Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Amazingly Slow Death of Populist Latvijans
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

A definition of ‘communism’ begins from the premise that it ‘is the state of Nature-born human being from the time human beings began until now.

4 The Invention of ‘Pagans’

The destruction of Nature’s communist order in Livonia and Eastern Europe (including Russia) has a history about a thousand years long. Most likely it was begun by an Executive King, who at an opportune moment betrayed the Sacred King.

It had long been the practice of Sacred Kings to allow Executive Kings to take their place when the Kingdom was threatened by marauders and needed to be defended. As long as the economy was that of sustainment (the Sacred King was sustained by gifts) rather than profit, the Sacred King* and the society under his rule was  safe. This was because, gifting is voluntary and implies support from the populace. However, when the Vikings (marauders from the north) sought to replace theft (tolerated for being nature’s way of dealing with starvation) with annual tax collections, the wealth of marauders increased exponentially. It increased to such an extent, that the Executive Kings, who had fought off and survived enemy raids, were tempted after the battle not to return their posts to the Sacred King, but keep these for themselves as ‘profit’. Ghengis Khan* was one Executive King who overwhelmed trust in him with violence. The people sought God’s protection and fled either deeper into the wood or further north, where they believed the cold would protect them.

*Ghengis Khan translates into English as “John King” (or Yankie Chan or King of riders instead of herders). Before the plains of southern Russia (Khazakstan and Mongolia) had turned (like Sahara) into a desert, the people of the Orient were much closer to the West than they are today. As changes in climate accelerated desertification and herding as a means of earning a livelihood  became problematic, many herders took a lesson from the Vikings and their Executive Kings. In effect, they learned to ride hoses and turned to plunder as a way of earning a living (mere theft becomes order of government by fascisms). Thus, war became ‘normal’ and replaced peaceful (self-sacrificial) economies.

Taxation was resented. The marauders did not only take from the people along riverbanks foodstuffs, but demanded that the people kill and turn over to them pelts of their domesticated and wild animal herds—such as bears, wolves, reindeer, bison, beavers, mink, squirrels, rabbits, moles, and more. The furs of these animals were then sold by the marauders downriver for great profit. This turn of events is evidence that trade did not begin as ‘free enterprise’, but by way of establishing an early form of secular (and consciously unholy) government of strangers over peaceful natives who wished to have nothing to do with trade. Subsequently everywhere the heretofore peaceful landscape became wracked by violence. Mass migrations began. The Balts left the Dniepr River water basin* and scattered in all heavenly directions. Some of them came to lands that became known as Belorussia, Lithuania, Livonia, Poland, and Prussia. Some, having no place to go, stayed in Ukraine.

*According to Lithuanian anthropologist Marija Gimbutas, the Balts had been residing in the Dniepr watershed for a very long time.

A theme that anthropologists are reluctant to touch is religion, especially when it comes to the Catholic (aka globalist) and secular elitist led neo-Christian movements. This is one reason why all ‘religion’ before two thousand years is said to be of ‘pagans’. But a closer look at the word proves that ‘pagans’ are none other than herders. In Latvijan the word for herder is ‘gans’ /jānis and in Lithuanian it is ‘ganytoyas’ (f. gender). The prefix ‘pa’ is a linguistic device that tends to diminish or soften the word that follows, re: pa+gans=he is not a herder but is of herders*.

*One of the first ‘pa+gans’ known to anthropologists is John the Baptist. Psalm 23:2 , refers to John, both, as shepherd and a Sacred King. To say that John the Baptist is a precursor of Jesus makes it clear that a rewriting of history took place in order to siminish the role of John.

One of the trading post for Viking marauders was Līga, a city now called Riga and the capital of Latvija. The city became a full fledged trading port after the Bishop of Riga, one Albert (a neo-Christian marauder from Bremen), organized a raid from Riga against an ancient Baltic settlement cum Sacred City known as Jersika, which is also a colloquial name for Jerusalem*. Jersika was located on the Daugava River some 90 miles east of Riga. It was on the left bank of the river, while between it and the opposite (north) shore stood an island. The island enabled the Sacred King to block off the farthest branch, thereby forcing boats to come by the nearest narrow branch and past the castle, where he collected customs. As was customary at the time, to make sure that he was not cheated of his fair share, the king reserved for himself the right to seize and buy the entire boat if he suspected its captain was underestimating the value of the goods in his hold.

Bishop Albert was a man of the New World Order of the day. He surprised and captured the king of Jersika (who may not have been aware of the Viking take-over in northwest Europe), and in 1209 put an end to the last kingdom of the Balts in a territory meant to become (by the world planners of the day) Anglo-Saxon Livonia.

*Jerusalem is a ubiquitous name for ancient sacred cities or sites. The current Jerusalem in Israel is a purely fictitious creation of a Catholic-globalist imagination, and was established in Palestine after Napoleon invaded it (1799-1801). Originally, Jerusalem may have been pronounced Yaroslav, which is an old Slavic or Baltic name originating in two names Yaro=yehrs=lamb + slav=glory=fame; i.e. City of the Sacred Lamb.

Surprise! Surprise! The year 1209 is also the year Pope Innocent III begins the Albigensian Crusade in southern France, the Lanquedoc region, against the early Christians known as Cathars. Do the Cathars have something to do with the Livonians, the Balts in particular?

There are hints and coincident events that make one suspicious and suggest further investigations are in order if the question is to be answered with certainty.

The word ‘cathar’ forms part of a word that spells ‘cathedral’, which word means seat, chair, bench, or throne. Indeed, the Cathars made their living not only as crafts -men and -women (such as weavers. makers of clay pots and bowls), but were also carpenters of chairs and benches. Craftsmen who specialized in making chairs used to live in eastern part of Livonia known as Latgale. This suggests that Languaedoc and Livonia, had established links between them and were not islands of barbarians usurping Catholic lands as academic historians insist. Unfortunately, this is a subject avoided and shirked by academics, who live in an expensive boutique called “University”, which is filled with fake facts and manned by fake experts.

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