Friday, February 24, 2017

Fragments (winding down)
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

When human thought in a society has been reduced to the dogma of orthodox beliefs sanctioned by government, the only group that engages in subjective thought is the intelligence community. The problem is that subjectivity left to itself and without engagement with nature (yes, dogma when left alone spells autism and loses credibility), causes intelligence to succumb to runaway fantasy that ultimately bores, causes the skin to break out in cold sweat, and resorst to killing.

In the community of my origin (that of Latvija), all subjective thought among the intelligentsia has been reduced to a facade of pretentiously clever interest of what Others think in other parts of the world.* The outstanding example of this dystonic passivity among the intelligentsia is a journal that calls itself The Times of Riga. As the editor, clearly a Globalist, claims, the journal (apparently, he, the editor as publisher) has no interest in politics, or literature, or even readers as such, but engages readers on the basis of like minded passivity bordering on nihilism. This in spite of the fact that one can agree with him that there is presently no politician or government official that one would care to engage with in a discussion.

*For the most part the content of the journal is an endless series of interviews with philosophers, scientists, artists living in foreign countries. In its most recent issue (February, 2017) the front cover seemingly promises an article on the subject of “Who really killed John Kennedy. ”. I discovered that it refers to but one sentence in “John Cleese’s ‘Letter to America’”, which the journal partly reprints: re item 19, though in the Latvian version it is item 13, and the translation of the letter is incomplete.

Among the intelligentsia of America, the situation is different in that the ‘community’ of the Unites States is an artifact of orthodoxy or, if you will, of government propaganda having metamorphosed passivity into obesity. This point is best made by the fact that few videos that I have watched on the “9/11” event, have mentione that the twin towers were brought down my a nuclear device. The presentation by Dimitri Khalezov (a fomer military nuclear engineer of the Soviet Union) in above link—though there are several on the subject—gives the most complete explanation of what really happened. It is still a mystery of who specifically organized the event and to what end.

However, the 9/11 event was no mystery to the U.S. government, and was a spectacular example of ‘fake news’ by the corporate controlled main street media of the U.S. How else is one to explain the ignorance of the American public if not as a result of a long-term practice of fake news? How is one to explain that when news is presented, the American media never makes deductions, but a columnist dares do so, the media calls him a conspiracy theorist?

Some familiarity with the foreign policy of the American political establishment, will bring to our attention the fact that the U.S. has been at war 93% of the time  since 1776. What conclusion is one to make from this?

Surely, wars (if left unexamined) legitimate the government’s insistence that the country (always the innocent) is under constant threat from abroad. Such a situation legitimates perpetual war and takes place of the sacrificial king of earlier times. To quote George Orwell from the link: “In our own day they [the nations] are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group [in this instance U.S. vs Russia] against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact. The very word "war," therefore, has become misleading.”


War or the threat of war is a secular way of providing government with morphic resonance (for more on the subject see previous blog). In order for ‘democratic government’ to work, the government must create a mmajority mindset dressed in an orthodox straight jacket that cannot be escaped from.

In post 9/11 (2001) U.S., war (beginning with fake war on Iraq) has become a major obsession of the government and the main stream media. Well hidden for much of the time, government propaganda spilled over the top of the levee during the Clinton vs Trump 2016 election campaign. The losers were so shocked by their loss that they encouraged an overt use of fake news to such an extent that the citizens of the virtual world of the city no longer knew what was what. Since Trump became President, the situation has become only more confusing as the citizenry orients itself almost exclusively by television news and replaces the main street newspapers with the alternate media on the internet. Newspapers have been abandoned to the editors of other newspapers. Subjective thought has been reduced to the level of the Snowflakes demonstrating (rather hysterically) on behalf of imaginary entitlements for city-zens.

Indeed, one notes that the Snowflake phenomenon is of the virtual humankind living in our cities, which is why its mindset is entirely made of internalized orthodox and politically correct clichés. If at one time people like Martin Luther nailed their thesis to the door of a cathedral, today we have returned to the days when the ecclesia (in government and university offices) are once more trying to nail the people behind a globalist door.

Puddings stuffed into net bags will soon ooze out of them. Like it or not, such oozing puddings are modern governments made by democracies. All definitions of ‘democracies’ are heavily laden with BS. To put it simply: democracy as a form of government is an invention of city governments (possibly ancient Athens) after its people grew nostalgic for life in the wood, where once upon a time true democracy did in fact exist. The type of ‘democracy’ described by English BS, and said to have originated with the overthrow of the Engish King John and the Magna Carta, whereafter, England became a ‘democracy’ for the barons whose spiritual orientation was determined by the Catholic/ Globaliste Pope. This system collapsed into a civil war, whereafter England became a parlimentary ‘democracy’ in which the King could not pass laws without the approval of Parliament.

There are many arguments over whether a democratic form of government works or not. In the case of my Latvija, it clearly does not work. In the first decade of its existence (1918-1933) the country progressively moved toward chaos. It was rescued by a coup d’tat in 1933 by one of its founders Kārlis Ulmanis. In the brief span of 1933-1939, the country rose to relative prosperity, and those still living remember the time as ‘golden days’. Though in conventional terms, Ulmanis was a dictator, he is remembered as something of a king. However, in 1940, Latvija was annexed and occupied by the Soviet Union, and Stalin soon killed off or deported what little there was of the intelligentsia of the small country. Ulmanis made no resistance to the Soviets, but was sent off to work as an agronomist at a kolkhoz in Stavropol, Russia.

The tragedy of the reign of K. Ulmanis was that for lack of resistance to the Soviets or self-sacrifice as a protest of Soviet occupation, Ulmanis left behind a national community demoralized for a lack of morphic resonance (see EC590) and such cohesion as it provides. In sharp contrast are the events in  Chehoslovakia in 1948 and Hungary in 1956 and their leaders Masaryk, Benesh, in the former, and Nagy in the latter.

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 found the population of Latvija awakening to the memory of the ‘good years’ of the K. Ulmanis regime, and expecting such conditions to return on the basis of mere expectations, which were encouraged by the propaganda emerging from Western governments. Of course, the expectations were not realized. Most of the country experienced dire poverty instead. Everything that was not tied down or behind lock and key was stolen. Even the letters that spelled the name of the first Latvijan president were removed from his monument for the simple reason that they were made of metal, and junk metal could be sold and turned into money. Not surprisingly, the bronze monument to the first Soviet Latvijan Prime Minister, a well known Latvian writer in his younger years (he turned to alcohol rather than self-sacrifice to escape his conscience) was left untouched, because it stood in view of the cemetery office and blocked the view of the First president’s memorial at the far end of a long alley of trees. The sculpture remains in its position and blocks the view to Latvija’s history as a nation state to this day, and bears witness to the success of the post-Soviet Latvian political regime in blocking out the past and replacing it with a population that has been overcome by vegetative dystonia with regard to itself.

When morphic resonance is replaced by vegetative dystonia, one must necessarily wonder how this autonomic tribulation of a community’s soul manifests itself outwardly. I think that the answer is fairly obvious: it manifests itself as alcoholism, a phenomenon that almost surely spreads as a result of morphic resonance that has its origins in a vegetative rebellion against orthodoxy*, and confiscation of earnings by taxation. When mildly drunk, the individual is able to access his-her subjective self and becomes sociable. Unfortunately, a drunk subjective self soon learns to prefer to live as an unconscious being. Interestingly, the latter state is experiencially known to a broad spectrum of society and alcohol is, therefore, often consumed before committing suicide.

*I visualize it as mildew spreading  on bread.

The use of alcohol, however, is but one of many means used to escape the control of orthodoxy or unipolar perspective. This is why it is not unusual to hear that some people feel relieved to hear when a declaration of war is made. Violence has long been known to create morphic resonance. It has been used by the military to create bonds among soldiers in military units and among initiates of fraternities. Similar tactics are used by heads of governing political parties when they compromise freshmen politicians by getting them to participate in issuing laws that do not serve the public, but serve the castle (caste) centered power pyramid.

The practices of caste may be contrasted to the creation myths of so-called ‘primitive people’ for whom the first God was a Goddess, manifest in the Sun, of feminine gender (Saura , Saule, Sonne)* in ancient times, when it was believed that all that is first came from the womb of the Sun Goddess. Later, when the Sun’s role was usurped by the male gender, whose God created the world from his body parts: the hair became forests, the eyes the moon and the sun, the clay or mud became men, and so forth. In later days the myth became corrupted, and Atum  (an Egyptian God) was said to have created the world from his seed and by masturbating.

*The consonants R and L frequently exchange places.

With the latter practice, it was no longer possible to imagine creation as a purely divine act. What had been a practice of relief from sexual tension with no particular significance, became (after the discovery that male semen played the role of seed) interpreted to be an act of pollution. In other words, morphic resonance, by whatever name, remained part of the garden of Eden until the Ego  having seized the throne of power turned it into the ‘killing fields’ (+).

Friday, February 17, 2017

Fragments (winding down)
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2017

13. Morphic Resonance

Herewith a summary and recap for my English readers of my entries in Latvian in the preceding 12 blogs.

In the last blog, I cited Rupert Sheldrakes lecture on Morphic Resonance*, which term he originated to explain his theory on what makes for social groups (of ants, birds, fish, insects, and ultimately human kind). However, Scheldrakes theory does not explain to my satisfaction the exponential increase in size and simultsaneous disintegration of the human community during the last several hundred years.

*May be read as a synonym for Magnetic field though Sheldrake may disagree.

Because I am a victim of and a witness to the disintegration of the community in our era, that of Latvija in the former, that of the United States of America in the latter case, I have entertained the notion that the problem lies with the abandonment of the sacrificial king as the kingpin, as it were, the Man-God who used to be the creator (and the healer) of the phenomenon of morphic resonance (or is it the magnetic field?) inherent in the phenomenon of death. Needless to say, the effects of the phenomenon of death is fragmented and vanished* by secularism, whenever the sacrificial king is not reinstated.

*As the ritual of the ‘endura ’ of the Cathar Christians (originating in throne- or chairmaking carpenters) proves, one used to take pride in the event of death. The Cathars saw the body as a temporary (no, not evil) abode of the Mind-Spirit. Today’s secularized and fake Christian remnant has turned death into a fearful, even porno*graphic (cryogenic) event. *Porno—ancient Greek for prostitute; porneion=whorehouse. In effect, the endura was the event dedicated to the leaving of one’s earthly body  enduring a fast to the end. The process of fasting to one’s death is described in the old English legend of King Arthur’s days, re Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. I interpret the scar on Sir Gawain’s neck to be a birthmark (in the next world).

I have grappled with the phenomenon of deliberately engineered societal dissembling and destruction for about seventy-five years now. The first inkling (unconscious at the time) of the disintegration began with the dispossession of my family from its home by the occupying Soviet government in 1940. The first glimpse of a solution appeared about 1958, after I had dropped out of Boston University, where I had applied to study for the ministry, but after being rejected, enrolled in the English Department. It is there that after a brief period, by way of Robert Lowell’s poetry seminar, I regained* an interest in the ways of the subjective mind. I found the ways of the subjective mind best expressed in mythology, especially in myths of the creation and maintenance of societies.

*A determined reader from an early age (I had struggled rather indiscriminately through Dante’s “The Divine Comedy”, Cervante’s “Don Quixote”, Jule Verne’s “Captain Grant’s Children”, Lofting’s “Doctor Doolittle”, the “Bible”, and countless Latvian ‘classics’ by the age of ten), I owe it to Robert Lowell a rekindling of interest (also unconscious at the time) in the subjective mind.Though I had read and reread The New Testament as a Marine in post-war Korea, the illusion of seeming stability of society hammered into their students by refugee schools had led me increasingly toward orthodox and institutionalized thought. The attempt to manipulate words by way of poetry put a decisive end to that trend.

About 1958 (nearly sixty years ago today), I happened to read Erich Neuman’s essay on ‘The Face of Glory’.* Be that as it may, I was inspired to connect that story with that of Sophocle’s “Oedipus Rex”, which, too, I was then reading. The coincidence of the reading material led to many decades of interest and repeated attempts to rewrite the story of Oedipus, which current orthodox literary version I hold to be a deliberate falsification of the original.

*Unfortunately, I do not recall which book of his it appeared in.

My persistence (sometimes obsessive) in trying to solve the riddle of the Sphinx owes much to the cultural Zeitgeist of Latvian society at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The Latvian language, said to have its origins in Sanscrit, still held many ancient presumptions. For eample, the Sun (Saule) remained of feminine gender. The Goddess of Fortune (Laima) was the midwife at the birth of a child. The initiators of Latvian national consciousness, the Herrnhuters (of Chech and German origin), too, had been my forebears.

My book (by way of the above mentioned blogs) roughly outlines what followed the Herrnhuter initiative in former Livonia. Leadership by example, as advocated by the pietist movement, was soon destroyed by way of numerous repressions of subjective thought. Today, after nearly three hundred years (1729-2017=288) of repression by Catholic, Lutheran, German, Soviet, and other secularist global forces bent on supremacy, the pietist God centered community, has disintegrated beyond recovery.

As one surveys the wreckage wrought largely by the secular orthodoxy of the United States of America (the exceptionalist fashist messenger of democratic order), one sees little hope for the recovery of the Latvijan community as it no longer has a grip on the golden thread of Ariadne (+) to its past. In fact, the present government of postSoviet Latvija is effectively working on the disengagement of Latvijans from Latvija’s history.

Still, I persisted in my attempts of raising Lazarus*. After returning (in 1995, after 51 years abroad) from the United States to live permanently in Latvija, it took me a long time to understand what was happening in my ‘renewed’ country of origin.

*For some ten years, I spent considerable time and money (to no avail) in an attempt to prevent the Latvijan holyday of Johns (Jāņu diena) from joining the tourist entertainment industry.

When I came to understand that the country had been ‘reestablished’ through the influence of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)* and the cooption of the Association of World Free Latvians (PBLA) in the interests of the American political establishment, a no less corrupt Hungarian assassin of nations by the name of Soros, had founded and infiltrated a number of non-governmental organizations (NWO). When I began a hunger strike to protest the elimination of the Latvijan currency (the lats) in favor of the euro, the head of one such NWO inquired rather condescendingly over the nature of my health (possibly mental). No public notice of it was ever made, though my grandfather had founded and been the editor of the largest Latvian newspapers during the days of the Latvijan community’s emergence as a country, and my godfather (de facto) had been the first president of.the country. I mention the latter only to point out that no opposition voice from Latvijan civil society has been allowed to emerge in postSoviet Russophobic government of ‘Latvia’.

*Of course, there is no overt public evidence for this. My observation is the result of hindsight and inference. As is heard said: “It does not take s genius to connect the dots”.

What has happened is that in the aftermath of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the CIA and related agencies organized a popular movement that pulled at the heartstrings of many who remembered the Latvian community as that of a sovereign country (1918-1941). The organizing of a series of emotionally charged demonstrations called “The Baltic Way”, whereafter the Baltic communities called themselves to ‘the barricades’. Alas, since the few Latvians experienced in the art of government were former Soviet officials, it is these who became the core of the government of ‘reestablished’ ‘Latvia’, which they created in the image of a Soviet idea of postSoviet Latvija. The renewed government concentrated the attention of the public on the atrocities of the Soviet regime rather than recreating a backbone that the renewed community could rely and build on.* The former Soviet officials remained loyal to their CIA bosses, as it was the latter who had retained them their privledges and held control over the public media. Not surprisingly, the files of the Cheka and NKVD have remained in bags that have not been opened to this day.

*This tactic is very similar to the incessant trumpeting by the government of Israel of the horrors of nazi concentration camps and demonization of the Palestinians. Since there is no equivalent of the Palestinians in Latvija but the Russians, the Latvian government (there is a NATO propaganda center located in Riga) of today demonizes Russia and Russians and invites the occupation of the country by nato and U.S. troops , tanks, and helicopters.

With all attempts at creating morphic resonance in the public space of Latvija being squelched by implicit and explicit ‘lawful’ and ‘democratic’ repressive acts and preparations of fake celebratory events (such as the 100th anniversary of the founding of Latvija upcoming in 2018, a year from this writing), an increasingly lethargic public fakes a Will for survival. Today Latvians are being made appear to be in favor of a restricted sovereign government subject to Brussels and NATO. Twenty-six years after Latvija has been ‘renewed’, it is already in cryogenetic storage and—barring a miracle*—it is a cemetary of long forgotten sacrificial deeds by its forebears.

*As this author sees it, such a miracle may happen only if the European Union project of globalization collapses due to the unsustainability of the presumptions of the Industrial Age and economic shock that results from it. Even then, the resulting chaos will likely be righted only through extraordinary public efforts at self-sacrifice—whereof the New World Order (NWO) will be diametrically opposed to the one being planned by the powers that be. Indeed, my book “Kirrti Mukkha” is written to make the public aware that a community is more than a series of laws supported by military might either in Washington, Brussels, or a fake government in Riga.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Kirtti Mukķa (Svētā seja)
By © E. Antons Benjamiņš, 2016

12. Pēcvārds

Blogs 288 izlaists; publicējams tikai pēc manas nāves.

Viena no šīs grāmatiņas tēzēm ir/ bija, ka jau tūkstoš gadus Rietumu pasaules imadžs ir Kaunu kalns, kur samestas izcirstas mēles. Mēles loca nemitīgu virkni kaunu dziesmu. Kaunu dziesmas ir ilgušas vismaz 12,000 gadus, par ko liecina Eģiptes piramidas un sfinks. Protams, ne jau piramidas ir melu kalni, bet mūsu pašu latviešu ordoksālo ierēdņu un akadēmiķu stāsti, kādi līdzinās mūsu ēras dominikāņu ordas rīcībai ap 13to gadu simtu. Par meliem var uzskatīt patiesu notikumu noklusēšanu. Nesen Latvijas nacionālās bibliotēkas direktoram aizmirsās pieminēt, ka pirmās latviešu grāmatas bija rokrakstu grāmatas, kuras rakstīja cepurnieki/ hernhūtieši. Ne jau kāds luterticīgais pieminēs, ka šīs grāmatas atņēma un dedzināja* viņu ‘mācītāji’.

*Skat  1743.gada 16.aprīlī cariene Elizabete aizliedz Brāļu draudzes darbību Krievijas impērijā, slēdz un aizzīmogo Jērakalnu [Valmierā] u.c. Brāļu draudzes saiešanu vietas, atņem grāmatas, sākas vajāšanas.”.

Manas grāmatas vēstures posms interesejās gan tikai par vikingu ieviesto posta laikmetu. Tāds laikmets, domājams sākās pēc Ledus laikmeta atkušņa un tā sekām (jaunā akmens laikmetā), ka piemēram Storrega tsunamis,  Dogerlandes nogrimšana, un Anglijas atdalīšanās no Eiropas zemes masas. Katastrofāli plūdi ieslodzīja neskaitāmus ganus ar visiem ganāmpulkiem Baltijas jūras ziemeļu pusē. Gani un ganāmpulki bija tur iestaigājuši no Melnās jūras apkaimes, kur pa ledus laikmetu bija pulcējusies liela daļa no Afrikas izceļojusī cilvēce.

 Nespēdami pēc ledus ūdens plūdiem atgriezties mājās, gani (G=J; Jāņi) palika ziemeļos un tur nodibināja gaļas ēdāju un ādas ģērātāju kultūru.* Šī kultūra sevi atzīmēja ar nosaukumu  ‘vikingu (upes staigātāju) kultūra’. No tās izcēlās kā rietumu, ta austrumu (Volgas) ģermāņi. Reaktīvi ārī izcēlās krievu un tā sauktās baltu tautas, kuras bija spiestas atstāt Dniepras upes apvidi.

*Cilvēks nav pēc dabas nežēlīgs. Nežēlība ir iemācīta, ka to pierāda nepieciešamība ‘kulturizētiem’ vecākiem ‘palīdzēt’ bērniem pārvarēt drebuļus un nospiest šautenes gailīti, lai nošautu briedi.

Laika gaitā, vikingi centās atgriezties savās bijušās mājās pie Melnās jūras. Par nožēlu, kad tie tur atgriezās, tie bija pārvērtušies drausminiekos. Velāk, lai novērstu uzmanību savai nežēlībai, vikingu vēsturnieki sevi pārsauca par mongoļiem. Sekoja melu kultūra, kura turpinās līdz šai dienai. Baltu ciltis Dniepras upes notekā bija pirmās kuras pārcieta iebrucēju brutalitāti; ebreju tauta Kazīrijā bija otrā; krievi trešie; tie kurus tagad sauc par musulmaņiem bija ceturtie.

Vikingu melu dziesmu pirmās atskaņas nāca (tads mans minējums, jo precīza hronoloģija ir sen iznīcināta*) no kāda vikingu pilī darināta zobena cirtiena, ar kura izpalīgu kāds senlaiku gangsters no ziemeļiem izgudroja veidu kā aplaupit cilvēci ar tā saucamiem ‘nodokļiem’, kas radīja vergus, un iznīcināja kultūras, kuras balstijās uz miermilīgi audzinātiem ganām pulkiem un viņu valodās ieslēgtām garīgām vērtībām. Būtībā vikingi radija divas cilvēces grupas: a) iedomīgas valdības (karu attaisnotājas); un b) pazemotus pārpalikušus vergus-populistus, kādi izsaka situācijas patieso stāvokli prastā valodā.

*Iznīcināta hronika vai hronikas pārvērtēšana ir durvis, kādas mums (ieskaitot šim autoram) paver krievu matēmatiķis un vēsturnieks AnatolijsFomenko.

Nav taisnība antropologu apgalvojumiem, ka cilvēces senči dzīvoja kā “mednieki un dabas veltes vācēji” (hunters-gatherers). Šajā apgalvojumā atbalsojās mūsu nāvējošā laikmeta bezkaunīgais sevis attaisnojums. Pilnīgi pretēji, cilvēces priekšteči bija GANI/ [Jāņi, (J)Anneles], dabas velšu vācēji, un dārznieki. Mūsdienu vardarbīgā civilizācija, izraisījās no pils-fortu kultūras, kura šodien atspoguļojas civilizācijā, kas pārbūveta ar pilsētām, kurās dzīvo neapzinīgi-‘radīgi’ patērētāji/ laupītāji.

Kamēr nevar noliegt, ka laiku pa laikam čimpanzi (īpaši no vīriešu dzimtas) noslepkavo kādu cilts robežu pārkāpēju, pēc kam to apēd, tas vēl nenozīmē, ka cilvēce ir cēlusies no slepkavām, gaļas ēdājiem, vai karotājiem. Tādi apgalvojumi nāk no tipiskiem slēp-kavu kultūras valdoņiem.* Īstenībā cilvēces agrīnā iztika bija ragainās briežu mātes vai govs piens-asinis, saknes, un augļi, bet pēc dzīvnieks nomira arī kažoki.

*Nenoliedzami, ja dzīvniekiem viņu ierastā pārtika pietrukst, tie spēj pārvērsties par gaļas ēdājiem. Šini gadījienā, gani no Melnās jūras apkaimes pārvēršas par vikingu plēsoņām, tāpat kā Eiropas kāmis, kura dabisko uzturu iznīcina pilsētnieku uzspiestā lauksaminiecība, sāk ēst savus mazuļus. Ievērosim, ka šajos kāmjos kanibalizāciju izsauc mūsdienu cilvēces kultūra, kamer tas nekādi nav pašu kāmju dabā.

Dabas velšu vākšana neved uz lauksaimniecību, ka to šodien stāsta ar dabu nesaistīti pilsētās audzināti antropologi. Mūsu senču laikos, cilvēki drīzāk dzīvoja mežā un piekopa dārznecību. Par šādu  dzīves stilu joprojām liecinā tūkstsošiem pamestas mājvietas (r(R)omas), kādas var redzēt Latvijas tīrumos gandriz no katra lauku ceļa. Tur ir tās vietas, kur senos laikos radās vārds ‘paradīze’, tas ir ‘dārzs’, kas pār-spēj dabu. Tur pat dārzā ar laiku arī sāka sēt graudus (auzas, miežus), no kā auzu putra un alus. Graudkopība mūsdienu āpmēros iesākās ar kungu šķiras iesēšanos, kura izmantoja un piesavinājās graudus kā sava veida nodokli. Protams, tas arī veicināja mežu izciršanu. Mūsdienās tūristi, kas braukā pa lauku ceļiem, uzskata pamesto māju kaudzes par meliorizācijas rezultātā pamestām akmens čupām.

Vikingi iznīcināja baltu un slāvu valodas, kurās slēpās kā baltu, tā slavu senkristietības mīlestības avots, tā sauktie, mīkstināmie vai mīļinātie vārdi. Mīļinātie vārdi varēja rasties tikai ilgi pastāvošu tautu kultūrās. Kā zināms, latviešu valodā mīkstināmie un  mīļināmie vārdi ir darināmi no katra priekšmetu un darbības vārda: re: akmens < akmentiņš; iet < sasaiet. Modernās valodās, kā piemēram mūslaiku angļu, šādi vārdi sastopami vairs tikai personas vārdos: Džon < Džony (John < Johnny, utt.). Valodās ierakstīto garīgo raksturu turpina iznīcināt kā baltu, tā slāvu valodnieki un mēdiji, kuri tajos vairs nesaredz nekādu jēgu.

Līdz ar baltu un slāvu tautu valodu pazemošanu tika pazemināta šo tautu pašapziņa un garīgā ticība, kuru šis autors sauc par senkristietību.

Senkristietībai pamatos ir vairāki pieņēmumi: 1. Prāts ir mūžīgs un tā galvenā sastāvdaļa ir mīlestība; 2. Prāts ienāk Mūspasaulē no Vispasaules ar Dabas starpniecību; 3. Daba ir prāta sastāvdaļa;

4. Tomēr cilvēces vēl sevi neapzinīgam prātam piemīt īpašība, kura to no Dabas attālina, ja, kā augšējā saitē pieminētam kāmim, prātam tiek atņemta Dabas evolūcijas gaitā dotā iztika. Tādi prāts ieaug matērijā (un līdz ar to mirstībā), kas atklājās kā rēgs un neatmināma mistērija;

5. Lai apturētu attālināšanos no Davas/Dabas, senlaiku civilizācijas piekopa pašupuri; 6. Pašupuris, kāds parastiem ļaudīm likās varonīgs akts, iedvēsmoja tos uzticēties pašupuru drosmei un (it kā) bezbailībai; 7. Pašupuru akts turpināja kopienu veidošanos morfiskas resonances telpā (+). Šī telpa ir viena daudzām kopienām. Šie ‘daudzie’ tad sāk sevi uzskatīt par ‘visiem’, kas var izraisīt sadursmes ar citiem ‘visiem’, ja pašupuris tiek noliegts. Nepārprotami, ‘visiem’ ir viens Dievs, kura raksturu mūsdienās vairs nenosakam mēs paši, bet Vatikāns un tur sludinātā ortodoksālisma priesteri, vai.universitātes un akadēmiķi.

Kamēr cilvēces mājvieta bija Dabā/Davā vai mežā, Visuma robeža bija kustīga. Šādas kustīgas robežas joprojām pastāv dzīvnieku pasaulē, kuras sargā un uztur nepārrauta vīrišķīgā dzimuma jaunieši, kurus no svētā ķēniņa galma uz robežām padzen sieviešu dzimums, kurš ķeniņu dievina viņa pašupura auras dēļ. Šāda sabiedriskā kārtība bieži pajūk riesta laikā, kad dzimumorģijas līksmošana Visuma centrā sasniedz jauniešu ausis pie Visuma robežām. Tad gadās, ka Upurķēniņa autoritāte tiek parbaudīta. Līdzīga situācija ir aprakstīta antropologa Fraziera gramatā “Zelta zars” (The Golden Bough), kad ķēniņš aizstāv savu autoritāti Dabas Dieves Diānas svētā birzī, Itālijā, Nemi ezera malā.

Mūsdienās, morfisko resonances telpu mēģina ieņemt un aizstāt militāra vara. Militārā vara panāk savu upurējot lielu skaitli karsavīru un civil iedzīvotājus, kuru upurēšana veicina morfiskās telpas iziršanu, jo publika netiek pārliecināta, ka šaušalīgais upuris, ir nepieciešams, bet pastāv kā represijas instruments militāru kliķu rokās.

Rietumu civilizācijā upurķēniņa metamorfoze [< nodokļi < katoliska laicīgā vara (kuru atbalsta vikingu galms) < globalisms] līdz nāves augšāmcelšanās (jo prāts nāvi nepieņem), būtībā iznīcina Dieva un Dieves [Davas/Dabas] radību.

Vardarbības valstībā cerība atcelt katastrofālā pieņēmuma  rezultātu vairs nav cilvēces rokās. Morfiskās resonances telpa izirst, un kā mūsdienas pierāda, šodien ir izirusi. Šo telpu var tikt atdzīvināta tikai pēc tam, pēc cilvēks atdzīvojas no nāves uz operācijas galda. Šādi gadījieni muslaikos notiek diezgan bieži.

Ir iespējams, ka līdzīga augšāmcelšanās ir senatnes Kristigas ticības pamatos. Skat: kāds sens upurķēniņs vārdā Jānis Klīvkājis (pārdzīvo nāvi i galēju izgāšanos sabiedrības gaiteņos, i pašnavības rezultātā, un atgriežās šai pasaulē, lai stāstītu, ka Aizsaulē valda bez nosacījumu mīlestība. Tā viņam to esot apstiprinājis pats Dievs.

Jau no seniem laikiem garīgā literatura pareģo (varbūt tikai cer), ka nākotnē var notikt kāds masveida mīlestību apstiprinošs notikums, kas atjaunos, ar morfiskās resonances izpalīgu, upurķēniņa valdību. Tādā gadījienā ‘daudziem’ atkārtosies iespēja turpināt savas kopienas ‘Visumu’’ telpā, kur visiem “... ir daudz mājokļu. Ja tas tā nebūtu, vai Es jums tad būtu teicis: Es noeimu jums vietu sataisīt?” (Jāņa ev. 14:2). Varētu būt interesanti uzzināt vai morfiskā resonance skudrām turpina pastāvēt, ja tām atņem viņām raksturīgās ķimiskās atpazīšanās smaržas.

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