© Eso Antons Benjamins, aka Jaņdžs
81 Climbing Mt. Citheron (XIV)
When a systems change occurs—something we learn when all the buttons that worked previously no longer work and a catastrophe becomes imminent—there is much confusion. Ships the sizes of supertankers suddenly find themselves at the world’s edge and fall over even though everyone knows that the world is not flat and there is no edge to fall over. Alas, the catastrophe occurs not because there is something wrong with the shape of the world, but the size of the ships.
The trouble with super sized ships is that they cannot turn as fast as an emergency situation demands. A crew well trained to deal with orthodox problems (whatever these may be), turns out not to know what to do when a systems change becomes reality. The crew cannot rebuild the ship that had a faulty or overambitious design, and throwing people overboard will never lighten the ship enough for it to stay afloat. Indeed, those thrown overboard may survive, whereas those on board may go down.
Tomislav Sunic’s comment (see Blog 80) on how liberal democracy has fostered the growth of apolitics (Laclau and Mouffe are likely among his influences) has its reflection in the failed or, to be kind, seemingly failed democratic Latvia. Its positivist government has been sailing in an imaginary sea for twenty years, while its stranded and
wrecked ship of state has not only not improved, but with its partidocratic and zionationalist crew is perfectly happy to sit on the
rusty deck, smile, and do nothing.
With Latvia on the Baltic and Greece on the Aegean seas, the ebbing tide of time has laid across central part Europe the carcass of a rusty
old shipwreck that no one seems to be either willing or able to dismantle. And the age of the
Tethys Sea is unlikely to soon return to float it.
Will the political and economic wreck of Central Europe—with Latvia as its bow—divide West and East Europe and keep the halves from merging for ever?
Answer 1: As long as Latvia remains part of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and the West of Europe (England, Germany and France especially) continue to envisage the conquest of the East of Europe (Russia) by taking advantage of NATO (essentially under U.S. control) and join in the violent undercutting of
the under-belly (Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India) of Russia, Latvia will remain in a state of apolitical rigor mortis and economically destitute.
Answer 2: As long as Latvia remains a member of NATO, Latvia’s internal politics—until and unless its people replace the partidocratic apolitical system with a government of Enlightened Authoritarianism—will remain apolitical and its economy will remain at the subsistence level of mushroom picking and a diminishing mushroom crop due to implosive deforestation. The existing partidocratic zionationalist apolitical system will never abandon its oligarchal tilt (the latter already committed to accepting continual bailouts by the
NATO nations)—because oligarchs poisoned by monarchal ambitions are virtual big ships in a sea of corruption. Everyone who there betrays the hegemony engineered by the military machine gets the bullet sooner or later.
Answer 3: Think enlightened authoritarianism. What is it? Rather than take several blogs explaining it, the following is a brave attempt by blogger
William Hooper to argue on its behalf. My own ideas about authoritarianism are likely to emerge in the process of writing. Indeed, the idea of self-sacrifice as an essential ingredient of government has been made in past blogs. A number of
Latvian jurists would of course make their contributions and help write a new Constitution and work out the details of transition from unsustainable consumerism sponsored by partidocratic apoliticians to a long-lasting and prosperous community.
Answer 4: Unseat the present government of Latvia through a successful “not-vote” populist campaign, followed up by a new Constitution and all the steps that are necessary to set the stage for a government of Enlightened Authoritarianism democratically arrived at and sustained by.
Answer 5: With new parameters thought out and with the countries to the East and the West of Latvia discussed and signed treaties with, Latvia would shift its geopolitical orientation from “West” to “neutral”. Of course, the EU and Russia may be shocked. What are we to think? However, the country has its own plans. It wishes that the future political centre of Europe is in the middle of Europe, in Riga (the Jerusalem that bishop Albert dreamt of). This time Riga will come to its druthers by way of “problem solving methods”, not violent methods of persuasion as Bishop Albert used and taught.
Answer 6: Because poverty and fears of economic destitution today are based on a misconception of the future (facilitated through oligarch owned media and by the advertising industry), Latvia will reorient its interests. Because the country has a firm base in the pharmaceutical industry, and because healing is as old an art in Latvia as its “dziednieki” (healers), Latvia will reorient its economy and concentrate on
a) research in the field of stem cells and give
human cloning a high priority status;
b) sociological-anthropological research in the formation and creation of a family of the future. Many Latvian farms retained the old household system of living in “saimes”. These are likely to have been an inheritance of arch-Christian times and may have prevailed during the proto-Latvian Jersika culture. “Saimes”, perhaps pale remembrances of their former self, but nevertheless functional, were still in existence in 1944;
c) with Riga as a major centre of activity for medical science and indeed DNA implanting, the countryside may be let rest, restore, and reforest itself. No doubt, “interspaces” in the forest may be designated as areas for communities of “saimes” to establish their multi-generational estates.
Answer 7: The current apolitical at the same time radically individualized and infantinelized societies must be educated through life-long education programs following high school; this part of a voluntary, but encouraged college level program. An Enlightened Authoritarian Democracy oversees these programs and makes the necessary adjustments that are needed to move toward the goal smoothly.
Answer 8: Make the name of Latvia read Jersika. Redesign the Latvian flag by replacing the color of crusted blood with a green landscape.
Answer 9: After the above and other changes have been realized, only the climb up Mt. Citheron remains.
If the hologramatic view—an all inclusive view—of the Universe (“Visums” in Latvian) helps the extreme individual reorient his-her life toward the community, then the climb up Mt. Citheron will be less stressed by the death of one’s current self. Because a replacement to one’s self (perhaps with one’s current self being its parent for the first twelve years) is perhaps growing up as one’s child, one may no longer be stressed by death. After several generations of individuals cloning themselves successively, chances are that self-sacrifice will have created a not-violent world. Under these circumstances not-violent terror may still be a matter of concern to the individual, but society will be not-violent and free.
In other words, the future will anchor Riga in Jersika, with both the city and the country having become the geopolitical centre of Europe.
Recently a group of Dutch citizens have begun to collect signatures for a bill that would allow all citizens over the age of 70 to request professionally
assisten euthanasia. Last, but not least, if you are wedded to the present system, have a nice ride’; click
Asterisk & Notes of Interest:
On the theme of “more-equal-than-others” George Orwell's
"Animal Farm".
A recommended read: “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism” by Emmanuel Goldstein (A book within a book from George Orwell's
Of great interest to me is
this and like articles. It presents some of my reasons for supporting the growing of Johns Grass in Latvia.
These blogs tend to be a continuum of an idea or thought, which is why—if you are interested in what you read—you are encouraged to consider reading the previous blog and the blog hereafter.
Partial entries of my blogs may be found at
LatviansOnline + Forum Home + Open Forum –ONLATVIANPOPULISM vs LATVIJASLABEJIE. If you copy this blog for your files, or copy to forward, or otherwise mention its content, please credit the author and