Monday, April 28, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 335 / 11
Odds and Ends  
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


There are times when it is best to let time float by and see what its flotsam carries.

This time noteworthy is the warmongering of the present Latvian government. To paraphrase from an article by Rick Rozoff at, “NATO’s Incremental Absorption of Ukraine , we can find this doozy:

“~The blindness of Riga is stunning. It looks at Latvia through the prism of hostility towards Russia.~” As I am completely against the policies of the self-diluted ‘democratic ’ government, which does not see just how fascist it is, and how harmful toward its indigenous people, I can only paraphrase Rozoff’s article once more and have it read: “NATO’s incremental Absorption of Latvia”. I have watched the incrimental progress for nineteen years now, and the results are stunning: some 900,000 Latvians (nearly half of the population) have been driven from the country in pursuit of a secretive and massive genocide. To what end? Probably to have the country recolonized by Germany.

Certainly my opinions are unwanted by the Latvian public media or government, both of which have adopted for them an attitude that is “studying monuments of its own magnificence;” (apologies to Yeats),

re: from the  Apollo web site: “Jums komentāru pievienošana ir liegta.” You are denied to make commentary on this site.) This refers to the fact that I sometimes peg commentaries under a nom de plume of ‘zxzxs’ to articles that mean to further put Latvians among irrelevant nationalities. Once when I asked the editors on what basis the censorship, it refused to give me an answer.

Be that as it may, given the exodus of the population under such deliberate and secretive government compulsion, it is but a matter of time before what was once a sovereign country evaporates into a geographic place name.

This will not end life on Earth by any means, though I may be tempted to soon go on another hunger strike in protest. (I fasted last year for about four months (liquids, sour milk, and some fish), but no one took note of the notices I sent.) It was a humbling experience as my forebears (the Herrnhuters—now known as the Moravian Church) literally and materially created the Latvian identity out of the demoralized leftovers of the central Livonian population after the Great Northern War in the early decades of the 18th century). Were a repeat attempt fast to meet with with equal failure to gain note, I have the urn for my ashes in my yard prepared.

Actually even greater erasures of cultural artifacts are taking place.

Just yesterday, I noted on the BBC internet site a news item in which the former archbishop of the Anglican Church declared that “Britain is now a ‘post-Christian’ country”. This is not surprising given the hostility toward religion shown by post-modern globalist oriented secularist governments. The reason for the hostility against any and all religions is that of all the orientations of an individual life, it is religion that yet preserves and guards the subjective self of an individual and attempts to guard it from the smothering effects of fascist ‘democratic’ dogmas of government and guarantee the mind some freedom from cyberspace ‘kingdoms’ such as NSA.

In a very short period of time (since whistleblower Snowden), we have gone from the possession of private property to the possession of ‘private mind’ as the issue of greater relevance. With the deliberate killing off of nations, the Universal Glob of Government (UGOG) that remains to fill the vacuum, proves itself to be a creation (as the Bogomils had it) of God’s eldest son, Saint John, aka Sataniel (Sant+Janiel or John), who when he created Adam failed until he asked his father to come help.

Saint John created Adam from clay and water*, but when he stood the figure upright, the water flowed out of the big toe of his right foot, and took the shape of a serpent, which took the name “odze” , which name in Latvian originally stood for a berry patch. To this day those who go berry picking in the wood or swamp, make sure they wear thick wool socks, just in case they meet with an ‘odze’, the guardian of berry patches.

When Adam would not stand, John tried blowing into him the living spirit, but the spirit went the same way as the water had, and it was the odze that came to life. John then went to ask his Father for help. He promised that he would let God have Adam’s soul, while he would keep his flesh. Incidentally, this is why science, while in the beginning appearing to be a blessing, has with time turned out to be such a curse. God agreed on John’s terms.

John then also created Eve in the same manner that he had created Adam. It is in this ‘creative’ instance that John showed his ‘devilish’ nature. Before he went to ask God to blow into Eve a soul, he slept with her. When God sent his spirit into Eve, he inadvertently also gave life to Cain and Chamomile, a pair of twins, a brother and a sister. Of course, John was overjoyed at being able to reproduce his own kind, but God found out and said: “No, John! Eve is meant for Adam.” John was not happy to hear this, but after considerable coaxing by God, finally agreed—if only he could sleep with Eve once more.

God relented on the condition that John be gentle and loving with Eve. John then put forward his best acting skills and discovered that being loving and thoughtful was not all that difficult. This is how Eve came to give birth to Abel.

Both Cain and Abel grew up to be reindeer herders in the wood. But while Abel always drove his herds east of the Ural mountains and then crossed the Asian continent and went north; Cain drove his herds west of the Ural mountains and ended up in what we now know as Scandinavia, where, came winter, he got trapped, could not find his way back, and had a difficult time in surviving. Indeed, this is how men first became animal killers—they not only made use of the reindeer pelts as winter coats, but also learned how to eat meat.

Came the following summer, Cain and his herders heard that if they crossed the Baltic Sea and then portaged from river to river, they could eventually find their way home South. This is how the Vikings came to be.

Having learnt the art of killing domesticated animals, the Vikings quickly discovered that if they imposed on their ancestors (back in the Ukraine) a fur tax, they could become wealthy without having to go herding every year. This is how they became princes, overthrew John (who had no desire to become just one of many) and soon killed him and Able.

Then the princes began to torture all the shamans of the wood and forced them to tell a story in which Abel was resurrected. They actually brought forth a surrogate, but on the condition that he agree that taxation become a permanent institution. That is how Jesus was created.

But to hear the Archbishop of Canterbury tells it, Jesus turned out to be a wimp; and it is the descendants of Chamomile who are now being called ‘terrorists’ for believing that their Ur-mother’s father John needs to be revenged. Being a woman of God's spirit and wit, Chamomile has no problems forgiving her devilish father making love to a clay toe before it had life breathed into it. Preferring sex in moderation, she tells how on God’s suggestion John made Adam a second toe. He then put the first toe between his daughters’s, Chamomile’s legs.

* Dmitri Obolensky’s “The Bogomils”, p, 208, 1948, Cambridge U. Press.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 334 / 10
Odds and Ends  
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


The onanoreic leaderships of our day keep leading us on. With their left hand over the crotch and with the right hand raised in a “Hi!”, it leads us into the future, which, I for one, hope will lead us at least a thousand years into the past. This is what seed sans a womb comes to.

Next to our onanoreic governments stand ‘anti-fascist’ philosophers, who from the left corner of their mouth utter procommunist sympathies, while from the right corner support the existing capitalist-fascist order. The plague of careerism appears their goad and the a faked scandal is their red flag with which to attract the media.

I have already mentioned “Empire” by Hardt and Negri as something of a “Mein Kampf” for today’s capitalists. Another outstanding author of allegedly antifascist and procommunist sympathies is Slavoy Žižek, who alleges some sympathy for Communism and Stalin, but after having uttered it backtracks and lobs smoke grenades of denial in the wake of his verbal acrobatics.

Having myself gone back and forth over the years over this pro-commi and anti-fashi terrain, and exercised my voice in public through these blogs, such exercise has led me, at last, to perceive this ‘yes, no, maybe’ mindset as a consequence of a trap set for us by time.

That is to say, we live within an event the unraveling of which takes on a time longer than our lives are long, and on the other hand it is likely shorter than we imagine. I am speaking of ‘Our Era’, the one that began about 1800 as the Industrial Age and is about to end in the dead end of the Postmodern or Informatization economy with Quantitative Easing (QE) as propellant.

While puff stool philosophers and governments fantasize this Era as a phenomenon that has arrived to stay for ever, little or nothing is said that it is likely but a short-lived dead-end branch in the history of hominids, and that the 202 years since the 1812 overture  celebrates the victory of the East over the murderous West, is yet destined to become a true celebration for reasons of the West’s aggressiveness. Who says that 202 years is sufficient to prove the arrival of a thousand year Reich, let alone the precursor for a step on the Moon in lieu of Moscow’s surrender?

Why do philosophers not see the talk about trips to the Moon as so much glass gravel in our eyes? Why does it go unnoticed that this ‘postmodern’ age began with bloodthirsty men (and women) commanding the meek to rip the fur off the back of their reindeer milk-cows? Why did Marx not see that the ‘justice’ he was seeking was not to be had by going forward to the excessive murders of Lenin and Stalin on behalf of a demoralized proletariat, but in the rise of consciousness to the point everyone refuses to be taxed, and wealth again becomes our unforced gift to the temple?

Only by refusing to pay taxes can we renew the wood and raise the roof for a home to thousand forms of life once more. Of all the farces coming on stage during our time, the so-called ‘greens’ are the philosophers behind of the greatest of them. Of all the atheists, the greatest cowards are they who deny the need of God to back the lack of their nerve.

Our onanoreic ‘atheists’, having persuaded themselves that “Postmodernism…”, is here for good and, therefore, also has a permanent intellectual hold on academia (with Harvard University’s Business School as its ‘donjon’ ), we are certain that “…the modernization process is complete and nature is gone for good”**

We ought not to be surprised that the plans of our Onanoreic civilization reaches its peak with the Chinese government planning to move a 100 million peasants into its cities over the next six years, and the U.S. oligarch think tanks are drawing up plans to import==likely within that same six year time span==another 100 million denationalized Chinese to California to rebuild the West Coast after the present coastline separates from the mainland, and Baja Mexico extends as far as Vancouver.

The anticipated California earthquake is the only thing about the future that is not onanoreic, but Mother Earth having the last laugh. Still, the honor of closing out our era is unlikely to go to CalifornIA, but UkraIna. And while on the subject of the end of an Era, how will it be if one morning we try to bring up our computer and it refuses to “open” for days and days and days; and the radio and tv, too, are “dead”; and we have not planted our carrots and turnips; and our pantry shelf has only one package of pancake mix.
** See ** at previous blog.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 333 / 9
Odds and Ends  
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


The Bogomils (the Lovers of God), who I insist were the First Christians, and who emerged from the human mind in deliberation of how to live in harmony with all of God’s Creation in the wood and field, agreed that after John The Basil was immolated by fire as Saint Janiel (Sataniel), the Christ of the warrior elites was stuffed into Mary’s ear (just as the oligarchs stuff their advertisements into the ears and eyes of consumers today) and God became the Word of the State.

I wrote that sentence to see if an 86 word long sentence can still be written. Actually, the betrayal of God as creator of Life remains with deadly intent. It would make the hair of the Bogomils stand on end.

One of the handbooks of modern fascism (no, it is not Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”), Fascist “Empire” by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, advises God (and us) that “The process of modernization… is the internalization of the outside, the civilization of nature…. In the Imperial [fascist] world, [the] dialectic of sovereignty between the civil order and the natural order has come to an end.”* The authors identify their fascist world order as “Postmodernism…”, which term they let be defined by Fredric Jameson as “… what you have when the modernization process is complete and nature is gone for good”**

It is not difficult to deduce that for the authors of the Fascist “Empire”—the Benelux countries, France, England, Scandinavia, Harvard University—with the addition of the United States of America—make use of the government whelps in the Baltic, and turn this Easter (2014) into a continuation of the First Crusade .

[In the 13th century the taxers and tax collectors did not get much further than Jersika (Jerusalem) in Livonia. After suffering the humiliation of their King (Basil) Vissvaldis, the Baltic Bogomils briefly recovered, and Saint Janiel  lives in folk memory to this day in Lithuania as a merry ‘devil’, but in Latvia his image has been merged with that of a goat, though a devil with seven league boots can be found in some old and now forgotten fairy tales.]

As those who have been reading my blogs know, it is in ancient Byzantium (an ancient kingdom extending from Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Khazaria, and Turkey), not Athens, where the so-called ‘fascist democratic’ State began according to philosophers who for fear of missing out on a career shy away from stuffing the word ‘fascist’ into contemporary oligarchs ears.

On a more contemporary note, the war brewing in Ukraine, provides ‘poetic justice’ for the ‘coincidence’ that the War of Wars (having been fought for a thousand years already) is likely to finish with a Grand Finale if not in the Ukraine, then round about the Ukraine.

On the basis of a series of victories by the West, one can anticipate that in spite of boasting of its military might the time has come when the West is likely to crumble for too much blood shed, and due to its troops, armed to their teeth, have been demoralized from being taught to value themselves as ‘killers’ The Ukraine itself is likely to be broken up, with token lands (Western Ukraine) to be returned to Poland and Belorussia, but the greater territory falling to Russian and Chinese control. Except as an administrative region, Ukraine itself is likely to cease to exist.

Given that this is Easter time, one must add that the so-called Resurrection of Jesus Christ was never but an invention to replace the belief by the First Christians in Reincarnation. According to those who believe in reincarnation, there is no such thing as a ‘real’ Devil, Satan, or Sataniel, but one is reborn (some say in four generations) and is then given the opportunity to set the things right that one has done wrong at an earlier time. Failing to do so, I would not be surprised that we keep returning to our ‘discredited’ and postmodern nature as snails. Much as I try not to, I keep stepping on these unfortunate creatures every summer day because they are crawling all over the ground and are not easy to see.
* The Fascist (my adlib) “Empire”, 2000,  Harvard University Press, p. 187.
** Frederic Jameson, “Post Modernism, The Culturl Logic of Late Capitalism”, 1991, Duke University Press, p. ix.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 332 / 8
Odds and Ends  
© Eso A.B.
 All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


A ‘selfie’ is a photograph taken of ourselves by ourselves. Generally a ‘selfie’ is also an arms length close-up.

But if a ‘selfie’ was to be taken by an aborigine, who believes that a photograph takes away some of his spirit or, better, dilutes the spirit, then a ‘selfie’ becomes a little bit of a ‘suicide’. Were John or Jesus alive today would they take a ‘selfie’ photograph of themselves?

I believe that ‘No’ they would not.

Again, from the perspective of an aborigine, a photograph of him (or ourselves) is a frightening and self-denying thing. We can best see this when we see an aborigine who paints his face and body , and compare it to a selfie photograph .

The difference between an image of an aborigine of himself and a ‘selfie’ is that the first projects his inner or subjective being himself, while the ‘selfie’ projects him- and ‘others’ as a bunch of smiling undead, whereas when given to a pop artist, the image tends to be projected as a corpse .

The images provided by the links above show us how the images differ if we project 1) from inside ourselves, 2) how we look from the outside through the ‘dead eye’ of a camera, and 3) through the eye of ‘another’, who sees 1) and 2) as a joke or, if you will, a kind of and sort of undead.

The difference in the images gives us an insight into the politics of the past and present.

In the past, when most humans lived in the wood and were surrounded by trees and other life, humankind projected itself from within.

Today the artist attempts, consciously or unconsciously, to take the perspective of the government, which he-she believes to be the real ‘artist’ (good, bad, or indifferent) behind the shaping of the people who populate our planet today.

The difference in perception of ‘reality’ is radically different.

Let us imagine that the ‘artist’ is a ‘psychologist’ in the hire of government. The very fact of being hired by the government turns the psychologist into sort of a potter at a potter’s wheel.

In some sense the ‘potter’ also becomes something of a political scientist, who given the facts that 1) is dead and gone, and 2) is a game of children, becomes 3) a new fangled creature [1)+3)], no longer lives in the wood, but the urban desert. The potter-artist attempts to manipulate the 1) or subjective self of the rest of us through becoming an agent working for the NAS, CIA, FBI, or becoming a government mercenary. The inescapable ‘creative’ result is is not an agnostic, but an ‘atheist’.

A consequence of inverting the wood into an urban desert projects as an image of Jacob wrestling with an angel . Jacob succeeds  in ‘pinning’ the angel to the floor, and thereby becomes an anticipant of the atheist.

In real life, this event happened thrice.

1)    When King John or John Basil (aka the Bogomil) was picked a fight with by Emperor Alexis I of Byzantium.  The Emperor built a burning pyre and forced John Basil to stand next to it. In his defense, Basil began to “[talk] marvels and boasting that he would be seen unharmed in the middle of the fire, [while] they [the mercenaries of the Emperor] took his cloak and said, ‘Now let us see whether the fire will touch your garments’, and they threw it right into the middle of the pyre. But Basil was so uplifted by the demon that was deluding him that he said, ‘Look my cloak floating up to the sky!’ Then they… pushed him [Basil], clothes, shoes and all, into the middle of the pyre….”

The other story tells of the death of Jesus, who was substituted for Basil:

2)    The story is at Matthew 27:32-56:

The two stories differ little from each other, except in the version told of Jesus, a) Jesus acknowledged taxation, while John Basil never does. Also, b) the disbelief of Jesus as the Son of God is corrected by the rending of the curtain in the temple and the soldiers exlaiming: “Surely he was the Son of God!”

There is, however, one more story, a lie, that tells the difference between John Basil of the People and Jesus of the Jews: the Bogomils believed that John was the eldest Son of God, whom the inventors of Jesus renamed John by changing and rewriting his name from Saint Ian to Sant-[Y]aniel, the Devil.

*Most of the information in this blog taken from Dmitri Obolensky’s “The Bogomils”. 1948, Cambridge U. Press.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 331 / 7 
Odds and Ends  
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


We are told by the consensual historians of the West and East that in 1240 Kiev was captured by the Mongols of Ghegis Khan [John (possibly Angus) the King]. Russian mathematician and historian Anatoly Fomenko disagrees, and argues that the Mongols were never plentiful enough to make an invasion.

My own view agrees with Fomenko, but for a different reason.

In my view the Mongols were invented by the Russian Orthodox Church to cover up the fact that it had accepted the Western version of Christianity. In fact, the Mongol invasion was a continuation of the invasion that was  begun by Western un with the so-called 4th Crusade (1204), which mysteriously stopped at the gates of Byzantium and did not continue on to Jerusalem as the organizers of the Crusade had first told.

The Christianity reigning in Kiev and Eastern Europe as a whole before 1204 and 1240 was forced underground and little by little over the next several centuries destroyed.

Let us remember the Crusade of 1208 against the Cathars (?Bogomils) in Languedoc, now France, and Yersika, now Latvia. These events were not new enterprises, but a continuation of the 1204 attack on Byzantium, which thereafter was renamed Constantinople. In southern France and the Baltics, too, the old or first Christianity was liquidated in favor of one invented by the West [with considerable help from one called St. Augustine and many other paid agents (Bishop Albert in Livonia being one of them)].

The ‘hereticism’ according to the consensual establishment (the boyars and princes with their lobbyist the priests and various specnaz groups of monks known as Holy Orders) came as ‘hereticism’ by way of the East, from Iran and Syria, and were known as Asian Manicheans, Neo-Manicheans, Massalians, Patarenes, Dualists, and more.

As for who these ‘heretics’ were in actuality, we may discover by taking a closer look at the name Patarenes. In fact, this group was known in then Livonia as ‘Pastaljāņi’ or later ‘Pastalnieki’. Even today, anyone who is long on his or her prayers is said to be saying ‘Pahtari’. The name ‘pastala’ in Latvian means a primitive form of a ‘shoe’ cut from pig leather . It is still sold as a souvenir item in Riga to tourists. The nearest use today of the pastala is as a ballerina shoe, with the difference that it has a hardened toe.

The manner in which the name of ‘pastala’ found its way in the name of the Patarenes is when the consonant L began to be pronounced as an R. Thus, former Amsteldam is now known as Amsterdam, and ‘pastala’ became the root for ‘Pastarene’, aka the Traveling or Wandering weaver, aka the Wandering Jew—Ahasverus. Weaving, a necessary art in those days, was adapted by the Pastelenes in Livonia and elsewhere as their mobile tradesmark; it opened many doors to them and their Christian or Christian King John’s message.

Due to the dogmatic pressures of the Lutheran Church, the Latvians to this day do not connect one of their most sacred folk relics, the belt from Lielvarde , as the work of the Pastarenes or Bogomils.

The 4th or was it the 1st Crusade(?) was a political movement on behalf of the elites that lasted a very long time. Thus, the 1240 invasion of Kiev by the ‘Mongols’ and the 1360 convocation of the Bulgarian Church Council, the latter (‘Orthodox Christianity’) especially aimed to condemn Judaism and Bogomilism, which appear to have had close contacts at that time. The hold on Bulgaria of the First Christianity was strong and thus especially abhorrent to the elites from the West.

The strength of the Bogomils arose from the fact that it had roots in the indigenous population—then still mostly people of the wood. For example, the Synodicon of the Tsar Boril describes Bogomils thusly*: “…those who on the 24th of June, the birth of John the Baptist [I read it as ‘Ian the Basil’] practice magic and gather fruits and that night perform foul mysteries like the pagan [pa-yan] rites.”

The 24th of June marks the date of the summer solstice, and it is still celebrated by the Latvians (as Jāņu diena) and southern Slavs as ‘Ivani deni’.

Because the 2nd Christianity of the elites (then called Catholics, now fully secularized as Globalists) eventually prevailed over the 1st Christians, the latter became increasingly identified with pagans (pa-yans), with magic, and popular superstitions. Indeed, there came a time when Bogomils lost all leadership and their most important rite became a ‘folk festival’.

As for the leadership of the Bogomils, most of them met their fate on a pile of burning wood. This was the first ideologically motivated act of deforestation. It is from this time on that the People of  Byzantium and now the entire world were subject to taxation of the State at its will.

*Most of the information in this blog taken from Dmitri Obolensky’s “The Bogomils”. 1948, Cambridge U. Press.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 330 / 6
Odds and Ends  
© Eso A.B.


The concerns about the warming of the climate pushed by the ‘greens’ of all shades is touching, but as we all can see—of no significance in effecting any ‘real’ changes on our planet.

The reason for this is simple, but escapes notice: people who live in an urban environment differ significantly from people who used to live in the environment of the wood or countryside farm. The processes of thinking in the two environments differ radically from one another.

While we keep hearing the urban ‘greens’ argue for a ‘better’ environment, we never hear them argue that our civilization’s ‘speedy’ ‘progress’ toward ‘negative horizon’* has to be stopped in its tracks if the environment is to be prevented from collapsing and life reduced to moth and worm.

The link below leads to environmental news from China, one of the worst polluters of our planet. That country’s leadership makes-believe that it brings us ‘good news’ by issuing a new environmental ‘law’ that may somehow curb the ‘progress’ of pollution the government achieved after the meeting of ‘Mao-Kissinger-Nixon’ in 1972.  

Try as they might to revive their of Confucian tradition , it no longer stands for reason, if the government proceeds with its plans to move 100 million peasants from the countryside into cities by the year 2020 .

The ‘greens’ of China, that is to say the International Confucian Ecological Alliance (ICEA) may solicit a hundred Harvard professors to invoke Confucius (and “the classic Chinese trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man”) times 24/7/365, but if they cannot think for themselves and change the word ‘man’ to ‘life’, today even Confucius becomes inconsequential; re: .

As I see it, the problem lies in making a switch from thinking communism through ‘progress’ to thinking communism through ‘autarchy’ and self-sufficiency.

This, of course, applies to all countries. The failure of the U.S. economy ought to be a shining example of what ‘progress’ as thoughtless capitalism leads to .

Virilio argues that the “negative horizon” has been instituted by a State dedicated to “indefinitely perpetuating extermination”. He explains that the ‘extermination’ began with “Athenian autochthony… [and] a ceremony leading the panathenaeans up the Acropolis from the cemetery of the Kreameikos, from birth to the public death of these ‘sons of the fatherland, for whom time is annulled in the irrevocable return from the end to the origin”.**

Perhaps my criticism of Virilio is contained in the fact that I am unwilling to follow the neo-elite of our times to whatever their Acropolis. This means that I would be gripped by fear strong enough to cause me to step out of the line winding its way up-hill and run down the hill instead.

Rather, than return to the cemetery of the Kreameikos, I am hoping that I will be intercepted by the ‘deforested’ wood ‘miraculously’ resurrecting itself before my sight and step, and that with the genes of an ancient Slav in my blood, I would fall on my knees and praise God and Mother Earth.

Yes, a humankind practicing autarchy will think radically different from todays ‘best and brightest’. And, yes, such radical thinking is necessary, but will not come without an imposition of autarchic regimes the world over. Like my sudden fall on my knees, the sylvan environment necessarily encourages superstition and fearlessness before the scientific criminals from MIT, Silicon Valley, and Southern Cal and, who knows, where else.

But how are we to make this sudden transition from violent urban capitalism to a peaceful sylvan autarhy?

I believe that we must remember the old say by John (also  Jesus): “…for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword (Matthew 26:52, King James).

As I have argued in numerous blogs, the sword was first brought to autarchic civilizations of the wood by the Vikings fleeing the harsh environment of Scandinavia by the river routes provided by the Volga, Dniepr, Donau, and other. The rivers led the demoralized herders back to the regions of the Black Sea where they had originally come from. It is worth noting that upon their return the once peaceful herders (Johns) had become zhans d' armes (from Dutch), i.e. armed men taking suck of blood rather than reindeer milk.

Instead of milking reindeer, the Vikings now killed them for their fur and instituted a thousand year long Reich of taxation. And the men and women of the wood who resisted them, they raped and then killed, forcing their descendants to take up arms, and thus creating an armed civilization. They also substituted the religion of Gods and God of the people of the wood with an agod (? Godo) born of the city in the desert.

It is not a coincidence that the forces of NATO today are led by a presumptuous Dane named Rasmussen , and that this man is telling the Slavs that they are making “a historic mistake” by presuming the Ukraine a territory of their historical past.

It is neither Rasmussen or all the universities of the West put together that know what their history is, and that the history that they pretend is all a lie and a violence. Today history in the Ukraine acts on a psychosomatic disorder all its own.

*A term first used by Paul Virilio in the title of his book “L’Horizon Negatif”,  1984.
** Ibid, p. 175.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 329 / 5
Odds and Ends  
© Eso A.B.
 All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.

We have read about the Resurrection, but have given little thought that in order for it to take place we need to return to superstition, a term, which was invented by the superstition of science that the mind dies with the body.

I will attempt to answer the question about the origins of ‘superstition’ in a later blog. On this occasion, I will try to stick with the Easter theme, which for the absence in our time of self-sacrifice is no longer accompanied by Resurrection—except as a meaningless word.

Easter is a time in which—so superstition tells us—Jesus rose from the dead. The creators of Easter hastened to celebrate their new Holyday before (the end of April or early May), when the Beltaines began their night and day orgy dedicated to the green fire.

While critics of literature shy away from making the connection, the Greek playwright Euripides wrote a reasonably accurate description of what went on during  “The Bacchae”. What we miss when we read the play is that King Pentheus did not lose his head due to the ‘madness’ of  his mother Agaue having eaten a basket full of fly agaric, but because the king had instituted a gender change for the Sun, which up to that particular festival had been known by her name in the feminine gender–Sonne (German and Old English), or Saule (Latvians).

For reasons of his own, that is to say, for subjective reasons, Euripedes likely believed that the old superstition of the Sun being the mother of all life on Earth (Zemele*) was so ingrained in the minds of the people of the wood that it could never be erased.

The clue of what the superstition about Saule/Sonne was is revealed in a Latvian folk poem, which tells that at Her rising and setting the rays of Sun (Saule, f.g.) shear the tree tops. We may remember here that King Pentheus had climbed to the top of a pine to better see the orgies below. When the Sun rose, her rays blinded the autistic and sex starved King, and when climbing out of the tree, for lack of sight, he lost his footing and grip and tumbled to the Earth below to be ‘devoured’ by his mother (Agaue or Zemele, take your pick).

I believe that the same “Bacchae” event was reflected in the Aztec rites of human sacrifice at the top of Templo Major in what is now Mexico City. When the corpses of the sacrificed (at the top tier of the temple) were thrown down the steep steps, these were awaited below by a two dimensional sculpture of a dismembered Earth Mother— Tlaltecuhtli . By a curious and paradoxical twist in the story, Coatlicue (aka ‘the serpent skirt’, the Mother of the Gods and all heavenly bodies, including the Sun) had given birth to the Sun as a male. As if to make up for the error, female sacrifices were also made at the temple (probably to give the Sun feminine aspects). The difference in the story of the Aztecs and Greek Dyonysians is that the Aztecs had the Sun give birth to the male gender as if to replace Her real feminine self. Realizing her mistake, She sacrifice herself to correct herself.

There are so many versions of who the Sun is among the Aztecs that all those who cared were very confused. To decide whose version is right without going to war over it, the Aztec Gods called for a big get together to see which one of them was able to sacrifice him or herself in lieu of a war by jumping in a pit of fire. None of the Gods proved brave enough. As among government officials today, none of the elite wished to lose life, when there was a surplus of peons available to die in their stead.

At last a God covered by open sores of a venereal disease (to indicate that he was both a God and a human) called Nanauatzin, later renamed Tonatuih, jumped into the fire. By being consumed in a fire (almost identical to the death of John Basil in old Byzantium), Nanauatzin connects to  the fires of the Dyonisian Bacchae Festival, the People of Johns Festival among the Latvians, the Beltaine Festival of Ireland and Scotland, and not least, the death of Jesus Christ (the traitorously renamed John Basil).

Being of pure fire, the Sun demands that in times of peace she is remembered by a display of fire, but in times of war, when the continuance of life appears in doubt, she must be remembered with a self-sacrifice. As the link below tells it, if ordinary sins were confessed by the Slavs in an ordinary hole in earth, sins against life demand a hole deep enough to reach fire.

*Zemele=Semele=Mat Zemlya

Monday, April 14, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 328 / 4
Odds and Ends
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


In some ways John the Baptist or Christener and Jesus Christ may be one and the same person, and their basic message of love may be the same.

Still, there are some important differences between the two.

Even while the New Testament admits that John precedes Jesus and that he Baptized or Christened Jesus, there are some substantial differences. A careful reader will have noted that my two previous blogs, 326 & 327, dwell on how deliberate and politically motivated changes in the meaning of names set the stage for the Big Lie.

We discovered that the word pagan, really means pa-Yan, a word that stands for a ‘belittled’ reindeer (or other forest animals) herder in the Eurasian woods. A neighbor of mine, who was born in Siberia, reminded me that the word ‘pa-gan’ also rhymes with the Russian word for the fly-agaric (aka amanita muscaria), the famous red mushroom capped by white dots, frequently used by native shamans of the wood . Its Russian name spells ‘pa-gan-ka’.

It is easy to imagine how a townie alienated from nature, would in later years condescendingly call a dweller of the wood a Paganka. This name calling does not differ much from today’s city or government elite calling a marihuana smoker a ‘pothead’.

Nevertheless, John Allegro wrote a controversial book, which he called “The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross”, in which there are a number of images from ancient art showing the use of the mushroom for visionary purposes . Since we live in a cultural atmosphere that accepts that the thinking process is a matter of digitization, the chemical process as a facilitator of visions has been viciously denied and repressed by do-gooder political organizations and religious organizations lobbied by secular governments. The “yes-no” process of “yes-no”, “yes-no” ad infinitum has unfortunately brought our urban desert civilization to the state of near idiocy.

The fact that both John and Jesus were men of the wood and not from Nazareth or the river Jordan, is hid by contrary statements, such as Matthew 3:4, calls the wood ‘wilderness’ and describes John wearing “a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist””; while Jesus is popularly believed to have been either a carpenter or the son of a carpenter, a belief derived from Matthew 13:55: “"Is not this the carpenter's son?”

Who but men living in the wild of nature (if not the wood) wear a garment of camel’s hair and are expert handlers of wood, that is to say, are  carpenters? While most hominids of the times of John and Jesus were not urbanites as today’s popular prejudice of churchmen encourages us to believe, they all surely knew that the wolf could imagine having eaten Little Red Ridinghood only if he had eaten a fly agaric.

And why would a wolf eat a fly agaric? Probably because he mistook it for menstrual blood. As the color red is associated with the color of blood and hence is a sacred color, and the muscaria amanita is known to lower blood pressure, it may have been used by women during their menstrual periods. Whether it was used externally, I do not know, but Red Ridinghood is not a name of an ‘innocent’ little girl wearing a red hat in the days when color red could be afforded only by royalty.

Yet, while John and Jesus both stood for enduring suffering and pain in the name of love as a human condition, there was also a distinct difference between them.

John was clearly a man of the wood. His color was green, that of vegetation coming back to life in the spring. In northern climes his month was April-May, the Beltaine Festival of Ireland (remember the clover leaf as its symbol) and Scotland come to mind . It was a fire festival, because it is in these months that leaf and grass as if catches fire and bursts from sleepy earth. Beltaine is also a word that consists of two words: Belt + aine. While the meaning of ‘belt’ may derive from ‘vert’, green or ‘velt’ to swell, ‘aine’ clearly rhymes with yaine or ian. In other parts of Europe this festival is celebrated in June on the Summer solstice and is known as Johns Festival. It, too, is associated with the color green and fire; it is a day when everyone in Latvia of old and of the wood wore a green-leafed wreath  or when it comes to today, wears a green spray attached to his-her garments.

As the summer solstice is the day of the Goddess Sun, the celebrants in Latvia are called “children of Johns”, however, the word ‘children’ may be a religio-political substitute for the word ‘llaudis’ (Jāņu ļaudis), People. As I pointed out in blog 326, “…the acronym INRI (Latin: Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum) should be substituted with the letter L [in place of I], in which case the acronym reads ‘Lūdaeōrum’, which means ‘King of the People’ not of Jews.” Indeed, in Latvian folk belief the Kings of the People are all named John.

Still, when Catholic Christianity arrived to substitute the Christianity that arose of itself in the wood and of ‘Lūdaeōrum’, the word was substituted by “Iūdaeōrum” or Jews (a people compelled to become tax collectors), not only was there begun a tradition of prejudice by the elite against human beings living in nature, but the nature of Christianity itself was changed for a faith imposed on the People by princes and barons. In short, the name of John was changed to Iesu, and this Iesu had no objections to either tax collectors or tax collecting.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 327 / 3
Odds and Ends
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.


With a small clue, such as discovering that the word ‘pagan’ does not mean ‘heathen’, but consists of two parts, ‘pa’ and ‘gan’, we can make long strides such as daddy longlegs, a member of the arachnids called an  Opilione makes, whence it is also known as a Harvest Spider or Harvestman or Shepherd.

That’s pure gobbledygook, no? Not so fast.

Again, let us note that the word ‘opilione’ consists of two parts: Opil + ione. ‘Opil’ derives from ‘opal’ or color ( ) and stands for daddy longlegs many eyes, while ‘ione’ is easily read as ‘ian’, whence the English name for John. In this case, the word ‘harvestman’ derives from the word shepherd, which itself originally meant herder and was pronounced as Ian, or Yan, Ivan, Ion, Johann, Jan, Xian, x 100. Since herders were replaced by agriculturalists, the name was transferred to the latter; thus, also John, Ian, Xian, Janis, Jean, Zhan, etc., become peasants.

As for ‘pa + gan’, the ‘gan’ word also spells Jan, because the letter G may be easily pronounced as J in John or J in gendarme.

So, the many eyed ‘opilione’ stalks on and comes to a stop at the Italian name for ‘peasant’ or ‘paisan’. Is this word not the same as the ‘pagan’ of the Balts? The word, too, consists of two parts: ‘pa’ + ‘isan’. Interestingly, we note that ‘gan’ (or yan) is now spelled ‘isan’. A long time ago, I had a dear friend of Italian extraction, whom I often greeted by addressing him as “Paisan!” meaning not peasant or heathen, but ‘friend’.

Thus, it goes with words and names; and we can now return to the word ‘Genu’ in the title of these blogs and see more easily how it is connected to the ancient herders or Ians, and how Ians was also a name commonly held by kings—such as King John, Ivan the Terrible, Ghegis Khan, Prester John—all because the people who used these names saw a connection between herders of sheep, or goats, or reindeer, or pigs, or cows with a person who was responsible for keeping track of a herd or a community.

Perhaps we can also see how ‘’pa-gan’ becomes ‘pa-isan’ or the other way around, though we cannot necessarily explain how the letter G becomes IS or IS becomes G. Yet we cannot now deny giving consideration to the possibility that John or Ian came to be known as IESU, especially since one John the Baptist (known as John the Christener in other languages) is said to be his forerunner.

Seeing that Easter is soon upon us, we can go on to speculate of how the word ‘Christ’ derives from the word ‘skusts’, after the latter  metamorphosed into the word ‘krusts’ or ‘cross’.

In the Latvian language, the word ‘skusts’ comes from when a woman puts her four cornered shawl across her shoulders, then crosses the two loose ends across her breast and tucks them into her belt or knots them . The pattern that the wearer of the skusts then carries on her body is clearly a ‘cross’. If we now return to our favorite act of ‘pareidolia’, we may note that ‘skusts’ also echoes in such words as ‘skuhpsts’ (kiss) in Latvian, and the word ‘skull’, which we generally see with two shinbones crossed behind it.

If we wish, we may use our pareidolia also to touch the famous Latin American shawl known as a ‘ruana’. It is pictured in the link above. While the origin of the word according to the Chibcha people is derived from the word meaning ‘land of blankets’ , I will still dare to link the word to the time when the consonant L changed its pronunciation and became an R. Thus originally, a Ruana may have read Luana, a blanket of the people made of the wool of Llamas .

( To be continued.)