Eso’s Chronicles 318 / 5
It’s Not Over Until It’s Over
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.
“While not denying that there are occasions when concensus occurs, such events are rare, but more often, as inLatvia
ever since1991, power was restored to the dominant group (the Senate—Saeima—and
the State bureaucracy). The schism between the State and the People is not
simply virtual. It has been created by the State and represents a repressive
reality, which is evidently supported by the author of the article and the NGO 'Politika'.”
It’s Not Over Until It’s Over
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin.
While looking through the
books on my hopelessly chaotic bookshelves, I came across a copy of “Empire”,
Harvard, 2000, by Michael Hardt and Antonia Negri, and started flipping some of
the pages read years ago
I came across a
highlighted phrase that reminded me of my interest in what it states: “….The first task of Empire, then is to enlarge
the realm of the consensuses that support its own power.”
As I now live in Latvia,
the country of my birth, where the social fabric, (originally based on life in
the wood) has over a period of about a thousand years been torn to shreds by
many would be Empires (Germany, Holy Roman Empire, Russia, Poland, Sweden, the Soviet
Union), and where, not surprisingly, a good portion of nationalist rhetoric
edges close to being fascistic (along Italian and German paradigms), even while
giving ground to the Empire of EU and US, I decided to pull the phrase and take
another look at it.
This follows a brief
confrontation via email with a Latvian NGO, . The following is a
free English translation from Latvian:
“I cite the author’s (of the article)
response to the respondeNd (Ieva)”
‘....To say that the Latvian delegates (to
the EU) cannot have influence on EU legislation is to fail to understand that
the EU legislature functions on the basis of compromise and consensual
“I (this writer) wish to point out that it is precisely in this word ‘concensus’ that hides the stasis of Latvian politics: censorship of thought and dictatorship of the media [and an alienated public]. What the author of the article fails to comprehend is that ‘concensus’ is an academic perspective, and has nothing to do with a freely thinking public. The fact that the State did not permit a referendum on the question of what currency the Latvians wish to use was ‘overmanship’ over the subalterned People by State administration, which, to cite Antonio Negri (Empire, p106) on the concept of the nation: "...the concept of nation promotes stasis and restoration in the hands of the dominant, it is a weapon for change and revolution in the hands of the subordinated." ("Empire", p.106).
“I (this writer) wish to point out that it is precisely in this word ‘concensus’ that hides the stasis of Latvian politics: censorship of thought and dictatorship of the media [and an alienated public]. What the author of the article fails to comprehend is that ‘concensus’ is an academic perspective, and has nothing to do with a freely thinking public. The fact that the State did not permit a referendum on the question of what currency the Latvians wish to use was ‘overmanship’ over the subalterned People by State administration, which, to cite Antonio Negri (Empire, p106) on the concept of the nation: "...the concept of nation promotes stasis and restoration in the hands of the dominant, it is a weapon for change and revolution in the hands of the subordinated." ("Empire", p.106).
“While not denying that there are occasions when concensus occurs, such events are rare, but more often, as in
The tone with which the
State, its agents, and the media address the Latvian people is notably
authoritarian, with a uni-polar tendency as to subject matter, the latter
expressed as ‘silent treatment’, which impresses on the majority of the public
the idea that no other subjects exist. Such ‘treatment’ leads to increased
levels of frustration among the public, though it has to be added that it has
succeeded (by subjecting the nation to the European Central Bank) in ridding
Latvia of about 900,000 (about 45%) of its people by forcing them to emigrate
abroad. The number of immigrants is, by the way, this writer’s subjective
guestimate, which subjective evaluation has no standing with the ‘objective’
and authoritarian (power-over) Consensus
State .
The above is, of course,
only a miniature of what the Empire (sometimes the U.S.
alone, at other times, the US ,
EU, Russia , China in combination)
confronts the hominids (to be differentiated from human beings) with. The
revelation of the extent of spying done by the NSA (National Security Agency),
proves the point of Hardt and Negri that: “The means of the private and individual
apprehension of values are dissolved with the appearance of Empire… with a
concrete universal itself. (p19)”
In the Big Empire (generally
presumed to be theU.S.) itself, this confrontation between the Empire and the
individual’s subjective apprehension of values was clearly represented through
the MIT student-activist Aaron Schwartz
,who downloaded too many JSTOR articles to government’s liking, so-called
suicide due to the Empire’s prosecution (intimidation) of his efforts.
Since I object to the very
word ‘suicide’, because of my belief that it is a deliberate attempt by the
Empire to dismiss any and all self-sacrificial acts of its opponents, I
certainly believe that Aaron Schwart’s ‘suicide’ was a sacrifice aimed against
the Empire on behalf of subjective intelligence, which the internet functions
to restore, but which the government is attempting to repress and censor.
Hopefully, the alternate media, which made Aaron its hero, will not let him
down by dismissing his self-sacrifice by continuing to call it ‘suicide’.