Saturday, November 30, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 242/ 28
Addendum 5—Ecce Russia III!
© Eso A.B.

Some readers may think that I am prejudiced against the Catholic Church, because I have made a number of disparaging remarks regarding it. However, all such statements on my part should be read from the perspective of judging the Church to be a deliberate creation of Western, especially Frankish occupiers of the northwest regions of Europe, who proceeded to create a secular device with which to entrap and ensnare a population unaware of the corruption of early princely courts.

And though there exists conclusive evidence that the Catholic Church deliberately exterminated early Christians who populated a world then not yet demarcated and divided among the princes and barons, once the original bloodbath was over and a loss of memory of events had set in, there were many Catholics who are to be counted among the truly religious, though perhaps not completely absolved of guilt, because the new fangled theology was originally enforced with such vehemence, because it brought with it taxation, and the Eastern Christians were opposed to it. Re:

Matthew 22: 15-22. When asked whether taxes should be paid to Caesar, Jesus asked whose image and inscription was on the coin. "Caesar's," came the answer---The Lord then said, "Then give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God" (Mt. 22:21).

This passage of the New Testament is generally interpreted as a fair answer to an admittedly sensitive situation. Unfortunately, both the question and answer skirt the fact that originally the people were not taxed money (because they had none), but they were taxed the lives of their reindeer and other herds for the sake of the animals’ pelts. In short, to pay taxes was originally associated with killing, which is probably also the beginning of meat eating on a large scale, because the people of the woods did not herd their animals for the sake of their meat, but to benefit from the milk of the cows of reindeer, horses, and buffalo. Such meat-eating as occurred was as a result of sacrifice of the castrated males of the herd. The dawn of human consciousness is closely associated with the killing of animals who had become close to their keepers, and such rituals as described in the following link have little or nothing to do with ‘bear worship’, but are about holding life sacred.

The device of creating a ‘new’ religion is comparable to the corruption currently rocking the Vatican with regard to the investigation of its bank. The scandal associated with the last has much to do butler of a now retired Pope and which alleges that a number of members of the curia (civil service) had organized their own ‘little borgias’ and the Pope did not know how to cope with them. As the new Pope Francis is said to have stated: "The court is the leprosy of the papacy." Indeed, the events behind the stage of any theatre or ritual are what have forced more than one honest sacred person of early governments to lose their heads. If it were possible to make a similar investigation of the ‘court’ of ‘little borgias’ in Washington, it is likely to produce a scandal of cataclysmic proportions.

While Paul Virilio, the French thinker, who I quote in the preceding blogs, points to the military as the leprosy of many a government [re (p173): “….the nondevelopment of Russian civilian society… gives the military free reign….”],  the tragedy of the phenomenon is that it has resulted not only in the fall due to exhaustion of the Soviet Union, but the loss of what was its most valuable ingredient—that of offering the uncommitted world an alternative society to fascist capitalism.

Unfortunately, President Putin, the head of a stabilized post-Soviet successor government, appears to be a whole hog capitalist in a fascist sense. Again Paul Virilio (p189): “Fascists are those who go to the end of their aspirations. Extreme sports are fascist sports. And a science of the extremes is a fascist science….we are engaged in this kind of delirium. ”

The unspoken ultimatum of President Putin of which I write in blog 241, was stated from the perspective of a ‘fascist delirium’, no doubt driven to it, because Putin did not perceive that an alternative to Capitalism exists in an alternative history and by substituting militaristic and technocratic confrontation with a reinvestigated history, which is likely to discover that the ‘false flag’ of Catholicism and globalization is also a ‘buried flag’.

Needless to say, before President Putin can proceed, he has to take advantage of the recent statement by Patriarch Kirill--the head of the Orthodox Church--that the Church intends to maintain a separation of church and state The West is used to accepting such a separation as a consequence of implementing the capitalist agenda, but it was not always so, certainly not in Russia and Europe before the advent of Catholicism, and not always detrimental when it came to the interests of the community. In this regard one may note that Patriarch Kirill, for all his devotion to Orthodoxy, and resistance to Soviet Renovationism, which aimed to inhibit the independence of the Church, is a product of the era of post-schism, which era has accepted the Catholic version of the life of Jesus as dominant, and has to this date refused to reexamine the theological differences brought about as a result of Western Crusades against Jerusalem-Constantinople (1204), and, instead, has acceptance the transference of Jerusalem to Palestine with silence.

To wage a non-violent and successful war against the military alliances of the West, it is necessary for Russia not only to reexamine history as rewritten and then exposed to forgetting by the Catholic Church and its unholy alliance with a capitalist, ‘democratic’, and urbanized West; but it is also necessary to reexamine much of the literature produced under the dominance of Westernized theology, as this writer has already done with “Oedipus Rex Rewritten”, and resetting the context of Latvian folk literature from that of peasant oral history to that of highly developed oral literature, not to mention perspective on Christianity.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 241/ 27
Addendum 4—Ecce Russia  II!
© Eso A.B.
For anyone looking for Predictions for 2014, I recommend the following insightful observations
So, yes, how do we wage a war without committing suicide? As Paul Virilio points out in his book “Pure War 25 Years Later”, the current drive to centralize governments encourages not only ‘nondevelopment’ of a civil society (perceived by less perspicacious observers as a decline of the middle class) on a global scale, but ends with the elimination of ‘man’ (and woman), and human beings as we are accustomed to know them; we are ‘the suicide State’. We meet the  ‘leftovers’ or what can be aptly described as ‘feral men’, who may or may not live in high-rise apartment blocks in the city, but who in the event of an extended or permanent power loss, will not only leave their excrement in the hallways , but their rotting bodies as well.
Readers who have read my previous blog know that I believe the cause for this liberalist drive must be sought in the time-continuum of the descendants of the Vikings (the waders—perhaps ‘drifters’--down rivers), who by gutting early history—perhaps because when we lived in the wood there was the fairy tale, but no history—and replaced it with a story of their own that leads humankind by a ring in its nose.
This is one of the reasons why I believe that President Putin of Russia is more of a Russian city punk than a Russian in the traditional sense, one with his boots in Russian soil and wood. I rather see him as flying on the carpet that hangs on the wall of a city apartment. This is not to say that at the same time, I do not consider him a leader of significant talent. Nevertheless, when war is being pressed on Russia by, both, the U.S. and NATO military, and when war has to be fought against these powers and that war must be won, and when the only way to win the war is by righting history, then I would go with President Putin only if he has the perception and will to take on the intellectual challenge the war demands.
One of the tragedies of the East-West or Communist-Capitalist Cold War conflict was that no historian seriously exposed the longue durée cultural orientation that underlay Stalin’s merciless holy war against all Russians who were in any way contaminated by Western ideas of liberalism and capitalism. Perhaps historians were and remain such milquetoasts, because they were too much under the pressure of the State during the Communist era (and compromised all too much to the Catholic era). Still, it was an Eastern Christian sense of communism, which grounded Stalin as a killer and found him psychological support in the early Christianity of the Slav natives, which did not suffer because Stalin was a Georgian and that the Russian Orthodox Church of the time had long substituted John Basil with Jesus Christ as the God-Man of our planet. Distasteful as it may be for some, Stalin’s authority comes from the longue durée black oak that lay submerged by Western Christianity’s imposition of history as a false flag event meant to smother the perception of earlier times about the nature of humankind.
We should not doubt that the theology of Western Christianity (which was imbued with liberalist ideas on their own behalf by Gothic Princes) had long been internalized by ‘civil society’ as we see from numerous examples of that ‘civil’ society (having adopted the ideology of the princes) exterminating ‘early man’ wherever colonists went. The community grounded on militarism vs community grounded in The Great Spirit makes itself felt from the conquistadores in Mexico , to U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment in South Dakota , to the British East India Company , to the conference in Lithuania today ,
I suspect that neither Lenin nor Stalin knew that they drew support from the Russian people, because these held a resentment of a longue durée nature. I suspect that President Putin is as unschooled in the history of his nation as the people of the West are in theirs, and as the EU prefers it to remain. As a Latvian, I am quite sure, that few Latvians suspect that their spiritual history, too, goes back to early Eastern Christianity rather than ‘pagan’ peasants. Evidences for this are many: the ubiquitous presence of the Sun in their folksongs and the Sun at the basis of the Cathar cross; the very name ‘pagan’ is a corruption of ‘pa-Yan’ (John nobody); ķecer/ clown (Cathar); pastar bērns (orphan) for Cathar monk, from early ‘pastarene’, a synonym for Cathar. There is also a connection with a unique way of choir singing in Lanquedoc, southern France, and a similar style (now lost) in northeast Lithuanian/ southwest Latvian regions.
In any event, if we assume that this early cultural history was deliberately repressed by the Gothic-Catholic theology that served Princes and still serves Bankster Capitalists in the EU, we can begin to understand the repressed fury that found its outlet in Stalin’s bloodbaths. Though such bloodbaths are, rightly, deplorable, there are plenty of reasons why the furies that justify it may soon be on the loose again.
Why is any of this important? Let us return to the question of history. If we write a fictitious story (biography) of history in red, because color red is most obvious, dramatic, and attention getting, but write the story of real events by dipping our pen in milk, then the first will be visible from some distance, while the latter will be visible only when the sheet of paper is exposed to the heat of a flame and the milk turns brown. In short, the real version of history is likely to be bypassed until the story written in red (possibly blood) leads us into situations that threaten society with extinction.
More in the next blog.
Eso’s Chronicles 240/ 26
Addendum 3—Ecce Russia!
© Eso A.B.

While many pundits claim a victory for Russia in the instance of the recent  Iranian nuclear deal , and Thierry Meyssan of Voltairnet even claims a victory for Russia’s Vladimir Putin, this writer has a different perspective.

While, yes, the fish that is Russia did flash the scales that line its belly, but it did so only, I am guessing, at the expense of making an extreme threat. The West, led by the U.S. and NATO, judged the threat a measure of Russia’s desperation and agreed among themselves that a cornered rat will bite the cat, and decided to wait and fight (if ever) a nuclear war another time.

All things considered, though economically weakened by the excesses of its bankster princes, the West still has many things working for it: most of all, the West is still in charge of history, a history that it has managed to create, convert it into a trend, and that trend is, as yet, under its control—even if it is a lie and will not last for ever.

I have outlined my perception of this history (based on Anatoly Fomenko’s perspective of the chronology of history) throughout many previous blogs. I see this history as beginning with the expulsion of the former Franks (Vikings before that) from the Black Sea area and resettling themselves in the northwest of Europe, generally the region of the now so-called Benelux countries. Once having established for themselves a footing, the immediate descendants of the Franks (while the memory of the past was still fresh and immediate), resolved to try to capture and transfer the glories of the Byzantine Empire from its Eastern capital to the West. This remains one of the ‘secrets’ of Western history to this day.

One of the major gambits of the Franks (later the French) was to seize upon early Christianity and convert it to a Western model. This was a literary and military undertaking.

The literary undertaking was to rewrite the theology of Eastern Christianity (Sun oriented) and adapt it to the needs of Western Princes, who, after all, were the chief survivors of the expulsion. This was accomplished by replacing the Eastern Pope, once named John Basil (or John Baptist), with one Iasu or Jesus Christ, the latter being turned from Basil, a self-sacrificial leader of a people living for the most part in the still prehistoric wood, into a religious leader of people living in the city which was under the control of princes and feared being buried under the city’s cobblestones. This is how a New Testament replaced the Bible.

The military campaign of the descendants of the Franks-Goths involved making ‘crusades’ against the East, the chief achievement of the crusades being the capture of then Jerusalem, Constantinople, now Istanbul, destroying it as an intellectual and religious centre, thus eliminating its ability to speak for the East.

The pivot point of the above and the age to follow appears to be about the year 1054: . Of course, today, this schism is being presented in the West as a schism within the Catholic Church, whereas in fact the Catholic Church is a creation of the Franks or, in a broader perspective, the Goths.

This is why most early Western Europeans were Catholics (early globalists), and why the Catholic military campaigns involved campaigns against the Slavs not only in the southeast of Europe, but east and northeast as well. The latter accounts for the fact that most Poles and Lithuanians remain Catholics to this day; and why the Russian Orthodox Church also follows the Catholic New Testament, which makes most of today’s Christianity of a Western theological, i.e., capitalist, orientation.

Not surprisingly, President Putin worships the Peter the Great, the westernized tsar, and though living in ‘westernized’ Moscow, has a personal preference for St. Petersburg.

I realize that this perspective is dismissed by the West—as one would expect it would be==nevertheless, the perspective is sufficiently credible to invite a reanalysis. Those calling for such a reanalysis are quite sure that the results will agree with the whyfores of their claim, but are presently being criticized as being ‘spurious’ for making the call.

In an age where war has been rendered ‘unwinnable’ due to nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destructison (WMDs)—which is why President Putin’s ultimatum to the West ‘worked’ (the bankster princes do not mind sacrificing the public in wars, but do not wish to sacrifice themselves).  For all the reasons Putin’s gambit worked, this does not mean that the fighting of wars is at an end.

As Paul Virilio, a French thinker, writes in his book “Pure War” (1983 & 2008), while WMD’s make ‘deterrence’ of war essential and is the cause of the drive by the West for “absolute unity” (p177, 2008 paperback), this unity (globalization) is “…but an exterminating unity, one which is accomplished precisely in nondevelopment.” In short, globalization today is responsible for destroying civil society, and it is this destruction that begs for and justifies a continuation of war.

So, how to we wage a war without committing suicide? President Putin has no idea; neither has President Obama. Excepting, we know that they will be expending enormous sums on military armaments for ages to come—unless the public (whatever remains of civil society) forces them into a position where they have no other options but to surrender. I believe that such an option exists. The war will take an enormous intellectual effort, because technically it amounts to lifting a locomotive from one track to another.

I will touch on the possible answers in the next blog.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 239/ 25
Addendum 2—Putin’s Misidentity
© Eso A.B.

While I have the greatest respect for the difficulties that beset post-Soviet Russia in its efforts to make an economic recovery, and have generally perceived Russian President Vladimir Putin’s (b. 1952) efforts in this perspective, I remain skeptical of the direction Putin is taking.

One of the reasons for my skepticism about Vladimir’s leadership is not because I suspect him of dishonesty and lack of transparency, but—as readily noticeable in the above link—his obvious identifying of himself as an urbanite. True, his parents, identified themselves not only with St. Petersburg, but also with Pominovo, a village in the Tver Region, where Vladimir’s grandmother came from. Nevertheless, this is Putin’s family history, not a matter of personal experience.

The reason, why I emphasize Vladimir’s lack of experience with the Russian countryside is that while I was also born in an urban setting, the Soviet occupation of Latvia (1939) forced my family a year later to seek refuge and survival in the countryside, which is why at the age of seven, I became a country boy. At that age, I was still young enough to switch identities. That I identified with the city, at first, is evidenced by the fact that as a ‘city’ boy, I picked a fight at elementary school with a country boy, and paid for it with a broken front tooth. It introduced me to having new respect for the people who were dominant in my new environment.

More than seventy years later, I hold my ability to identify with the countryside as an essential ingredient for my geopolitical and economic orientation with regard to the future. My distancing from the urbanite set began early, at about the age twelve thirteen, when in Displaced Persons camps, I discovered that all the patriots of Latvia there were Latvian urbanites, mostly from Riga—even if they were born in the Latvian countryside. The latter can be ascribed to the fact that in those days the movement of countryside people to the more promising urban setting ended in Riga (up to the time of independence—1918) a German city. Of course, today a similar movement to an urbanite setting uses Riga as a city of transit only. Riga itself is dramatically losing population, down from about a million inhabitants to slightly over 600,000.

So, alright. What makes the countryside so important for the future, and what does it have to do with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin?

Briefly this: While the movement of people from the countryside to the city was already notable in Latvia in the 1920s and 30s, emigration as such had no yet reached popular levels. Such took place for the most part only within the context of religious belief; for example, many Baptists moved from Latvia to America and South America, because not only were many from the countryside, where the economic conditions were less promising for the future than in the city, but because religious discrimination by then dominant Lutheran Church was demeaning of personal achievement simply because of one’s religious affiliation. Incidentally, this same religious intolerance forced my grandfather (a descendant of Herrnhuters, now said to have morphed into the Moravian Church) to leave the countryside for Riga and almost never speak of religion. The way that I know of his religious affiliation with so-called dualist theology is that one of his sayings, passed down by an oral tradition, was—when urged not to work late at the office: “Don’’t worry about me, worry about my Devil.” Evidently, for him, the Devil was not a theological reality, but personal energy. Interestingly, that same saying has survived in America , re: “Work like the Devil.” Later Catholic Christian orthodoxy changed this to: “Work like the Devil for the Lord.”

When I am arguing that President Putin may not be the man to save Russia from the attacks of the West, I base my doubts on such small differences or what French historians call longue durée (long term) influences on history. That is to say, in the present economic setting, where the economy of the future is explained by the media and politicians to the public as more of the same as in the last hundred years , moreover, in an increasingly urban setting, is likely himself suffering from the longue durée cultural virus in that he has no idea of country life and that it suffered a Stalinist like repression from a modernist movement known as urbanism.

It is worth while mentioning in this context that Pope Francis and the Vatican (an urban site since the 15th century) have just identified capitalism (largely to be identified with urbanism) as tyranny . Of course, the Pope may have made the statement because of Israel, which (according to an article at voltairnet claims: “It [Iran and its former President Ahmadinejad] feined “ignorance about the direction of the conference [planned to be held in Iran], which was to show that Europeans had replaced their Christian culture with the religion of the Holocaust.) Not surprisingly, Pope Francis may agree; well knowing that it was the Franks and the French who established the Vatican to try a hand at reestablishing the Holy Roman Empire of the East (Jerusalem cum Constantinople) in the West.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 238/ 24
Addendum 1--History Husked
© Eso A.B.

The reason to read  up on the Dayton Accord regarding the deliberate dismemberment by the ‘West’ of former Yugoslavia is that that failure directly reflects on the current agreement with Iran and beyond

I am no fan of the Zionists of Israel, especially not their PM Netanyahu, and see their role as a mirror image of the Muslims in Bosnia, a position that for eighteen long years (as the link argues) has fanned hatred (a la the late “Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic who reneged on the agreement reached in Lisbon, reportedly at the urging of the American ambassador to Yugoslavia, Warren Zimmerman.”) Likewise the statements by Netanyahu who (see flwg link): “Speaking to his Cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israel is not bound by the deal and reserves the right to defend itself. That is a reference to possible military action against Iran.

One reason why I believe Latvians have a direct interest in these treaties (contrary to our own Foreign Ministry where brains are believed to come as models in calcium) is that my paternal genes link me with Bosnia; and while my ancestors may not have arrived in Latvia (270 years ago) from Bosnia directly, but via the ‘heretical’ Herrnhuters from Germany, it causes me to take a ‘sovereign’ perspective of Latvian interests.

A short digression: in the 15th century Bosnia was a haven for the Cathars (Ķeceri according to Latvian Catholic derived theology) or ‘heretical’ or early (not yet usurped) Christians of Europe. Interesting evidence of this may be found in my great-great grandfather’s first name, re Gusts, which is likely submerged and out of sight evidence of what was once the highest Office among the Cathars, re gost. Preceding the ‘gost’ were two other identities, re: Krstjan (source of the name ‘Christian’? and Latvian Krišjānis) and Starac (Latvian ‘starasts’, aka ‘star-east’). Now my grand-grandfather did not identify himself as ‘vagars’, re slave driver (but ‘starasts’ or leader of a community; while owner of an inn, he also held regular Sunday religious services there); while my grandfather was a school teacher (later a newspaper editor) and at one dime the choir master of all the choirs in the Vidzeme region.

A major reason this ought to be of interest to other Latvians is because the Herrnhuters (like the Cathars) did not believe in introducing a middleman (a priest) between the individual and God; and because they are credited with rebuilding the Latvian community after the Great Northern War (Sweden vs Russia) at the beginning of the 18th century. The Herrnhuter position of maintaining a sovereign perspective cost them their due, because both the Catholic and Protestant churches inserted the priest-minister-policeman between the people and the State and essentially denied the Herrnhuter perspective. The latter calamity has permitted the current State leadership of Latvia to become ‘vagars’ (no longer identified with ‘slave driving’, but with ‘do nothing’ that helps escape the reputation of dependency on the State) to the Latvian community vis a vis Brussels, which, in the final analysis, means the denial of sovereignty or special identity for Latvians.

One further argument in support of Latvians as former Cathars: The Cathars came to their Christianity long before it was usurped by Catholicism (i.e. early globalization efforts); evidence for this is that the Cathar cross reflects the rays of the Sun (simplified to four beams). I find it amazing that a former prezident (VVF) of ‘renewed’ Latvia has researched and written so extensively about the reflection of the Sun in Latvian folk poems, without once making the connection that it was the Ķeceri who are responsible for maintaining this symbolism in Latvian folk culture. Perhaps the reason is that she spent early childhood in France and Algeria, where the persecution of Cathars began.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 237/ 23
Dreams De-Aestheticized
© Eso A.B.
When one spies on dreams, dreams are being invaded. In the Western World spying on dreams began with the French Catholic Church insisting that the people of the wood, among whom they built their obscene donjons gazing over the treetops . Looking over the top also means an implicit desire to see what is happening below the treetops. This is where the so-called Confession and Confession of Sins came in, and why the secret police in the disguise of the Catholic priesthood was necessary. Later came Sigmund Freud and dream interpretation; and later yet behavioral psychology, which aimed to control human beings through drugs and creation of culture under the control of a Central Authority. American led Military-Bankster Culture is the result.

While drugs are ever more extensively used, the ‘reading’ of the subconscious mind is being replaced by an ever greater analysis of what part of our brain has what function, which function then comes under the control of tiny electrodes inserted into the brain whence by a ‘tele-’ apparatus come signals from some government facility, for example the NSA , i.e., National Security Agency, an agency without constraints when it comes to exercising  control over the population. A new God has arrived to terrorize humankind.

Be that as it may, this is the opposite to what humans perceived was necessary to form a community at the beginning of ‘civilized’ time.

As discussed in previous blogs, in dream-time, we imagined that in mythical space-time there was a castle in which resided a mythical King (sometimes also called ‘god’), who at the end of his rule died by self-sacrifice. Self-sacrificial death was understood by all the dreamers who lived in the woods as atonement by a never seen or met communal authority as a divine sign sent to beg pardon for the misfortunes that humankind living under the guidance of its own dream-space and time experienced.

One of the short-comings of government by self-sacrificial death is that it demands its leader to be an individual of great will and dedication. This is why self-sacrifice, if not forthcoming, was replaced by various forms of sacrifice of others. In the early days, failure to self-sacrifice was replaced by sacrifice that used the garotte Early on the public was never told about the king’s failure to die on the its behalf, but however he died, it was told that he died for his people and kingdom. The telling was done, of course, by those who succeeded the King and had performed the sacrificial ritual. Such a lie made leading the community by the Dream-King’s successors easier.

In later years, after many individuals had gathered up the courage to form a community through their self-sacrificial charisma, and when, for that very reason, public failures happened more often, sacrifice was replaced by a ritual theatre. The most impressive theatre of this kind was performed by the Azteks, the predecessors of the Mexican people of today. Once sacrifice reached such a high degree of ritualized and, therefore, theatrical state, the theatrical ‘devices’ employed in realizing the ritual were many, including the skinning of the sacrifice. By this time, the sacrifice no longer necessarily included the King, but was often replaced by captured ‘enemies’.  Anthropologist David Carrasco describes the ritual-theatre in his book “City of Sacrifice” thusly:

“Once the victims had been sacrificed and skinned, the ‘skins’ were worn by the captor’s assistants, in prodigious displays of male power and success. As these skins worn by Aztec males moved through the city, the experience of the ideal battlefield permeated the public spaces of Tenochtitlan, and transformed the neighborhoods into miniature battlefields….” This ritual-theatre, which introduced the ‘magic’ or ‘charisma’ that was necessary to bind individuals into a community is sometimes called as “synesthesia”, which Carrasco describes (p157) as a study in ritual and theatre that “…gives emphasis to the anthropology of experience and especially the process of synesthesia (, which awakens in the ceremonial atmosphere, the whole human organism to the ontological and political message of rituals.”

The exclusion of the King from existential syneththesia rituals eventually became an existential flaw in the ritual that was meant to form and maintain the community.

To put it simply: ‘the word got out’ that self-sacrifice was being faked and the ritual ceased to be charismatic in the way it had been when the people had still lived in the wood and had survived as animal herders, root, berry, and fruit gatherers, and mushroom pickers. As governments tried to cover the lack of their charisma by increasing the numbers of the sacrificed, they thereby substituted charisma with a dread that overwhelmed society (note no longer ‘community’). It is an open secret, that society today is no longer held together by charisma, but through the threat of annihilation. Society has an implicit understanding that increased social chaos and war casualties are not something to be accepted as truisms, but are a consequence of cynicism bred by political de-aethesia No, not aesthesia, but de-aesthesia.

Widespread pessimism and a sense of despair has led society to understand that this ‘game’ of ‘de-aesthesis’ cannot, inspite the demand and insistence of governments, be long-lived. This is why on the one side of the social scale, superpowers and the elite who form their backbone are preparing for war, while the poor, on the opposite end of society, are going berserk with no glue to hold them together.

Small countries, like my own Latvia, have been seized by one party governments, who get their support from one party super governments like the U.S., E.U., but also take as their examples from such other supergovernments like China, Russia, India. The war of which I speak above, is to be among the superpowers in the inter-national realm, while intra-nationally it is waged as per the example set by NSA. Incidentally NSA’s invasion of intra-national space and private communications may not be so much to gather personal information, but to instill fear and repress individual sub consciousness.

If the wood hid the terrible deeds of our forebears, the city has no moss, grass. or leaves to hide a head torn off by an explosion, and will be seen lying in the street by every child and of course everyone else who lives in the city . Nothing will be hid, and there will be no dreams.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 236/ 22
Dream-time Long Lost
© Eso A.B.

In the preceding blogs I tell how when the West speaks of ‘democratic’ governments it speaks of self=securitizing governments, which means that the Parliaments of these governments stand for self-interest, though they may have some diversity of personal opinion. Since most of these governments are now ready to merge in one or another kind of federated union, it means that the emergent super states are also going to be super-fascist states; re: Super Self-Securitizing Centralized Powers (SSSCP).

As readers know, I trace the beginning of this self-evident catastrophe to the flight of the Goths (formerly Vikings) from the fall of the Byzantine Empire, which they had much to do with screwing up. I hold that before the arrival of these Vandals (but another name for the Varangians and Vikings), the Byzantine Empire existed in a “dream-time”, a time which remains reflected in much neglected fairy-tales.

If anyone cares to note, fairy-tales reflect the life of humankind living deep in the forest ‘dreaming’ of some far off Kingdom where peace and fairness rules. The King of this Dream Land was most likely known by a number of names: Prester John, G(Y)enghis Khan, John The Baptist, or simply John (Yan, Han, Huan, Ian, Ivan, Johann, etc.). It is likely that this King was real, one of the founding priests of a Temple in the Forest.

Since human beings were still used to exercising the liberties offered by the environment of the wood, and, therefore, disobedient to all disciplinary directives from anyone who presumed authority, the authority in order to be obeyed had to prove itself through self-sacrifice. It was the charisma of self-sacrifice to death what impressed the unbelieving men and women of the wood and named the authority, Him-Her, the Thing, das Ding, King or Queen.

As time went by, the Temple grew, developed, and acquired wealth. The latter caused envy among certain men of the wood who may have deemed themselves Cynics or Realists. It was easier and safer to be a Realist to come raid the Temple from far away than one who was living nearby. This is how the first traitors emerged—from afar. When the men who lived in destitution in a land known as Scandinavia heard of this wealth, they went Viking (literally wading) down rivers of Europe East and West, brought ‘dream-time’ to an end, and instituted the secular kingdom. Evidence of this, if we care to look, lies in pieces of half-truths all about.

When the Vikings or Varangians wiked their way during the 8th and 11th centuries to the Black and Caspian seas,7340,L-4454202,00.html , and discovered Jerusalem [then Byzantium (tsargrad or koenigsberg)] certain ‘Hans’ or ‘Huns’ (or was it Johns?) attacked the Vikings from the East and forced them to retreat whence they had come. It is then that so-called Goths arrived into the area now known as the Benelux, began to fight among themselves, out of which fights emerged what we today know as the French, the English, and the Germans.

It should not be surprising that the descendants of these Goths-Anglo Saxons remembered the tales of their forebears, and once stabil in their new home land looked for a pretext to return to the southeast of Europe and attack the Huns. By then the Children of the Wood had changed their name from “cross my heart and hope to die”, Johns of the Cross (the cross meant my signature), to the Children of Johns (Yohammads). Contrary to the Catholic Church, founded by the Goths as an alternative to the religion of the East, which claims history to begin with the birth of Jesus some two thousand years ago, the actual history begins with the sacrifice of a Jesus like being, probably a version of Prester John, John the Baptist, or Ghegis Khan about the time of 11th or 12th centuries. If anyone wishes to discover more on the matter, I recommend Anatoly Fomenko’s, “History: Fact or Fiction”, 2nd  vol. In other words, the Crusades began with the attempt by the French to return to Byzantium.

Today, the French, just like the Jews, are a mirror image of their former Viking and destitute selves. Let us remember Jehanne D’Ark or la Pucelle, who saved the craven secularists in the 15th century by her self-sacrifice. Today, knowing that their nation is about to be submerged into a centralized state known as the European Union, all three nations that emerged from the Vikings are desperately looking for a way out. The French, finding themselves geographically and economically in a vulnerable position, are—like the Brits and Germans—looking for a way to escape this fate. The French, in the personage of their socialist Prime Minister Hollande are willing to risk WW3 to save France as a nation, while Israel and Saudi Arabia are making plans of their own to attack Syria,7340,L-4454202,00.html

Regarding the domestic troubles of the French, the following link is enlightening:

The cycle of history--fictional history by the way--is about to repeat itself. If Jesus was crucified in 1083 or 1183, as per Anatoly Fomenko, and the First Crusade was the one that began in 1204 and ended with the sacking of Constantinople (then Jerusalem), then the French Prime Minister is fishing for another blood bath today.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 235/ 6
Feral Gov. 102
© Eso A.B.

The following quote perfectly defines what I mean by “Feral Government” http://esoschronicles, , a two word name that pretty well reveals our civilization and the state of communities within it. From a post at
“According to many, the hidden leverage embedded in the securitization pipeline is what catalyzed the 2008 near-death experience of the financial markets. All of this is well-known to most.
What however is certainly not known, because until a few days ago the concept did not technically exist, is what emerged deep from the bowels of the FSB's 2013 ‘Global Shadow Banking report’, and what is barely even defined anywhere in popular literature, which thus we have defined as the "unspoken, festering secret at the heart of shadow banking."
Presenting self-securitization.
What is ‘self-securitization’? Go ahead and Google it: there doesn't exist any technical definition of this heretofore unheard of phrase.”
If the 2008 event can be described as a “near-death experience” for the world economy without undue exaggeration, the experience today, at least for a small nation like Latvia, is elimination by death as fact.
The President of Latvia, interviewed by an early morning television show in Riga (15-11-13) spoke of Latvia as a country where death of nationhood was done, finished, and sealed by a small group of Latvian fascists (my description) having seized the Parliament (Saeima) in the interest of SELF-SECURITIZATION (busy-work in the shadows). Not a few present and past members of the Latvian government are on the millionaires list (also just released), where they intend to stay at the expense of, both, the indigenous and immigrant work force.
Here is what the President of Latvia had to say yesterday on an early morning television show (my translation):
“I am of the opinion that patriotism is the good work of every individual whose work benefits everyone else. The world is open today; practically, a third of the work force migrates. The world is global, enterprises are forced to invite workers from the entire world. This is nothing new or surprising.”
When asked what the President thought the role of the role of the Nation in the life of the individual, President Behrzinjsh responded: “The role of the nation is diminished…. Its place is taken over by the global economy. The State concerns itself with security, education, and health care. Everything else is open.”
Note that the Latvian President does not define a patriot as a Latvian, but as ‘everyone’ who has a job.
Unfortunately, the President’s description of the Latvian government’s concerns is also inaccurate. The Foreign Ministry of Latvia has not had one original idea come to its mind during the past twenty-one years of ‘renewed’ independence. Only yesterday the government issued a warning that Latvians in certain regions are likely to be inconvenienced by NATO boots, vehicles, and other engines of war. Higher education in Latvia has faced decades of neglect, literature except for translations and biographies is practically nonexistent, and when I took the son of an acquaintance to the hospital a few days ago, because of an injury was causing water to collect behind the eleven year old’s knee cap, the doctor said he rather postpone the drainage until an x-ray was taken. Alas, the x-ray line extends to August 2014, and the mother does not have Ls 13 (~ $26) to sign the boy up for a private line. When I heard this, I promised to cover the bill. The President with his Ls 5000 monthly pension will not do that.
While “self-securitization” by the Latvian government has been long suspected and this writer has long called it by its other rightful name: a closed ‘democratic’ (fascist?) circle; to this time no government official has so blatantly and cynically confessed to abandoning the nation to the hyenas (some Latvian delegates included) of Brussels as this President.
At this time, what with the 18th of November, the Independence Day of Latvia, a few days away, government propaganda is grinding out the bloody mush of once true patriots, even supporting the creation of a movie about Latvia’s Independence Battles during WW1 (Aleksandrs Grihns: ‘Dveseļu putenis’)
Hail, Latvia, full of Grace! Blessed art Thou among communities; and blessed be the tomb of Thy forebears and creators.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 234/ 5
Feral Gov. 101
© Eso A.B.

Dictionaries define ‘feral’  as wild, but with a significant difference from our usual understanding of the word. In this instance, ‘wild’ describes a domesticated animal that returns to the wild state as a result of insufficient human attention (for example, a feral goat) or even abandonment as in the case of a feral cat.

I have theorized that the ‘feral’ state may also visit human beings, but not as the psychologist Freud imagined it, when he described the dream of a human as that of ‘a wolf man’, which description he imagined because the dreamer as a child had witnessed his parents engage in a sexual act. My interpretation has little to do with Freud. I imagine that in our time humankind as a whole finds itself at a feral mental stage. In other words, after becoming somewhat like a ‘domesticated’ or ‘civilized’ cat, a further ‘taming’ of it by government development, not to say repression, reverts the human to an unintended ‘feral’ stage.

The previous four blogs (230-233), which I wrote on the theme of the famous tank Battle at Kursk in the background, imagines the soldiers and leaders involved in the battle as human beings who were forced to regress through an accumulation of negative experiences from a ‘civilized’ to a ‘feral’ stage. Perhaps not surprisingly, this regression is being accomplished through the involvement of governments.

To understand fully and correctly the role of government in turning a human into a feral creature, we have to understand the role of democracy in turning a human being into an isolated and socially cut off libertarian ideologue through the promotion of a capitalist economic system. As Professor Caroll Quigley of Georgetown University states in his book, Tragedy and Hope (1966): “The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.” Whereas Professor Quigley believed that democracy is determined by ready accessibility of arms to individuals [re: “Democracy tends to emerge only when the best weapons available are easy for individuals to buy and use.[9] ”], my belief is that it is no less dependent on the environment within which the individuals reside, that is to say, that it must also be a setting of the wood rather than that of the city.

Though I speak of ‘democracy’ and ‘capitalism’, I include among ‘democratic’ governments ALL modern governments, communist and fascist governments including. The inclusion of the last two can be explained if we stretch our imaginations a little and remember that the modern system of machine capitalism is a consequence of ‘democratic’ governments (be the ‘democracy’ limited only to a circle of princes and parliamentarians), and that communist and fascist governments have to bend to the greater energy of private interests in exploiting human potential through better utilizing competition to the ends of coercion. Another way of putting it is that secular communism has to expend great amounts of collective (communal) resources in arming itself against democratic-capitalist aggression, rather than invest its energies in bringing humankind back to the feral stage, by which human beings had achieved their highest civilized state some centuries earlier. Similarly fascism, even as Hitler’s mythology promoted rites by torch light in forest at night, by the daylight had to tame and check the interests of the armaments industry (which provided the average German with jobs) by feeding it with soylent meat from unmarked cans canned in unmarked factories in the city.

The destruction of the feral (verbal sans letters) and forest civilizations occurred more or less simultaneously in a number of cultures and communities. I have already mentioned (blog 231) that when Buddha left his father’s castle, he entered the feral kingdom of the people, where he was killed by his mistress Amarita (Amanita Muscaria? ) when he revealed to her his father’s plans to enlarge his city-castle by some 24000 housing units by cutting down another great swath of the forest surrounding the city. The theme of ‘feral’ plays no lesser role in the story of Jesus, when we remember that his father [or perhaps he himself (Matthew 13:55 & Mark 6:3).] were said to be carpenters, that is, men close to the wood, where every tree is not only a ‘feral’ being, but a guarantor of ‘social support’ (so called ‘green gold’) without exacting taxes to be paid into a ‘cashbox’ of the welfare state.

Both Hitler and Stalin were welfare state men, even if one saw it from a capitalist, but the other from a communist perspective. Hitler’s fascist socialist state needed Lebensraum, whereas Stalin  needed a platform from which to proclaim the return of democracy without taxes.

It is interesting that the return of humankind to the feral state is best promoted through an urban environment rather than from the countryside. It is somewhat of a paradox, because the countryside is identified with a highly developed oral culture (song, story, language), whereas an urban culture has become identified with information transmission through letters and other technologies that readily copy information. Though technology can transmit massive volumes of data, on the whole it promotes illiteracy, which provides the quantum gap through which one falls into the abyss of the parallel universe of urban feralism.

Not surprisingly, modern governments seek and are able to gain ever greater control over the feral urban state of mind, which of itself appears helpless to resist either government-authoritarian encroachment or the ether of fiction injected in vacant mind-cells (once occupied by an oral culture) by capitalist controlled media.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 233/ 4
The HKG-RIX Axis 04
© Eso A.B.

Hong Kong-Riga axis: the first a part of China on the Europe-Asia south east end, while Riga is on the north-west end of the two continents that dominate the largest remnant of the huge landmass once called Pangaea. If one draws a straight line between the two cities, one transects Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, located perfectly in between.

This observer has been arguing for some time that the present capital of Europe, Brussels, has outlived its usefulness, for the simple reason that the business activity of Europe has moved eastward, from England and France to Germany—an eventuality that two world wars tried to prevent. At this time, no one questions the claims of Hong Kong, though by comparison Riga seems a small provincial city. But is this likely to remain so into the future?

Of course, the plans to make it so go ahead: But it need not.

If the leading nation of Europe in the future is Germany—as many signs cause one to believe—then Riga, arguably the city which Germans once may have planned to make their capital (see blog 228)—may soon revive. True, unlike in the past, Germany is no longer directly linked with Latvia by way of Prussia, what with Poland, Lithuania, and Russia occupying the middle distance ; but then Canada separates the mainland of the U.S. from Alaska, and that does not stop Alaskans from being Americans. Given the sell-out of Latvia by the current government of Latvia to Brussels and little good coming of it for Latvians, it is likely that Germany would find most Latvians ripe for the picking.

There is not only TAFTA, but some other geopolitical arguments, which insist that it is not Riga, but Russian Konigsberg that should take the prize of the dominant city in the area. But given the unhappy experience of Latvians with the Soviet Union in the not long ago, and the propaganda barrage against Russia by the Latvian government during the past twenty-one years, the people will feel safer and be less reluctant to consider their future if it comes to them with Germany as mediator. As for the Germans, they can choose TAFTA or an independent course.

The reason for this potentially sudden turn-about in the fortunes of Riga is not Riga of itself or Germany, but the fact that Riga is perfectly situated for a German-Russian relationship and has a similar past relationship to relate to. Moreover, the foreign policy direction of the Latvian government for the past twenty years plus has been a disaster when it comes to hewing a direction that can be considered as promising. Indeed, most Latvians are only superficially aware that there is such an institution as the Foreign Ministry. For the most part, the FM has been an arm of Brussels and/or NATO, which has no interest in the Baltics except as a frontier that abuts Russia it considers its potential enemy.

Russia has for a long time faced serious problems vis a vis NATO, which does not have economic well-being of Europe as its major interest, but subordination of Russia as its chief aim. As Zbigniev Brzinski wrote in his book, “The Grand Chesboard”, in discussing the Ukraine and the nations belonging to the Turkic languages groups (p148): “Russia is too weak to regain imperial domination over the region or to exclude others from it, but it is also too close and too strong to be excluded.”  Brzinski recognizes that the U.S. is “…too distant to be dominant”.

The very same words can also be used with regard to the north-east region of mittelosteuropa, where the Baltic nations are located.

The great danger in the present situation in the Middle East is that instead of acting as if is “too distant to be dominant”, the U.S. by supporting the interests of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Georgia, Turkey, Kurds, and others, has appeared to want not only to dominate, but to undermine the belly of Europe-Asia (Russia-China) with a pepper plaster compress so hot that similar to Soviet Russia, the nations so embraced would expend the greater part of their wealth in armaments, which—like in the case of the Soviet Union—would cause permanent discomfort to their people. One may hope that at this time the financial and economic situation in the U.S. has somewhat corrected American aggression and will cause it to reconsider its strategy.

For the last twenty-one years, the Latvian government has favoured a similar U.S. tactic in the Baltic region. While it has no support of its people for this strategy other than their fear of a repetition of Soviet style dominance, it can be easily seen that with regard to economic policies, this strategy is not only a failure as such, but has exposed the country to existential dangers, re: economic outmigration, demographic decline, chronic under education, chronic poverty, chronic amorality at all levels of society, chronic absence of a positive self-generated culture, and this is only the beginning of the list of compacted social ills, not to mention the  suffering of the people.

So, why not think of a HKG -RIX economic axis? If at this time Riga  is nowhere near a comparison with Hong Kong, then the industrial capability of Germany and the Scandinavian countries more than compensate for the yet undeveloped infrastructure.