Sunday, February 2, 2014

Eso’s Chronicles 292 / 5  
A Civilization of Persecution
© Eso A.B.    
All comments appearing within brackets [ ] are editorial in origin. This series of blogs begins with 288.


We are told that the name for ‘Christian’ derives from Koine Greek , which is also said to be the language of the New Testament. This is a very old myth, but has little relationship to the actual name ‘Christ’ , which is derived from an old verb meaning to ‘cross’—as in crossing two sticks or coming to a cross road.

The word ‘christ’ actually stands for the drawn symbol of the cross. In Latvian folk symbolism there is also what is called ‘a cross of crosses’ , in which each arm of a cross-stitch is crossed by yet another stitch. While due to the teachings of a persecuting church the Latvians today call Christians “Kristieshi”, the linguistically correct word is Krish-Yan or when translated into English: John Krishna.

The old pronunciation of the word for ‘cross’ in Latvian was ‘krish’ which was added to an even older name, re: Yanis. When linked together, the words form ‘krish-yanis’, or cross-john, or Christian.

The name ‘Yanis’ is derived from the word ‘gans’, re: herder; where the letter G in the course of time became pronounced as Y (or J), but it still leaves  us a whole series of words originating in ‘gans’ , for example: Giovanni, gondola, gong, etc. Evidently, from the word ‘herder’ were derived hundreds of words, for example:  janissary, gendarme, Gengis, gender, gene, not to mention ‘dong’ from ’gong’, ‘don’ from ‘jon’. Undoubtedly, the word acquired its own sexual connotations, and jumped the gender divide, as in Joan, Zhanna, vanna, vagina, wohn, and so on.

Interestingly, the Latvian ‘krish’ mutates not only into ‘krusts’ (the name for the ‘cross’ today), but produces the verb for ‘falling’, re: ‘krist’. Thus, a tree falls = koks ‘kriht’. The place one sees most fallen trees and, therefore, ‘crosses’ is in the wood. Also, the word for ‘chalk’ with which one draw a lot of white crosses on the blackboard is (in Latvian) ‘krihts’.

*In Hindi the name ‘Krishna’ literally translates as ‘black’ . Why should a word that links with ‘cross’ translate into ‘black’? The answer is to be found in a tendency of the mind or thought to wander and make associations. This facility is called ‘pareidolia’. Our materialistic culture, committed to ‘scientific’ rigidity, however, describes it negatively, and accuses those who make use of it as finding meaning where it does not exist . If you think that way, you will soon start persecuting those who do not think that way.

Yet we all know that a chalk mark on a blackboard makes it very visible. Also, in paintings and statues, Krishna is not painted black, but blue, which suggests the world within us, the dream world.

‘Krstjan’ denoted among the ‘heretics’, the Bogomils and Cathars, a rank among their church members**. Today it is a name still found among the Estonians, Latvians (as Krsh) and the Slovenes. To my mind, this compels one to think that the ‘old’ Kristyans==the very ones who were Christians before the arrival of capitalist Christianity—changed the nature of the ‘old’ as a result of imposing on the Krstyans taxation. Because the Krstyans rebelled against taxation (as New Englanders once did), the Western Christians, led by Roman Catholic Popes, condemned the Krstjans as heretics, and with support of the secular kings of their time began to persecute and exterminate them.

In short, John Krishna (an anglicized KrstYan) was forced to fight a now deliberately forgotten Civil War with a sect of Christians bent on globalizing (catholicizing) their sect over other Christians who had pre-existed them.

While the Hindu legends about Krishna speak of him as (among other things) an always victorious warrior, the Catholic Christian attacks on him found him surprised and unprepared for a bloody battle. Of course, the ‘heretic’ Christians resisted the attacks (burnings) for several hundred centuries (roughly 11th-15th centuries), but eventually were overcome by movements willing to make compromises (by the Protestants, the Eastern Orthodox), among which compromises was to conspire in a deliberate forgetting of the Civil War and renaming it ‘The Great Schism’.

**Krstjan==Malcolm Lambert, “The Cathars”, p. 201, Blackwell PB.S


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