EC 496
Upon Whom the Ends
of the Ages Have Come…
a fantasy for an apocalypse
© Ludis Cuckold
5 The Joys of Gang
If the late Marija Gimbutas, a
Lithuanian archeologist at UCLA once, is right that the Balts used to live in
the Dnieper River basin area, which river flows into the Black Sea, we can
deduce that they were among the first to experience the consequences of externally
wrought violence of the New World Order (NWO) and the fur tribute, the
precursor to our tax system.
The fur tribute destroyed the
environment (the wood and river shore) which the Balts had enjoyed. It also forced
them to flee their home lands. Their political system, known as autocephalic
(self-headed) rule—natural to life in the wood—had no political leadership as
it is known today. Indeed, the time the Balts lived in the Dniepr region likely
was for long enough to become ingrained in the genes responsible for human
behavior. The genetic ‘happenstance’, even as that of ‘religion’ in the West,
is of considerable political significance. It suggests that as ‘individual
liberties’ come natural to human beings living in the wood, these are
un-natural when insisted on in the virtual environment of the city. Strangely,
no psychologist has figured out the connection.
With the advent of the Vikings and
their top-down elitist system, the Balt autocephalic system of government was
repressed. The Balts came to be ruled by outsiders known as boyars
(today residing in Washington, London, Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo, Johannesburg,
Brussels, and like). A ‘boyar’, a name possibly originating in a name for
voyager, is but another name for ‘prince’, or ‘millionaire’, or ‘billionaire’,
or ‘oligarch’ who presumes a right to have the last word in matters of economy,
politics, history, and the kind of information we receive from the media under
their control.
The Viking God Wotan or Odin, when
hung upside down from Yggdrasil, the primal tree (“I ween that I hung on the
windy tree….”), saw the writing writ in the stones piled high at the roots of
the tree. What he read was (my guess): “Never Again!” After his foot was
removed from the noose and Odin was let go, he came to be one of the most
violent Gods to stalk the Earth. This was because justice was no longer in the
human heart, but was writ into law, those stones at the foot ofr the Yggdrasil
tree. The tablets of Moses play a role similar to runes by way of the neo-Zionist
tradition that rewrote the broken tablets.
The law-making bullyboys came to
power after the Indo-European political system (where the spoken word was seldom
broken faith with) was humiliated beyond—so it seems—anyone’s ability to rescue
it. It was then that the world came to be ruled by the violence of those who
sought for themselves vainglory in perpetuity. In short, the ‘runes’ etched in
stone became more important than the spoken word. The shifting spaciousness of
the spoken word was replaced by a square peg in a square hole.
Why did such a tragedy visit the
Balts (and Vikings)? What caused the brave to lose their soul to a ‘thing’, a rune?
Why did the wind become stone?
One can think of many reasons.
The initial reason (preceding the
advent of the Vikings) may have been a catastrophe in Scandinavia. Such a
catastrophe may never have struck humankind in quite the same way before. Its
unique nature was in that the violence escaped control of the sacred (such as
the self-sacrifice of the King and his court) and became part of everyday
profane reality. Violence heightened consciousness, even as the Vikings came to
believe themselves to be Gods.
The catastrophe affected all areas of
what was ancient geographical Europe. The consequences of that catastrophe are
still on the move. It will last until the tsunamis of violence has spent itself—whenever
that may be.
Close neighbors to the Dnieper
Balts, maybe even a branch of them, were those who lived in Khazaria, from
whence came loggers known as Israelites (whatever other origin their mythology
may claim). The name ‘Israel’ may have evolved from the name ‘Eshba’al’, ba’al
possibly pronounced va’al, a word
deriving from or evolving into ‘Wald’, meaning wood in German. Ishwa’al may
echo to ‘Viss-Wald’ (Latvian—Visvaldis), a word that means All-ruler. The Hindu
God Vishnu, may be related to the wood, too, which is why the pipal and Bodhi
trees are sacred to that God.
Like the Balts, the Israelites, too,
were affected by the fur tribute. It forced them into slavery, led them to
abandon old traditions, and scattered them from their ancient home lands, which
event they called ‘exodus’, which may be
another interpretation of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of
Eden. The despairing Khazarians were among the first people to become addicted
to the worship of a thingified Unnamable (but writeable), which in the course
of time became ‘revealed’ as a violent militarist God.
When the Viking princes proved too
powerful to be removed by the sacred self-sacrificial forces (transcendence of
body and ‘thing’ if it is to be believed requires self-sacrifice) the people of
the forest (just as American Indians) chose—lest they die—to go into hibernation
and survive by means of a vegetative* existence.
After the Vikings had reproduced imitators
of their violent ways throughout Europe and beyond, these caused the people
native to the wood to change their system from auto-cephalic to one that, for
lack of a better word, became hydra headed ‘democracy’. In other words, the
control center of ‘democracy’ is camouflaged by the bricks and sinews of rising
superior engines (social constructs) of exploitation—the cities**, where the ‘more
equal than others’ are the ever more inventive thieves elected to government.
*To become like a
vegetable before the onslaught of violence is one negative interpretation of
the teaching to resists violence by “turning the other cheek” (Luke 6:29).
**I have in mind
Jane Jacobs and her book ‘Cities and the Wealth of Nations '
(1984). Ms Jacobs, an unashamed booster of cities as drivers of economies had a
unipolar approach, a simplistic prejudice on behalf of the polis as beneficial
to human development.
Along with the Vikings, boyars, and
princes (men who among themselves are more equal than among others) came
institutionalized violence that manifested itself through rape of mind (best
example being a heavily edited Holy script and corporation controlled media)
and a thoroughly thingified body of man. The original ‘thing’ of contemporary
humans may have been the Egyptian mummy.*
*The connection
between the Israelites and Egypt is not by way of a Palestine-Egypt corridor, but
by way of Byzantine Khazaria-Egypt, in which case, present day Israel was a
way-station to those who brought their dead from the north to be preserved in
the sands of Egypt. As an extension of the Kurgan (KurYan) grave culture, the
Israelites of the wood came to be identified as body transporters and
mortitians, while the Balts and Slavs drove their ever moving (windy) herds of
elks in all four directions of the wind.
With the loss of the civilization where
the oral word was soul, came the loss of status of women and the Sun as the
supreme Goddess. The new world order brought into vogue the enslavement and
rape of women as it proved the superiority of might.
Because in an oral culture the
charisma (truth, honesty, and autocephalic thought) of the spoken word is
ensured by the willing death of the body from which it emerges, rape of women
was unknown, because it was an unthinkable thing. Rape was unthinkable because
the road that leads to such thoughts was blocked by ‘sacred whores’. I will
return to the subject in the following chapters.
With a shift of the political system
from intimate to intentional thingification of the inner self, came the
introduction of a known unknown God (Jesus). One example of this process is the
inscription INRI, which is posted on the cross above the head of Jesus.
The introduction of a God Whose Name
can be written, directly or indirectly, such as INRI=Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum,
allowed the newly discovered civilization that wrote to write Eros, but make it
read Sex through the mere virtue of writing so. Having writ, the New Wor(l)d
Order made itself—unlike the oral word—unforgettable. Thus, the word ‘Iudaeorum’,
which should be spelled ‘Ludaeorum’, because that is how it was originally spoken,
became something entirely else. By spelling it with an I instead of an L, the
authors of the inscription turned Jesus into King of the Jews, instead of King
of the Ludies or people. Interestingly, the word ‘ludie’ has today been lost
behind a veil of ancient sports festivals, possibly horse races. Look it up by
clicking the ‘search’ button of your computer.
All this happened because the
written word is far from being as flexible as the spoken word, and may be divided
into infinite number of fragments of meaning determined by the consonants in
its spelling or the word next to it. This phenomenon is heavily mined by the so
called ‘juridicial’ professions for which the symbol is St. George (standing
for the written word) who slays the Dragon of the oral word.
In any case, with the loss of the
oral tradition, rape by stepfathers of their stepdaughters became a common
phenomenon. In effect, rape became a form of cannibalism initially effected by cockrels
said to have minds of their own. Today sex is not taught their children by
mothers, but by pornographic pictures and films produced by an army of anonymous
males and their porno addicted b(w)ives.
If some families complained about the cannibalization
of their daughters to the Prince, he looked the other way or went to his
library to find a different version of the story. There were few Princes who
during their military campaigns had not taken part in rape or did not pretend
to be the stepfather of some young damsel. Physical prowess may be a common
enough phenomenon for a male psyche to entertain: but while it is held in check
by nature (and hegemonic communities therein), it fails in the context of the
artificial ‘democracies’ of cities and the auras these cast over those living at
the empire’s periphery.
It was due to a radical change in
the status of women of the wood, who at one time had believed themselves to be
daughters of the Sun [the folk dresses of East European women (whether Balt or
Slav) testify to this perception], that instead of sharing in the joys of
gentling practiced by her ancestors, Daisy became a victim of rape. As a
victim, she was called a whore, and—according to an old legend—was carried by a
white bull from the East to the West, where she was (the myth stops short of
telling it all) given, in place of a gentling touch, a new name. The name was
written ‘Kunt’ (?Kuce, Lude. Luna), which told all men who heard the name that
she could be gang banged again and again. Indeed, instead of being carried West, Europa was banged West.
Not surprisingly, children born to
whores were soon called hoarchins (urchins) or hoarsons, i.e., sons of a whore.
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