Sunday, August 10, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 393
War Against Byzantium
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.

Our Continuing Contempt for Ludites

Most everyone has heard of the Ludites Most of us surely have believed them to have been fools, who did not know better than go break the machines of our wonderful Age of the Machine.

Yet were they such fools? And who were these people?

As the above link tells us, we refuse to acknowledge the whence or the true origin of the name ‘Ludi’, which mystery can soon be cleared by searching the Gogaloo library for names beginning with ‘ludi’ .

See? The link tells us that ‘ludi’ were public games in Latin Rome.

So were the Ludites playing games when they broke the machine looms which came to replace the thousands of artisans not only in England but the world over, who earned their own and the keep of their families as weavers? Not likely.

But when we read on and discover that the public games were for the entertainment of the Roman people, it soon comes to mind that we are faced with a clear reversal of ‘intelligence’. In other words, it is not that the public games (ludi) are for the Roman people, but it is the Roman people (ludi) who are watching public games. Thus, we come to realize that ludi actually refers to people, not games.

This confusion is deliberately sown. Here is why.

Most of us know that the famous inscription INRI which we see above the head of the crucified Jesus, when spelled in full, reads (in Latin): “Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum or in English ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews’”. Now let us take a closer look at the word Iūdaeōrum, i.e. Jews. What if the vowel I should be the consonant L? If so, then the word reads: Lūdaeōrum, which does not mean ‘Jew’, but ‘people’. Which brings us to  discover that the ancient name for Jews originally was People, re: Lūdi.

Sometime in the second millennium there occurred a shift from the consonant L to the consonant R. A city formerly known as Amsteldam became known as Amsterdam; Līga (meaning an Association) became known as Rīga; etc. Grammarians further classify this shift as either a regular or sporadic change. (check out the video). There can be numerous reasons why such changes occur, but one for sure is grounded in social prejudice.

To wit: if L becomes associated with the lower class (or what comes to be presumed to be lower class), but R with upper class royalty, then a given society accustomed to the use of L may presume to pronounce all L sounds as R sounds. For example, the common sound of la-la-la of a song, may become ra-ra-ra or a compromise of  tral-la-la.

Besides, we have evidence of the meaning of ‘ludi’ in other languages. In German, people = Leute; in Latvian it is ‘ļaudis’ (lyaudis); the word is also reflected in names, for example, King Ludwig means King of the People; the name is also reflected in the name Louis, one being the French Louis XVI, a king who supported the Revolution, but was nevertheless guillotined by the educated elite, while the ludi still dipped their handkerchiefs in the king's blood.

In other words, Jesus or King John of the Jews, used to mean, in the common language of the people, John the King of the People or King of Ludi. But ‘ludi’ became associated with a dislike or prejudice, which may have caused ‘ludi’ to be pronounced ‘lūdi’, re lewd, meaning low, mean, smelly, shitty (suhdi in Latvian), etc. It is not a far step from lewd to contempt for either yuhd (German: Jude) or Ludite.

If we follow this logic, then ‘Lūdaeōrum’ or the people may have become a too high a pedigree, which needed to be taken down a peg or more, which is why L was changed to I and the word came to be read as ‘Iūdaeōrum’ or J/Y Jews or, to be brutally frank, John was caused to became king of dogs. Not only king of the dogs of Khazaria, the kingdom of the original Jews , but of all kingdoms, where the King had been instated by the people.

The idea of Israel being located in Khazaria was originally popularized in 1976 by the well known Jewish writer Arthur Koestler in his book, “The Thirteenth Tribe.” Due to the controversy that followed the book, Koestler,  hounded by the negative reaction of Zionists, may have committed suicide, which his wife joined him in .

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