Saturday, December 30, 2017

Afterthoughts and Fillers
By © Anton Vendamencsh, 2017

A Prediction for 2018

The Moby Dick of history destroyed by those who wrote the Bible will breach the surface of the waters again.

Just like the mind between our ears dictates the affairs of our pseudo or Virtual reality, so the mind (of its own) that manifests between our legs dictates the reality of life in the wood. Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear know there was no Jesus in the manger this Christmas (2017). Instead, Joseph and Mary used the idled festival to make love in the loft.

It is Jerusalem that is the most virtual of historical realities of our time, which is why it will not root in Israel as a capital city of either Zionist, Muslim*, or Papist** secular theocratists. Instead, the ship’s carpenter—of the very ship ‘Magdalena’ on which Jesus Krist sailed for Occitania, now in southern France--will refit the mast to the ship torn from it by the storms of endless fake Crusades, and the vessel adrift for a thousand+ years will resume its journey for the stars long obscured.

*The essential difference between Christianity and Islam is that Jesus Christ was a live self-sacrifice to the end of creating a community of forest dwellers bound by transcendental love such self-sacrifice inspires; whereas Islam is a precursor to a Lenin and Stalin, one Mohammed, a military leader of desert bound city and town dwellers, who in no way transcends himself. No doubt, today’s Christianity has become cowardly and has lost its edge, which is leadership by example. The self-evident collapse of Western Civilization and the invasion of former Christian lands by Muslims ought inspire a revival of sacrificial Christianity that has long been repressed by western militarists.

**Paradoxically, a resurrection of Christianity could result from a Muslim seizure of the Batichan. Such a seizure would have for its immediate objective a search of its archives for the real history of Jerusalem. The seizure would also serve a number of Christian purposes: a) to prove the history of today’s Israel a fake; b) reveal the history of Christianity no less a fake; c) bring about “the end of times” or history as we know it; d) end the Papacy; e) end ‘religion’—from religio, bringing together—as a divisive phenomenon by f) giving the present Pope the opportunity to salvage his and the Church’s reputation by resuming the role of God incarnate, which was interrupted by the greatest of lies:  the denial of God by refusing to act as if He is real.

Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture
My most favored images at 0:59 un 14:19
My ear responds most to the track 0 to 2:42
Which I title: ”God, here is your Garden”
Then from 13:25 until 14:55
Which I title: ”God, watch your Garden being burnt”
the rockets that follow 14:55 are government propaganda. 

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