Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Amazingly Slow Death of Populist Latvijans
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

A definition of ‘communism’ begins from the premise that it ‘is the state of Nature-born human being from the time human beings began until now.

2A The Beginning
When the people (loi, Leute, ļaudis) of the Latvijan speaking language group in former Livonia, aided by German-speaking members of the early Moravian Church, began to separate themselves out of the undifferentiated mass of former serfs in Livonia, they began to perceive themselves as unique survivors of an ancient culture. Everyone was amazed how in a matter of a few decades the Latvian speaking people turned into a community in its own right.

Where did this community come from? There seemed to be no explanation for it. The Neochristian Catholics were amazed and disturbed. Yet if one looked with an open mind...:

–It would have been noticed that the Herrnhuters had to use all their skills to persuade the Livonians to leave the forests where they had taken refuge from the Great Northern War. Clearly the war among the elites and courts of Europe had frightened them badly. But if they were unwilling to leave the forests, the question arises: What skills did the Livonians posess to survive in the swamps that are sometimes found in the forest? Were such skills natural to them because the wood was their natural domicile and they were never meant to leave it?

One is unlikely to find an answer, unless one turns to a muddled and perplexing story in the New Testament—the story of two fish feeding in a ‘remote place’ five thousand people. The heretofore explanation about this being a miracle is meant to mislead. Something more substantial is behind the story. Is it that Jesus led his followers to a wood where he knew a lake abundan in fish? Those of us who know the wood also know that a wood can be abundant in mushrooms, edible roots, and is a place where the body of a tree will provide material for shelter.

For all the disbelief such an explanation may generate, the explanation is not implausible . The Herrnhuters too were of a people of the wood in German-speaking lands. They had been chased from the wood by the kilns that baked bricks and consumed wood in enormous quantities to build cities for the violent breed that had inherited Earth to live virtual lives and were to be sustained by money. It is not that paper is evil as such, but when turned into money, it brings evil by way of the exploitation one has to engage in to get it.

In fact, the mystery of the origin of Latvijans was right before everyone’s eyes—if one suspends one’s credulity in modernity, and dismisses the story of Virgin Galactic as an outrageos propaganda story by the elites.

One can accept such a point of view, except.... The problem is that after the Herrnhuters persuaded the Livonians to leave the forests, the cities kept growing, the forests kept diminishing, the fields of grain were becoming ever more expansive factory floors, and everyone was becoming ever more disembodied, spiritual, and persuaded by the efficacy of creative violence.*

*The author would never have come to this ‘wierd’ perspective had his own forebears not been of Herrnhuter persuasion, who in the course of time disengaged from their roots. When (over a century ago) the author’s grandfather decided to become a millionaire, he started the “countryside to city back to countryside” cycle all over again. With the advent of WW2, the fortune he made was lost, and the millionaire’s descendants were forced to discover the countryside again. Alas, by now the forests are gone, and the author is doing penance by replanting his property with trees.

For the Americans, the Zeitgeist (of their creation) justifies killing a half a million Iraqi children. Nevertheless, unsure of their ground and sensing that their cities will soon turn into a desert, American financial advisory services are advising the cityzenry to “buy gold”. There remains among Americans little memory of whence they come and no inkling where they go. As one American from upstate New York puts it, the country is in a “major crisis of culture and economy”. When the crisis comes, a bar of gold will not buy even a fish.

The entropy that has overtaken society ever since it was forced out of the wood and into the city, goes unnoticed by a society that has persuaded itself that the evolution of violence is progress. Economic fascism is widely practiced and no alternative is imagined.

But if fascist gold will not save, what will? Perhaps, we need to reimagine what the Herrnhuters and Livonians, both, understood, yet were forced to abandon. Does not the story about the fish tell us that the Herrnhuters are a remnant of a Christianity that originated in the wood?

In the now underrated ‘wild’, human consciousness saw not only the nature of its own spirit, but saw spirit in the running water in the brook, in the trees swaying in the wind, in the animals that ran and flew about. Today however the prejudices reigning in our ‘progressive’ academias ridicule this perspective as animism. As the iconoclasts say: We embrace no tree before we fell it; we kiss no pig before we kill it. I recall a small boy from Boston once saying, when he saw a sow suckling her young at a farmstock exhibit in Lexington, a town nearby: “Yech! Gross!”

2B A Beginning Undone
But had not the rejected and abandoned Latvians and Germans survived because a conscious spirit (perhaps hiding in their stomachs and throats) encouraged their survival by teaching them how to help one another? Had the Spirit not taught them survival skills by manifesting Itself through sacrificing Itself?.Had their survival not made them perceive that all Life was of One Soul, and that that Soul could be captured only if one was willing to merge one’s life with it as the Sacred King become God had done? Volunteering to die of hunger when hunger struck was a time honored way to die on behalf of one’s own and the community.

The Livonians had no difficulty in identifying with the Herrnhuter mindset. Such identifying with them was also done by the American Indians—as this link tells us.

The revival of native Livonians was soon perceived as a danger by the ruling powers that had been hard at work (for many centuries) to define themselves as the true and only heirs of humankind. In Livonia the usurpers of native lands were mostly German barons, whose forebears had come to occupy the land from about the 12th century on. The barons had managed to turn ancient Christianity into a science (of sorts) by turning their physically less capable siblings into priests and nuns and heads of monasteries and churches. The sermons on Sundays of the less fortunate elites was not unlike the messages from our mentally circumcized militarists, whose message is of Catholic cum universalist/ globalist ideology. Though this ideology (because of the material rewards it brings to those who serve it) often succumbs to corruption and becomes subject to ‘reform’, it never changes in fundamental ways. For example , the ‘reformist’ Lutheran Church of northern Europe that succeeded the Catholics (following the Westphalian—peace treaty of 1648) did not renounce the ideology of ‘the Church Invincible’ anymore than it was renounced by the Puritan Cromwell and the Anglican Church. The Great Nothern War, of which the Livonians were the most bloodied victims, was consequent to a Swedish Lutheran king, Gustavus Adolphus, attempting to conquer Russia and Russian counter attack*.

*One may argue that the Swedes were but continuing a war that had been initiated by their Viking forebears, when they briefly captured the Black and Caspian seas region by means of shallow draft ships-boats that came down the riverways of Danube, Dniepr, Don, and Volga .

Following recovery of self-consciousness, Latvijans were—unfortunately—not willing to live in harmony with the land, but began to imagine that the Latvijan speaking community might become an autonomous national community in a federation of nations or a sovereign nation. There began a cultural movement that attempted to prove that Latvijans were a people of ancient origin. While there are several paths that lead to such ancient origins, the one chosen by the Latvijans was that of folk poetry and song. The Latvijans called these ‘dainas’. Dainas are short stanzas, which remind of Japanese haiku poems. The collectors of dainas separated the short stanzas from the body of the song and read them as poetry. With time, dainas became symbols of Latvijan identity for the state of Latvija, established in 1918.

Alas, a hundred years later, few Latvijans know more about the dainas than having heard of them. Few can sing them, and even fewer can recite them. Only one Latvian poet, the nationalist (and arguably communist) Rainis, took the poetic form of dainas seriously. The poet’s vision of Latvians as an authentic culture never rubbed off the Latvian government which stayed loyal to the Lutheran sponsored Catholic ideology of globalized fascism. Among Latvian elites, seeing how it was inherited from German barons*, state craft has remained a skill subordinate to personal careers.

*The name ‘baron’ may come from the French speaking Belgian territory of ‘Waloonia’ by way of shift in the pronunciation of consonants, re: W=B and L=R., and may have its origin in the French Duchy of Bouillon that existed from the 10th to the 18h centuries. Interestingly, the Latvian flag may pwe its origin to the colors of the duchy.

The history-denying and reactionary ideology of the fascist* Latvian government proves three things: a) either the story about dainas is make-believe; b) the ‘renewed’ post Soviet state (since 1991) has no interest in Latvijas culture or history; or c) the origin of Latvijan identity is altogether sourced in ‘other’ events, in which case the Latvijan identity is not of its people but of the presumption of a government that knows no better. In effect, government is the authority that tells people who they are and who they are to become. Given that the borders of Latvia are open to Nato occupation, the forordained fate of Latvia (since 1991) is to become little more than additional territory to a federated European Union.

*The word ‘Fascist’ just as the word ‘Communist’ is much maligned. Essentially ‘fascist’ defines a community of cities that have divided a country into two factions—the Haves and Have Nots. The fascist Haves are ever trying to make others (mostly people of the countryside) become Have Nots, who they then rename Communists. Currently ‘globalization’ is the preferred ideology by means of which the Haves hope to turn the rest of the world into Have Nots. In the author’s country of Latvija, the Haves are the government. The Haves do all the talking. The government has practically eliminated independent thought and writing in favor of hackery.

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