Eso’s Chronicles 293 / 6
A Civilization of Persecution
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin. This series of blogs begins with 288.
The Kings were then forced to pass their losses on to the people they were the nominal rulers of. As neither money nor gold had yet come into being as an exchange mechanism, the first form of taxation was by demanding from the herders a certain amount of animal pelts. While from the perspective of our civilization that seems to be a relatively insignificant tax, in fact it had enormous cultural consequences. We first see the consequence in the misstatements of our anthropologists that our forebears were “hunters, gatherers”.
A Civilization of Persecution
© Eso A.B.
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin. This series of blogs begins with 288.
Thousands of books have been written in an attempt to
explain the emergence of ‘Modern Times’ with all its consequences
Yet to this day no one has quite managed to explain
how the story of Jesus Christ, allegedly the Son of God and, therefore
according to Christian theology, God Himself, ends up being the admitted story
of his murder, granted not yet admitted?
How is it that Pope Francis in Rome, said to be sitting
in the chair of Peter, Jesus’s First Disciple (and Apostle)
, is nothing short of milquetoast,
i.e., a slice of bread soaked in milk and egg batter fried on a stove never hot
enough to properly cook anything? True, Pope Francis has criticized unfettered
Capitalism as ‘tyranny’ and upset Rush Libough
, though when we consider what Libough says, he is right on the money: Where
would the Catholic (Globalist) Church or Christianity (as it is todayI be
without money?
Without money, the Christian Church would not be,
because the only charisma that keeps its bureaucracy in existence is money. Why
should this be so?
The readers who remember my blog 289, re: “Of
Primitive Language”, will remember that it argues that the origins of Christian
history are to be sought in the origin of language itself. The Baltic languages
(and no doubt many others) all had at their root a grammatical form known as
‘the endearing word’. Though linguists have attempted to belittle this
linguistic form by calling it a ‘diminutive form’
, when considered from an empathetic perspective, it reflects a profound
reverence, even a ‘religious’ attitude in speech.
This is not to say that ‘reverence for life’
is in and of itself recognition of
divinity, nevertheless, it reveals itself to be the opposite of the attitude
exhibited by materialist scientism of our time.
While some may find it sufficient that ‘reverence for
life’ remain an attitude, our time proves that along with such an attitude must
come the will to do reverence justice.
It is in this ‘will to do’ that this writer finds the
current forms of Christianity deficient in that ‘the will to do’ does not
involve a critical analysis, but consists solely of words words words.
While organizations concerned with ecology and
diminishment of poverty unquestionably do good, the ‘good’ done is far from
sufficient to reverse the damage that deforestation and corporate ethics
results in. What we need is ‘reverence for life Plus!’, because the damage done
by our technology and economic attitudes far exceed the ability of our planet
Earth to cope with.
I have over and over again pointed to our wonted
‘urbanism’ as one of the great culprits in the desertification of our planet
that little by little pushes the planet’s surface to become like that of Mars
. I have also been critical of our ‘democratic’ economy and the materialist
philosophies of our empire federations that rule without political will yet are
dogmatic for all that. Though for the most part, I have pointed to capitalist
philosophy as being one of the main damagers, this does not mean that I exclude
the oft praised socialist philosophy and so-called ‘left wing’ political
What most of or politicians, economists, ecologists,
scientists, and philosophers seem to have forgotten is that the ‘modern age’ began
with taxation. Indeed, ‘taxes’ are the source of the damaging philosophies of
both capitalism and socialism, because it is taxation which enables the growth
of government, methods of ‘harvesting’ unearned income (by government) that
depletes the Earth, and worst of all, creates cities with enervated and
sentimental populations. Taxation was also the Great Cause of the Religious
Schism that (to use Christian terminology) crucified the Son of God, Jesus
Christ, without acknowledging just who the crucifiers were.
The many False Flags that have been let fly in the
last few centuries, not least those of very recent times show us the ‘chinks in
the armour’ of the governmental entities our civilization has created. The
greatest wound that our intelligence suffers from is our false history.
I have pointed out, in past blogs, how taxation likely
began with the Vikings or Goths, who invaded ancient Jerusalem ,
located on the Bosphorus Straight, from the north, by the routes of the Volga , Dniepr, and Donau river systems. At that time,
taxation was probably the result of straight out robbery by the invaders of
local Kings, who had ruled—for ages—in a relatively autarchic environment
dominated by the wood, where people eked out a living from ‘the gifts of the
wood’ (wood, berries, mushrooms, a variety of seeds, reindeer milk, and
sacrifice of animals to create of their skin and bones dress, shelter, and
dressing for the soles of their feet).
The Kings were then forced to pass their losses on to the people they were the nominal rulers of. As neither money nor gold had yet come into being as an exchange mechanism, the first form of taxation was by demanding from the herders a certain amount of animal pelts. While from the perspective of our civilization that seems to be a relatively insignificant tax, in fact it had enormous cultural consequences. We first see the consequence in the misstatements of our anthropologists that our forebears were “hunters, gatherers”.
Our forebears were first ‘gatherers’, which we may
liken to animals who are ‘scavengers’ rather than hunters-killers. As herders
of animals, our forebears used their animal herds mostly as milk cows, which
milk they used as food as well as a source of an inspiring drink. If these
forebears had need to kill one of their herd, the animal that was killed was
killed with all the honours of a sacrifice; thus our forebears were, rather:
‘gatherers and sacrificers’, not ‘hunters, gatherers’.
Thus began the long saga of the brutalization of
hominems. Today we ‘hunt’ by means of drones, pilotless birds armed with
rockets instead of an eagle’s talons. Everyday our news and internet links
bring us news of new ‘kills’ of ‘enemies’ of our ruthless democracies.
Save the Wood!
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