The Amazingly Slow Death of Populist
By © E. Antons
Benjamiņš, 2017
definition of ‘communism’ begins from the premise that it ‘is the state of
Nature-born human being from the time human beings began until now.
6 An Unacknowledged
WW1 Era Alliance
Today the role of the King
is much denigrated. Unless it is Neochristian theological hocus pocus, one almost
never hears that once upon a time the king was Sacred. Instead, we are told the
opposite—that our forebears used to believe that the King received his
authority from God. How did that happen? Today the King, thanks to the secularization
of God, is believed to be a wimp.
But (as suggested in my
previous blog, EC617) it was not words that persuaded our ancestors or the female
of our species. At the beginning of time the King gained his authority through
self-sacrifice and the courage it took to actualize it. That this is what the
female of the human species understood to be the case was proven, when women were
ready to give themselves to the King before he died but for His asking. In our
secularized times these instinctive interactions between the female and the
male have become vulgarized by the violence of warrior male lust and lesbian
female appropriation of virtual reality as the real thing. Even so, the giving
of themselves by women to a Sacred King is an incontrovertible indication that it
is women who cause a man to sacrifice himself for the community and who in the
process (instead of committing suicide for being rejected) becomes a leaders of
a community*.
author realizes that the subject of polygamy is
controversial and subject to criticism, because in our violent age it is not
uncommon for womn to become subject to male coercion. However, the criticism of
polygamy comes mostly from cities and city based governments, where social life
is based on a virtually rather than a naturally induced environment. In the
countryside, however, there are no obstacles to the practice of Populist democracy,
because lessons of how to live come directly from nature. A girl, in the
process of becoming a woman through the arrival of menses, finds it natural to
go to a man who will initiate her into adulthood,which to her understanding is
synonymous with conceiving a child. If we go back in time further, we will
discover that women and men lived in a community that lived by (or perhaps in) a
body of water, and all went together into
the water to mate and to give birth.(2)
The kings’ tradition, that
is, the tradition of life as a lesson in sacrifice, was universalized by Archchristian
Cathars, who undertook that path by what they called the endura, death by starvation when death seemed near. This is why the
Catholics, unable to compete with the love such connectedness to the community
engenders, not only exterminated the Cathars, but continue to do what can be
done to prevent regeneration of Christianity and community. Does Pope Francis
ever fast? Who knows. But he surely would like to seize the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem* without any right to it other than by a violent history of the
church as his sponsoring ally.
the Russian mathematician turned historian Anatoly Fomenko points out
(“Istanbul in the light of New Chronology”), Jerusalem is a name for holy
cities and is not limited to Israel’s Jerusalem. Though this is being denied by
the Vatican [ever since Rome destroyed the Old Christian capital of Jerusalem (now
called Constantinople]. This is a fact that is known by the Vatican clergy,
and is the reason why it signed (June 26, 2015), its first
treaty with the “State of Palestine” to give the Vatican the ‘legal’ right
to seize on behalf of Neochristianity the Holy Mount from Muslims, Jews, and Archchristians.
It is a shame that the Zionist state of Israel fails to contradict Vatican’s
denial, at the same time as it hopes to make fake history irreversible by taking
the Mount from the Muslims by force.
Though universalization of self-sacrifice (as a step forward)
was an attainment, it was also the reason why the Cathar movement
was destroyed and replaced with secular religion. This
unacknowledged Neochristian secularist bacillus has lasted for a long
time and shamelessly abuses Nature’s claim to be the only reality to
which humans have a right to lay claim. Secular religion, however,
challenges Nature’s claim by a device known as taxation, which
enables the creation of a secular government as an
illusory substitute for Heaven. The illusion is so strong that
government does not ever consider that there are times when it
may have to sacrifice itself to enable a viable community. The
so-called left, too, especially the diseducated students, no longer
identify with humankind, but only with their virtual selves in an
environment completely divorced from nature and reality. If a
century ago the East European Bolsheviks had their excuses for
misidentifying the true victims of capitalist elites (i.e. ‘workers’
instead of self-supporting farmers), American students have only
their narcissism to blame.
Moments before they were
to become founders of a Populist nation*, the Latvijan Populists were overtaken
by the entente powers (see blog 5/EC 615), hurried
off the street, and told** to act (for ever in the future) as if nothing had
happened. The entente is, of course, an
alliance of Neochristian governments, who outmaneuvered Jesus and his apostles,
and justified taxation by writing The Gospel. These governments declared
“Thou shalt pay taxes”, which declaration they made into law, and punished its
opponents with imprisonment and death. By doing so, it proves that when the Ten
Commandments were written, the 11th Commandment was not yet written,
and the Latvians were still people of the wood and free.
definition of a Populist
has trouble from the word go if we accept the link’s definition that it has
something to do with “ordinary people”. But indeed it is so. Quite simply, a
Populist is a man or woman who lives on his and her own, who makes his and her
family, and who earns his an hers keep without ever needing an ‘employer’. To
become a Populist one needs a wood as his-her garden. In effect, Populists are humans
who have no use for government, who have come to planet Earth on their own,
and who need no government authority.
entente powers (headed by America) requested the Germans to
remain in Latvija in order to repel the Latvian Bolsheviks from, both, the
territory of Latvija and from the presence of an elitist led Latvian government.
Together with the Germans, the entente
created a ‘propaganda state’, which denied Latvijans any say over their past,
present, or future.