Saturday, February 9, 2019

King Cain
The Story Of Pre-Calendar Christianity
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019


One of the victims of the tortured New Testament is John the Baptist, who according to Matthew 3:2 (NIV) came from out of the wilderness, re: “John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea [?Ludea] and saying, “...repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

Did John not know that the Christian mafia of letters was about to rename the Jordan River for the river of death? For two thousand years the mafia of Christian theology has stuck to its ‘holy’ lie to better deny that it chased John from the church he was part of and built.

The story goes that John met Jesus on the banks of the Jordan River, where John was baptizing a demoralized crowd of government victims. Matthew records the event thus:

As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove* and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

*The word ‘dove’ contains two consonants, re: D and V. According to Grimm’s Law, D and V may be exchanged for J and B. Several great rivers in Europe have names that begin with the sound of D: Donau (Danube), Daugava, Don. The same were once pronounced Jonau, Jaunava, Jon, which first syllables correspond to the name of Yan, the pagan herder (for more see below). Another unlikely coincidence is that ‘dove’ in Latvian (a language of Indo-European origin) is pronounced ‘duhja’. If we exchange the consonants, we get the name ‘j(y)uhda’. Furthermore, it is easy to convert ‘duhja’ to ‘duhda’, which means trumpet or horn. Does a dove’s cooing remind of one blowing one’s horn? Is this how those who marched around the walls of Jericho’-Jersika (see book of Joshua) bring down its walls? If we disengage from our attachment to linear thought and the violence of marching straight, and with the aid o pareidolia make a side step, we discover that the walls of Jericho were not brought down by trumpets, but by the cooing of doves. The ways of pareidolia are strange indeed. Who would have imagined that in America, the sound of trumpets ‘duhda’ would find reflection in the sound of a banjo—as in the song by Johnny Cash, re:‘Camptown Races Campdown Races *(Doo-Dah, Doo-Dah day)



Because the quote is set in print and was distributed to as many corners of the world as possible, St. John was dispossessed of the Godhood his forebears had blessed him with, and his kingdom was seized by the captors of Jesus John was also rechristened with the surname of ‘Baptist’. After the ‘baptism’ of Jesus, no one ever consulted John the Baptist on matters of faith again. In effect, the Globalist Church of the Empire liquidated John as a competitor.

The humiliation of John by Globalist theologians ought not surprise. It has a long history. It began with the replacement of the name of John with the name ‘pagan’.

Contrary to the insistence by orthodox dictionaries that ‘pagan’ is a word of Latin origin (re:...from Latin paganus, villager, rustic...), the word derives from a different source altogether.

‘Pagan’ is a meme constructed of two words: pa + gan; ‘pa’ is a prefix, which in some languages (Russian and Latvian) designates a decreasing, mitigating, lessening, or altering of the meaning of the root word. For example, in Latvian the word for ‘fa-got’ is ‘pa + gale’. ‘Gale’ is a word that stands for ‘end’. When prefixed by ‘pa’, ‘gale’ is transformed into the short end of a piece of wood. In the English language a well-known prefix is ‘un-’ as in un-happy, un-even or ‘bi’ as in bi-plane, bi-camera, be-tween, etc.

When it comes to ‘pagan’, the stem of which spells ‘gan’ or ‘gans’, the original meaning was ‘herder’. Due to shifts in consonant pronunciation, ‘gan’ was once pronounced ‘j(y)an’, as in ‘j(y)annisery’ (in Turkish), or ‘gendarme’ and ‘gentlemen’ (in English). Because herding animals was a universal activity by the people of the wood and plain, ‘gan’/ ‘jan’ became either an prefix or an postfix to innumerable words.

For example, the Hindu God Ganesh (he appears in the guise of an elephant, though he is light enough for a mouse to carry him; he symbolizes good fortune) was once used in the herding of animals. When stripped of academic obfuscations, ‘Ganesh’ means Lord—Gan or Jan—of a herd. It is known that once upon a time, the banks of the Ganges were the grazing lands for holy cows.

Incidentally, the name Jan has many male and female cognates: Dan, Hans, Huan, Ivan, Ian, Janis, Jean, John, Johann, Ganesh, Ghent, and Joan, Jane, Janet, Daina, Zhena, etc.


After Cain had made the sacrifice of his daughter’s lamb to God, God decided to give Cain a visit.

“What made you do that?” asked God. “Do you believe killing Abel, it was not murder, by simply claiming it to have been a sacrifice? Surely you know that I know you killed Abel because he was a herder and you are a farmer, and his goats were grazing on your oats. Did you not wish to take over his wood to make greater profit by farming?”

To which Cain answered: “It takes years before I can harvest a reindeer mother for the pelt of her soft underbellly, but it takes no time to cut down a wood and raise grain or beans. Is it not more profitable to raise soybeans than reindeer? I will get to the moon a thousand years before Abel. Surely, God, you will not begrudge me my success story.”

God had no answer to this display of cleverness and removed Himself from further discussion. Cain’s friends were exuberant. “We have outsmarted God! It is our, not His reality that rules!” they cried. “God is for the monkeys! We will make Cain our King!”

Though Cain had trumped God and was made King, the profitability of grain and soy beans was so great that it soon resulted in dissention among farmers. Every baron and lord of the manor wanted more land to raise more soybeans. Foresters wanted to replace forests with palm trees and make more palm oil. Palm fronds would pave the streets of every city and silence the crunch of wheels on cobble stones.

Desire for ‘progress’ for one and all quickly resulted in strife and war.

Because no war happens without license to loot and rape, some began to call ‘war’ a ‘ball’.

While farmers warred among themselves, the makers of arms grew rich, but the children of God and animals of the forest grew increasingly miserable.

“We wish to leave Earth,” cried the children, “Why must we live in a hellish place as this?” With no forests to hide in, deer were often trapped in headlights of cars and on the streets of cities. Rats grew the size of beavers and rats, what with fatbergs glutting city sewers, threatened to grow into dinosaurs.

Though the Devil had questioned God about the trustworthiness of Job, he now went a step further. The Devil challenged God not only over Job, but over children as well. Soon children were no longer praying to God, but to meet Extra-terrestrials.

Not only was God dead as one philosopher (Nietzsche) observed, but chaos became the norm. In cities song turned into rap. Without ever having learned how to grow potatoes or pick berries, or having seen a lamb conceived or born, ‘rappers’ began to call themselves ‘trannies’ (creatures conceived of the head and slid into existence by the tongue) and joined groups and parties known as ‘Cargo cults’. ‘Cargo’ or ‘Money’ became the name for the Christian God of the cities.

“We want government support,” cried Cargo worshippers. “We are Christians. We are city born. No one told us that the apple Eve gave Adam was mistletoe, which smells like apples because it grows on apple trees. Our mothers’ milk came ‘free’! Why is it that life is not for ‘free’?”

In freedom loving America, youths began to ask for ‘free’ education, knowing full well that freedom had been turned into a synonym for money, which enabled not only liberal fantasies, but exchanged wood for plastic and turned green into grey.

Wishing to remain in power and avoid another Bolshevik revolution, the Federal Bank of America printed money in ever greater denominations. Debt increased by hundreds of trillions of dollars; money could be borrowed at negative rates, because minus would turn into a plus without having to go through the eye of 0. Almost everyone believed Paradise was just around the corner.

Then—after magnetic nuclear bombs exploded over Beijing, New York City, London, the Tower of Babel fell silent, millions died, and the world was seized by a great panic. No extra-terrestrials came to the rescue.

Only then did Cain begin to understand what he was guilty of. Trouble was there was no one he could confess to: the power grid had no electricity, and neither God nor the Devil could receive emailed prayers.

Cain had become wealthy enough to have outdistanced Satan and God. What he did not realize was that on the other side of the ‘Dead End’ sign, lay a bottomless pit.

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