Eso’s Chronicles 296 / 9
A Civilization of Persecution
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin. This series of blogs begins with 288.
For birth to occur there must pre-exist a condition of trust. Such trust must pre-exist for even the smallest form of life. Materialists may call it ‘optimum conditions’.
A Civilization of Persecution
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin. This series of blogs begins with 288.
For birth to occur there must pre-exist a condition of trust. Such trust must pre-exist for even the smallest form of life. Materialists may call it ‘optimum conditions’.
Today no trust worth trusting exists. The hominid
species is rapidly destroying the conditions necessary for life on planet
Earth—from sardines, to dolphins, to their own kind. Distrust is sown by
capitalism to facilitate ways to better confuse and f**k you.
This is why it is not surprising that life everywhere
is at some stage of dying, and if not yet dead, but of hominid species and no
longer a child, it is likely thinking how it may come to its death. It is a
form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) with suicide ever on
the mind.
While this blogger admits to suffering from PTSD (how else
could I come to write about it?), I do not admit to being hopeless nor to
wishing those who have engineered the death our civilization dead by any other
hand or mind but their own. However, to think thus is nothing new for me. I
have thought this way since 73 years ago, which brings me back to the year
1941, when I was eight y.o.
I have already—a number of times—used the Japanese story of
the “47 Samurai”
as an example for action to escape the curse of PTSD, and hope that the story
becomes better known in our corrupt civilization, of which Japan is not only
one, but one of the best examples. Contrary to myth, which proclaims that the
story of the ‘47’ is well known and admired in Japanese society to this day,
this is a lie. The behavior of current Japanese leadership stands their past on
its head.
Another name for the 47 ‘samurai’ in Japan is ‘ronin’
, which according to the link explains that ‘ronin’ means samurai left without
a master. The link gives a decent description of what samurai without a master are
like. The link also serves to describe contemporary hominids the world over—whether
they be Spaniards, Americans, Germans. Italians, Tibetans, or Latvians, young
or old.
It is interesting that in Latvia the word ‘ronin’ rings
onomatopoetically to the word ‘ruhnihts’ (castrated). I take the liberty to use
a pareidolic association to make these two words synonyms. Their common origin
lies (likely) in the times, when in spring, both peoples drove reindeer herds
from the Black and Caspitan seas regions to the Asian northeast, but one party
went east (and became Japanese), while the other moved west of the Urals and
became the Goths (whence the French, Germans, and Norman English).
[From my perspective, the Japanese and Latvian cultures have
both been ‘roninized’ (castrated) into ‘law-abiding’ and subjectivity lacking
muted mentalities. The Japanese were struck by this tragedy after Commodore
Perry ‘opened’ Japan in 1854, while the Latvians (and Western Russians) got the
brunt of Gothic-Roman tax collecting ‘higher’ culture from such representatives
as the Swedes, Danes, Germans, French, Romanized Poles and Lithuanians from the
12th century on.]
Indeed, the Ronin without a master have behaved as one may
imagine castrated samurai will; and
modern man without a God (be It One or many who are worthy of the Name) is no
less an impotent creature. It is not for me to condemn the Japanese for
representing a castrated culture, as it was done by one of their own writers—Yukio
, a three time candidate for the Nobel Prize, which he did not get allegedly
because of his anti-modernist perspective asked an equal sacrifice of the
leadership than it asked of the common Japanese man and woman.
Japanese elite were so impressed by American capitalist ways
that four decades after meeting ambassador Perry, it attacked China and Korea
. Apparently the Japanese were impressed with the way capitalism, while
dictating laws to others, managed to preserve its greed obsessed subjective
meme a law unto itself or free of the
law. Up to the time of meeting up with capitalism, the Japanese had, so to
speak, put their noses into the hole in the wall dug there by the samurai code
of honor known as bushido
Freed of ‘bushido’ by America, the Japanese elite
transformed Bushido into Japan’s feudal laws, and Japan’s went on the attack,
eventually also against the shining tower of capitalism, America itself—for
which daring it received the honor of being the first whose ‘populist’ segment
was to suffer annihilation from the nuclear bomb.
The suffering incurred by the atom bomb destabilized the self-posession
of the Japanese elite even further: they determined to unleash the Japanese
subjective meme in as undisciplined a fashion as that same meme became unleashed
among the Americans and they began to write polarized ‘laws’ as were ‘inspired’
by their subjective wishes.
Among the wishes of the Japanese elite is the wish not to
have to apologize to anyone who its elite ever ordered attacked and murdered. By
persuading the average Japanese to accept the reasons of murderers and, thus,
removing from the consciousness of the ordinary Japanese any sense of guilt, it
inspired its military plebs to turn into kamikaze pilots and sacrifice their
lives to save the Japanese establishment (the Sun King including). The elite began
to wait until more fortunate times came their way again and they could again
become aggressors
. Though such times take time to arrive, the Japanese establishment is so sure they
will come, it has put the country 200% into debt of its GDP
. Currently, the Japanese capitalist mind is represented by its Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
, which puts Japan on par with America led by its Kenya born (Bilderberger
concocted relativist) President.
In our capitalist hall of mirrors, the
insignificant Latvian elite fit in as if in a made to order hologram with Japan and America . Economic ‘growth’ in the Latvian
economy is accomplished by driving up to 900,000 (out of 2.2 milion) of its
people from the country as economic refugees. Few Latvians take issue with this fate, unless one
considers the non-stop foul language on the country’s internet sites, which
means that on the subjective level the language of the people is suffering from
a deadly variety of Turrets Syndrome, which may be a way of escaping PTSD.
Is there any ‘out’ of this ‘cramp’ of
persecution by the ‘legalized’ capitalist meme and return to the once extensive
‘freedom’ of the subjective landscape?
No one knows, except the ’47 Ronin’—whenever
it is that they see fit to come together. When and if that happens, I would
hope that they are of venerable old age, to avoid the unfortunate habit of
young heterosexual Japanese committing suicide to affirm their love in an
otherwise meaningless public space.
The 47 x 47 (=2009) Japanese officials Plus
(government and private company) who are responsible for the disaster at the
Fukushima nuclear power plant will never pay for their crime, which has caused pollution
of the entire Pacific Ocean, is killing sea life by the tens if not hundreds of
thousands, causing yet unfathomable mutations, and is making swimming on the
west coast of the U.S. (let alone Japan) dangerous, and has smeared the
reputation of hominid intelligence with Japanese snot.
My personal judgment of the story of the ‘47
Ronin’ is that the ronin made a mistake by killing their lord’s enemy. As I see
it, they should have taken their lives to shame Kira into doing likewise,
because if he did not do so, he would surely be identified with Homo Sacer
. Still, the story sets a precedent for 47 unknown Japanese to repeat the act today
before the Nakamon or inner
gate of the Imperial court (formerly Edo
castle). Not only would they by their act give the dead Japanese king new
relevance and life, but reintroduce an old ethic to government officials the
world over.
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