Sunday, December 6, 2015

EC 494

Upon Whom the Ends
of the Ages Have Come…
a fantasy for an apocalypse

3 Synonyms for ‘disperse’

Daisy’s mother chose for her second husband a man from the Xraine region as well. A few years into the marriage the couple had a daughter. From that time on, Daisy felt excluded from the family. Though the family was now a foursome, she says that she was not made to feel a part of it. She did not know why.

It was not just a matter of the oldest child feeling jealous over the arrival of a competitor for parental love. The proof of something of irregular nature  comes—in extreme form—from Daisy’s stepfather. When I first met him, he took the occasion to inform me that Daisy was a ‘whore’. That is what he called her.  Given his own reputation (about which more later), I was surprised to hear him say this. The naming happened during a coffee break on the occasion when I had invited him to come fix a plumbing problem in my apartment. Did he suspect that I already knew too much about him, and said this to give himself cover?

However, before I discuss in greater detail Daisy’s personal life and her stepfather’s ways, there are matters I need tell, and the reader needs to learn and understand about the ‘bigger’ picture of the Baltic people and about the balkanization of the people of Europe in general. It is an event little understood by the geopolitical experts of the world, even less by the Balts themselves. A better understanding will illustrate some of the reasons for the disintegration of ancient European society as a whole. Distant as the balkanizing events may be,  Daisy’s father’s suicide, and her humiliation and demoralization—however spacious my arguments may seem to the orthodox--are connected.

A site called ‘Synonym’ (on the Google network) names synonyms for the word ‘disperse’ as follows:

“Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb disperse: Sense 1: scatter, sprinkle, dot, dust, disperse, discharge. Sense 2: disperse, dissipate, dispel, break up, scatter, separate, divide. Sense 3: break up, disperse, scatter, change integrity. Sense 4: disperse, dissipate, scatter, spread out, separate, part, split.”

One does not have to read the entire list to realize that the synonyms stand for “divide and rule”, which is a consequence of a forced ‘change in the integrity’ of those who have come under outside control.

While the synonyms are simple to understand, they become complicated, because they mark a moment of change in the nature of the human animal. If before Adam and Eve, humans were peaceful beings (in spite of the efforts of the Nature editor of BBC Internet site) who for the most part dwelt in the wood, which abode they called “Paradise” (the Great Garden), following ‘change’, they became alarmingly violent creatures in a world forced to become dualistic and schizophrenic.

As philosopher Georges Bataille explains it in his book “Theory of Religion”: “…man of the dualistic conception is opposite to archaic man in that there is no longer any intimacy between him and the world.”

The end of ‘archaic man’ (at least in Europe of the time) introduced to the Europe of today a being who began to doubt him and herself, and thus began to practice reflective and ‘rational’ thought that rejected what earlier on was—on the authority of intuition—sacred. ‘Rational’ reality divided the world between divinely moral vs malefic and coldly profanes artificially intelligent forces. The ‘moral’ forces were forced to begin defining themselves in purely secular terms.

“Divide and rule” is not as clear cut and straight forward as the phrase seem to make it appear. Hid within the formula are subterfuges, false flags, flash-bangs, smoke canisters, and lost memories.

To understand the balkanization of Europe, one cannot be of successionist Catholic, or exeptionalist American, or of institutions subject to militarists (where ‘secret societies’ hide themselves best). The interests of all said manifest themselves in progressive balkanization and thingification, because these facilitate and help recreate a Holy Roman Empire, while the periphery of it defaults and becomes chopped liver to both endo- and exo-genic forces.

Which naturally brings up the question—who are the balkanizers?

They were not Mongols led by Ghengis Khan as inventive western (and copycat eastern) historians have tried to persuade us. Because the thingification and identification of reality with academia has become de facto, which makes its interpretation of reality intellectually irrelevant today. Academia and government oriented historians have trained themselves to maintain a well  established inertia toward some kind of irrelevant future for humankind. It was not for naught that America created an elaborate fraud by way of a Holywood scenario and Smithonian Museum exhibit of a capsule alleged to have been on the moon, when in fact all this represents is grown-up children playing in a sandbox.

The name Ghengis Khan is a deliberate misspelling of the name of a King once known as John. Ghengis is but another pronunciation of the name John; Khan is but another name for King. If one goes back yet further in time, one may discover that Ghengis and Khan were once both names for John—as in John of Johns. If we listen carefully, both names are sound-alikes. In ancient Indo-Europe the name ‘gans’/ghengis, was a word that meant herder (and breeder) of animals. That is to say, European origins are not from agriculturalists, but breeders of animals. Unlike such creatures as we have become today, that is to say butchers, animals once were our friends and sustained us.

We will hear the name ‘Ghengis’ in such widely separated places as Latvija (gans=herder); India (Ganges=River and Ganesh=God of good Fortune); and Russia (Don=Yon). The sacred rivers (Volga, Don, Dniepr, Donava, Yenisei, Amur, Yangtze, etc.)  were most likely named by the herders or ‘gani’ who followed them as they grazed their animal herds along their banks.

In the course of time, ‘gans’ came to be pronounced ‘yans’ and the meaning came to include any authority and ruler (herder) over men. In a dualist world order, the priests were fond of being called ‘gani’ (plural) as they introduced and placed themselves as moral authorities between the profane and divine worlds.

Along with a pronounced dis-interest in real history—except as discarded shell of chitin of a cicada—the priests (later known as academics) serving globalizing governments—came dis-interest in the history of words. With the dismissal of ancestors in favor of kings and princes, history became chopped liver and onions, while the everyday became white sauce poured over potatoes.

A case in point:

While the traditional explanation for the origin of the word ‘police’ is that it comes from the Greek ‘polis’, re: city, it is possible to give greater credibility to the idea that it originates in the name Paul. To wit: A long time ago the ‘Paulicians’ or followers of the Roman spy Paul, seized a dualist religious group in Armenia or thereabout, the new members of which they then proceeded to turn into disciplinarians and opponents of 'religion' in its former sense. Though there is not and cannot be any certainty of this, there exists the possibility (among other possibilities) that the group was established by none other than Apostle Paul himself (see EC 525).

Before the name ‘police’’ became hegemonic and 'law' dependent, the name for the profession that kept peace in civil society was ‘gendarme’, a word formed of three parts: gen (John) + d’ (of) + arme (arms). In other words, Johns were an authority in the community: herders-preachers of righteousness under arms.

Another name of similar origins was that of ‘janissary’ or ‘soldiers John’, elite troops of Christian young men taken slaves from secularist (Roman Catholic) Christian sects. The Jans paid their captors not to kill them and served them more or less as slaves. In addition to staying alive, the ‘janissaries’ served Allah’s Servant the Sultan. As originally Muslims*/** were proto-Christians rebelling against governments formed by means of the institutionalization of taxation (a part of which process is the thingification of human beings and their communities by means of a written law), the early ‘janissaries’ were tax supporting Christians captured, castrated, and impressed in the service of the tax denying Sultan as bodyguards. Because with the passage of time rules tend to slip-slide and become relaxed, in the course of time the Jans became soldiers of the Ottoman Empire.

*The name ‘Mohammed’ may have its origin in the name ‘Johan’+med. For its part ’med’ may derive from medus, honey. In short, originally Mohammed may have been Johan, Allahs honey gatherer in the wood, the Garden of Eden.
**My view coincides with that of Bataille, who writes: “From the outset Islam was a military order…. whose purpose [was] force and military conquest…. it experienced [nevertheless]… the development of an economy of salvation.” Bataille’s statements coincides with my argument that originally (whatever it may be today) Islam was a resistance movement directed against the thingifying violence of 'law' based Catholicism.

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