Saturday, November 30, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 242/ 28
Addendum 5—Ecce Russia III!
© Eso A.B.

Some readers may think that I am prejudiced against the Catholic Church, because I have made a number of disparaging remarks regarding it. However, all such statements on my part should be read from the perspective of judging the Church to be a deliberate creation of Western, especially Frankish occupiers of the northwest regions of Europe, who proceeded to create a secular device with which to entrap and ensnare a population unaware of the corruption of early princely courts.

And though there exists conclusive evidence that the Catholic Church deliberately exterminated early Christians who populated a world then not yet demarcated and divided among the princes and barons, once the original bloodbath was over and a loss of memory of events had set in, there were many Catholics who are to be counted among the truly religious, though perhaps not completely absolved of guilt, because the new fangled theology was originally enforced with such vehemence, because it brought with it taxation, and the Eastern Christians were opposed to it. Re:

Matthew 22: 15-22. When asked whether taxes should be paid to Caesar, Jesus asked whose image and inscription was on the coin. "Caesar's," came the answer---The Lord then said, "Then give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God" (Mt. 22:21).

This passage of the New Testament is generally interpreted as a fair answer to an admittedly sensitive situation. Unfortunately, both the question and answer skirt the fact that originally the people were not taxed money (because they had none), but they were taxed the lives of their reindeer and other herds for the sake of the animals’ pelts. In short, to pay taxes was originally associated with killing, which is probably also the beginning of meat eating on a large scale, because the people of the woods did not herd their animals for the sake of their meat, but to benefit from the milk of the cows of reindeer, horses, and buffalo. Such meat-eating as occurred was as a result of sacrifice of the castrated males of the herd. The dawn of human consciousness is closely associated with the killing of animals who had become close to their keepers, and such rituals as described in the following link have little or nothing to do with ‘bear worship’, but are about holding life sacred.

The device of creating a ‘new’ religion is comparable to the corruption currently rocking the Vatican with regard to the investigation of its bank. The scandal associated with the last has much to do butler of a now retired Pope and which alleges that a number of members of the curia (civil service) had organized their own ‘little borgias’ and the Pope did not know how to cope with them. As the new Pope Francis is said to have stated: "The court is the leprosy of the papacy." Indeed, the events behind the stage of any theatre or ritual are what have forced more than one honest sacred person of early governments to lose their heads. If it were possible to make a similar investigation of the ‘court’ of ‘little borgias’ in Washington, it is likely to produce a scandal of cataclysmic proportions.

While Paul Virilio, the French thinker, who I quote in the preceding blogs, points to the military as the leprosy of many a government [re (p173): “….the nondevelopment of Russian civilian society… gives the military free reign….”],  the tragedy of the phenomenon is that it has resulted not only in the fall due to exhaustion of the Soviet Union, but the loss of what was its most valuable ingredient—that of offering the uncommitted world an alternative society to fascist capitalism.

Unfortunately, President Putin, the head of a stabilized post-Soviet successor government, appears to be a whole hog capitalist in a fascist sense. Again Paul Virilio (p189): “Fascists are those who go to the end of their aspirations. Extreme sports are fascist sports. And a science of the extremes is a fascist science….we are engaged in this kind of delirium. ”

The unspoken ultimatum of President Putin of which I write in blog 241, was stated from the perspective of a ‘fascist delirium’, no doubt driven to it, because Putin did not perceive that an alternative to Capitalism exists in an alternative history and by substituting militaristic and technocratic confrontation with a reinvestigated history, which is likely to discover that the ‘false flag’ of Catholicism and globalization is also a ‘buried flag’.

Needless to say, before President Putin can proceed, he has to take advantage of the recent statement by Patriarch Kirill--the head of the Orthodox Church--that the Church intends to maintain a separation of church and state The West is used to accepting such a separation as a consequence of implementing the capitalist agenda, but it was not always so, certainly not in Russia and Europe before the advent of Catholicism, and not always detrimental when it came to the interests of the community. In this regard one may note that Patriarch Kirill, for all his devotion to Orthodoxy, and resistance to Soviet Renovationism, which aimed to inhibit the independence of the Church, is a product of the era of post-schism, which era has accepted the Catholic version of the life of Jesus as dominant, and has to this date refused to reexamine the theological differences brought about as a result of Western Crusades against Jerusalem-Constantinople (1204), and, instead, has acceptance the transference of Jerusalem to Palestine with silence.

To wage a non-violent and successful war against the military alliances of the West, it is necessary for Russia not only to reexamine history as rewritten and then exposed to forgetting by the Catholic Church and its unholy alliance with a capitalist, ‘democratic’, and urbanized West; but it is also necessary to reexamine much of the literature produced under the dominance of Westernized theology, as this writer has already done with “Oedipus Rex Rewritten”, and resetting the context of Latvian folk literature from that of peasant oral history to that of highly developed oral literature, not to mention perspective on Christianity.

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