Sunday, October 6, 2013

Eso’s Chronicles 221 / 7
A Waterless Flood I (7)
© Eso A.B.
The title of this blog comes from Margaret Atwood’s novel called “MaddAddam”, a story of global disaster in the near future

Though I have not read the novel, which on other occasions would disqualify me from making further comments, for all that this is not unusual. This is not the first time that I have met up with the problem, when a sidebar tells the reader “to see long excerpts from “MaddAddam” at Google Books, click here” ; but when I click here all I get is a short bio of the author and no ‘long excerpt’.

In short, the reader is left with this blogger’s own version of ‘a waterless flood’—words ad infinitum.

‘A Waterless Flood’  is a reference within Atwood’s book, offered to us through its reviewer, Michael Dirda, to one “… Adam One, who has long foretold the coming of a Waterless Flood that will cleanse the sordid and polluted Earth...”, (

In any event, to return to the theme of the preceding blog: Zbigniew Brzezinski’s geopolitics as expressed in his book “The Grand Chessboard”, which example I was using to facilitate a discussion of the future of Russia.
What complicates the situation for Russia is less American geopolitical ambition, but a reawakened China making claim on the natural resources of Eurasian territories such as Kazakhstan formerly subordinated to the Soviet Union. China is also said to want to lease some 6% of Ukrainian soil to grow harvests for itself. What makes China’s claim not only potentially violent, but also Revolutionary is Brzezinski’s attempts to reduce Russia and China vis-à-vis the U.S.A.—to ‘regional’ powers; which neither of them intends to be reduced to.

Interestingly, in the long term, protesting their status as ‘regional’ powers, causes the interests of Russia and China coincide. If they enter into a conflict with each other, they act in the interest of the U.S. and its European allies (military and corporate). The Revolutionary potential in the conflict of interests is for Europe, Russia, and China to radically change their geopolitical perspective (Europe, after all, too, is no more than a ‘regional’ power from Brzezinski’s perspective), and work toward integration of their political entities into a vast new geopolitical landmass called Eu-Ru-Chi . This makes vastly better sense than a bank led geopolitical structure such as TAFTA currently in the making.

Impossible as integration of Europe and Asia may seem, it is not an impossibility.  The real obstacle to it is the imbalance of populations, the Chinese population being some six times larger than that of Russia. However, this problem can be overcome is Russia sees a way to integrate with the nations of Europe.

There may be no way around such an integration because the U.S. has military superiority many times over the military power of Russia and China combined and is implementing a strategy of surrounding Ru-Chi with military bases and missiles capable of delivering nuclear explosives. To short-circuit the military threat, Ru-Chi need to discover other means of undermining American and European military strategy. One such way is to reexamine the historical chronology concocted by both these ‘false flag’ powers. This brings us back to the Russian mathematician and historian Anatoly Fomenko .

Of course, I am not saying that the claims by Fomenko do not need to be further examined. Nevertheless, Fomenko’s research leaves little doubt that the chronology of history as presented to us by the academies of the West need reanalysis, which is likely to bring about a historical scandal, a reset of chronology, and a likely rearrangement of sequence of events.

If as this writer suspects, the chronology of history is closer to Fomenko’s proposals than that of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) and the Catholic Church,  the nationalisms brought into being by Enlightenment (an unwelcome and unintended consequence) and communal loyalties centered on language, may be replaced by loyalties to the the organic environment, which is in a state of collapse at this time.




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