Saturday, January 26, 2019

King Cain
A Short and Never Before Heard History of King and God
By © Eso Anton Vendamenc, 2019

9 THE LADIES macbeth

As already mentioned (see Ch2), Newspeak has been succeeded by Fuckspeak. As unpleasant as such speech is, nothing surprises, because it is the inverted, the hysterical, and the absurd that rules our day. Why? Because it is a way to return to nature. When there are no mountains and valleys to echo our song, there is fuckspeak and porn to try tear down the walls that speak for the city.

The hysterics of people living in the city is a consequence of their removal from Nature. The city is a pleasure island. It enables male survivors of war, prisons, and monasteries, and ruthless whores to discover connections to Reality subjected to inattention in ages before. What humans born in nature would ever have thought of letters or of writing “Decameron”? What woman, clad in nothing but a bikini, would have climbed the icy mountains of the island of Taiwan?

While the Eastern part of Europe retains in its repressed memory bank a fascination with ‘shit’ (see Pushkin joke in Ch1), because it tells of what ‘polite’ speech of city dwellers leaves to vulgar (or is it natural?) speech of countryside dwellers, the Western part of the world swears by the word ‘fuck’. ‘Fuck’ derives of a psyche deprived of God, love, and consciousness. It is a word not meant so much to insult women, as to insult their men, who are left with little choice but to raise bastard children of violent nomads from upstream who happened to be sailing past some fishing village while its men were fishing downstream.

The inversion of love into violence has resulted in a perverse and hysterical attempt by women of the city (originally introduced there as booty by Vandals and other armed seekers of fortune) to prove themselves equal to men. Unfortunately, when women succeed, the consequence is a perversion of sexuality into an end in itself. Mother Nature turns her abusers, the cluster fucking ‘motherfuckers’, into whimpering haters of life, just as Lady Macbeth turns Macbeth into a murderer though the general may himself be an unfortunate victim (an unwitting castrati) of fate set in motion by ages of witless history before his birth. Indeed, who the ‘fuck’ is a general and what general is not a rapist and a murderer?

Lady Macbeth’s character is the result of the abuse she endured while serving as a whore for the nobility at Dunsinane castle. Were it not for the witches “wool of bat and tongue of dog”, she would have been left bloody and dead, even as King Duncan celebrated a son born tested by the Gods. When times are such, who cares whether Lady Macbeth be queen or whore? For details see upcoming chapters 32 and 33.

Most everyone is familiar with the ‘burka’ worn by women of the Islamic faith. Everyone is also familiar with the ‘miniskirt’ worn by women of the West. While a burka hides the body of a woman and allows a man to see only her eyes, the miniskirt invites a man to imagine putting his hand and more between the woman’s legs. The wearer of the miniskirt dismisses the male’s natural instincts by turning herself into a mare who kicks a stallion in the balls for violating her ‘right’ to (more or less) expose her vagina in the public arena. If little else, the feminists prove themselves to be no longer of Nature, but of a fantasy perverted by a mindset that has overstayed its visit in the city.

The dismissal of heterosexual reality puts emphasis on the orgasmic experience as a phenomenon that has little to do with encouraging copulation for the sake of reproduction of Being, but emphasizes orgasmic experience as a substitute for consciousness. Because the experience is accessible to all beings (from worm to human), the denial of its function as a force for regeneration causes one to reinterpret Being as a matter of Non-being.

The feminist creation of an aerial or Icaric woman sans man, antiquates the Judeo-Islamic-Christian mindset, and replaces it with an orientation that is as extreme as only life isolated in the city may create.


While the city born philosopher Thomas Hobbes described life in the country as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” and supported absolutist power for the king of London, who he substituted for all of England, such ideas are of the mind born in a city. Worse, one can be born of the city even in the countryside by allowing it to be invaded and violated by such ‘educational’ devices as public schools, television, mobile phones, the internet, and—not least—‘flying saucers’.

The divine music that philosophers of other times claimed circled the spheres around planet Earth, today offer no better music than “KABOOM, KABOOM. CRASH, CRASH”, on the car radio.

While past great heroes such as Agamemnon fought a memorable war for the right to capture, fuck, and share with friends Menelaus’s insatiable wife Helen, aka Pussy Galore, a no less willing Las Vegas whore Stormy Cunt can bring America, the alleged Paradise of Democracy, today to its knees for a mere $130,000.

To understand ‘paradise’, we needs to understand that it is formed of two words: para + dise. Para means ‘over and above being ordinary’, while ‘dise’* stands for garden or orchard.

*dise=dārzs in Latvian; dolce (dorze)=sweet in Italian; dolce vita=sweet garden of life.

In the past, a home in the forest was referred to as a ‘Roma’* (whence our living ‘room’), which word stands for ‘nest’ around which turns the life of the household. In later times, when princes cut down forests for quick profit, the people of forest nests or romas were forced to flee from the wood. Some fled to the city to live as beggars at the foot of its walls, others turned their ‘Roma’s’ into houses on wheels.

*A Roma in the wood used to be a self-sustaining enterprise that paid no taxes, because its residents had no need of government. The Roma people on wheels came to be disliked by city ‘burghers’ because its inhabitants continued to try to be a sovereign people and pay no taxes. One may note that the etymology of the word for ‘room’ never mentions Rome, which is an indication of the prejudice among linguists  dictated to them by government and compromised Christianity. The dictionary claims that the name of ‘Rome’ is derived from the Etruscan name Romulus, a child of a She wolf, who kills his brother Remus. But the name Romulus does not belong to the Etruscans alone. The name is also reflected in the Russian name Rumyancov, re: Roaming John. The name Ramava used to designate a religious center of ancient Balts.

Contrary to the ‘creative’ conceits of tranies delivered to us by Unidentified Flying Objects, a dweller of the wood is no zombie, but an expert observer of nature. For example, our forebears harvested trees only in certain seasons and only according to the phases of the moon. The dwellers of the wood and field made note that animals and humans were of two distinct sexes, and their language did not only have words that noted and honored both genders, but was able to express gentleness by means of endearing words, aka ‘diminutives’. Such respect for things living and of God’s making is altogether unacceptable to the nasty, brutish, and non-transcending ways of city-dependent manufacturers, who are committed to selling their ‘fucking’ grandmother if need be and chain saw level trees en masse.

A shaman or shamaness, sometimes called a warlock or witch, would be horrified by the opioid epidemics caused by money stressed doctors who fail to properly diagnose an illness, but prescribe improper medications (opioids) instead. Such cure causes 1) the patient to return for more hopium, 2) spend more money than necessary, and 3) after finding no cure for his or her ills to die a premature death.

Shamans, on the other hand, because they were an intimate part of a community, became healers ss a consequence of their own experience of pain and suffering. Because shamans, male or female*, served not only as healers of stomach aches and body wounds, but psychological distress, he/ she were experts in songs, chants, and prayers. As a community matured and endured, the shamans and witches became creators and reciters of its history. We should note that in earlier times, reciting history (because it connected one with one’s ancestors) was believed to increase the endurance of the person in need of healing.

*A female witch or shamanes among Latvians of former times was known as ‘burve’ (?vulva, also ‘varde’, frog). Grimm’s Law regarding sound and consonant change, suggests that shamanesses may have cured with sexual magic and in their younger years may have served as tribal geneatrixes.

A shaman may become a shaman ten times over when distress affects not merely individuals, but is experienced by the entire community. Of such occasions, because of experience of pain and suffering, a shaman may emerge as a prototype for God.

When the environment was of the wood (where reality is not of human making), occasions of distress were tempered by the unsentimental ways of nature and human ability to accommodate, endure, and transcend distress. These supports of nature began to fail once violent men began to transform suffering into unnatural terror: castration, evisceration, gauging of eyes, putting bloodied heads on poles, and like. If up to that time the only sacrifice of life that nurtured life had been fish, thereafter it became the blood of lamb.

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