Friday, August 8, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 390
War Against Byzantium
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.

How Christ became Anti-Christ

In a system that is consequent to a false flag event, which is the system the world adopted after the destruction of Byzantium in the First (aka the Fourth) Crusade (1204) , not only values but symbols for the values became reversed.

This was the time when the well to do separated themselves from the poor, not because of their superior talent as traders, but because of their talent for violence and seizure of power. It is a time when pathology (defined as typical behavior of a disease, i.e., in this case violence against the values of the community) becomes the sign of the ‘man’, who puts the feet of the poor in stocks or kidnaps their children to sell them into slavery if their parents do not meet the tax decreed by the ruling clique.

The original King of the People, known in Byzantium as John Basil (Basil = King), a reflection of whom we see in John the Baptist (a name likely derived from Basil), was known as a leader of a group of forest dwellers who called themselves Bogomils, Lovers of God. John was not crucified or decapitated as the New Testament famously has it, but was unfairly tried as a heretic (opponent of the Emperor Alexius I* take of what religion should be) and thrown into a pit of fire about 1111 AD.

Because at the time most people lived in a forest or near-forest environment and earned their keep as herders of reindeer, the uproar that followed the murder of John reverberated throughout the vast forest kingdoms of then Asia and Europe.

The imposition of yasak, which demanded that humans adapt themselves to violence to all the better slaughter their reindeer herds to pay ever higher taxes, not to mention the word of mouth communication which was subject to all kinds of rumors true and false, brought the ruling elite not just a little fright. As the Vikings had come to Byzantium mostly by way of the river systems which flowed from north to south and were located to the West of the Ural Mountains, the people who lived East of that same mountain range naturally assumed that the evil had its origin in the West.

This fact became confused at a later time with the invasion of Russia by the Mongols .

Because of the fog of time and all too many lies over what actually occurred, we cannot be sure today whether the West was attacked by the East because of the imposition of the yasak or the murder of John. However, we may note that the alleged ‘hordes’ are led by the sons of one Ghengis Khan, which name in translation means John the King. This writer’s personal assumption is that the early attacks of the ‘golden horde’ came as a result of the imposition of the yasak.

The trial by Alexis I of John Basil likely came because of the attacks by Genghis Khan and his clans as a reaction to the tax. We may wish to remember that among ancient people there is no such thing as a tax, but in its place a widely recognized system ‘gift’ giving. If my sequencing of the events is correct, this would indicate that Genghis Khan still operated under the system of ‘gifting’ rather than taxation.

In order for this system (the charisma of divinity is its very essence) to work, the leader has to have trust of the people. Such trust can only exist if the leader was a self-sacrificial human Divine (no sacrifice of another involved**). Indeed, such a system is known to have existed among the ancient Turkic tribes, where the ruler was known as a ‘sacred king’. The sacred king delegated his authority to an executive king known as Bey .

The Turkic religious tradition has its origins in ‘tengrism’ . Indeed, the ceremony of christening [Kırk banyosu (bath of 40] originates with the practicioners of tengrism, which had its origins in the people of the forest of ancient times. Unfortunately, the ceremony of christening, today christens us into a secularized form of Christianity. No wonder our civilization is known, among other things, as a destroyer of the wood and nature.

Twice unfortunate is the fact that with the discovery of taxation through the exercise of violence, the Bey seized power from the sacred king, which is how sacred power became secular. This is also how we came to our present system of governance: faux democracy.

*Dmitri Obolenski, The Bogomils, Cambridge U. Press, 1948, p. 276.
**The ‘human sacrifice’ of a king came about only if the king failed to realize self-sacrifice, the time of it usually agreed upon at the beginning of his rule.

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