EC 425/ God’s War
© Eso A.B.
© Eso A.B.
Angst 2
One of the symptoms of Angst is the ‘sheeple’, either adult
population or students. That is to say that the learning provided students
through books has been written by scholars who have bought into the false
history governments peddle to anyone who will listen. In the previous blog, I pointed out my
concerns over the student led protests in the Chinese city of Hong
. A look at the photographs of the demonstrators confirms that they represent a
human species known as consumers of which ‘sheeple’ is a synonym.
Belatedly, some of the organizers of the student campaign
for more ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ are taking note that freedom, encouraged by
consumerism, unleashes a desire
for instant gratification. Such gratification, proves itself to be about as
violent as the three hundred Plus years since 1648 which legalized Peace by
We should know that peace through ‘deterrence’ means
violence without 1. a declaration of war; and 2. ‘sovereigns’ which are major military
powers need not declare war to engage in violence. Violence by undeclared war leaves ‘sovereign’ governments (including
small ones) to ‘float’ free from their roots and wage war against their own
citizens (North Korea, for example) by declaring them ‘terrorists’ by government
fiat (from Latin: ‘let it be’).
Most of the readers should be able to imagine the anxiety
of Chinese government officials as they discuss the stupidity of the policies
of post-Mao ideologues and whether
student ‘freedom fighters’ ought to be shot Tiananmen style, or should the madness
of a consumer generation be quarantined (by blocking off of streets), declaring
the protesters infected by the ebola virus, and letting death come as a result
of natural causes such as starvation and thirst.
The current projections of Western Angst in Hong Kong,
Kiev, and other places, is the result of the Westphalia Peace Treaty which
denied religion and God a direct say in checking social behavior. By subjecting
life to ‘materialization’ as it were, a
solely secular orientation destroyed Nature, both, as a teacher of limitations and
a zone for naked life to retreat to from attacks by a reality become entirely
virtual and subject to corporate CEO’s fancying themselves (such as the U.S.
Vice President Dick Chainey) leaders of humankind.
We are living in a time when humankind has received the ‘bill
of lading’ for the behavior (cargo and soul) of governments with no one with authority
to checkmate them. We are just getting around to noting what ‘freedom’ sans
spiritual conflict leads to. It is not only that it has caused the extinction
of God and Nature
, but that it is engaged in the elimination of life itself. True, the
executioners of life are suggesting they can replace real life creatures with
. It is worth noting, that ‘cyborgs’ were first named more than a half a
century ago, at which time they had already emerged as ghosts from the morgues to
which life as the living dead is removed, and were recognized as cyborgs,
zombies, the half dead, the living dead, etc.
No wonder that the Antichrist, once held (by orthodox
theologians) to be the greatest of abominations, has begun to make appearances
in the figure of the De-vel, which is a rename given Himself by none other than
God. To those who are puzzled by such an inversion of God’s Self, imagine a
rich man who has suffered bankrupcy, but is too old to hope to recover his
material fortune. Under the circumstances, the rich old man has only one option
left to him: He must play the lottery.
As we know, orthodox religions sneer at the lottery for a
number of reasons, of which immorality is neither the last or least. But… if
there is no other way to come into money. and, say, your name is Lenin. Well,
you play the lottery.
If Lenin’s number never wins, the winner is the orthodox
Russian tsar; while if the lottery wins Lenin a prize of 90 million euros in
the Euro Lottery, Lenin is in a position to put most of his political and
economic theories into practice. The support that Lenin received from the
disenfranchised Ludi living in the Russian Empire of the tsars, attests to the
fact that a majority of the 99% Ludi
margianalized by the Tsar, were in support of trouble makers. In effect, God
had chosen to become his mirror image, the De-vel.
So, who is to say that the De-vel is not God and that He
does not love God even if the Ukrainian fascists topple one of the largest
statues of Lenin in Ukraine
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