Saturday, November 25, 2017

Afterthoughts and Fillers
By © Anton Wendamenc, 2017

1 Love, Hell, and Near Death Experience

I have mentioned Near Death Experiences a number of times in my blogs, because at my age (84) one is necessarily closer to death than at a younger age. Since all life forms on Earth are said to be mortal most of us not only think at it, but are forced to think of it, because the powers that be expose millions of children to the fright of death that war brings.

Madeline Albright, U.S. secretary of State under the Bill Clinton regime, claimed that killing a half a million Iraqi children was not too high a price to pay to secure the right to export U.S. wrought liberal ‘democracy’ and insure ‘free trade’ to pirate corporations. Since for the grace of a few seconds, I would have been killed during WW2, I can identify with the victims of war. In my late teens, I joined the U.S. Marine Corps. I did it primarily because the course in trigonometry that I was taking at Northeastern University did not particularly interest me, and architectural drafting bored me. The courses I was enrolled in went against the grain of my family’s past experience, which had clustered around religion, politics, teaching, news dissemination, and agriculture. After a few years in America, I enrolled in engineering courses as a way to insure for myself a secure future. My logic proved to be misguided. That is why I soon rationalized that discovering something about the military from a victor country’s perspective might cement my transition into a different culture with a bit more certainty.

I bring up the case of nde, because one of the striking projections of the experience (as reported by those who experience it) is that of unconditional love. The experience radically contradicts the one taught those brought up in the tradition of the Reality of Hell and for that reason are able to imagine that they could have been born in a Land Without Evil. Hell was ever confirmed by the hells brought about by governments this side of Dante’s ” Divine Comedy ”.

Why, say, would a parallel realm on planet Venus pardon the crimes committed on Earth as if the crimes of criminals on Earth are irrelevant? No platform on the internet that deals with nde has acknowledged this schism; no neoChristian theologian that I know of has made the observation or acknowledged the contradiction as real.

For some time, I have insisted that we are being forced by governments to live in City-wrought Virtual reality rather than Reality as wrought by Nature. An example that illustrates the diference between Virtual or pseudo reality and Real reality is—interestingly enough—hunger and not-hunger. In a Real or Nature based reality hunger is an inescapable reality. In a Virtual or City based reality hunger has become almost an unknown: hunger in a city has been practically eliminated because of a city’s ability to steel from the countryside* with impunity. How long will the thievery and killing of those born to Nature last?

*Because of the politization of the issue, we do not know for sure whether the so-called Ukrainian holodomor was caused by Stalin’s deliberate confiscation of Ukrainian grain or by conditions caused by war, climate change, and intervention by the West in the Russian Civil War, the latter a continuation of a war begun a thousand years earlier at the time of the Viking invasion of the realms about the Black and Caspian seas. Whatever the distant past, there can be no doubt that America and Europe  demanded the Soviet Union pay for the debts of the tsar and its own. In my opinion, the Western demand for the Soviet Union to pay off old debts when its territores were severely stressed by after effects of war, surely was war by other means—against the Soviet Union’s intuitive (but never discovered) identification with the  People of Nature. Indeed, America is as resposible for holodomor as Stalin.

The war waged by Virtual reality is the main reason why it and Real reality (Citybred Reality vs Reality of the wood-countryside)—both of which realities insist on Democracy as social order—will not exhaust itself until Virtual reality causes Nature to win by default. The Reality of Nature cannot compromise, because it is in the nature of Nature to be all there is. On the other hand, Virtual reality, which is of a citybred environment, cannot deny its origin in Nature—even though its thoughts are of a fantasy that will, sooner or later, end in a crash.

While Nature is immortal, the City—by its inherently artificial nature—rejects Nature, and is real only as a farce. It takes no great intelligence to discover that the State is of the City, which is why the State, too, (over the longer term) is a farce. The State of course insists that my judgement is false by insisting that Artificial Intelligence will soon overtake Natural Intelligence. My critics are supporters and lobbyists that come of the empires of our day: the United States of America, the Russian Federation, China, Europe, and several smaller State entities. Even in days of their comeupance, these continue to fantasize about their immortality. The only way that Virtual reality knows how to reinforce its fantasy is by reversing the order of logic and keeping the sword of Democles (monopoly of power) hanging over the head of the Nature-born Populists instead of itself.

While regard of self among Populists of the Wood and those of the City is of the same source, the nde of Populists of the wood and those of the City differ substantially. While the first would judge those who refuse to help their starving neighborswith great severity, the second care little whether those in the apartment next door live or die.

(Next: 2 The Nature of God)

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