Saturday, September 30, 2017

How They Shut Down Populist Latvijans by © Anton Wendamenc, 2017

Vox Populi, Vox Dei. A coutryside Populist is employed by Nature and God all day long; an urban Populist chokes and enslaves Nature and God until Nature and God die.

A Second Coming?

The so-called ‘democratic’ governments have been tested for over two hundred years and have been found wanting and failing their people. In fact, ‘democracy’ has proven itself a fraud and a victim of advertising, whether by corporate or government powers. The most spectacular failure of ‘democracy’ is the United States of America.

The main problem with American ‘democracy’ is that its repression has had the support of its intellectuals and, unbeknownst to them, the People themselves. Neither the one or the other has been able to comprehend that virtual ‘democracy’ is not an embodiment of democracy, which can only be the result of a long period of evolution, i.e., Nature. Among the short sighted intellectuals one of the best current examples is one Chris Hedges*, a Christian minister by education, a former war correspondent for the New York Times, turned leftist. Hedges appears not to realize that Socialism along with Capitalism gains its authority from the victories gained by fantasy during the Age of Enlightenment, a time when intelectuals dismissed the notion that Life may have a divine purpose. It is not a new problem. The evidence that it has plagued philosophers in the past is best illustrated by the story of Job.

*Chris Hedges—an interesting thinker from the political Left spectrum, but like Stalin, completely clueless of the fact that humankind has so completely left the Natural world that it has become an alien to itself and the Natural world. Though this author identifies with much that Hedges says, when the chips are down, he allows himself to become a zombie and adentifies with the Antifa movement, a bizarre Stalinist Street Theatre troupe playing out its violent emotions among the living.

The main problem for American democracy is greed (a major motivation for a People who have abandoned the countryside and have moved to live in the city). Greed is easily influenced by money and undisciplined consciousness (creativity for its own sake) and dominated by militarist and wealthy classes. It is the latter that ‘locks Americans in’to a box, from which confined space they demand ‘regime change’ for other nations, but refuse to see that a ‘regime change’ is necessary for themselves and its pretentious cities. America is in need of rethinking itself, which will not come about until its cities bankrupt themselves and turn into the deserts of dust they are.

There appears no way for America to avoid a Dead End. This is because all arguments over ‘what should be done?’ gyrate around geopolitical arguments. Geopolitics—as it is understood in America today—is entirely about how to use military power. The wealth of American cities derives from thievery by taxation and manufacture of ammunition and military hardware, a tax on the tax, as it were. Even so, America’s military power has no future, because its future spells but DEATH. Moreover, America’s fortune was based on a future that evolved (like that of Western Europe) from the destruction of the lands of Intermarium (an Empire-in-waiting that was bordered by five seas: the Baltic, the Black, the Aegean, the Mediterranean, and the Adriatic).

However, before geopolitical and military power implodes (and we are at the beginning of such an implosion), we must wait for the collapse of the ideology of the age of Enlightenment and death of cityfolk if they will not leave the cities and move back to the countryside and cultivate, as in times past, the wood as their domicile. The use of military power (as Enlightenment enlightened Bolsheviks used it) to enforce virtual reality is nothing short of suicide by murder of Vox Deus, vox Populi: This is why an Act of God is being awaited by one ( ‘Dead End Dawkins’) and all atheists.

This ACT of God is in the offing. As is often the case with God, it begins with a seemingly innocuous event: President Trump’s challenge to the NFL football players to stand when the American National Anthem is sung before the beginning of a football game. In an oppositional response to Trump, the football players are choosing to kneel or stay in their locker rooms and justify thei departure from tradition, by claiming that President Trump represents Populists, who the  NFL football players and their supporters imply represent Right Wing America. Indeed, President Trump was elected to the office of President through support of Populists.

This puts the outcome of the dispute between President Trump and the NFL football players before the American People, the latter which, when the fight is over, will likely stand for American Populists. Will they vote for Trump or for the highly paid football players who (like it or not) represent American corporate powers? Or will the owners of the NFL football clubs give in when football attendance and viewer audiences decrease and cut revenues? True, if President Trump wins this fight, it does not mean he has won the war. It is but a flag for the contest to begin.

Mundane stuff that. But it may be the spark for bigger things. Dangerous and deadly times are ahead.


This raga or book has been inspired, if you will, by the whisper of God that came by way of having experienced man-made violence. As a raga (a musical composition without end), much of what the author has written is raw, which is to say, as things came to mind. Some years back, trapped in what was essentially the same book and the same arguments and unable to find a way out, the author came across Anatoly Fomenko’s daring suggestion that for the most part ‘history’ was fiction. It was love at first sight. Like Immanuel Velikovsky and his book “Worlds in Collision” (1950), Fomenko was put down by academic historians as some kind of a nut. It was like the same being said about me, when I suggested that the famouns saw of anthropologists that our predecessors were “hunters and gatherers” should really read “herders and gatherers”, that our horses used to be raindeer (watch 11+), that meat and pelts were but incidental to a young or old animal dying. Generally nomads kill an animal only to feast a stranger (as my aunt Emma feasted both the Russian and German soldiers) to avoid harm that might result if one did not do so. Wide spread hunting is the result of taxation, of governments on a ‘maraud’. Let us not forget: the first taxes were of animal skins.

This is the last installment of a raga. A rewriting and reinstalment of chapters (EC611 - 629) will follow.The author thanks his followers for their patience and tolerance of ‘raw’ blogs—not only for this series but others past. For all the author knows, this may be the last installment of a serial raga. Such contributions to Eso’sChronicles (a venture that began in the 1970s at The Boston Ledger, and after a hiatus of many years was resumed in Latvija, first, on the platform of Latvians Online under the authorship of one Jaņdžs, then as an independent blog under its resumed and current name) as may appear in the future may only be occasional. Once more, thank you, readers, one and all.

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Saturday, September 23, 2017

How They Shut Down Populist Latvijans
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

Vox Populi, Vox Dei. A coutryside Populist is employed by Nature and God all day long; an urban Populist chokes and enslaves Nature and God until Nature and God die.

“God Your Country Is Burning”

In 1944, as the Soviets were winning the war and returning, one of the last Latvijan ‘patriot’ poets wrote a famous poem “God, Your Country Is Burning”. The poem was composed as a cantata and was sung with great passion as the Soviets occupied the country the Germans had never meant to leave any more than they left Prussia. Today’s postsoviet Latvians befuddled by what the European, U.S., and leaders of their own regime have engineered, express indifference to their history as they sing “God, your country is burning” for victims of a collapsed roof of a poorly constructed supermarket building. What began as a successful rescue operation by the Herrnhuters (in 1729) of a Balt Populist leftover taking refuge in the forests of northern Livonia has by 2017 been turned into a fac simile insane asylum for Riga’s petit bourgeois*. The inheritance of the Age of Enlightenment is not A Castle of Light, but forests hiding mass graves and jackasses pretending to govern the country they’ve betrayed.

*By 2017 the postSoviet Latvijan government has succeeded in removing roughly half a million Latvijans from their home country and pawned them off (for the most part) to Ireland, England, and Norway. In a nation intellectually and materially destituted by NATO, EU, and U.S., the post-Soviet Latvian regime is not of patriots, but petit bourgeois seeking a higher than average monthly salary.

The postsoviet government of Latvija today, put in office—more rather than less—by the CIA, characterizes Ulmanis’s betrayal of his people as due to Latvijan’s being a people of a uniquely “peaceful” nature (a genetic characteristic unknown to any other people).

The demoralization of Latvijans by their government is near total. The nation’s historians keep cowardly silence about the country’s history, either of long ago or recent times. By 2017 Latvijan history is little more than a theatrical script (full of patriotic gore). The literary language of the day is beginning to resemble pidgin English*. It is an open secret that the former Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, who surrendered Latvian sovereignty to the ECB got paid off with a post as a vice-president of the European Commission. And that is only the beginning of the story of betrayal.

*Latvian pidgin begins with the abbreviation of the name of Latvija as LV. Such a cryptic language is customary and derives from written language employed by youths who use the mobile telephone as their primary tool of communicaton; secondly, Latvijan pigin consists of borrowings from English; thirdly, it completely ignores the unique characterstic of the Latvijan language: the endearing word, common in the language of folk songs and farm people of another day. It has been replaced by raw hooliganisms borrowed from the language of alcoholics by internet trolls.

At the time of this writing, the postsoviet Latvian regime is (for more than a year) hailing the advent of the 100th year since the founding of the Latvian Republic by organizing a Grand 100th Anniversary Festival. The festivities are almost entirely rigged* by the LV regime.

*To this author’s mind the resurrection of Middle Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union is no ordinary event, but one that invites a Revolutionary Reconstruction of the community and its governments. More about this in the next and last chapter. Meanwhile, the people of the community have to put up with the likes of Lithuania calling for a Military Schengen Project and what with Lithuanins being subject to Catholicism continued repression of history.

The oath of a Latvian soldier asks him to dedicate his life to the Latvijan Republic and its ‘lawful’ government. Twenty-six years of postsoviet government has proven the government of that republic to be little more than a barbarous relic of post-WW2 Europe run by vulgar careerists, who upon entering office give no like oath of sacrifice.

The oath of office of a Latvian parliamentary legislator contains six expicitly stated points: 1) to be faithful to Latvija; 2) to strengthen Latvija’s sovereignty; 3) to strengthen Latvian language as the only language of the nation; 4) to defend Latvija as an independent and democratic nation; 5) to fulfill one’s responsibility with honor; 6) to obey the Latvian Constitution. (Author’s translation.) The oath that demands of one life sacrifice is meant only for Populist (nominally) soldiers; there is no like requirement of the rest of the government bureaucracy.

As for the consequences of Ulmanis betrayal: the postsoviet LV regime is an example. Of course, its inability to project intelligence goes unadmitted and unanalyzed, and, therefore, leaves no room for the Reconstruction of a much wounded nation. Instead, it leaves the People of the nation to become a population of runts. As most European national governments, the Latvijan government (having eviscerated its own) genuflects before the regimes of Brussels and Washington, and sings praises to the creeps that head NATO (Stoltenberg, a Dane, speaking for all of Europe; Bergmanis, a Latvijan, speaking for Latvija).

There is little that can be done to reverse the seemingly victorious march of the European federalist empire, but agitate against it. For more, the people must wait for an Act of God.

How They Shut Down Populist Latvijans
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

Vox Populi, Vox Dei. A coutryside Populist is employed by Nature and God all day long; an urban Populist chokes and enslaves Nature and God until Nature and God die.

An Heir of Entente Becomes President of LV

K. Ulmanis, Latvijan president by his own dictat (1934-1940) and, therefore, Latvijan and Balt first potential Sacred King in a thousand years, surrendered to Stalin’s idea of the Soviet urban man as a wimp would. In Latvija’s best known newspaper of the time, The Latest News (Jaunākās Ziņas) and radio, he surrendered the sovereign nation under his control to the Soviets with the words: “I remain [sitting on my hands—this author’s addition] in my place; you remain in yours”. These words bring shame to every Latvijan who, contrary to evidence, continues to think of Latvija as a sovereign country.

K. Ulmanis’s political career began with risk enough when in 1905, he was arrested by the tsar’s authorities and imprisoned in Pskov, Russia. Nevertheless, as he was of a wealthy farming family, he went into exile in America, and thereafter worked himself up to become in 1919 the right wing leader (representing the kulaks of the Latvian peasantry, rather than the landless, who were the core of the separatist movement) of Latvija’s provisional government. With his right wing sympathies obvious, Ulmanis had little trouble gaining the support of the right wing entente powers, even if not of the German-Balts. Following the declaration of independence of Latvija in 1918, Ulmanis became the leader of the provisional government. The author suggests that the reader read the link imbedded in the headline of this chapter to gain a fuller understanding of the complexities that attended the birth of Latvija as a nation. For all the favorable stars, it is unlikely that without the protection of British warships of the Saratov in the harbor of Liepāja, the provisional government of Latvija would have survived. While true that the Latvijan right wing did its part in securing the Latvijan state, it is equally true that the withdrawal of the entente’s support for Bermondt-Avalov’s military unit undermined the will of the Baltic Germans to continue to fight for a German Latvija. Needless to say, the Latvijan government does what it can to obscure the fact that the right wing orientation of the state of Latvia, like that of all the states of Mideastern Europe (from Finland to the Ukraine), is the result of Western political design and power to interfere in internal matters.*

*This author’s perspective on the government of Latvija took a change for the worse after the postsoviet Latvijan regime unilaterally surrendered the sovereignty of Latvija to the Central Bank of the EU. On January 1, 2014, Latvija’s own currency the lats was betrayed and made became the euro.

In 1940, a few months after the the Soviet Union had occupied Latvija, Ulmanis let the Soviets send him off to his new job in Stavropol without protest. As per Wikipedia: “...where he worked in his original profession as a Kolkhoz agronom”. Unfortunately, in 1941 Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, and the Soviets felt compelled to arrest Ulmanis. He died of dysentery contracted on the way to prison in Krasnovodsk, Turkmenistan. Ulmanis death effectively put an end to the attempt by Latvijans to govern themselves.

K. Ulmanis cowardice cancelled out the bravery that Latvian Populists (of countryside and city, of real or mythic substance) had shown in previous centuries. Having been led to believe in Ulmanis’s leadership, the people felt abandoned when their virtual headman’s courage found him wanting and his leadership proved to be no more than a staged act. Some Latvians fled into the woods again, and called themselves The Forest Brotherhood (Meža brāļi). But the fire power of 20th century weapons had made the wood vulnerable not only for the wolf and deer, but humans seeking refuge there as well. When the countries involved in the entente of WW1 did not react to the Soviet occupation of Latvija (1940) by coming to the aid of Ulmanis bourgeois* regime (such help was implicit in the organizing of the BaltGerman ‘Bermondt-Avalov’ military unit twenty years earlier), the people felt abandoned and betrayed. Unable to communicate with each other and organize an effective clandestine resisistance (due to control and inhibition of communication by the centralized virtual power structure of the Ulmanis’s regime), and subject to incarceration and/or liquidation (the brother of the author’s Godfather, Konstantin Chakste, one such resister, was arrested and died in a German concentration camp) at any sign of opposition (the Katyn forest masacre in Poland is an example of what to expect when living in a denatured society and trained to accept a home grown—Pilsudski** cum Ulmanis—dictator’s will), the will of the Latvian people succumbed to the events as a runt succumbs when its mother denies it affection***.

*The Chinese book of wisdom, the I Ching, has a saying: “no blame”, which is to say that it is not the person consulting the I Ching who bears the blame, but the unfortunate circumstsance he-she is cought in. In the same way, a bourgeois is not to be blamed for all the situations he-she is entrapped by, though from a critical perspective, he-she may indeed be its cause.

**Pilsudski was a well meaning leader of a residue of the Balt diaspora known as the Polish people. However, like so many, he was persuaded by the Vikings and their fort-city methods of centralized control paradoxed by a virtual religion claiming itself worthy to represent a global God. What Pilsudski failed and most of Western leaders continue to fail to grasp is that the Neochristian ‘Catholic’ claim over Nature can survive for but a relatively few centuries, not thousands of years as pretended. It is sad to observe that after the Poles deforested their land, the Katyn forest became the desert rather than refuge of the conscious intellect. The rape of the Bialowieza forest is the present manifestation of this mindset.

***Though the United States refused to recognize the Soviet occupation of Latvija, it did not oppose it by becoming militarily involved. Military involvement came only from England, when Hitler attacked Poland. Indeed, the U.S. supported the Soviet Union in its war against Hitler, who attacked it fearing it may similarly attempt to occupy Germany. 

The dying of the Latvijan nation came with many signs. As soon as Hitler had reoccupied Latvija (1941), unreflecting* Latvijan men and women joined Hitler’s SS (Schutz und Staffel/ metaphorically ‘shield and spear’) no questions asked. They had been persuaded by state supported historians that General Bermondt had been defeated by none other than the Livonians (Estonians and Latvians, and Poles) by themselves, and that the Germans had learned their lesson and had forgotten about their designs on the Balts. In the Soklēni household every woman knit woolen socks and mittens for our last Populist volunteer martyrs. No one had been taught about the centuries long vision of the descendants of the Vikings (western Europeans and opportunistic Americans) to seize the land of Russia for themselves.** Though the name of Latvija survived as that of Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic (LSSR), there is little doubt that the nation had become a projectile the trajectory of which was to end in the acronym LV.

*With most of Latvija’s inteligentsia removed to Siberia by the Soviets and the voice of the remainder therefore significantly weakened, the country lost its public voice. The population at large, its perceptions still under the influence of the Baltic Germans and the Germanically oriented Lutheran church, reacted with populistic emotionalism and welcomed the Wehrmacht as its savior; it did not differentiate the SS from the Wehrmacht.

**Originally the Vikings were of one people, whose warlords engaged each other in endless minor ‘civil’ wars. Eventually there emerged of this people the various nations of Western Europe. This was especially true after the Vikings of the European northwest were joined by the Vikings expelled from the Black Sea region by Slavs and Turks. The Western Vikings have ever after sought to recapture the Middleeast for themselves again. The attempt to ‘Germanize’ the Balts (and the Jews) by means of a Neochristianized and retold/ rewritten Archchristianity, facilitated the physical occupation of their lands (the implanted Romanov tsars of Russia were part of a similar effort to capture Russia from within). From this author’s perspective, the effort to subdue Russia began with the destruction of Jersika (Jerusalem) of the Balts in 1209. The reoccupation of the Intermarium zone (from the Baltic to the Black Sea) continues with a U.S. and NATO encirclement of Russia, even the entire Eurasian continent.