An Essay On The
Origin Of Populist Kings
By © Anton
Wendamenc, 2017
and Murder
The greatest
of torturers and destroyers of black people
and no-government
woodland Populists was
outdid Hitler and Stalin in spades,
yet he is hardly
ever mentioned in history books.
Not only
was Leopold an example of berserk brutality.
The royal
monster was the epitomy
of greed
and self-agrandizement.
Leopold justified
his brutality by building
(for the
common good?)
which is
become the headquarters of
a transatlantic
corporate and military
Conrad, a Polish-British writer wrote the novella “The Heart of Darkness” as a parody of horror. It may be that the last words
of Kurtz, the man who is the subject of the parody, “The horror! The horror!” (the
words coming somewhat unexpectedly as Kurtz expires) are a way for Conrad to curse
King Leopold II and get Leopold to curse himself. By 1899 (the year the book
was published) the Zeitgeist of Leopold was only half finished. As Leopold was cutting off the hands of Congolese children, Europe was on
the verge of WW1 (in 15 years) , and the Charlston,
the froth of the Industrial Age, was yet a quarter century’s wait away. Then as
now zombies were and are in control of the cocoon of time and what happens
within it.
One of the experiences
that may follow a consumption of the Amanita Mushcaria is the sense that one becomes
encapsulated in his or her own cocoon of space that has separatef from the extended
space one is born into. The cocoon is experienced as an awareness of perpetual emptiness.
In effect, the mushroom causes a near death experience (nde) by removing one to
the ceiling of the operating room if that is where one is. When looking from
the ceiling, one comes to see one as two: I am here and there. It may be that
once upon a time the separation was used to anesthetise pain. This may be the
meaning of the phrase “...and the veil of
the temple was torn down the middle....” (Luke
23:45) The torn veil
reveals two worlds: here and there. It makes one think that the wine and vinegar
Jesus drinks at the Last Supper and when on the cross, is actually a drink made
of Fly Agaric*. Jesus could have seen himself as of two parts: one as of a body
that is hanging on the cross, the other as one looking down on the scene from
somewhere above. To see one’s self as having a body and yet not of it, is an
unusual experience for sure.
agaric may have been one of the early add-ons to beer, which beer was a likely substitute
for Baba Yaga’s urine. Because the healer’s urine and fly agaric beer proved to
be effective medicine against the lies of the Vikings and their neoChristian
religion that tried to subjugate a population that stayed loyal to its Populist
God, the ecclesia of the new or Erzac (German for substitute) religion
unbeknownst to the people, replaced Fly Agaric with henbane**. Because henbane additives
resulted not only in an intoxicating drink, but also a drink that occasionally
resulted in death, the people were scared away from Fly Agaric and accepted the
clergy’s propaganda that Fly Agaric was a ‘poisonous’ mushroom. Thereafter,
henbane was replaced by hops. **Henbane—acquired its name after English
countryside chicken thieves began to feed chickens henbane seeds to stop them
from cackling. Incidentally, the German beer brewed in Pilsen, known as
Pilsener, derives its name from the German name for mushroom—Pilze.
The bed of suicide
for humankind was made long before the Industrial Age, even if the roomkeeper
and bedmate of humankind is none other than itself. The Industrial Age and its
twin the Advertising Industry have demoted human consciousness from where the Age of Enlightenment put it to where the White sharks have
their way with it. This author traces the beginning of the decline of
consciousness to the time, when the Vikings shot off the leg of Baba Yaga’s
chicken; that is to say, to about the 10th -12th centuries
of our era, and thereafter ridiculed Mother Nature for hidng inside a chicken’s
stomach and eating red capped mushrooms to keep it and Herself in the spirit
and alive. Who but Baba Yaga, Nature personified, has the stamina to survive
the butchers of science?
And there’s
the rub. How many exiles from the lands that were forced to join the Soviet
Union have returned to tend to the land for its and their own benefit? Almost
none. The city (Moscow, Beijing, London, New York, etc.) has decreed the
countryside dead and all those who live there to be nameless.
Of Latvijans,
who at the end of WW2 fled West, none have returned to the land. Once among the
most revolutionary minorities in the Russian Empire, Latvians have abandoned
their sense of being a sovereign people to become clones of and fodder for a federalized
European Vampire. In the 27 years (1991) that have elapsed since the collapse
of the Soviet Union and the so-called ‘renewal’ of the nation nearly a third (700,000)
of Latvija’s population has been forced to leave the country: most for the West,
to ‘work’ for a living. That is a greater population loss than the losses of
WW1, WW2, and Stalinist deportations combined. As the West is facing an
economic collapse, not a few of the Latvijan remnant are moving (or thinking of
moving) to Russia, where work, land, the taiga, and other resources still
beckon. The factor that keeps the people from returning to the land has no
name, but may be described as “poisoning by advertising”. Advertising’s deadly
powers become evident, when a sterile and endless city becomes preferred to the wood, and
when governments that readily condemn the use of opioids do nothing to stop
pathological corporate entities from destroying the brains of school age children
attraction of ‘Power’ is that it does not have to earn its keep, but steals it by
elevating itself to the tip of a hierarchical pyramid at the heart of the city.
While calling itself ‘democracy’ (by caveat of elitist-made law* that equates it
with elections), democratic ‘Power’ destroys nature and humanity. While blaming
certain religious groups of being ignorant about the place of evolution in the
development of nature and human society, Western political structures deny
evolution when such a denial is to the benefit of its own power structure. To
paraphrase Pierre Clastres, the aforementioned French political anthropologist:
...the social sciences... (having
shown) ...under the cover of ‘science’...
a frantic inclination for anti-thought,... lead straight to obscurantism.* Another
political analyst, Slavoj Žižek, writes: “Virtual Reality... offers a product
deprived of its substance.”** It is not surprising that by 2017 the entire
political structure of the world, whether West or East, whether male or female,
is by Will or its default in a state of arousal gratifying itself with dreams
of war.
Clastres, “Society Against the State”, Zone Books, 1987, p26. Obscurantism in
‘social science’ also leads straight to obscurantism in politics.
Žižek, “Welcome to the Desert of the Real”, Verso PB, p 11.
The Priapus
of ‘democracy’ (even its women suffer from Priamism) is the exceptionalist militarist
empire of United States of America. Its obscure democracy screws the nations and communities of our planet at
will. With so great a military power, the nations of the world do not genuflect
before it as they once did before the
kings of the Holy Roman Empire, but genuflect facing away.With arses of the nations of the world
raised high before
Washington, all expect to be pleasured with atomic bunga, bunga’ by this
self-proclaimed exceptionalist killer God called ‘Democracy’.
off the hands
Affterthoughts and Fillers)
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