Saturday, December 23, 2017

Afterthoughts and Fillers
By © Anton Vendamenc, 2017

A New Year (2018) Prediction:
Women Will Continue To Stress Men

I was watching President Trump’s speech at the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia, and becoming increasingly concerned over Trump’s uncritical praise of the police. To me Trump’s speech gave clear evidence that Trump has little understanding of the state the American Empire and the catastrophic situation its militarism has placed the world in. No less grating was the applause the president received from the audience. Apparently, the police, too, perceived itself as entitled to be equipped with military type vehicles so best to circumscribe human freedom, when self-circumscription, taught in government supported genderless kindergartens, failed. The ‘laws’ of government-run Paradise were strict and were enforced with incarcerations at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp or even the death penalty. It did not seem to occur to anyone that when law is set against human nature, God, if there is One, will judge it to be illegal and give license to kill the lawmakers.

As I was listening to the speech, I could not help wondering if President Trump had not accepted the invitation to speak, because he knew that the FBI was participating in a quiet coup d’etat  (it had done so with President Nixon) to remove him from the presidential office by impeachment, and that by uncritically flattering the police, he could gain their sympathy and support, when the situation became critical.

As stated in my previous blog (EC639), “Many [have] wondered and asked “Why are so many millenials becoming communists?” The making of a communist in our pseudo Populist-communist empire gained momentum with the election of President Obama, a democrat, who as a black man came to power largely because he attracted the votes of black city Populists. Those who have read my blogs will know that my answer to the question of communism in our time is that a) we live in a Virtual and not Real world; b) the Virtual world has been, for the most part, made in the city; and c) democracy, which is real among the Populists of the wood and countryside is a fantasy among the people when they transfer themselves from the environment of the wood to that of the city. Unfortunately, while the Populists of the city differ radically from the Populists of the countryside, the difference is perceived only superficially. The blame for the failure to perceive Reality goes to Marx, Lenin, and Stalin, who mistook the unrest of the peasants for the unrest of the workers of the cities. The Marxists were of the city environment, and identified themselves with it the most.

The failure of the intellectual elites to perceive who is most trespassed against affected the evolution of the historical  process in an apocalyptic manner. Beginning with Marx, born in 1818 on the heels of the French Revolution (1789-1799), and continuing through the American Civil War, the turning of family farms into factories (plantations in the Caribbean and American South were predecessors to the Soviet kolkhozes), the industrialists and traders turned the Age of Enlightenment into an Age of Hell on Earth. A further result was an extreme polarization of society into Haves and Have Nots. The Have Nots were ‘collateral damage’ of a bank run economy. When in 1929 the graspishness of the elites caused the United States to suffer an economic collapse, Virtualism suffered its first serious defeat in modern times. In order to avoid a Soviet style bloodbath in America, President Roosevelt pushed through legislation for a New Deal—even as the American prison system to this day incarcerates more people than any other nation in the world.

Events tumbled and see-sawed from year to year, with the military-industrial complex making huge advances against the interests of Populists, whether these lived in the city or the countryside. As countryside farmers were replaced by foreign laborers and automation, and the unemployed were replaced by Food Stamps and various government support programs, the notion of a paid for and ‘free’ existence gained nigh universal acceptance. City Populists developed the notion that science and technology was the worm that could live by processing through its body raw dirt. In effect, the social body conceived itself as a worm on the dole. When the recent presidential election put Trump in the president’s office, he interrupted a long storied fantasy of city dwellers, who reacted vociferously to the notion of having to return to work or reorganize society along very different premises than those operating in the time of their parents. Misled by years of prosperity and having been led to believe that the U.S. had somehow escaped Reality by calling itself ‘exceptionalist’, the Virtualists began a ‘last stand’ attack on what was left of Reality. The goal of the attack is to unseat Trump from the presidency and replace him with ‘crooked’ Hillary, who was the losing candidate.

While attacks on President Trump came from every whichway, the most noteworthy and disturbing came from citified women, who perceive Nature as a ‘right wing’ and fascist enterprise, and wish to use the occasion of chaos in government to push their cause against perceived male sexual aggression. Though President Trump escaped the accusations of being a sexual predator, it is not for lack of Virtual women trying. Of course, Trump was not the only target of women indoctrinated by Virtualism. Virtually everyone who associated him- or herself with Nature was being attacked. So far, one legislator has been driven to committed suicide. One would not be surprised if more follow. Males born of Mother Nature were to get their comeuppance from women raised on dreams of Virtual Utopia.

Given the predominance of Virtual Reality and fake history over Reality and real life events continues for the most part unquestioned, and seeing that fakery has not yet broken below its support lines, one can expect that the odd rebel, one real estate tycoon become President, will—come 2018--be impeached. Though from this author’s perspective this seems absurt, we have endured an absurd Age for several centuries, and the momentum may be with the clowns yet*. Moreover, since no one in America (or Europe, or Asia, or Australia,or India, or the Middle East for that matter) is ready to rethink the premises of ‘the good life’ in Virtual reality, an unforeseen and anti-matter ‘accident’ may activate itself again and again side track history. Which is to say, that a second coup d’etat by the FBI will be realized and bring the Klingons to power again.

*As the speculative fever in Bitcoin and anticipated rise in the price of gold and silver attests, neither the Haves nor city Populists are ready to give up on the fantasy of the coming collapse being anything other than a temporary interruption of our Virtual Empire. In fact, all the mentioned will be totally worthless if Nature wins the war. Since the military let the FBI humiliate one of its own, the sacrifice of Lt. General Flynn may be a hint of where the real sympathies of the military lie.

 Trump’s speech at the FBI National Academy
Pseudo Populist-communisty empire

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