the process of ‘modernization’, aka regime change, not all ArchChristians (renamed ‘heretics’ by the Catholics) were killed. Some survived, went underground, and kept challenging catholic sectarianism. The Lutheran Church emerged from a group of reformist minded Catholic priests, but failed to “hold the line” and soon reverted to Catholic ideology and the practice of lies and oppression of old Christian faiths. Even so, some of the heretics had become encouraged, and after the Religious Wars reemerged in public life. The Husites and Moravians were of these.

The Lutherans repressed Moravian Christians (descendants of the John Wycliffe and Jan Hus movements) with particular vigour. When the Moravians came (in 1729) to war ravaged Livonia, the Lutheran clergy spread false rumours about them immediately and appealed to the Russian tsarina Elizabeth to put an end to the movement. Fourteen years after the arrival of the first Brethren in Livonia and four years after the establishment of the first Latvijan congregation (1743), the tsarina issued an order (called ukaz) that suspended the activities of the movement in all of Russia. Even so, the energies the movement unleashed caused its Livonian beneficiaries to emerge from universal illiteracy. The first books written by Latvians (pietist drivel some will say) were handwritten and (because the current post-Soviet Latvijan government continues to be repressive and practices deliberate disinterest) lie unread in a museum at Hernhut in Germany. The first Latvijan poet was a member of the Moravian Church. The first choirs of Latvijan singers were organized by Herrnhuter brethren.

3B Another Kind of Soviet
Though the word ‘soviet’ in the Russian language means ‘council’ (of workers, peasants, and soldiers), one may argue that the prototype of such councils first emerged from the Latvijan countryside choirs organized by the Moravians. The purpose of these choirs (more often of women than men) was to call and bring together countryside peasants and have them develop a sense of community through song. Such choirs were often spontaneous among women who spun yarn and wove cloth in a common room (saimes istaba) in winter. The first assembly of Latvian choral soviets  occurred in 1864. The success of these gatherings was so great that their popularity increased year by year, and by 1873 became part of a national movement*. The song (”God bless Latvija”) that was to become the Latvijan anthem was first sung at the 1873 song festival—44 years after the opening of the Latvian language teachers’ school.

*As the Lithuanian tradition of sutartines proves, singing in choirs was not a new tradition for the Baltic people. Nevertheless, in Livonia the sutartines had been repressed by the neo-Christian Churches. As a result of changes in the workplace environment (kitchen-workroom or ‘saimes istaba’ to factory floor). Latvians no longer sing or even know what sutartines are.

The popular festivals were moved from village to small town, and soon ended up in Riga, a city under the control of Germans, the German Lutheran Church, and urbanized Latvians. Though Riga eventually became the capital of Latvija, the democracy that prevailed in the countryside could not be repeated there. No one understood why* this was so, and, therefore, the ideology of democracy, believed to be more perfect in the city (because of the laws and the ability to rigidly enforce them there), was of the city, and was made to prevail** over that of the more flexible customs of the countryside.

It was this difference in democratic environments, that caused city people to ridicule the people from the countryside and call them “pagani” from a thousand and more years ago. Over time, worse names were imagined. For example, one popular gathering place of Herrnhuters in Riga came to be called the Coo Coos Nest (Dzegužkalns). A deliberate silence or change of subject about the cultural history of the hill prevails to this day.

*In the countryside behavior is generally speaking of customs and oral laws, which are flexible, whereas in the city the laws are written and are considered to be letter perfect. Needless to say, over a longer period of time, the inflexibility of written laws and rules will drive people crazy and lead to hysteria.

**The ‘democratic ideology’ of the city (London, for example) was not created by the inhabitants of the city, who were mostly working people, but were written by the lords and barons whose residences remained in countryside manors.

Needless to say, any association of choral singing with political activity (albeit on a subconscious level), let alone as a precursor of Saimes-Soviets, is denied by post-Soviet Latvijans, because government run schools do not permit any such ideas to arise. Today’s post-soviet government stay in power by means of NATO propaganda, because it is Nato which ‘renewed’ post-soviet Latvija. Instead Latvijans are encouraged to believe that they renewed their nation ‘at the barricades’ and by singing in the streets. Which is not to say that there is not some truth to it and that there was no popular will to become a sovereign nation again*.

*For all the enthusiasm of the people, the Baltic communities were completely unprepared to take government into their own hands. Through the intermediacy of the U.S. and NATO, power was turned over to select former Soviet officials, who had no idea what the renewed nations were or were to become. It is not surprising that a kind of Soviet ideology of nationhood (transferred by a hop-skip-and-a-jump to the EU, which was then and is now trying to eliminate nations as communities) is cultivated to this day. The NATO warparty is whooping up centralization for all it isworth.

The optimism, that was generated by the Herrnhuters (now more than 250 years ago) has been reversed today 360 degrees. All the blame for a dysfunctioning community, not to mention wrongs of Stalinist era, is blamed by the media and government on Russia. The obtuseness of NATO and Latvija’s government bureaucracy and the paralyzing effect of these institutions on the small national community it purports to protect and govern (less than 1,5 million people) goes unnoticed. The reign of irresponsibility is a fact. Had the post-soviet Latvian government not agreed to follow economic policies instigated by a CIA controlled Harvard University professor and driven a half million Latvians to find work in foreign countries, there may well have occurred an uprising by now.

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